Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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and if the market keeps going up, everyone wins, right?

not everyone. the market has nothing to do with wages and the movement of the economy. in fact, you'll note that a rise in wages is bad for the market.

true, tell that to the americans getting raises and bonuses as a result of the tax bill. Even you will have more money in your pocket, does that make you sad?

the market will be just fine, relax.

We are borrowing money to give those handouts to the American people.

actually, we're borrowing money to give Donald and his fellow kleptocrats tax cuts.

At least we know he's paying a lot of taxes.

You must be in a privileged position, Hadit. nobody else, other than Trump's accountants and the IRS, has the slightest idea if Trump pays taxes or not.
The Lefty Stock Market Switcheroo:

Market it up: "The 0bama market is up!"

Market down: "The Trump Market is cratering!"
Trump said he is responsible for the stock market. Dope far the market is up today, is it back to an Obama economy yet?
You are smoking Crack! The market is tanking. Obama's budget ended at the end of September 2017. Since then it is 100% Trump / Republican Disaster. Work week & paychecks getting smaller

Kool Aid much dumbass?
not everyone. the market has nothing to do with wages and the movement of the economy. in fact, you'll note that a rise in wages is bad for the market.

true, tell that to the americans getting raises and bonuses as a result of the tax bill. Even you will have more money in your pocket, does that make you sad?

the market will be just fine, relax.

We are borrowing money to give those handouts to the American people.

actually, we're borrowing money to give Donald and his fellow kleptocrats tax cuts.

At least we know he's paying a lot of taxes.

You must be in a privileged position, Hadit. nobody else, other than Trump's accountants and the IRS, has the slightest idea if Trump pays taxes or not.

The keyboard jockeys apparently do. They keep whining that Trump got a big tax cut. You don't get a cut if you're not paying.
The Lefty Stock Market Switcheroo:

Market it up: "The 0bama market is up!"

Market down: "The Trump Market is cratering!"
Trump said he is responsible for the stock market. Dope far the market is up today, is it back to an Obama economy yet?
You are smoking Crack! The market is tanking. Obama's budget ended at the end of September 2017. Since then it is 100% Trump / Republican Disaster. Work week & paychecks getting smaller

Kool Aid much dumbass?

"Harm Bandholz, chief U.S. economist at UniCredit Bank, notes that the overall 0.5% decline in working hours was the biggest since April 2013. In addition to the tendency of lower-paid hourly wage workers to have their workweek cut, Bandholz notes that workers with a fixed salary appear to get a pay raise when they work fewer hours. He figures the shorter workweek artificially inflated earnings by nearly 0.2 percentage point."
The Lefty Stock Market Switcheroo:

Market it up: "The 0bama market is up!"

Market down: "The Trump Market is cratering!"
Trump said he is responsible for the stock market. Dope far the market is up today, is it back to an Obama economy yet?
You are smoking Crack! The market is tanking. Obama's budget ended at the end of September 2017. Since then it is 100% Trump / Republican Disaster. Work week & paychecks getting smaller

Kool Aid much dumbass?

We leave that to trumptards
The Lefty Stock Market Switcheroo:

Market it up: "The 0bama market is up!"

Market down: "The Trump Market is cratering!"
Trump said he is responsible for the stock market. Dope far the market is up today, is it back to an Obama economy yet?
You are smoking Crack! The market is tanking. Obama's budget ended at the end of September 2017. Since then it is 100% Trump / Republican Disaster. Work week & paychecks getting smaller

Kool Aid much dumbass?

"Harm Bandholz, chief U.S. economist at UniCredit Bank, notes that the overall 0.5% decline in working hours was the biggest since April 2013. In addition to the tendency of lower-paid hourly wage workers to have their workweek cut, Bandholz notes that workers with a fixed salary appear to get a pay raise when they work fewer hours. He figures the shorter workweek artificially inflated earnings by nearly 0.2 percentage point."

1. 0.2 percentage point. Do you know what a margin of error is dummy?

2. That’s one economist. Cherry pick much dummy?
The Lefty Stock Market Switcheroo:

Market it up: "The 0bama market is up!"

Market down: "The Trump Market is cratering!"
Trump said he is responsible for the stock market. Dope far the market is up today, is it back to an Obama economy yet?
You are smoking Crack! The market is tanking. Obama's budget ended at the end of September 2017. Since then it is 100% Trump / Republican Disaster. Work week & paychecks getting smaller

Kool Aid much dumbass?

We leave that to trumptards

Apparently not.
last week, trumptards were taking credit for a market over inflated by emotion (animal spirits).

naturally, stocks had already been destined to weaken in a rising interest rate environment.

this week, the global market meltdown is all obama's fault!

Sean Hannity blames Obama for historic market crash

^ :laugh:

that's foolish, its not Obama's fault or Trump's, or Bush's, or any other president. The whole thing is the fault of years of congresses that have tried to buy votes by spending more than the govt takes in. They are all at fault, and so are we for letting them do it.
Not quite. True, the recent market slide has little do with our presidents but it also has little to do with congressional spending. This market slide is just a reaction to a market that went up too far too fast. After the fact, people attempt to blame it on everything from position of the stars to fear of inflation, lower profits, higher interest rates, etc. but it all boils down to fear overcoming greed. Barring any really bad news, the market should recover over the coming months.

I agree with you 100% on the market. My previous comment was related to the national debt.
and Hillary voters, you know, dead people and illegal aliens.

Here's an idea for you, spaghetti with ketchup and obozo cheese. ghetto gourmet.

only in the fevered imaginations of trumptrash.

but it's ok, little boy. maybe Donald will get you an extra $1 a week.

it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Bullshit. Cutting the corporate tax rate will create millions of jobs, tax paying jobs and will result in more tax revenue for the government, every tax cut in history has proven that, that's why Obozo refused to reverse the Bush tax cuts, even he understood------------but you obozoites don't, amazing.
Yes, cutting corporate taxes will create jobs but where will most of them be created? Assuming that cash generated by the tax cut will all go to expansion of businesses in the US is nonsense. In the past, most money from tax savings has gone to acquisitions, stock buy backs, increasing profits, and investment in the most profitable markets which generally are not found in the US.

The huge cooperate rate cut does not necessary effect some our largest employers. For example, AT&T has an effective tax rate of 8%. After the tax cut, there will be only a small change in their effective rate. This is true for many of America's largest employers.

There will certainly be some job creation in the US do to corporate tax reduction and individual reductions, however whether federal tax revenues rise enough to pay for the tax cut is open to discussion.

once again, you are stating truth, but oversimplifying the issue. When the USA had a 35% corporate tax rate (before deductions, exemptions, paper losses, etc) and Ireland had a comparable rate of 11%, businesses wanting to expand went to Ireland instead of the USA. Math is not complicated, political indoctrination is.
Trump already made the biggest ever single year point gain in history, so we knew that already.
It is misleading to use point gains in historical comparisons of market averages. For example:
In 2017, the Dow rose from 19762.6 to 24719.22, an increase of 4956.62 (25.08%)
That was a good year but it didn't beat the
2013 gain of 26.499%
2003 gain of 25.322%
1995 gain of 33.452%
1985 gain of 27.658%
1975 gain of 38.324%
1958 gain of 33.960%
1954 gain of 43.962%
1935 gain of 38.533%
1933 gain of 63.740%

The gains in the stock market under Trump are not even close to a record, just more bull shit from the master bullshitter.

Stock Market Yearly Historical Returns from 1921 to Present:Dow Jones Index - TradingNinvestment

I don't think he ever claimed it was a record. But 25% is a very good year, especially in light of all the negatives being spouted by the media and the dems.
Glanced at my Fidelity account last night. This morning I'm penning a note to Trump asking if he needs the Rose Garden's lawn mowed again?

Us too. We'll ride it out and even add to our managed accounts. NOT because Trump had anything to do with the rise and fall, but because the markets have always come back.

There are lots of ideas proffered on why now, and i'll offer mine. Chaos in The District! The chaos has but one father: Donald Trump, aided and abetted by a Congress without competent leadership.

Depends on one's age. If I was counting on using my money in the next 15 years, I'd have gotten out at 25K

Our investments are geared much further out, though I've been retired since '05. We have two sons and two grandchildren and for a number of years we have seen efforts by the Republican Party to take away social safety nets, i.e. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and of course the PPACA.

Beginning with Reagan this effort has led to Trump, Ryan and McConnell, an axis of evil in my opinion, seeking to distribute more and more wealth to the few, and taking from the many. Of course that is not what they say, it is what they have done and what they may do in the future.

["Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"]

No one knows the future, but considering the past, a single party system is unhealthy, and in a democracy the death knell.

In the socialist progressive utopia that you dream of all of the power and all of the money is concentrated in a tiny group of super elites and everyone else is EQUALLY miserable. Ever hear of Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea?

I agree that we need a viable two party system, what we don't need is for the socialist party to be one of them.

Q. Why does Fish Post

A. He has no clue about the issues, and his opinions are built on that ignorance. Thus, we can conclude he is immune to cognitive dissonance (there is no cognition there).

LOL, I post to refute the lies and bullshit posted by left wing loons like you. That's why you are so angry all the time, because you post bullshit and it gets thrown back in your face. Deal with it, dude. Hillary lost, she will never be anything but a corrupt, lying, criminal bitch. Trump won and he is doing what the American people elected him to do, Fix the mess created by both parties.
In 1987 the DOW dropped 22%, yesterday it dropped 4%. Somehow the country survived 1987 and it will survive this hiccup. This is much ado about nothing.

It all works for me. Every time Trump really fucks up, from here on out, will be another buying opportunity. That's like a daily rain of manna from the sky!

and if the market keeps going up, everyone wins, right?

not everyone. the market has nothing to do with wages and the movement of the economy. in fact, you'll note that a rise in wages is bad for the market.

true, tell that to the americans getting raises and bonuses as a result of the tax bill. Even you will have more money in your pocket, does that make you sad?

the market will be just fine, relax.

We are borrowing money to give those handouts to the American people.

so it would be better if we borrowed money to give handouts to americans who were not working, or paying taxes? WTF is wrong with you, why do you want everyone on welfare?
Half of Monday's loss was recovered Tuesday. We shall see what today brings. But as I said earlier, much ado about nothing.
not everyone. the market has nothing to do with wages and the movement of the economy. in fact, you'll note that a rise in wages is bad for the market.

true, tell that to the americans getting raises and bonuses as a result of the tax bill. Even you will have more money in your pocket, does that make you sad?

the market will be just fine, relax.

We are borrowing money to give those handouts to the American people.

actually, we're borrowing money to give Donald and his fellow kleptocrats tax cuts.

At least we know he's paying a lot of taxes.

You must be in a privileged position, Hadit. nobody else, other than Trump's accountants and the IRS, has the slightest idea if Trump pays taxes or not.

Well since he gets audited every year, and since the IRS has been proven to target the enemies of Obama, it is very likely that Trump's returns are in complete compliance with the tax code. If not, the dems would have found a way to bring it out in 2016.
The OP........

When bonds are low, stocks will grow, when bonds are high the stocks dive. It’s called economics.
The Lefty Stock Market Switcheroo:

Market it up: "The 0bama market is up!"

Market down: "The Trump Market is cratering!"
Trump said he is responsible for the stock market. Dope far the market is up today, is it back to an Obama economy yet?
You are smoking Crack! The market is tanking. Obama's budget ended at the end of September 2017. Since then it is 100% Trump / Republican Disaster. Work week & paychecks getting smaller

Kool Aid much dumbass?

"Harm Bandholz, chief U.S. economist at UniCredit Bank, notes that the overall 0.5% decline in working hours was the biggest since April 2013. In addition to the tendency of lower-paid hourly wage workers to have their workweek cut, Bandholz notes that workers with a fixed salary appear to get a pay raise when they work fewer hours. He figures the shorter workweek artificially inflated earnings by nearly 0.2 percentage point."

UniCredit Bank??? WTF, you spent how much time trying to find that one?
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