Yes, some of them Senators that will not pass a single thing the Biden White House wants until the end of his term.

Good. We need more of that.
Typical MAGA. "Fuck what the country needs. Trump is more important."
I'm really trying to decide if all liberals are this deeply anti-American, if they always have been so, if Trump broke them, or what.

I'll add that Trump is a narcissistic sociopath. He may have a brain worm, as well.
He's like many who have profound mental/emotional issues and commit crimes: Yes, they're not well and don't move through life like most. But they're still ultimately responsible for their actions.

Never would I have thought I'd be saying that about a person who has been President and may be again.

Oh well. It is what it is.
Mac please explain how this philosophy of yours:

Government Influence
Dems - Look to the government early in a problem-solving process
Mac - Government has its place, but it should be a backstop and/or last resort

coincides with the clearly bogus case that you're cheering for above.

Mac1958 is winding some paperwork misdemeanors into felonies that no one can even explain an example of "government should be a last resort"?

Because no one was injured in this. Oh well, except your tender feelings, of course.
He's like many who have profound mental/emotional issues and commit crimes: Yes, they're not well and don't move through life like most. But they're still ultimately responsible for their actions.

Never would I have thought I'd be saying that about a person who has been President and may be again.

Oh well. It is what it is.

You don't like him. He broke you. We know that Mac.

Explain your dichotomous "policy" statement vs your glee at him being a felon
The convicted felon and adjudicated rapist will be sentenced to home confinement for his multiple crimes in New York.

He will be sentenced to prison after he loses the election on the documents and J6 cases.
I'm really trying to decide if all liberals are this deeply anti-American, if they always have been so, if Trump broke them, or what.

Yes, yes and yes. They have always been mentally unstable, then Trump came along and permanently traumatized them. Trump took a wrecking ball to decades of carefully crafted Dem narrative. I remember when Trump first dared poke a stick at invasion if illegals. In unison the fake news declared his campaign DOA. Trump just flipped them the bird and kept right on talking about it. This drove Dems insane. The fake news was unable to silence him. Then Trump destroyed the fake news itself, calling them liars to their faces. And the American people began to pay attention, yeah those fake news assholes do lie and twist shit.

Democrats are first and foremost control freaks and they can't control this man. None of the prior Dem tactics worked. They literally pulled their hair out. Hence the impeachments, attempts to remove him from the ballots and now the rigged fake conviction. This is control freaks who have lost their choke hold on the narrative.

It's glorious really, watching the Democrats melt down and now wreck their own party with ever crazier and more corrupt schemes to 'get Trump'. :auiqs.jpg:
This could get very interesting.

Yes Mac we know you're really motivated by your hatred for one man rather than your love for the formerly best nation on earth.

There are too many of you; you all destroyed MY love for this nation. You can't have a nation like ours if so many of you are....YOU
Regarding my opinion of ex-president Donald Trump, I consider his performance during and after he served as president to be inferior to most, (if not all others), and to be superior to no others who ever served as president of the United States.

Some, if not all of the NY criminal crimes that Donald Trump was found guilty of were committed before 2021. A grand jury didn't vote to indict him for those crimes until March 30, 2023. Why did it take so long for the NY district attorney to bring those cases before the grand jury and obtain the criminal indictment of Donald Trump?

The indictment in the same year as the Republican's National Convention to choose a presidential candidate, (regardless of the jury's guilty verdict), taints the case with accusations of selective political prosecution. I regret that indictment was not obtained prior to 2023. In this case, justice delayed is no less justice denied.

I'll further regret if other than taking Trump's passport, the NY court does anything that may interfere with his efforts to run for office. It would be wise for the court to delay Trump's final sentencing until at least a full week after the general national elections. In that case, justice delayed would be in the best interest of our nation.

Our democratic republic may have elected some better people than we deserved, and it's unlikely that anyone we elect is less than we deserve. I believe Trump's 2016 election wasn't less than we voters deserved.
I very, deeply regret that the courts have chosen to permit the cases of Trump's indictments for attempting to overthrow the 2020 election to have been delayed until after the 2024 elections. Those are extreme cases of justice delayed is justice denied. Respectfully, Supposn
The crime in question was uncovered while Trump was president.
Imagine if NY indicts a sitting president.

The court should NOT take the election into account in sentencing.
Did Trump take the law into account when he committed the crimes which amounted to election interference.

The "People" didn't elect Trump, the EC did.
The "people" said "Oh Hell NO!" by more than 3 million votes.

Pretending to be reasonable while repeating MAGAT talking points fools no one.
these people will
This is a lie from a MAGAT propaganda site


Try some actual fact sources.
I would say, pronounce him guilty as the felon he is, as found guilty by the jury on July 11th, but released on probation of 6-8 years, along with fines in the amount equal to the total costs to the State of New York for all costs incurred in the investigation, prosecution, and probation supervisory expenses. I am not in favor of seeing a past president in an orange jumpsuit behind bars. As any convicted felon, loss of voting rights, gun rights, restrictions from associating with any known felons for duration of probationary period.
I demand piss tests and 2000 hours of community service cleaning streets in Black neighborhoods.
He's like many who have profound mental/emotional issues and commit crimes: Yes, they're not well and don't move through life like most. But they're still ultimately responsible for their actions.

Never would I have thought I'd be saying that about a person who has been President and may be again.

Oh well. It is what it is.
When Progressive politician speak, and you see their actions you cannot tell they are out of line and out of the confines of what a Republic is? They are acceptable to what a Democracy is though. The problem with Republicans is they have to many Republic people that have different views with elites they may owe something to while Progressives are pure Democracy and have resolve to keep moving further left and left. Electing self-important, vanity intensive minority women is self-destructive. Electing men and women who have nothing but daggers to those who they perceive has caused pure pain to them is self-destructive. Empowering Progressive socialist women who are pure estrogen and have helped in a major way to destroy the western world speaks for itself. There is more. And all of this in a nation of different people is acceptable. If under control and not overlapping and interfering with others. The prog party though is insatiable and evil. You are going to kill each other. And the end game is that we have multiple ways and near all are not good.
If Trump had just acted like ANYTHING even APPROACHING a normal adult during this, the judge could easily just give him a light sentence. Perfectly fine.

But no, Trump is a spoiled child, and he has made the sentencing process much more complicated by ignoring clear rules and attacking everyone.

Spoiled children create, and live in, chaos.
Someone who is convicted of a felony has an opportunity to address the court prior to sentencing.
Typically an apology, justification of actions, request for mercy
If Trump continues to attack the court, why should the judge show mercy?
Last edited:
Regarding my opinion of ex-president Donald Trump, I consider his performance during and after he served as president to be inferior to most, (if not all others), and to be superior to no others who ever served as president of the United States.

Some, if not all of the NY criminal crimes that Donald Trump was found guilty of were committed before 2021. A grand jury didn't vote to indict him for those crimes until March 30, 2023. Why did it take so long for the NY district attorney to bring those cases before the grand jury and obtain the criminal indictment of Donald Trump?

The indictment in the same year as the Republican's National Convention to choose a presidential candidate, (regardless of the jury's guilty verdict), taints the case with accusations of selective political prosecution. I regret that indictment was not obtained prior to 2023. In this case, justice delayed is no less justice denied.

I'll further regret if other than taking Trump's passport, the NY court does anything that may interfere with his efforts to run for office. It would be wise for the court to delay Trump's final sentencing until at least a full week after the general national elections. In that case, justice delayed would be in the best interest of our nation.

Our democratic republic may have elected some better people than we deserved, and it's unlikely that anyone we elect is less than we deserve. I believe Trump's 2016 election wasn't less than we voters deserved.
I very, deeply regret that the courts have chosen to permit the cases of Trump's indictments for attempting to overthrow the 2020 election to have been delayed until after the 2024 elections. Those are extreme cases of justice delayed is justice denied. Respectfully, Supposn
Who at the Loony bin { Maybe getting paid under the table
during lunches } is writing yer abashed,lunatic material.
More lies than even Charles Manson could drum-up.
Virtually everything in yer unamerican opinion is rife with
Commie logic.It's like reading a love song poem written by
Lenin to cohorts.
Yer far beyond riddled in the brain department.
You probably act in real life like the next to last scene
of - Hannibal - { 2001 } where the infamously evil Dr.Hannibal
Lecter managed to buy some expensive cookware and sneak into
the summer home of high ranking cop Ray Liotta and fix
din-din.Where grace is being said by { Liotta } Paul Krendler " Forgive
us all,even white trash like Starling here. "
While the top of his head { cranium } had been meticulously
sliced off.I guess the drugs used by Lecter worked like magic.
Plus the warning about St.Paul and what he thought of the female

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