Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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Trump said he is responsible for the stock market. Dope far the market is up today, is it back to an Obama economy yet?
You are smoking Crack! The market is tanking. Obama's budget ended at the end of September 2017. Since then it is 100% Trump / Republican Disaster. Work week & paychecks getting smaller

Kool Aid much dumbass?

"Harm Bandholz, chief U.S. economist at UniCredit Bank, notes that the overall 0.5% decline in working hours was the biggest since April 2013. In addition to the tendency of lower-paid hourly wage workers to have their workweek cut, Bandholz notes that workers with a fixed salary appear to get a pay raise when they work fewer hours. He figures the shorter workweek artificially inflated earnings by nearly 0.2 percentage point."

1. 0.2 percentage point. Do you know what a margin of error is dummy?

2. That’s one economist. Cherry pick much dummy?
Productivity was also negative!
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Bullshit. Cutting the corporate tax rate will create millions of jobs, tax paying jobs and will result in more tax revenue for the government, every tax cut in history has proven that, that's why Obozo refused to reverse the Bush tax cuts, even he understood------------but you obozoites don't, amazing.
Yes, cutting corporate taxes will create jobs but where will most of them be created? Assuming that cash generated by the tax cut will all go to expansion of businesses in the US is nonsense. In the past, most money from tax savings has gone to acquisitions, stock buy backs, increasing profits, and investment in the most profitable markets which generally are not found in the US.

The huge cooperate rate cut does not necessary effect some our largest employers. For example, AT&T has an effective tax rate of 8%. After the tax cut, there will be only a small change in their effective rate. This is true for many of America's largest employers.

There will certainly be some job creation in the US do to corporate tax reduction and individual reductions, however whether federal tax revenues rise enough to pay for the tax cut is open to discussion.

once again, you are stating truth, but oversimplifying the issue. When the USA had a 35% corporate tax rate (before deductions, exemptions, paper losses, etc) and Ireland had a comparable rate of 11%, businesses wanting to expand went to Ireland instead of the USA. Math is not complicated, political indoctrination is.
So how many went?

more than one. not just Ireland, mexico, costa rica, panama, UK, and others. At that time we had the highest corporate tax rate in the entire world. Trump fixed that and companies are now spending money in this country again.
I have never heard anyone suggest that Trump's returns are not compliant with the tax code. The issues are:

(1) has this multi billionaire managed to legally avoid all taxes with loopholes engineered to protect the rich, and,

(2) Is Trump intentionally clouding the transparency that should exist between Trump's income, and Trump's business deals which are almost certainly a conflict of interest, both financially, and politically. Personally, I feel certain that the answer to both questions is "yes"

About no 1. If Trump found every legal loophole, all the power to him.

About no 2, that's a big issue. As the emoluments clause, and conflict of interest come into play

You left out no 3. How much did Trump borrow or receive from Russia? Which could be the $64,000,000 question.

Is it illegal to do business with foreign banks? if so, the Clintons and every other rich person in America is violating the law.
I have never heard anyone suggest that Trump's returns are not compliant with the tax code. The issues are:

(1) has this multi billionaire managed to legally avoid all taxes with loopholes engineered to protect the rich, and,

(2) Is Trump intentionally clouding the transparency that should exist between Trump's income, and Trump's business deals which are almost certainly a conflict of interest, both financially, and politically. Personally, I feel certain that the answer to both questions is "yes"

About no 1. If Trump found every legal loophole, all the power to him.

About no 2, that's a big issue. As the emoluments clause, and conflict of interest come into play

You left out no 3. How much did Trump borrow or receive from Russia? Which could be the $64,000,000 question.

a market correction was much overdue. Trump didn't cause it, Obama didn't cause it, Bush didn't cause it. It's normal. Relax.
and if the market keeps going up, everyone wins, right?

not everyone. the market has nothing to do with wages and the movement of the economy. in fact, you'll note that a rise in wages is bad for the market.

true, tell that to the americans getting raises and bonuses as a result of the tax bill. Even you will have more money in your pocket, does that make you sad?

the market will be just fine, relax.

We are borrowing money to give those handouts to the American people.

so it would be better if we borrowed money to give handouts to americans who were not working, or paying taxes? WTF is wrong with you, why do you want everyone on welfare?

lol, another born again defender of fiscal irresponsibility.

rather than post juvenile insults, how about answering the question for once?

here it is again: so it would be better if we borrowed money to give handouts to americans who were not working, or paying taxes? WTF is wrong with you, why do you want everyone on welfare?[/
it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Bullshit. Cutting the corporate tax rate will create millions of jobs, tax paying jobs and will result in more tax revenue for the government, every tax cut in history has proven that, that's why Obozo refused to reverse the Bush tax cuts, even he understood------------but you obozoites don't, amazing.
Yes, cutting corporate taxes will create jobs but where will most of them be created? Assuming that cash generated by the tax cut will all go to expansion of businesses in the US is nonsense. In the past, most money from tax savings has gone to acquisitions, stock buy backs, increasing profits, and investment in the most profitable markets which generally are not found in the US.

The huge cooperate rate cut does not necessary effect some our largest employers. For example, AT&T has an effective tax rate of 8%. After the tax cut, there will be only a small change in their effective rate. This is true for many of America's largest employers.

There will certainly be some job creation in the US do to corporate tax reduction and individual reductions, however whether federal tax revenues rise enough to pay for the tax cut is open to discussion.

once again, you are stating truth, but oversimplifying the issue. When the USA had a 35% corporate tax rate (before deductions, exemptions, paper losses, etc) and Ireland had a comparable rate of 11%, businesses wanting to expand went to Ireland instead of the USA. Math is not complicated, political indoctrination is.
Statutory Corporate rates mean little when considering investments abroad. It is the effective marginal tax rates of each country that effects a business's decision to invest abroad. Before the tax rate change, the average US effective rate was 18.9%. It is estimated that after the tax cut that this rate will fall by only 4%. No economic forecasts expect the new law to dramatically alter the trend of US growth.

Proposed changes in corporate rates in Europe and other regions may well create a drive to the bottom in corporate taxes globally. Trump's US focused economic policy may end up being a move toward globalization.

could happen, but its doubtful. prophets of doom always predict doom. you are confirming that.
sure ya are binky.

I'm part of the liberal elite, remember? i don't concern myself with free cheese. only economically marginanl angry white supremacists do.

and Hillary voters, you know, dead people and illegal aliens.

Here's an idea for you, spaghetti with ketchup and obozo cheese. ghetto gourmet.

only in the fevered imaginations of trumptrash.

but it's ok, little boy. maybe Donald will get you an extra $1 a week.

it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Just curious, did you say that when Obama added 9 trillion to the debt?

Remember....if not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all....
not everyone. the market has nothing to do with wages and the movement of the economy. in fact, you'll note that a rise in wages is bad for the market.

true, tell that to the americans getting raises and bonuses as a result of the tax bill. Even you will have more money in your pocket, does that make you sad?

the market will be just fine, relax.

We are borrowing money to give those handouts to the American people.

so it would be better if we borrowed money to give handouts to americans who were not working, or paying taxes? WTF is wrong with you, why do you want everyone on welfare?

lol, another born again defender of fiscal irresponsibility.

rather than post juvenile insults, how about answering the question for once?

here it is again: so it would be better if we borrowed money to give handouts to americans who were not working, or paying taxes? WTF is wrong with you, why do you want everyone on welfare?[/

Earned income credits are a form of welfare. While Walmart was bragging about corporate profits, every taxpayer in America was contributing $2500 for food stamps, EIC’s and Medicaid for Walmart employees. $9 billion in total for Walmart employees.

Imagine how many government workers that $9 billion had to go through before it was received by Walmart employees, and how much that added to taxpayers cost for this transfer of wealth.

Had Walmart paid that $9 billion directly to its own employees, it still would have been one of the most profitable companies in America and you’d be $2500 better off. Even without raising prices. And the federal government would be smaller. Everyone but the Walton family comes out ahead.
true, tell that to the americans getting raises and bonuses as a result of the tax bill. Even you will have more money in your pocket, does that make you sad?

the market will be just fine, relax.

We are borrowing money to give those handouts to the American people.

so it would be better if we borrowed money to give handouts to americans who were not working, or paying taxes? WTF is wrong with you, why do you want everyone on welfare?

lol, another born again defender of fiscal irresponsibility.

rather than post juvenile insults, how about answering the question for once?

here it is again: so it would be better if we borrowed money to give handouts to americans who were not working, or paying taxes? WTF is wrong with you, why do you want everyone on welfare?[/

Earned income credits are a form of welfare. While Walmart was bragging about corporate profits, every taxpayer in America was contributing $2500 for food stamps, EIC’s and Medicaid for Walmart employees. $9 billion in total for Walmart employees.

Imagine how many government workers that $9 billion had to go through before it was received by Walmart employees, and how much that added to taxpayers cost for this transfer of wealth.

Had Walmart paid that $9 billion directly to its own employees, it still would have been one of the most profitable companies in America and you’d be $2500 better off. Even without raising prices. And the federal government would be smaller. Everyone but the Walton family comes out ahead.

you are blaming the wrong entity. You should be blaming a government that has decided how much every citizen must have to live. Think about it, the government gives money to low income people and takes money from high income people-----------why? Because your wonderful government thinks that everyone is entitled to equal income regardless of their skills, education, or talents. Except for members of congress of course, they are exempt from the mandates that they place on us.

if Walmart doesn't pay you enough, find another job, or a second job. Its not the government's role to provide you with a certain standard of living.
and Hillary voters, you know, dead people and illegal aliens.

Here's an idea for you, spaghetti with ketchup and obozo cheese. ghetto gourmet.

only in the fevered imaginations of trumptrash.

but it's ok, little boy. maybe Donald will get you an extra $1 a week.

it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Just curious, did you say that when Obama added 9 trillion to the debt?

Remember....if not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all....

says the dum dum living in opposite world.

tell us how good your standards are when you are all in for sexual predators, child molesters, and domestic abusers.

only in the fevered imaginations of trumptrash.

but it's ok, little boy. maybe Donald will get you an extra $1 a week.

it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Just curious, did you say that when Obama added 9 trillion to the debt?

Remember....if not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all....

says the dum dum living in opposite world.

tell us how good your standards are when you are all in for sexual predators, child molesters, and domestic abusers.

You are the ones for the illegal murderers and rapists and child molesters, liar.
it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Just curious, did you say that when Obama added 9 trillion to the debt?

Remember....if not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all....

says the dum dum living in opposite world.

tell us how good your standards are when you are all in for sexual predators, child molesters, and domestic abusers.

You are the ones for the illegal murderers and rapists and child molesters, liar.

sure I am. :cuckoo:

only in the fevered imaginations of trumptrash.

but it's ok, little boy. maybe Donald will get you an extra $1 a week.

it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Just curious, did you say that when Obama added 9 trillion to the debt?

Remember....if not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all....

says the dum dum living in opposite world.

tell us how good your standards are when you are all in for sexual predators, child molesters, and domestic abusers.


have you lost your mind, jelly? its you dims and libs that support those kinds of perverts and criminals. Bubba Clinton, Weiner, Weinstein, Martinez, Biden, all of Hollywood. Geez, woman, wake up and take a sniff of reality.
it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Just curious, did you say that when Obama added 9 trillion to the debt?

Remember....if not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all....

says the dum dum living in opposite world.

tell us how good your standards are when you are all in for sexual predators, child molesters, and domestic abusers.

You are the ones for the illegal murderers and rapists and child molesters, liar.

standard kindergarten response..

The left’s market graph:

it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Just curious, did you say that when Obama added 9 trillion to the debt?

Remember....if not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all....

says the dum dum living in opposite world.

tell us how good your standards are when you are all in for sexual predators, child molesters, and domestic abusers.


have you lost your mind, jelly? its you dims and libs that support those kinds of perverts and criminals. Bubba Clinton, Weiner, Weinstein, Martinez, Biden, all of Hollywood. Geez, woman, wake up and take a sniff of reality.

easy chum bag, the list of RW pervs is just as long and growing.
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Just curious, did you say that when Obama added 9 trillion to the debt?

Remember....if not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all....

says the dum dum living in opposite world.

tell us how good your standards are when you are all in for sexual predators, child molesters, and domestic abusers.

You are the ones for the illegal murderers and rapists and child molesters, liar.

standard kindergarten response..


actually its accurate. which party supports the murder of unborn human beings? which one is tied to the perverts in Hollywood? Which one do the Clintons belong to? which one does Weiner belong to?

are you libs unable to see the truth when it smacks you in the face?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Just curious, did you say that when Obama added 9 trillion to the debt?

Remember....if not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all....

says the dum dum living in opposite world.

tell us how good your standards are when you are all in for sexual predators, child molesters, and domestic abusers.


have you lost your mind, jelly? its you dims and libs that support those kinds of perverts and criminals. Bubba Clinton, Weiner, Weinstein, Martinez, Biden, all of Hollywood. Geez, woman, wake up and take a sniff of reality.

easy chum bag, the list of RW pervs is just as long and growing.

and dems get rid of their pervs.

they run them for senate.
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Just curious, did you say that when Obama added 9 trillion to the debt?

Remember....if not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all....

says the dum dum living in opposite world.

tell us how good your standards are when you are all in for sexual predators, child molesters, and domestic abusers.


have you lost your mind, jelly? its you dims and libs that support those kinds of perverts and criminals. Bubba Clinton, Weiner, Weinstein, Martinez, Biden, all of Hollywood. Geez, woman, wake up and take a sniff of reality.

easy chum bag, the list of RW pervs is just as long and growing.

I challenge you to post an accurate complete list from both parties. Remember, all of the Hollywood perverts count as dems.
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