Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Another sad product of government schools. Yeah, they put in the second amendment that government can regulate a right they can't infringe on
Time to go back to remedial English, boy


  1. actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.).
A law, or constitutional right, can be regulated without being infringed upon
Cherry picking definitions I see.

This is also a definition of infringe:

act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on:
  • "his legal rights were being infringed" ·
The man is insane. Encouraging the assination of his competitor ( Hillary ) is just a stutter step short of Stalins tactics.

Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Donald Trump hit Hillary Clinton on Second Amendment rights during a Miami rally Friday night, but made a controversial statement while doing so — suggesting her Secret Service detail should stop carrying guns and "see what happens to her."

"Now, you know she's very much against the Second Amendment, she wants to destroy your Second Amendment — guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before," the GOP nominee said, deviating from his prepared remarks on the teleprompter. "I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm, right? I think they should disarm. Immediately, what do you think? Yeah, take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Take their – let's see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK? It'll be very dangerous."

Hillary threatens to disarm all Americans and tell us our gun rights don't exist and you don't seem to have a problem with stomping our our constitutional right to keep government tyranny in check.

Trump was simply showing Hillary's hypocrisy of having 45 heavily armed men protecting her from the American public, but she is unwilling to live by the same set of rules she wants everyone else to live under.. More of the laws are for you and I am above the law crap from liberals and Democrats..

And ABC, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, among others totally miss the point, twisting the message into an attack on Clinton.. You guys must be pretzels doing this...
Post a link to a recent policy statement that says in no uncertain terms that Hillary Clinton wants to take away your right to own a firearm.

That's easy.. Supreme Court appointments who use social justice to remove the rights.. Its not a written policy she would put in writing as it would cause war, but it is part of her judicial activism platform of social justice.. Just like Obama..

You socialist control pieces of crap wont tell the truth even if it was hitting you in the face...
This isn't a link, it's more paranoid shit.
I don't consider it paranoid.

I just don't trust her.
thats your prerogative ... you don't trust her ... in my case I don't trust trump at all
Hillary threatens to disarm all Americans and tell us our gun rights don't exist and you don't seem to have a problem with stomping our our constitutional right to keep government tyranny in check.

Trump was simply showing Hillary's hypocrisy of having 45 heavily armed men protecting her from the American public, but she is unwilling to live by the same set of rules she wants everyone else to live under.. More of the laws are for you and I am above the law crap from liberals and Democrats..

And ABC, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, among others totally miss the point, twisting the message into an attack on Clinton.. You guys must be pretzels doing this...
Post a link to a recent policy statement that says in no uncertain terms that Hillary Clinton wants to take away your right to own a firearm.

That's easy.. Supreme Court appointments who use social justice to remove the rights.. Its not a written policy she would put in writing as it would cause war, but it is part of her judicial activism platform of social justice.. Just like Obama..

You socialist control pieces of crap wont tell the truth even if it was hitting you in the face...
This isn't a link, it's more paranoid shit.
I don't consider it paranoid.

I just don't trust her.
thats your prerogative ... you don't trust her ... in my case I don't trust trump at all
Maybe if you announce it 10,000 more times someone will care?
The Republican Convention, where Trump accepted that party's nomination, was a gun-free zone. They needed their safe space. I say let the pussies have their safe space but they should keep their yappers shut when it comes to others. Sorry Republicans, the rest of the country has 2nd amendment rights, which we know you really despise, but you'll have to live with it. People need guns to protect themselves from YOU.

Go find your safe space.
It was not a gun free zone. There were ton's of professional armed security people there.
Hillary threatens to disarm all Americans and tell us our gun rights don't exist and you don't seem to have a problem with stomping our our constitutional right to keep government tyranny in check.

Trump was simply showing Hillary's hypocrisy of having 45 heavily armed men protecting her from the American public, but she is unwilling to live by the same set of rules she wants everyone else to live under.. More of the laws are for you and I am above the law crap from liberals and Democrats..

And ABC, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, among others totally miss the point, twisting the message into an attack on Clinton.. You guys must be pretzels doing this...
Post a link to a recent policy statement that says in no uncertain terms that Hillary Clinton wants to take away your right to own a firearm.

That's easy.. Supreme Court appointments who use social justice to remove the rights.. Its not a written policy she would put in writing as it would cause war, but it is part of her judicial activism platform of social justice.. Just like Obama..

You socialist control pieces of crap wont tell the truth even if it was hitting you in the face...
This isn't a link, it's more paranoid shit.
I don't consider it paranoid.

I just don't trust her.
thats your prerogative ... you don't trust her ... in my case I don't trust trump at all
My prerogative is to not trust any of them.

I trust her less with my rights.

I'm not supporting Trump. I'm support my rights to stay armed.
united states has laws
We already discussed that.
no you didn't discuss it ... I'm only talking about US law ... not Australia
law ... not russian Law Chinese law or any other countries law ... not concerned with their laws one bit ... what I'm very concern is that republican are so stupid when it comes to constitutional law ... that they say any president can take your guns away.. thats a out right lie... they can't take your guns away .... when the constitution says they haven't and say in the matter of any amendment that's what bothers me ... when people like you pushing this lie just because of your hate of hillary clinton .... fine hate hillary clinton for all I care .... tell us why you hater her ... thats you business ... but don't come here and try and tell us lies about her taking your guns ... it will never happen ever by any president whether it trump or hillary they can't take you guns .... the fact that you have to lie or buy into a lie about her taking you guns ... she can't take them ever...
The Republican Convention, where Trump accepted that party's nomination, was a gun-free zone. They needed their safe space. I say let the pussies have their safe space but they should keep their yappers shut when it comes to others. Sorry Republicans, the rest of the country has 2nd amendment rights, which we know you really despise, but you'll have to live with it. People need guns to protect themselves from YOU.

Go find your safe space.
It was not a gun free zone. There were ton's of professional armed security people there.
well I have to disagree with you in part ... yes the state says you can carry a gun openly we know this but the convention was designated as a gun free zone ... just because a presidential nominee was there ... my understand and maybe Im wrong not to sure of their laws there ... in general they can carry a gun openly ... not to sure with the actual law there.... are there gun free zone at schools just curious???
Post a link to a recent policy statement that says in no uncertain terms that Hillary Clinton wants to take away your right to own a firearm.

That's easy.. Supreme Court appointments who use social justice to remove the rights.. Its not a written policy she would put in writing as it would cause war, but it is part of her judicial activism platform of social justice.. Just like Obama..

You socialist control pieces of crap wont tell the truth even if it was hitting you in the face...
This isn't a link, it's more paranoid shit.
I don't consider it paranoid.

I just don't trust her.
thats your prerogative ... you don't trust her ... in my case I don't trust trump at all
My prerogative is to not trust any of them.

I trust her less with my rights.

I'm not supporting Trump. I'm support my rights to stay armed.
well this board is discussing the right to bear arms ... my point was that hillary or any president can't take your rights away that have been establish as a constitutional amendment ...only the congress and the american people can vote on taking any right you have away ... that's constitution saying this not me ... now do you feel a little safer that hillary can't take you gun away??? just curious

now I don't want anybody to go off the deep end here... I hate guns ... all guns .... wish they were never invented ... but I'm smart enough to realize their importance in this world ... I'm very liberal, if you haven't deduced that yet .... I admit it and am proud to admit it ... as is the republican will admit they are conservatives, or what ever party affiliation you have ...
Nobody is gonna take your guns away from you!
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.

Fear is all you have to offer in this conversation! Lots of things happen overseas that will never happen here.

For example; you can buy gas in Crapazeula for 6 cents per gallon. Every day of the week and in every part of their country. That'll never happen here
I offered facts and you saw fear. Nuff said.

No! You offered bullshit in order to
promote fear with your apples to oranges comparisons.

The English for example never had the right to possess firearms. Possessing a firearm over there was and still is, a privilege. Not a right.

Wrong.....they had the right, and then it was step by step taken away......till the 1990s when they were completely banned...and their gun crime rate did not fact it went up 4% last year and they are finding more and more guns among their criminal class......
well this board is discussing the right to bear arms ... my point was that hillary or any president can't take your rights away that have been establish as a constitutional amendment
But as has been stated, they can nominate judges who can interpret law. Lefties see the 2nd differently. Hillary's picks will only allow arms for militias.
That's easy.. Supreme Court appointments who use social justice to remove the rights.. Its not a written policy she would put in writing as it would cause war, but it is part of her judicial activism platform of social justice.. Just like Obama..

You socialist control pieces of crap wont tell the truth even if it was hitting you in the face...
This isn't a link, it's more paranoid shit.
I don't consider it paranoid.

I just don't trust her.
thats your prerogative ... you don't trust her ... in my case I don't trust trump at all
My prerogative is to not trust any of them.

I trust her less with my rights.

I'm not supporting Trump. I'm support my rights to stay armed.
well this board is discussing the right to bear arms ... my point was that hillary or any president can't take your rights away that have been establish as a constitutional amendment ...only the congress and the american people can vote on taking any right you have away ... that's constitution saying this not me ... now do you feel a little safer that hillary can't take you gun away??? just curious

now I don't want anybody to go off the deep end here... I hate guns ... all guns .... wish they were never invented ... but I'm smart enough to realize their importance in this world ... I'm very liberal, if you haven't deduced that yet .... I admit it and am proud to admit it ... as is the republican will admit they are conservatives, or what ever party affiliation you have ...
I respect that you don't like firearms.

I'm armed and expect the same respect from those who wish to vilify, insult and disparage those of us who are armed. Not to say that is you. But I see it here daily.

I've been entrusted by the citizens of this county to handle these firearms proficiently and professionally.

We don't fondle and drool on our firearms on a daily basis, as some here would believe.

There are those who should never have possession of firearms nor be in the vicinity of a loaded firearm.

As far as my political affiliation. I was a Democrat my entire life until July 25th of this year.

I am now unaffiliated as I cannot support either party. They are both the same to me.

I am fiscally a conservative. Meaning there is too much waste on the part of our government and before another penny is taken the Fed should be fully audited and all waste fraud and abuse be eliminated.

Socially. I am more liberal. I don't care if you are gay, trans, black, oriental, brown or whatever. I prefer not to be judgemental of my fellow citizens. I take most people at their word and consider their actions and character.

I have been known to poke fun at both sides of the aisle.

I have no respect for those who think our rights are up for debate.
PLEASE tell me you don't think it's possible to legislate the 2nd Amendment out of applicability.

You know .... well, I hope you do ... it is Hillary's intent to put sufficient government-enforced restrictions on the purchase and ownership of firearms to effectively negate the 2nd Amendment. That doesn't mean it will be repealed ... it will only be negated.
they can't pass any such law the supreme court would repeal any law that tried to remove your right to own a gun its that simple ... you guys are being fed bullshit

Moron.....a 5-4 decision declares something Constitutional or un Constitutional......where did you learn about the Constitution?
have you lost your mind???? do you think any democrats would try and remove your right to own a gun ??? and who in the hell heres is talking about 5 to 4 decisions ... not me!!!! insane you are!!!!

Yo dingleberry

You are not fooling anyone with your bullshit

Read the Heller case where , unbelievably, the 4 dissenters claimed that there is NO INDIVIDUAL RIGHT TO CARRY FIREARMS.

One more fascist "justice" and their intellectually dishonest edit will become the law of the land.

Not gonna happen.

don't care about the Heller case... could care less about any 5 to 4 decision, you dumb fuck ... now pay attention, real closely attention I only going to say this once ... in the repealing of any amendment the supreme court has no say in it at all ... its not a vote for them to make ... learn the god damn law... oh by the way nor does the president has any say on repealing and amendment ... its decided by the congress and the people you dolts ... its either 2/3 vote or nothing for the congress its 3/4 vote for the people of the united states ... if neither one is met by those numbers its not passed ... the supreme has no vote over the decision you dumb, very dumb very, very, dumb fuck

Are you done arguing about shit that has nothing to do with the issue at hand, or do you just like to see your words in print?
Nobody is gonna take your guns away from you!
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.

Fear is all you have to offer in this conversation! Lots of things happen overseas that will never happen here.

For example; you can buy gas in Crapazeula for 6 cents per gallon. Every day of the week and in every part of their country. That'll never happen here
I offered facts and you saw fear. Nuff said.
you wouldn't know a fact if you saw one
Ooooh ------ cut him to the quick!!!

The definitive word --- it don't get no better than this. An absolute game winner!!!

I am in absolute awe of your grasp of the issue.

You WIN!!!

(Now, will you shut up?)
Another sad product of government schools. Yeah, they put in the second amendment that government can regulate a right they can't infringe on
Time to go back to remedial English, boy


  1. actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.).
A law, or constitutional right, can be regulated without being infringed upon
Cherry picking definitions I see.

This is also a definition of infringe:

act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on:
  • "his legal rights were being infringed" ·

It's amazing, isn't it? You can limit an unlimited right! Liberals actually can simultaneously believe two totally contradictory things at the same time. It's amazing
Another sad product of government schools. Yeah, they put in the second amendment that government can regulate a right they can't infringe on
Time to go back to remedial English, boy


  1. actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.).
A law, or constitutional right, can be regulated without being infringed upon
Cherry picking definitions I see.

This is also a definition of infringe:

act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on:
  • "his legal rights were being infringed" ·

It's amazing, isn't it? You can limit an unlimited right! Liberals actually can simultaneously believe two totally contradictory things at the same time. It's amazing
The right to bear arms is not a limitless right. Go back to school
I bet hitlery won't disarm her armed with guns protection.....

You taking that bet? 1000 dollars to St. Jude's charity....

If saying that there is an equivalence between saying that Hillary's guards should be disarmed and thus wishing her harm, then isnt the advocacy of gun confiscation for the American people not in effect genocide ?
well this board is discussing the right to bear arms ... my point was that hillary or any president can't take your rights away that have been establish as a constitutional amendment

Correct, but liberal judges can. That's the point we are trying to get through to you.
well I have to disagree with you in part ... yes the state says you can carry a gun openly we know this but the convention was designated as a gun free zone ... just because a presidential nominee was there ... my understand and maybe Im wrong not to sure of their laws there ... in general they can carry a gun openly ... not to sure with the actual law there.... are there gun free zone at schools just curious???

Yes there are, on school property, in hospitals, in any government building. But where you are wrong at is that Quicken Loans Arena has always been a gun free zone. Over here, any business is allowed to make their business gun free simply by hanging a visible sign by or on the doorway. Nobody has been allowed to enter Quicken Loans with a gun (outside authorities) since we passed our CCW laws.

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