Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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Look up Vita Nelson. Her firm is a pain in the ass but it is the only place you can get a deal on buying some shares below market that I know of. you can the direct investment book on ebay
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A skyrocketing economy, which is what we have been seeing with Trump, produces all kinds of pressures on the investment markets. Like higher interest rates, inflation, scare goods etc. This correction we are seeing is nothing more than the investment community trying to adjust to changing market pressures.

Looks like a panic

We need Trump to start tweeting

You don't understand the difference between a panic and a correction, do you Moon Bat?

Been a week now
Let's see how calmly those investors are "correcting"

The sock market is over 20% higher than it was when the worthless affirmative action Negro was President. This is after the correction last week and today for higher interest rates and potential boom inflation.

You were a dumbass voting for the Kenyan, weren't you?
That unsustainable Ponzi Scheme is Meaningless because earnings didn't rise, only expanding PE multiple that is now deflating.
Today's drop was less than 5% of market value, definitely on the smaller side of big drops since the late 1800s, and a fraction of the 1987 drop. But of course liberals here are clueless about investing or the financial sector. And, FYI, the average gain for investors since last January is still 19%--yes, 19%, on average.
A skyrocketing economy, which is what we have been seeing with Trump, produces all kinds of pressures on the investment markets. Like higher interest rates, inflation, scare goods etc. This correction we are seeing is nothing more than the investment community trying to adjust to changing market pressures.

Looks like a panic

We need Trump to start tweeting

You don't understand the difference between a panic and a correction, do you Moon Bat?

Been a week now
Let's see how calmly those investors are "correcting"

The sock market is over 20% higher than it was when the worthless affirmative action Negro was President. This is after the correction last week and today for higher interest rates and potential boom inflation.

You were a dumbass voting for the Kenyan, weren't you?

Funny. Maybe Trump should try some more deregulation and tax cuts to juice the economy into complete insolvency.
Dow now down 8.7% last week and today. Almost 2300 points

Trump Considering Firing Dow Jones Industrial Average
By Andy Borowitz 3:00 P.M.
Trump Considering Firing Dow Jones Industrial Average

WASHINGTON After watching it suffer its worst losses since he became President, Donald Trump is “seriously considering” firing the Dow Jones industrial Average, aides have confirmed.

According to the aides, Trump is “furious” at the D.J.I.A. for going down so precipitously and believes that it has treated him “very unfairly.”

“Increasingly, the President has become convinced that the Dow Jones Industrial Average is not on his team,” one aide said. “Seeing the negative Dow numbers in the corner of the TV screen has been wrecking eleven hours of every day for him.”

Reportedly, Trump is mulling replacing the Dow with a New System, in which Sarah Huckabee Sanders would appear every day at 4 p.m. to Announce how high stocks had Skyrocketed.

En route to an appearance in Ohio, Trump stopped short of saying that he would ask for the stock market index’s resignation, but his contempt for the Dow was palpable.

“The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a disgrace, and it should be very, very ashamed of itself,” he said.​
Get ready for Lying Trump, and then his flying monkeys, to blame this on Obama. Then Clinton. Then Jimmy Carter. Then they'll go back to LBJ and after that it 'will have started under Franklin Roosevelt who totally tanked the economy in 2017'.

And they'll believe it. That is the core of the mental problem, they believe ALL of their own batshit.
Get ready for Lying Trump, and then his flying monkeys, to blame this on Obama. Then Clinton. Then Jimmy Carter. Then they'll go back to LBJ and after that it 'will have started under Franklin Roosevelt who totally tanked the economy in 2017'.

And they'll believe it. That is the core of the mental problem, they believe ALL of their own batshit.
I think he'll blame it on Hillary.

1,175.21 (4.60%)

theres ya some dividends you wont be paying any tax on ..
Only when it goes below 22,000 will I ever entertain that thought, because PE is ridiculous. I have better places to invest.

I’ll jump in when the talking heads on CNBC say the market is dead and there is no hope.

I never left. The markets go up, the markets go down...such is life
Not Me, I only invest after everyone else says they will never buy it again. I bought a bunch of houses & stocks in 2009 then sold all stocks in 2015. I still have a bunch of rental houses.

Hey dude, you’re like my twin. That is virtually what I did as well. Bought 2 houses in 2009 and got fully invested in the market after ignoring it thru the early 2000’s. Took a bath in the .com bubble, but have done well with the gold I bought in the first few years of the millennial, and the stocks I owned for 5 or so years post 2009.
Yup! I bought real gold at $720 & I ain't never selling it.

I literally bought an ounce every 2 weeks after the dot com implosion for 3.5 years. I was scorched when that bubble burst so I went ultra conservative. Turned out very well. After 2009 I pared back gold and went back to the market.
A skyrocketing economy, which is what we have been seeing with Trump, produces all kinds of pressures on the investment markets. Like higher interest rates, inflation, scare goods etc. This correction we are seeing is nothing more than the investment community trying to adjust to changing market pressures.

Looks like a panic

We need Trump to start tweeting

You don't understand the difference between a panic and a correction, do you Moon Bat?

Been a week now
Let's see how calmly those investors are "correcting"

The sock market is over 20% higher than it was when the worthless affirmative action Negro was President. This is after the correction last week and today for higher interest rates and potential boom inflation.

You were a dumbass voting for the Kenyan, weren't you?
Gold is also up 20% since Trump elected. That means the market did not move, but the dollar just fell & inflation exploded.
Stock market down another 240 today already?

More of too much winning. Stop. That's enough winning now.

did you miss the previous 365 days? you fools amuse me with you desperate failed attempts to blame Trump for everything.

Down almost 400 points today.

This is the result of the news of increased government borrowing, the actual cost of the Trump tax cuts starting to be felt. The continued slowing of job creation. Higher interest rates by the Federal Reserve, and other policies pursued by the Trump White House.

Reality is settling in. Employers aren’t creating more jobs since they can’t fill the ones they have. The bonuses aren’t enough to impact job creation, rscoecially coupled with recent job cuts at Walmart, Kimberly Clark and other corporations. The Administration is cutting adult education funds. Coal jobs are declining. Carrier took their jobs to Mexico anyway.

These are the things that fundamentally got Trump elected. It’s the economy stupid. If Trump can’t deluver on good jobs for white people in the rust belt, they’ll bury his ass in the midterms.
All the hoopla in market do to the tax cut has been erased.
A skyrocketing economy, which is what we have been seeing with Trump, produces all kinds of pressures on the investment markets. Like higher interest rates, inflation, scare goods etc. This correction we are seeing is nothing more than the investment community trying to adjust to changing market pressures.

Looks like a panic

We need Trump to start tweeting

You don't understand the difference between a panic and a correction, do you Moon Bat?

Been a week now
Let's see how calmly those investors are "correcting"

The sock market is over 20% higher than it was when the worthless affirmative action Negro was President. This is after the correction last week and today for higher interest rates and potential boom inflation.

You were a dumbass voting for the Kenyan, weren't you?

Flash, you are the kind of poster I avoid, with your racism and watermelon. You are now invisible.
Stock market down another 240 today already?

More of too much winning. Stop. That's enough winning now.

did you miss the previous 365 days? you fools amuse me with you desperate failed attempts to blame Trump for everything.

Down almost 400 points today.

This is the result of the news of increased government borrowing, the actual cost of the Trump tax cuts starting to be felt. The continued slowing of job creation. Higher interest rates by the Federal Reserve, and other policies pursued by the Trump White House.

Reality is settling in. Employers aren’t creating more jobs since they can’t fill the ones they have. The bonuses aren’t enough to impact job creation, rscoecially coupled with recent job cuts at Walmart, Kimberly Clark and other corporations. The Administration is cutting adult education funds. Coal jobs are declining. Carrier took their jobs to Mexico anyway.

These are the things that fundamentally got Trump elected. It’s the economy stupid. If Trump can’t deluver on good jobs for white people in the rust belt, they’ll bury his ass in the midterms.

No, it's the bond markets and interest rate fears.
Concern about interest rates has been spurred by the overheated market which is not so overheated now. The DOW is down 2300 points in ten days, an 8.8% pull back from it's high.
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