Is "NO ONE ABOVE THE LAW" or not? I guess as I said that's the new norm now. Should be fun when turned on your people, don't you think?

(This is why we never prosecuted people like Soviet Russia did before. Because no one wants this Pandora's Box opened. Yet here we are. Thanks, liberals)
If this was Soviet Russia Trump would have been locked away years ago

Is "NO ONE ABOVE THE LAW" or not? I guess as I said that's the new norm now. Should be fun when turned on your people, don't you think?

(This is why we never prosecuted people like Soviet Russia did before. Because no one wants this Pandora's Box opened. Yet here we are. Thanks, liberals)
Sounds good to me, that Trump is not above the law. Hey, honey, try to remember I recommended probation and fines to cover the expense of prosecution and probation. Go find somebody clamoring for an orange jumpsuit behind bars pic. Or just take a couple of midol, get a hot water bottle and call it a night.
If this was Soviet Russia Trump would have been locked away years ago


Until we take power. Then it's your people, and you.

This is why anyone with two brain cells didn't want this for Trump. Yet here we are.

At this point I hope your deranged judge actually jails him. Let's get this sped up already.
I would say, pronounce him guilty as the felon he is, as found guilty by the jury on July 11th, but released on probation of 6-8 years, along with fines in the amount equal to the total costs to the State of New York for all costs incurred in the investigation, prosecution, and probation supervisory expenses. I am not in favor of seeing a past president in an orange jumpsuit behind bars. As any convicted felon, loss of voting rights, gun rights, restrictions from associating with any known felons for duration of probationary period.
There was no crime
Until we take power. Then it's your people, and you.

This is why anyone with two brain cells didn't want this for Trump. Yet here we are.

At this point I hope your deranged judge actually jails him. Let's get this sped up already.
So in simple terms.........Here it is

1). I don't believe in we versus them, BvrsW, MvrsF, (R)vrs(D)
2). YOU, on the other hand, think you are superior, not just to me, but ANYONE that hates/despises Trump.
3). You have ONE me DRUNK. weak and lame.
4). ONE remaining Question for you.....In Your Opinion....... has trump EVER committed a crime?

You're next

In North Dakota you can't serve beer and pretzels at the same time. Remember: you all hate the justice system and just want to screech about laws.

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.
That's what you are upset about? The way that North Dacota deals with beer and pretzels? Sounds like a local issue. I thought you were all for states' rights.
That's what you are upset about? The way that North Dacota deals with beer and pretzels? Sounds like a local issue. I thought you were all for states' rights.

So is anyone "above the law" or can we finally be done with that profoundly stupid saying?
Trump chose to run for President while facing multiple criminal indictments

We should not accommodate him
If Trump had just acted like ANYTHING even APPROACHING a normal adult during this, the judge could easily just give him a light sentence. Perfectly fine.

But no, Trump is a spoiled child, and he has made the sentencing process much more complicated by ignoring clear rules and attacking everyone.

Spoiled children create, and live in, chaos.
The punishment should always fit the crime, so Trump should be required to stand on a New York street corner while wearing a duck costume, and holding a sign that says, "I'm a pathetic looser". Think of it as community service.
If Trump had just acted like ANYTHING even APPROACHING a normal adult during this, the judge could easily just give him a light sentence.

But no, Trump is a spoiled child, and he has made the sentencing process much more complicated by ignoring clear rules and attacking everyone.

Spoiled children create, and live in, chaos.

Criminalize--literally--being a jerk.

Seems like that will end well.
So is anyone "above the law" or can we finally be done with that profoundly stupid saying?
Trump is trying to say he is above the law. What do you think that whole presidential immunity thing is all about?
Trump is trying to say he is above the law. What do you think that whole presidential immunity thing is all about?

Well, it used to allow presidents to do their job without being hounded by frivolous lawsuits. But that's all over now.
Well, it used to allow presidents to do their job without being hounded by frivolous lawsuits. But that's all over now.
Bullshit. The presidency has never had blanket immunity. That's preposterous.
For Trumpsters, 34 felonies and 10 Contempt of Court rulings mean nothing, because none of them happened in their world.

Only Trumpsters are in charge of what actually happened. ANYONE would be let off these charges.


No one would have been BROUGHT on these charges. And no one has been.

But we know you're so objective Mac, no one knows what your politics are ahahhaha
I'll certainly look into that as soon as I finish reading about that line of MAGA politicians that made their hajj to Florida to kiss trump's ring.

Yes, some of them Senators that will not pass a single thing the Biden White House wants until the end of his term.

Good. We need more of that.
For Trumpsters, 34 felonies and 10 Contempt of Court rulings mean nothing, because none of them happened in their world.

Only Trumpsters are in charge of what actually happened. ANYONE would be let off these charges.


Mac please explain how this philosophy of yours:

Government Influence
Dems - Look to the government early in a problem-solving process
Mac - Government has its place, but it should be a backstop and/or last resort

coincides with the clearly bogus case that you're cheering for above.

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