Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Nobody is gonna take your guns away from you!
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.
this isn't austrailla ... its the united states of America ... like I said ... they president can't make a bill to repeal the 2 amendment .... it violates the constitution... it has a to come from the congress .... the Supreme court can't rule on the repeal of any amendment ... the people have to agree, its the law ... if you bozo ever took time to try and see how you repeal and amendment you would say just like I'm saying, "are these people this stupid"
I didn't say the president could repeal the 2nd Amendment but you saw those words. And the SCOTUS came within a vote of killing it, next batch of leftist judges will decide it again, no doubt.
Nobody is gonna take your guns away from you!
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.

Fear is all you have to offer in this conversation! Lots of things happen overseas that will never happen here.

For example; you can buy gas in Crapazeula for 6 cents per gallon. Every day of the week and in every part of their country. That'll never happen here
I offered facts and you saw fear. Nuff said.

No! You offered bullshit in order to
promote fear with your apples to oranges comparisons.

The English for example never had the right to possess firearms. Possessing a firearm over there was and still is, a privilege. Not a right.
Nobody is gonna take your guns away from you!
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.

Fear is all you have to offer in this conversation! Lots of things happen overseas that will never happen here.

For example; you can buy gas in Crapazeula for 6 cents per gallon. Every day of the week and in every part of their country. That'll never happen here
I offered facts and you saw fear. Nuff said.
you wouldn't know a fact if you saw one
Nobody is gonna take your guns away from you!
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.
this isn't austrailla ... its the united states of America ... like I said ... they president can't make a bill to repeal the 2 amendment .... it violates the constitution... it has a to come from the congress .... the Supreme court can't rule on the repeal of any amendment ... the people have to agree, its the law ... if you bozo ever took time to try and see how you repeal and amendment you would say just like I'm saying, "are these people this stupid"
I didn't say the president could repeal the 2nd Amendment but you saw those words. And the SCOTUS came within a vote of killing it, next batch of leftist judges will decide it again, no doubt.
the supreme court can't vote on the repealing of any amendment or making a decision vote to repeal the second amendment... nor cant the president repeal the second amendment ... its a constitutional law that they can't, you idiot !!!! thats show us how stupid you are
From June. Extracted words from the blog of one of my favorite authors.....

This past week we saw Clinton pair the idea of President Trump with nuclear disaster, racism, Hitler, the Holocaust, and whatever else makes you tremble in fear.

The only downside I can see to the new approach is that it is likely to trigger a race war in the United States. And I would be a top-ten assassination target in that scenario because once you define Trump as Hitler, you also give citizens moral permission to kill him. And obviously it would be okay to kill anyone who actively supports a genocidal dictator, including anyone who wrote about his persuasion skills in positive terms. (I’m called an “apologist” on Twitter, or sometimes just Joseph Goebbels).

Scott Adams' Blog
Nobody is gonna take your guns away from you!
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.
this isn't austrailla ... its the united states of America ... like I said ... they president can't make a bill to repeal the 2 amendment .... it violates the constitution... it has a to come from the congress .... the Supreme court can't rule on the repeal of any amendment ... the people have to agree, its the law ... if you bozo ever took time to try and see how you repeal and amendment you would say just like I'm saying, "are these people this stupid"
I didn't say the president could repeal the 2nd Amendment but you saw those words. And the SCOTUS came within a vote of killing it, next batch of leftist judges will decide it again, no doubt.
the supreme court can't vote on the repealing of any amendment or making a decision vote to repeal the second amendment... nor cant the president repeal the second amendment ... its a constitutional law that they can't, you idiot !!!! thats show us how stupid you are
They make law all the time, Einstein. Right or wrong, they do. You apparently are unaware of DC vs. Heller.
Nobody is gonna take your guns away from you!
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.
this isn't austrailla ... its the united states of America ... like I said ... they president can't make a bill to repeal the 2 amendment .... it violates the constitution... it has a to come from the congress .... the Supreme court can't rule on the repeal of any amendment ... the people have to agree, its the law ... if you bozo ever took time to try and see how you repeal and amendment you would say just like I'm saying, "are these people this stupid"
I didn't say the president could repeal the 2nd Amendment but you saw those words. And the SCOTUS came within a vote of killing it, next batch of leftist judges will decide it again, no doubt.
and I did accuse you of saying the president could repeal the second amendment ... I clearly said the president doesn't have a vote in the matter... like I said when hillary gets elected president she too can't repeal the second amendment ... only the congress and the people of the united states
Nobody is gonna take your guns away from you!
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.
this isn't austrailla ... its the united states of America ... like I said ... they president can't make a bill to repeal the 2 amendment .... it violates the constitution... it has a to come from the congress .... the Supreme court can't rule on the repeal of any amendment ... the people have to agree, its the law ... if you bozo ever took time to try and see how you repeal and amendment you would say just like I'm saying, "are these people this stupid"
I didn't say the president could repeal the 2nd Amendment but you saw those words. And the SCOTUS came within a vote of killing it, next batch of leftist judges will decide it again, no doubt.
the supreme court can't vote on the repealing of any amendment or making a decision vote to repeal the second amendment... nor cant the president repeal the second amendment ... its a constitutional law that they can't, you idiot !!!! thats show us how stupid you are
They make law all the time, Einstein. Right or wrong, they do. You apparently are unaware of DC vs. Heller.
stop your bull shit ... we all know they make laws all the time ... the question is all the time, is that new law constitutional ... that's when the supreme court could gets involved ... when it come to repealing and amendment only the congress and the american people get to vote on that ... not the president ... not the supreme court ... that's constitutional law ... what you are talking and keep yammering about is if a law was passed and it was to be perceived as unconstitutional it can be taken to the supreme court and ruled on ... then and only then can a law be turned over by the supreme court .... when repealing and amendment the supreme court has nothing to do with it ..
From June. Extracted words from the blog of one of my favorite authors.....

This past week we saw Clinton pair the idea of President Trump with nuclear disaster, racism, Hitler, the Holocaust, and whatever else makes you tremble in fear.

The only downside I can see to the new approach is that it is likely to trigger a race war in the United States. And I would be a top-ten assassination target in that scenario because once you define Trump as Hitler, you also give citizens moral permission to kill him. And obviously it would be okay to kill anyone who actively supports a genocidal dictator, including anyone who wrote about his persuasion skills in positive terms. (I’m called an “apologist” on Twitter, or sometimes just Joseph Goebbels).

Scott Adams' Blog
is there some wood work thats open lately where these nut jobs crawled out of??? just asakin'
Nobody is gonna take your guns away from you!
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.

Fear is all you have to offer in this conversation! Lots of things happen overseas that will never happen here.

For example; you can buy gas in Crapazeula for 6 cents per gallon. Every day of the week and in every part of their country. That'll never happen here
I offered facts and you saw fear. Nuff said.
you wouldn't know a fact if you saw one

Ice weasel relies almost entirely on misinformation to promote fear just like the repubs.
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.
this isn't austrailla ... its the united states of America ... like I said ... they president can't make a bill to repeal the 2 amendment .... it violates the constitution... it has a to come from the congress .... the Supreme court can't rule on the repeal of any amendment ... the people have to agree, its the law ... if you bozo ever took time to try and see how you repeal and amendment you would say just like I'm saying, "are these people this stupid"
I didn't say the president could repeal the 2nd Amendment but you saw those words. And the SCOTUS came within a vote of killing it, next batch of leftist judges will decide it again, no doubt.
the supreme court can't vote on the repealing of any amendment or making a decision vote to repeal the second amendment... nor cant the president repeal the second amendment ... its a constitutional law that they can't, you idiot !!!! thats show us how stupid you are
They make law all the time, Einstein. Right or wrong, they do. You apparently are unaware of DC vs. Heller.
stop your bull shit ... we all know they make laws all the time ... the question is all the time, is that new law constitutional ... that's when the supreme court could gets involved ... when it come to repealing and amendment only the congress and the american people get to vote on that ... not the president ... not the supreme court ... that's constitutional law ... what you are talking and keep yammering about is if a law was passed and it was to be perceived as unconstitutional it can be taken to the supreme court and ruled on ... then and only then can a law be turned over by the supreme court .... when repealing and amendment the supreme court has nothing to do with it ..
Lefties interpret the 2nd far differently than conservatives do and as has been for 240 years. You didn't know that?
Nobody is gonna take your guns away from you!
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.

Fear is all you have to offer in this conversation! Lots of things happen overseas that will never happen here.

For example; you can buy gas in Crapazeula for 6 cents per gallon. Every day of the week and in every part of their country. That'll never happen here
I offered facts and you saw fear. Nuff said.
you wouldn't know a fact if you saw one

Ice weasel relies almost entirely on misinformation to promote fear just like the repubs.
The facts are still there. Maybe if you weren't high off of donkey farts you could see them?
well ray, we're talking about your ability with the english language, not mine .. you see ray, can I call you ray???? Ray, you said in your post "Care to make a bet on that? I haver an entire folder of links to stories about how much fraud took place. so ok I'll try it again you haver, that interesting, you haver BHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH what and Idiot you are you don't even know what you said and I called you on ot

P.S. ray I don't do left media right
meds I go to the source ... so ray You haver a nice day

Of course you don't do media, that's obvious. You buy into the liberal BS that there is no voter fraud going on in the country. Of course after that was proven wrong, the new one was there isn't enough "widespread" fraud to make a difference.

never said that there wasn't voter fraud ... don't believe that any LIBERAL/DEMOCRAT has ever said there wasn't any voter fraud ... only you accused me here of that... but that's not what my post was about ... it was about you saying Haver thats what funny ... you said haver in your post then you come back and try to accuse me of improper english ... oh and it is you who is buying into what you think liberals believe ... after your leaders tell you what to believe
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The man is insane. Encouraging the assination of his competitor ( Hillary ) is just a stutter step short of Stalins tactics.

Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Donald Trump hit Hillary Clinton on Second Amendment rights during a Miami rally Friday night, but made a controversial statement while doing so — suggesting her Secret Service detail should stop carrying guns and "see what happens to her."

"Now, you know she's very much against the Second Amendment, she wants to destroy your Second Amendment — guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before," the GOP nominee said, deviating from his prepared remarks on the teleprompter. "I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm, right? I think they should disarm. Immediately, what do you think? Yeah, take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Take their – let's see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK? It'll be very dangerous."

Hillary threatens to disarm all Americans and tell us our gun rights don't exist and you don't seem to have a problem with stomping our our constitutional right to keep government tyranny in check.

Trump was simply showing Hillary's hypocrisy of having 45 heavily armed men protecting her from the American public, but she is unwilling to live by the same set of rules she wants everyone else to live under.. More of the laws are for you and I am above the law crap from liberals and Democrats..

And ABC, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, among others totally miss the point, twisting the message into an attack on Clinton.. You guys must be pretzels doing this...
Post a link to a recent policy statement that says in no uncertain terms that Hillary Clinton wants to take away your right to own a firearm.

That's easy.. Supreme Court appointments who use social justice to remove the rights.. Its not a written policy she would put in writing as it would cause war, but it is part of her judicial activism platform of social justice.. Just like Obama..

You socialist control pieces of crap wont tell the truth even if it was hitting you in the face...
This isn't a link, it's more paranoid shit.
I don't consider it paranoid.

I just don't trust her.
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.

Fear is all you have to offer in this conversation! Lots of things happen overseas that will never happen here.

For example; you can buy gas in Crapazeula for 6 cents per gallon. Every day of the week and in every part of their country. That'll never happen here
I offered facts and you saw fear. Nuff said.
you wouldn't know a fact if you saw one

Ice weasel relies almost entirely on misinformation to promote fear just like the repubs.
The facts are still there. Maybe if you weren't high off of donkey farts you could see them?
there are no facts that you've enlighten us with ... it still remains the same ... the president or the supreme court can repeal the second amendment ... I stand by that statement ... what you keep saying is laws that have been passed that the supreme court can over turn them ... they can't over turn the second amendment or any amendment only laws that have been passed...
Fear is all you have to offer in this conversation! Lots of things happen overseas that will never happen here.

For example; you can buy gas in Crapazeula for 6 cents per gallon. Every day of the week and in every part of their country. That'll never happen here
I offered facts and you saw fear. Nuff said.
you wouldn't know a fact if you saw one

Ice weasel relies almost entirely on misinformation to promote fear just like the repubs.
The facts are still there. Maybe if you weren't high off of donkey farts you could see them?
there are no facts that you've enlighten us with ... it still remains the same ... the president or the supreme court can repeal the second amendment ... I stand by that statement ... what you keep saying is laws that have been passed that the supreme court can over turn them ... they can't over turn the second amendment or any amendment only laws that have been passed...
I mentioned some countries that lost their gun rights and you couldn't see the words. That's why you are an idiot. Everything goes through your political filters.
this isn't austrailla ... its the united states of America ... like I said ... they president can't make a bill to repeal the 2 amendment .... it violates the constitution... it has a to come from the congress .... the Supreme court can't rule on the repeal of any amendment ... the people have to agree, its the law ... if you bozo ever took time to try and see how you repeal and amendment you would say just like I'm saying, "are these people this stupid"
I didn't say the president could repeal the 2nd Amendment but you saw those words. And the SCOTUS came within a vote of killing it, next batch of leftist judges will decide it again, no doubt.
the supreme court can't vote on the repealing of any amendment or making a decision vote to repeal the second amendment... nor cant the president repeal the second amendment ... its a constitutional law that they can't, you idiot !!!! thats show us how stupid you are
They make law all the time, Einstein. Right or wrong, they do. You apparently are unaware of DC vs. Heller.
stop your bull shit ... we all know they make laws all the time ... the question is all the time, is that new law constitutional ... that's when the supreme court could gets involved ... when it come to repealing and amendment only the congress and the american people get to vote on that ... not the president ... not the supreme court ... that's constitutional law ... what you are talking and keep yammering about is if a law was passed and it was to be perceived as unconstitutional it can be taken to the supreme court and ruled on ... then and only then can a law be turned over by the supreme court .... when repealing and amendment the supreme court has nothing to do with it ..
Lefties interpret the 2nd far differently than conservatives do and as has been for 240 years. You didn't know that?
stop the shine object crap ... you can't stand the Idea that I am right... that only the congress and the american people can vote to take your guns away ... not the president, not the supreme court ... you can't stand the thought that you can't say if hillary is elected she'll take your guns away ... she can't and that pisses you off that you're wrong
I offered facts and you saw fear. Nuff said.
you wouldn't know a fact if you saw one

Ice weasel relies almost entirely on misinformation to promote fear just like the repubs.
The facts are still there. Maybe if you weren't high off of donkey farts you could see them?
there are no facts that you've enlighten us with ... it still remains the same ... the president or the supreme court can repeal the second amendment ... I stand by that statement ... what you keep saying is laws that have been passed that the supreme court can over turn them ... they can't over turn the second amendment or any amendment only laws that have been passed...
I mentioned some countries that lost their gun rights and you couldn't see the words. That's why you are an idiot. Everything goes through your political filters.
don't care about some other countries ... the united states has laws that protect all citizens not just a few ... ... to repeal any law you have to go through those steps... its the law ... what other countries do is no concern of mine ... stop the shinny objects bull shit
I offered facts and you saw fear. Nuff said.
you wouldn't know a fact if you saw one

Ice weasel relies almost entirely on misinformation to promote fear just like the repubs.
The facts are still there. Maybe if you weren't high off of donkey farts you could see them?
there are no facts that you've enlighten us with ... it still remains the same ... the president or the supreme court can repeal the second amendment ... I stand by that statement ... what you keep saying is laws that have been passed that the supreme court can over turn them ... they can't over turn the second amendment or any amendment only laws that have been passed...
I mentioned some countries that lost their gun rights and you couldn't see the words. That's why you are an idiot. Everything goes through your political filters.
you mentioning other countries has no factual bases to the discussion

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