Trumps possible issue- Melania Trump.

I don't think that's possible. Spousal immunity. A spouse can't be forced to testify against their spouse concerning events that happened during the marriage.
What makes you think Ms. Mail Order won't want to testify against the Mango Land Whale?

Melania & Barron are on a summer long tour of Europe while lardass Trump sits on his ass in Jersey playing with himself & ranting & raving like a lunatic at rallies.
They have their own lives and it's none of our business
Fairpoint but in the eyes of some voters Melania could be costing trump support

All the other candidates can visibly be seen with there spouse

I support RFK jr but if its Trump Vs Biden I’ll vote Trump bc of how awful Biden has handled the economy and how great trump’s economy was
When Melania renegotiated her prenup prior to leaving New York and moving into the White House, did you think she was planning on staying married to Trump? She dumped his ass the moment he was out of office.

It’s obvious she never wanted to be First Lady and hated the job. Her public appearances were like hostage videos. Trump treated her horribly.

When when neither she, nor any of his children showed up for his last birthday party, I think that just about covers family relations among the Trumps.

Both Ivanka and Jared testified against Donald Trump at the January 6th Hearings. Ivanka made a public pronouncement That she loves her father and wishes him nothing but the best , Ivanka and Jared want nothing to do with his current campaign or any future administration. They are done with politics.

Of course, Jared has that $2 billion he got from the Saudis so they don’t really need to do another big grift for the rest of their lives.
There are issues^

Trumps economy was way better than bidens

That’s all the more reason for Melania to support trump in public . A relationship is a two way deal to your points
Fairpoint but in the eyes of some voters Melania could be costing trump support

All the other candidates can visibly be seen with there spouse

I support RFK jr but if its Trump Vs Biden I’ll vote Trump bc of how awful Biden has handled the economy and how great trump’s economy was
Only an idiot would vote for biden over trump.:rofl:Biden is the most corrupt potus ever and that’s saying a lot the fact the majority of our presidents of the twentieth century from both party’s were corrupt as well.
There are issues^

Trumps economy was way better than bidens

That’s all the more reason for Melania to support trump in public . A relationship is a two way deal to your points
Your wasting your time with Dragonidiot,she is a paid shill for the dnc.she ignores thst Obama lied to the American people about reversing Bush’s dreconian policys expanding them and continuing the new world order agenda blatantly ignoring those facts and Clinton,Obama and Biden’s ties to China.Ignoring facts thst Clinton was the downfall of the dem party,that it became as corrupt as the gop and one in the same ,thst traiter obamas policys were an expansion of bush’s.thank god for the ignore list sense i won’t have to read her babble in reply to me.
You have a couple of problems here, I am not a Republican and I am not a Trump guy. I am a Conservative. Let the lawsuits play out, we'll see what happens. Progs really need to learn that just because they dwell in a Binary World it in no way means everyone does too.
He reminds me of smellybozo who tells me I am a Republican because I like trump never mind he remembers how I attacked bush hundreds of times over the years and I have said the last conservative Republican president before trump was coolidge and kennedy is my favorite president,yet thst guy calls me a Republican,I can’t make this shit up. :rofl:
Only an idiot would vote for biden over trump.:rofl:Biden is the most corrupt potus ever and that’s saying a lot the fact the majority of our presidents of the twentieth century from both party’s were corrupt as well.
You will be hard pressed to find anybody thst voted for biden thst wants to vote for him again.there is this. Idea out there of this black dude interviewed off the streets and when asked who he voted for between biden and trump he said biden but would vote for trump this time even if he got arrested and was in jail,pretty much the majority of people that voted fir Biden feel the same realizing they screwed up voting for
Why can't dumpy Melania be as classy as Dr. Jill.


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She’s nowhere to be seen. I haven’t seen her picture with Trump and four or five months I think the last time was an Easter. So it’s an outside possibility he should consider dumping her and getting a young beautiful woman who appreciates him.

A man of trumps power and magnitude can get whatever he wants. People will say what they want about this they might say “well Melania is doing other things”. That’s too bad there’s no excuse for her to not be by Trumps side. Clearly there’s something going on with her and also Ivanka Trump not being by his side. There’s no excuse for this.

And what’s going on with trumps daughter. That’s another problem anyway we look at it. But I’m still voting for Mr. Trump at this point unless it’s RFK verse Trump and then of course I’m voting for Robert F Kennedy, junior, but this is something to look at.
You haven't been paying attention lately.

Melania Trump Has Become Donald’s ‘Secret Weapon’ During ‘Hellish’ Time: Report​

If you are going to have smellybozo on ignore then you need to put him on ignore as well,he is USMBs biggest troll,this stupid fuck still believes the magic bullet theory of the Warren commission,I’m not joking.he is every bit as much a stupid paid troll as much as smellybozo is.
You haven't been paying attention lately.

Melania Trump Has Become Donald’s ‘Secret Weapon’ During ‘Hellish’ Time: Report​

MAGA Macho Man i love a comment in there I noticed thst said she is beautiful unlike Barry’s ugly trans husband. :up: Comedy gold.:rofl:
I get your point but voters look at these things . RFK jr DeSantis and Bidens wives have not withdrawn from public life
According to those closest to Trump, Melania is right there with him keeping him calm and focused. We do not elect a First Lady. We elect a President. But anytime we start electing a First Lady, Melania has my vote. (And I'm quite certain she would have DJT's vote.)
Nothing controversial about saying Trump should consider finding another wife

just wondering, fdr, what "the Catholics who shaped our world" would think of this obsessive disposal of old women and replacement with bimbos so common among those who claim, "family values." .

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