Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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only in the fevered imaginations of trumptrash.

but it's ok, little boy. maybe Donald will get you an extra $1 a week.

it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Bullshit. Cutting the corporate tax rate will create millions of jobs, tax paying jobs and will result in more tax revenue for the government, every tax cut in history has proven that, that's why Obozo refused to reverse the Bush tax cuts, even he understood------------but you obozoites don't, amazing.
Yes, cutting corporate taxes will create jobs but where will most of them be created? Assuming that cash generated by the tax cut will all go to expansion of businesses in the US is nonsense. In the past, most money from tax savings has gone to acquisitions, stock buy backs, increasing profits, and investment in the most profitable markets which generally are not found in the US.

The huge cooperate rate cut does not necessary effect some our largest employers. For example, AT&T has an effective tax rate of 8%. After the tax cut, there will be only a small change in their effective rate. This is true for many of America's largest employers.

There will certainly be some job creation in the US do to corporate tax reduction and individual reductions, however whether federal tax revenues rise enough to pay for the tax cut is open to discussion.

once again, you are stating truth, but oversimplifying the issue. When the USA had a 35% corporate tax rate (before deductions, exemptions, paper losses, etc) and Ireland had a comparable rate of 11%, businesses wanting to expand went to Ireland instead of the USA. Math is not complicated, political indoctrination is.
it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Bullshit. Cutting the corporate tax rate will create millions of jobs, tax paying jobs and will result in more tax revenue for the government, every tax cut in history has proven that, that's why Obozo refused to reverse the Bush tax cuts, even he understood------------but you obozoites don't, amazing.
Yes, cutting corporate taxes will create jobs but where will most of them be created? Assuming that cash generated by the tax cut will all go to expansion of businesses in the US is nonsense. In the past, most money from tax savings has gone to acquisitions, stock buy backs, increasing profits, and investment in the most profitable markets which generally are not found in the US.

The huge cooperate rate cut does not necessary effect some our largest employers. For example, AT&T has an effective tax rate of 8%. After the tax cut, there will be only a small change in their effective rate. This is true for many of America's largest employers.

There will certainly be some job creation in the US do to corporate tax reduction and individual reductions, however whether federal tax revenues rise enough to pay for the tax cut is open to discussion.

once again, you are stating truth, but oversimplifying the issue. When the USA had a 35% corporate tax rate (before deductions, exemptions, paper losses, etc) and Ireland had a comparable rate of 11%, businesses wanting to expand went to Ireland instead of the USA. Math is not complicated, political indoctrination is.
So how many went?
true, tell that to the americans getting raises and bonuses as a result of the tax bill. Even you will have more money in your pocket, does that make you sad?

the market will be just fine, relax.

We are borrowing money to give those handouts to the American people.

actually, we're borrowing money to give Donald and his fellow kleptocrats tax cuts.

At least we know he's paying a lot of taxes.

You must be in a privileged position, Hadit. nobody else, other than Trump's accountants and the IRS, has the slightest idea if Trump pays taxes or not.

Well since he gets audited every year, and since the IRS has been proven to target the enemies of Obama, it is very likely that Trump's returns are in complete compliance with the tax code. If not, the dems would have found a way to bring it out in 2016.

I have never heard anyone suggest that Trump's returns are not compliant with the tax code. The issues are: (1) has this multi billionaire managed to legally avoid all taxes with loopholes engineered to protect the rich, and, (2) Is Trump intentionally clouding the transparency that should exist between Trump's income, and Trump's business deals which are almost certainly a conflict of interest, both financially, and politically. Personally, I feel certain that the answer to both questions is "yes"
It all works for me. Every time Trump really fucks up, from here on out, will be another buying opportunity. That's like a daily rain of manna from the sky!

and if the market keeps going up, everyone wins, right?

not everyone. the market has nothing to do with wages and the movement of the economy. in fact, you'll note that a rise in wages is bad for the market.

true, tell that to the americans getting raises and bonuses as a result of the tax bill. Even you will have more money in your pocket, does that make you sad?

the market will be just fine, relax.

We are borrowing money to give those handouts to the American people.

so it would be better if we borrowed money to give handouts to americans who were not working, or paying taxes? WTF is wrong with you, why do you want everyone on welfare?

lol, another born again defender of fiscal irresponsibility.
I have never heard anyone suggest that Trump's returns are not compliant with the tax code. The issues are:

(1) has this multi billionaire managed to legally avoid all taxes with loopholes engineered to protect the rich, and,

(2) Is Trump intentionally clouding the transparency that should exist between Trump's income, and Trump's business deals which are almost certainly a conflict of interest, both financially, and politically. Personally, I feel certain that the answer to both questions is "yes"

About no 1. If Trump found every legal loophole, all the power to him.

About no 2, that's a big issue. As the emoluments clause, and conflict of interest come into play

You left out no 3. How much did Trump borrow or receive from Russia? Which could be the $64,000,000 question.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

"At this moment" the stock market is up 1525 points since tues. Any more questions?
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

"At this moment" the stock market is up 1525 points since tues. Any more questions?

Did you flunk math? The DOW is at 25,200, up 300 for the day, and up about 590 yesterday.

That's only up by 900, not 1,500

And that follows going down 666 and 1,170
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

"At this moment" the stock market is up 1525 points since tues. Any more questions?

lol, I already predicted that if the market bounced back the Trumptards, aka YOU, would flip flop back to claiming that Trump owns the market.

btw, the market (Dow) is actually DOWN 1500 from it's peak.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

"At this moment" the stock market is up 1525 points since tues. Any more questions?

Did you flunk math? The DOW is at 25,200, up 300 for the day, and up about 590 yesterday.

That's only up by 900, not 1,500

And that follows going down 666 and 1,170

You're talking to people who think Trump won the popular vote, had the biggest inauguration crowd ever, passed the biggest tax cut, and had the best ratings for a SOTU.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

"At this moment" the stock market is up 1525 points since tues. Any more questions?

lol, I already predicted that if the market bounced back the Trumptards, aka YOU, would flip flop back to claiming that Trump owns the market.

btw, the market (Dow) is actually DOWN 1500 from it's peak.

Market on Jan 20th 2018 26, 000
Market peak Jan 26th 2018 26,600
Market today 25,200

Somebody find a math teacher.
only in the fevered imaginations of trumptrash.

but it's ok, little boy. maybe Donald will get you an extra $1 a week.

it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Bullshit. Cutting the corporate tax rate will create millions of jobs, tax paying jobs and will result in more tax revenue for the government, every tax cut in history has proven that, that's why Obozo refused to reverse the Bush tax cuts, even he understood------------but you obozoites don't, amazing.
Yes, cutting corporate taxes will create jobs but where will most of them be created? Assuming that cash generated by the tax cut will all go to expansion of businesses in the US is nonsense. In the past, most money from tax savings has gone to acquisitions, stock buy backs, increasing profits, and investment in the most profitable markets which generally are not found in the US.

The huge cooperate rate cut does not necessary effect some our largest employers. For example, AT&T has an effective tax rate of 8%. After the tax cut, there will be only a small change in their effective rate. This is true for many of America's largest employers.

There will certainly be some job creation in the US do to corporate tax reduction and individual reductions, however whether federal tax revenues rise enough to pay for the tax cut is open to discussion.

once again, you are stating truth, but oversimplifying the issue. When the USA had a 35% corporate tax rate (before deductions, exemptions, paper losses, etc) and Ireland had a comparable rate of 11%, businesses wanting to expand went to Ireland instead of the USA. Math is not complicated, political indoctrination is.
Statutory Corporate rates mean little when considering investments abroad. It is the effective marginal tax rates of each country that effects a business's decision to invest abroad. Before the tax rate change, the average US effective rate was 18.9%. It is estimated that after the tax cut that this rate will fall by only 4%. No economic forecasts expect the new law to dramatically alter the trend of US growth.

Proposed changes in corporate rates in Europe and other regions may well create a drive to the bottom in corporate taxes globally. Trump's US focused economic policy may end up being a move toward globalization.
That's only up by 900, not 1,500

And that follows going down 666 and 1,170

A mind is a terrible thing to be destroyed by the aching longing of liberalism for a Trump disaster. I could have answered this reasonably...but since you were obnoxious I am just going to say you are an idiot...and deserve your poverty.
Here is a chart of the exact amount the market had recovered from Tuesdays 11:30 AM today which is when I posted.

The point being (way to subtle for you) is that the market rises and falls all the time.

tard market.png
Stock Market - trading pieces of paper. Pour money into the market, prices go up. Take money out of the market, prices go down. Tax cut bill poured money into the market. Prices go up. The fed will raise interest rates, bonds look a little better, money will come out.

All in all, still trading pieces of paper.
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

"At this moment" the stock market is up 1525 points since tues. Any more questions?

lol, I already predicted that if the market bounced back the Trumptards, aka YOU, would flip flop back to claiming that Trump owns the market.

btw, the market (Dow) is actually DOWN 1500 from it's peak.

Oh you "predicted" that? Actually you didnt. You made a fuss about a dip in the stock market. As if it were a calamity. And you said it was Trump doing it...and wondered who he was trying to hurt.
Now you are embarrassed and wishing like hell the market had fallen more. (it still may)
As a government dependent you never watched the stock market. You have no feel for it. It looks like magic to you. Why --Trump can move it up and down as he pleases to hurt people!
And this is why none of you deserve a handout from people who worked and invested.
I am not going to teach you the stock market or investing. it is too late for you. But I will say this. The market will fall again. It will enter correction territory and then bear territory at some time UNLESS the Fed manipulates it. And even in that case it will still fall into bear territory eventually. Has been doing it since stock exchanges were being run in the Netherlands to trade the Dutch East India company. But overall it will rise. And it will especially show this long term trend as trump implements friendly policies and we move into the next stage and begin removing liberal CEOs.

But I will make a profit regardless. In fact it could drop 10000 points and I will still have a profit. I have been buying stocks since 1990 and the market is up almost 800% since then. market corrections are not only healthy but the deeper and longer the correction the greater the eventual profit.
But that is neither here nor there for a financial illiterate. The point is that for a liberal reality consists of two points...right this instant, with neither past nor future, and a mythical future where the stock market is crashed, Mexicans flood in, Christians and whites die off and Trump is impeached. When the two coincide for a moment on any one thing look out :)
And as for the Trump market...the Dow can fall another 5200 points and still be positive since his inauguration.
You're talking to people who think Trump won the popular vote, had the biggest inauguration crowd ever, passed the biggest tax cut, and had the best ratings for a SOTU.

Here is what I think. trump kicked Clintons ass and is now your president. He was inaugurated with huge crowds despite violent attempts to disrupt it. He passed a huge tax cut in the face of Democrats who wanted to hold on to my money...another ass kicking for the ruling elites in that party. And American support for their President seems to be unwavering.
And I think you are are bitter old fart whose only victory would be your joy at any American failure.
You're talking to people who think Trump won the popular vote, had the biggest inauguration crowd ever, passed the biggest tax cut, and had the best ratings for a SOTU.

Here is what I think. trump kicked Clintons ass and is now your president. He was inaugurated with huge crowds despite violent attempts to disrupt it. He passed a huge tax cut in the face of Democrats who wanted to hold on to my money...another ass kicking for the ruling elites in that party. And American support for their President seems to be unwavering.
And I think you are are bitter old fart whose only victory would be your joy at any American failure.

And best of all, he single handedly prevented a single commercial aircraft accidental death in 2017! He was so busy doing that, that he didn't have to to end US trade deficit, as he had promised. They increased 12% He might have had more time to work on that, but he was too busy not playing golf.
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And best of all, he single handedly prevented a single commercial aircraft accidental death in 2017! .

Now tell the truth. How hard did you pray for a really nasty and deadly plane crash to show Trump up? Be honest.
And best of all, he single handedly prevented a single commercial aircraft accidental death in 2017! .

Now tell the truth. How hard did you pray for a really nasty and deadly plane crash to show Trump up? Be honest.

Frankly, DOTR, it didn't occur to me to wish for a commercial airline disaster during the Trump admistration, because I knew that if one had happened, Trump would have blamed it on Obama.
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