Trumps possible issue- Melania Trump.

And I'm sorry but sure, I don't believe Trump had hookers pee on him either. I have a feeling he just had them pee on the bed that the Obama's slept in. Not pee on him.

This I can totally believe. Because to him, what would be worse if he's a germaphobe? I'm sure he thought it was gross to have them pee on the bed the Obama's slept in. The story has been embellished to say they peed on him.

But it did happen.

Agreed. For Trump, the thrill would be in their willingness to humilate themselves for money. And his ability to control the women.
Agreed. For Trump, the thrill would be in their willingness to humilate themselves for money. And his ability to control the women.
And have them pee on the bed the Obama's stayed in.

It's funny how different Trump is today from before he turned into a dick head Republican.

Remember he praised the Clinton's and Pelosi and said Pelosi should have impeached Bush for lying us into Iraq?


While Donald Trump has been relentlessly attacking both Bill and Hillary Clinton as he campaigns for president – including going after Bill Clinton’s alleged infidelity – he was filled with praise for both of them in an exclusive interview that first aired on NY1 on November 12, 2008.

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

Asked about Hillary Clinton, Trump said: "I think she is going to go down at a minimum as a great senator. I think she is a great wife to a president."

What has Junior ever done to suggest he could lead the Nation.

Is it just that he is the son of your cult leader?
Is that ^^^^ all you need for qualification?
That's how authoritarian dictatorships work. That's what they want. They need their Daddy Figures.
You spend years trashing a great lady for political horseshit reasons and just being a bunch of fucking assholes and now you wonder why she isn’t making public appearances. There no end to the slimy nature of you fucking pricks.

A "great lady"??? By what assessment is she great??? Because she kept her mouth shut and looked pretty? What exactly has she done with her life other than to pose naked and marry a rich old man and tolerate his public infidelities?

Plastic boobs, face lifts, botox and couture clothing will make ANY woman look stunning. Pour enough money over a woman with personal trainers, private chefs, and the best hair and make up people possible, not to mention custom tailor outfits from the world's best designers.


I notice that the rest of the family has little, if anything to do with her, or her husband. They don't spend Thanksgiving or Christmas together.
A "great lady"??? By what assessment is she great??? Because she kept her mouth shut and looked pretty? What exactly has she done with her life other than to pose naked and marry a rich old man and tolerate his public infidelities?

Plastic boobs, face lifts, botox and couture clothing will make ANY woman look stunning. Pour enough money over a woman with personal trainers, private chefs, and the best hair and make up people possible, not to mention custom tailor outfits from the world's best designers.

View attachment 861816

I notice that the rest of the family has little, if anything to do with her, or her husband. They don't spend Thanksgiving or Christmas together.
He wouldn’t even be talking about what he thinks of her as a First Lady if she wasn’t hot
A "great lady"??? By what assessment is she great??? Because she kept her mouth shut and looked pretty? What exactly has she done with her life other than to pose naked and marry a rich old man and tolerate his public infidelities?

Plastic boobs, face lifts, botox and couture clothing will make ANY woman look stunning. Pour enough money over a woman with personal trainers, private chefs, and the best hair and make up people possible, not to mention custom tailor outfits from the world's best designers.

View attachment 861816

I notice that the rest of the family has little, if anything to do with her, or her husband. They don't spend Thanksgiving or Christmas together.
He wouldn’t even be talking about what he thinks of her as a First Lady if she wasn’t hot
Exactly right. These shallow dummies faun over this fraud who banked on her T&A while hating Michelle Obama, who is better than her in literally every way.
A "great lady"??? By what assessment is she great??? Because she kept her mouth shut and looked pretty? What exactly has she done with her life other than to pose naked and marry a rich old man and tolerate his public infidelities?

Plastic boobs, face lifts, botox and couture clothing will make ANY woman look stunning. Pour enough money over a woman with personal trainers, private chefs, and the best hair and make up people possible, not to mention custom tailor outfits from the world's best designers.

View attachment 861816

I notice that the rest of the family has little, if anything to do with her, or her husband. They don't spend Thanksgiving or Christmas together.
Jealousy does not look good on you.
And have them pee on the bed the Obama's stayed in.

It's funny how different Trump is today from before he turned into a dick head Republican.

Remember he praised the Clinton's and Pelosi and said Pelosi should have impeached Bush for lying us into Iraq?


While Donald Trump has been relentlessly attacking both Bill and Hillary Clinton as he campaigns for president – including going after Bill Clinton’s alleged infidelity – he was filled with praise for both of them in an exclusive interview that first aired on NY1 on November 12, 2008.

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

Asked about Hillary Clinton, Trump said: "I think she is going to go down at a minimum as a great senator. I think she is a great wife to a president."
I pointed out countless times in 2016 on this forum that Trump is and always will be a far left New York limousine liberal and would lead his supporters into the far left cave.

Today, those same supporters backed his $8 trillion of debt, backed his far left protectionist tariffs (which lefty Biden has gladly kept in place), back his support of KGB Putin, attack the police and the FBI and "The Establishment", and gleefully support his multiple adulteries and other depraved moral failings.

He wouldn’t even be talking about what he thinks of her as a First Lady if she wasn’t hot

The thing is that being seriously "hot" is something you can buy with enough money. A friend of mine calls the process "pouring money over her". He said Princess Diana was "just an attractive young woman until they started pouring money over her".

Personal Chefs, ensuring a low calory, healthy diet, personal trainers, home gyms, a staff of servants to free you from household chores. I did household management for a billionaire client while he was out of the country, and his wife spent more in the underwear department of Holt Renfrew in one month that I spent on my entire wardrobe for a year.

Jealousy does not look good on you.

The man has been married three times and publically lied and cheated on all three of his wives. His first wife filed an affidavit in their divorce saying he beat and raped her because the plastic surgeon botched his hair plugs. She refused to recant the affidavit, saying only "It wasn't his best day".

He admits to sexually assaulting and raping women he finds attractive.

Just watching how he treats Melania, and his children, and really everyone around him. Both professionally and personally, the man is total dogshit on the bottom of your shoe. Just scrape it off, hose it down, and move on.

The only thing Donald Trump has going for him is his money, and there is no amount of money in the world that can take away his ugliness.

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