Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

they can't pass any such law the supreme court would repeal any law that tried to remove your right to own a gun its that simple ... you guys are being fed bullshit

If it's a left leaning Hillary court they can decide that you don't actually have a constitutional right to own or carry a firearm. That's the point. It's the interpretation (that we currently have) of the Constitution that stops liberals from controlling or trying to tax guns out of existence. Once that protection is gone, then states and cities can do anything they like in regards to creating gun laws and there is nothing you or anybody else can do about it with the exception of voting those local representatives out of your city or state.
That's great! I'm proud of you!

Now what does that have to do with the tea in China?

Are you actually trying to claim that the MILLIONS of citizens in the United States that do not have a govt issued photo ID because they do not drive, are Lying?

My mother in law lived her entire life here as a citizen and did NOT have a govt issued photo ID until she was in her 70's when she learned to drive. Anyone born and living their lives before 9/11, lived their whole lives without ever needing a govt issued Photo ID....if they did not drive.

So your mother never smoked cigarettes or bought alcohol? Your mother never opened up a bank account or applied for a loan? Your mother never flew on a commercial airliner before? Your mother never cashed a check at the grocery store? Your mother never had a passport? Your mother never had to pickup any certified or registered mail or package from the Post Office or even a package from UPS?
the military was refused by the ambassador not hillary you dolts ... she wanted to send him more people ... but like every thing you losers say its all hype bases on total bull shit
What's your source on that? All his pleas for help and he turned down military help? WTF?
well the benghazi hearing 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 PDF file its all there ... have at it ... there are reports from the generals that that told the press that are in the know ... not whirlynutdaily or newsman or breibart ...real sources
You couldn't back it up. I knew it.
are you really this stupid ????everything about the benghazi hearing is in the PDF files on line .... I told you the benghazi hearing look it up .... that's what back it up you moron ....
You made claims you can't back up, because they aren't true.
so what you're saying here is the benghazi hearing, all 8 of them, is a baseless claim right??? and you wonder why people call you stupid
the military was refused by the ambassador not hillary you dolts ... she wanted to send him more people ... but like every thing you losers say its all hype bases on total bull shit
What's your source on that? All his pleas for help and he turned down military help? WTF?
well the benghazi hearing 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 PDF file its all there ... have at it ... there are reports from the generals that that told the press that are in the know ... not whirlynutdaily or newsman or breibart ...real sources
You couldn't back it up. I knew it.
are you really this stupid ????everything about the benghazi hearing is in the PDF files on line .... I told you the benghazi hearing look it up .... that's what back it up you moron ....
You made claims you can't back up, because they aren't true.
they weren't claims they were testimony, under oath too,you idiot
you haver, that interesting, you haver....

Care to try that again in English?
well ray, we're talking about your ability with the english language, not mine .. you see ray, can I call you ray???? Ray, you said in your post "Care to make a bet on that? I haver an entire folder of links to stories about how much fraud took place. so ok I'll try it again you haver, that interesting you haver BHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH what and Idiot you are

P.S. ray I don't do left media right
meds I go to the source ... so ray You haver a nice day
The man is insane. Encouraging the assination of his competitor ( Hillary ) is just a stutter step short of Stalins tactics.

Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Donald Trump hit Hillary Clinton on Second Amendment rights during a Miami rally Friday night, but made a controversial statement while doing so — suggesting her Secret Service detail should stop carrying guns and "see what happens to her."

"Now, you know she's very much against the Second Amendment, she wants to destroy your Second Amendment — guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before," the GOP nominee said, deviating from his prepared remarks on the teleprompter. "I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm, right? I think they should disarm. Immediately, what do you think? Yeah, take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Take their – let's see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK? It'll be very dangerous."

heres a prime example on how stupid trump supporters are ... hillary is going to repeal the second amendment ... just plain stupid mon their part..but they lap it up like the little but5t lickers republicans are hilly will repeal the second amendment it makes me laugh at you repub-lie-tards every time I hear it ...... why do I say this...
1) first of all you have to get the house 2/3 vote to repeal the second amendment .... republican or democrat I don't see that happening anytime soon....

2) then you would have to get the senate 2/3's vote to repeal the second amendment republican or democrat I don't see that happening anytime soon....

3) then you would have to put it up to vote for the entire united states to vote on to repeal the second amendment they would have to have 3/4 of the population of the united states to repeal the second amendment republican or democrat I don't see that happening anytime soon....

finally when are you republicans going to pull your heads out of your ass???

PLEASE tell me you don't think it's possible to legislate the 2nd Amendment out of applicability.

You know .... well, I hope you do ... it is Hillary's intent to put sufficient government-enforced restrictions on the purchase and ownership of firearms to effectively negate the 2nd Amendment. That doesn't mean it will be repealed ... it will only be negated.
they can't pass any such law the supreme court would repeal any law that tried to remove your right to own a gun its that simple ... you guys are being fed bullshit

Moron.....a 5-4 decision declares something Constitutional or un Constitutional......where did you learn about the Constitution?
have you lost your mind???? do you think any democrats would try and remove your right to own a gun ??? and who in the hell heres is talking about 5 to 4 decisions ... not me!!!! insane you are!!!!

Yo dingleberry

You are not fooling anyone with your bullshit

Read the Heller case where , unbelievably, the 4 dissenters claimed that there is NO INDIVIDUAL RIGHT TO CARRY FIREARMS.

One more fascist "justice" and their intellectually dishonest edit will become the law of the land.

Not gonna happen.

heres a prime example on how stupid trump supporters are ... hillary is going to repeal the second amendment ... just plain stupid mon their part..but they lap it up like the little but5t lickers republicans are hilly will repeal the second amendment it makes me laugh at you repub-lie-tards every time I hear it ...... why do I say this...
1) first of all you have to get the house 2/3 vote to repeal the second amendment .... republican or democrat I don't see that happening anytime soon....

2) then you would have to get the senate 2/3's vote to repeal the second amendment republican or democrat I don't see that happening anytime soon....

3) then you would have to put it up to vote for the entire united states to vote on to repeal the second amendment they would have to have 3/4 of the population of the united states to repeal the second amendment republican or democrat I don't see that happening anytime soon....

finally when are you republicans going to pull your heads out of your ass???

PLEASE tell me you don't think it's possible to legislate the 2nd Amendment out of applicability.

You know .... well, I hope you do ... it is Hillary's intent to put sufficient government-enforced restrictions on the purchase and ownership of firearms to effectively negate the 2nd Amendment. That doesn't mean it will be repealed ... it will only be negated.
they can't pass any such law the supreme court would repeal any law that tried to remove your right to own a gun its that simple ... you guys are being fed bullshit

Moron.....a 5-4 decision declares something Constitutional or un Constitutional......where did you learn about the Constitution?
have you lost your mind???? do you think any democrats would try and remove your right to own a gun ??? and who in the hell heres is talking about 5 to 4 decisions ... not me!!!! insane you are!!!!

Yo dingleberry

You are not fooling anyone with your bullshit

Read the Heller case where , unbelievably, the 4 dissenters claimed that there is NO INDIVIDUAL RIGHT TO CARRY FIREARMS.

One more fascist "justice" and their intellectually dishonest edit will become the law of the land.

Not gonna happen.

don't care about the Heller case... could care less about any 5 to 4 decision, you dumb fuck ... now pay attention, real closely attention I only going to say this once ... in the repealing of any amendment the supreme court has no say in it at all ... its not a vote for them to make ... learn the god damn law... oh by the way nor does the president has any say on repealing and amendment ... its decided by the congress and the people you dolts ... its either 2/3 vote or nothing for the congress its 3/4 vote for the people of the united states ... if neither one is met by those numbers its not passed ... the supreme has no vote over the decision you dumb, very dumb very, very, dumb fuck
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well ray, we're talking about your ability with the english language, not mine .. you see ray, can I call you ray???? Ray, you said in your post "Care to make a bet on that? I haver an entire folder of links to stories about how much fraud took place. so ok I'll try it again you haver, that interesting you haver BHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH what and Idiot you are

P.S. ray I don't do left media right
meds I go to the source ... so ray You haver a nice day

Of course you don't do media, that's obvious. You buy into the liberal BS that there is no voter fraud going on in the country. Of course after that was proven wrong, the new one was there isn't enough "widespread" fraud to make a difference.
What's your source on that? All his pleas for help and he turned down military help? WTF?
well the benghazi hearing 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 PDF file its all there ... have at it ... there are reports from the generals that that told the press that are in the know ... not whirlynutdaily or newsman or breibart ...real sources
You couldn't back it up. I knew it.
are you really this stupid ????everything about the benghazi hearing is in the PDF files on line .... I told you the benghazi hearing look it up .... that's what back it up you moron ....
You made claims you can't back up, because they aren't true.
so what you're saying here is the benghazi hearing, all 8 of them, is a baseless claim right??? and you wonder why people call you stupid
I asked you to back up your claim that Stephens turned down military help. It was alie, you got caught so now you want to try to make it my problem. Not smart.

BUT we did learn from the hearings about her server and email issues, apart from her struggle with truth, so no, it was money very well spent.
well the benghazi hearing 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 PDF file its all there ... have at it ... there are reports from the generals that that told the press that are in the know ... not whirlynutdaily or newsman or breibart ...real sources
You couldn't back it up. I knew it.
are you really this stupid ????everything about the benghazi hearing is in the PDF files on line .... I told you the benghazi hearing look it up .... that's what back it up you moron ....
You made claims you can't back up, because they aren't true.
so what you're saying here is the benghazi hearing, all 8 of them, is a baseless claim right??? and you wonder why people call you stupid
I asked you to back up your claim that Stephens turned down military help. It was alie, you got caught so now you want to try to make it my problem. Not smart.

BUT we did learn from the hearings about her server and email issues, apart from her struggle with truth, so no, it was money very well spent.
what's not smart is you ... thats whats not smart ...I'm not going to jump through your whoop ... its in the benghazi hearings... the fact that you're to lazy to look it up is your problem not mine ...

the fact that I pointed out the leaders and their names says it all ... you can't accept the Idea that I was right so you use this show a source crap ... full knowing you won't accept it in any way or form... because it was your republicans who presented it to the benghazi hearings and under oath they got fuck with the truth not this bull crap you're trying to pedal
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Nobody is gonna take your guns away from you!
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.

Fear is all you have to offer in this conversation! Lots of things happen overseas that will never happen here.

For example; you can buy gas in Crapazeula for 6 cents per gallon. Every day of the week and in every part of their country. That'll never happen here
You couldn't back it up. I knew it.
are you really this stupid ????everything about the benghazi hearing is in the PDF files on line .... I told you the benghazi hearing look it up .... that's what back it up you moron ....
You made claims you can't back up, because they aren't true.
so what you're saying here is the benghazi hearing, all 8 of them, is a baseless claim right??? and you wonder why people call you stupid
I asked you to back up your claim that Stephens turned down military help. It was alie, you got caught so now you want to try to make it my problem. Not smart.

BUT we did learn from the hearings about her server and email issues, apart from her struggle with truth, so no, it was money very well spent.
what's not smart is you ... thats whats not smart ...I'm not going to jump through your whoop ... its in the benghazi hearings... the fact that you're to lazy to look it up is your problem not mine ...

the fact that I pointed out the leaders and their names says it all ... you can't accept the Idea that I was right so you use this show a source crap ... full knowing you won't accept it in any way or form... because it was your republicans who presented it to the benghazi hearings and under oath they got fuck with the truth not this bull crap you're trying to pedal
"what's not smart is you ... thats whats not smart ...I'm not going to jump through your whoop"

LOL, you speak like a toddler. Think like one too so not a surprise. The hearings helped Americans understand how inept and corrupt Hillary is, you don't like it but that's tough shit. But the point is that you can't back up your claim about Stephens turning down help. Hate is a pitiful ideology to live by.
Nobody is gonna take your guns away from you!
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.

Fear is all you have to offer in this conversation! Lots of things happen overseas that will never happen here.

For example; you can buy gas in Crapazeula for 6 cents per gallon. Every day of the week and in every part of their country. That'll never happen here
I offered facts and you saw fear. Nuff said.
Nobody is gonna take your guns away from you!
That's what they said in Canada, Australia and the UK.
this isn't austrailla ... its the united states of America ... like I said ... they president can't make a bill to repeal the 2 amendment .... it violates the constitution... it has a to come from the congress .... the Supreme court can't rule on the repeal of any amendment ... the people have to agree, its the law ... if you bozo ever took time to try and see how you repeal and amendment you would say just like I'm saying, "are these people this stupid"
Nobody is gonna take your guns away from you!

That is exactly what they have done in some of the Libtard commie states. I will give you several examples if you are confused about it.

If it was up to Crooked Hillary and she could get away with it then she would do it. She blatantly said so. She said the Second Amendment is not an individual right.

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