Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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does that mean you'll get to eat tonight?

I didn't qualify for the obozo cheese, did you? Thinking about fllet and lobster tonight, with a nice pinot noir.

sure ya are binky.

I'm part of the liberal elite, remember? i don't concern myself with free cheese. only economically marginanl angry white supremacists do.

and Hillary voters, you know, dead people and illegal aliens.

Here's an idea for you, spaghetti with ketchup and obozo cheese. ghetto gourmet.

only in the fevered imaginations of trumptrash.

but it's ok, little boy. maybe Donald will get you an extra $1 a week.

it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.
I didn't qualify for the obozo cheese, did you? Thinking about fllet and lobster tonight, with a nice pinot noir.

sure ya are binky.

I'm part of the liberal elite, remember? i don't concern myself with free cheese. only economically marginanl angry white supremacists do.

and Hillary voters, you know, dead people and illegal aliens.

Here's an idea for you, spaghetti with ketchup and obozo cheese. ghetto gourmet.

only in the fevered imaginations of trumptrash.

but it's ok, little boy. maybe Donald will get you an extra $1 a week.

it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Bullshit. Cutting the corporate tax rate will create millions of jobs, tax paying jobs and will result in more tax revenue for the government, every tax cut in history has proven that, that's why Obozo refused to reverse the Bush tax cuts, even he understood------------but you obozoites don't, amazing.
I didn't qualify for the obozo cheese, did you? Thinking about fllet and lobster tonight, with a nice pinot noir.

sure ya are binky.

I'm part of the liberal elite, remember? i don't concern myself with free cheese. only economically marginanl angry white supremacists do.

and Hillary voters, you know, dead people and illegal aliens.

Here's an idea for you, spaghetti with ketchup and obozo cheese. ghetto gourmet.

only in the fevered imaginations of trumptrash.

but it's ok, little boy. maybe Donald will get you an extra $1 a week.

it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Just curious, did you say that when Obama added 9 trillion to the debt?
How are things going today? I checked a couple sites that seemed to show things rising quite a bit, but I'm not really familiar with what they're talking about.
When stocks go up, President Trump takes credit for it. So what does he do when stocks tank?

Presidents ordinarily stay mum on the markets, more or less, so Trump’s silence amid the carnage wouldn’t be unusual—except that he’s a frequent stock-market commentator. Trump has tweeted about the rising stock market at least 47 times since Election Day in 2016, often taking credit for the gains.

Trump’s stock-market mistake


It's Officially a Stock Market Correction -- Here's What You Need to Do

It's Officially a Stock Market Correction -- Here's What You Need to Do
How are things going today? I checked a couple sites that seemed to show things rising quite a bit, but I'm not really familiar with what they're talking about.

the market is whipsawing with extremely high volatility
How are things going today? I checked a couple sites that seemed to show things rising quite a bit, but I'm not really familiar with what they're talking about.
There are a lot of technical issues that contribute the the Market's day to day changes, but the downward trend is about actions the Fed might take, raising interest rates and backing off of quantitative easing, and what we need is some reassurance from the Fed that this will be done with a light touch to get the Market back on an upward trend.
last week, trumptards were taking credit for a market over inflated by emotion (animal spirits).

naturally, stocks had already been destined to weaken in a rising interest rate environment.

this week, the global market meltdown is all obama's fault!

Sean Hannity blames Obama for historic market crash

^ :laugh:
Obama bailed out the big banks, and an FDR approach would have been to let their shareholders lose everything, and then the gummit nationalize the bank, recapitalize it with Treasury dollars, and resell it (at a profit btw) to new shareholders. Obama just bought depressed assets at more than market price, with Treasury dollars, and liberals like Krugman were pissed. The shareholders eventually made money when the stock market improved ... before Trump. And the Treasury got most of the money back. THAT's why the Muslim Marxist Socialist Kenyan thing was funny. Of course, Trump has some history on race stuff. LOL

Little guys like Vandal and me would have been killed by the FDR approach. I, and I assume Vandal as well, have relatively little in comparison to the .1% and 1% who own the vast majority of stock, but hey that's what we have. So, kudos to Obama, it could have been a lot worse. And I think that's the real reason he got reelected even with 8% unemployment. He ran a negative, but effective campaign, and he's hardly the first (both Bushes won that way). But the facts were a guy like Romney sold off the dead jobs and spun off what was left to make money, and Obama did look at a larger picture.

But the dems tried to sell that to the rust belt, and those guys didn't get much for Obama's 8 years. Of course, the truth may be that if they want better jobs, they should move to where the jobs are, but that's not a politically popular message. LOL

But you're right that rising rates generally mean falling stocks.
How are things going today? I checked a couple sites that seemed to show things rising quite a bit, but I'm not really familiar with what they're talking about.
There are a lot of technical issues that contribute the the Market's day to day changes, but the downward trend is about actions the Fed might take, raising interest rates and backing off of quantitative easing, and what we need is some reassurance from the Fed that this will be done with a light touch to get the Market back on an upward trend.
We have the fed removing stimulus by taking the "money" out of the bond market when the bonds it owns mature, and the gop increasing stimulus with a individual income tax weighted towards the most wealthy, who invest rather than consume more of their earnings.
How are things going today? I checked a couple sites that seemed to show things rising quite a bit, but I'm not really familiar with what they're talking about.
There are a lot of technical issues that contribute the the Market's day to day changes, but the downward trend is about actions the Fed might take, raising interest rates and backing off of quantitative easing, and what we need is some reassurance from the Fed that this will be done with a light touch to get the Market back on an upward trend.
We have the fed removing stimulus by taking the "money" out of the bond market when the bonds it owns mature, and the gop increasing stimulus with a individual income tax weighted towards the most wealthy, who invest rather than consume more of their earnings.
Right, the President is trying to foster more economic growth and the Fed is trying to prevent this from causing inflation. Once investors are confident these two forces are in balance, the Market will resume going up.
Only a Trumpette could see 9% of their wealth wiped out in two weeks, and claim , "This is a GOOD thing"

Who has all their wealth in the stock market? Liberals?

Well, Hadi, when you reach my age, and if you don't have a significant investment portfolio, then you will be, in a word, "fucked".

If the whole portfolio is in the stock market, you're not in a stable position.

As a matter of fact, I knew that Trump was going to lead this country down the road to economic ruin, and I bailed out the the stock market in 12/16. Everything is cash. And when i think that the Trump Effect has run it's course, I am prepared to jump back in in a New York second, probably this afternoon. After this correction, I don't think Trump can do any significant damage to the market.

you are an idiot. an economic idiot. you missed the growth of 2017 because you were pissed that crooked Hillary lost???????? WTF? I will never understand the liberal "mind". You fools shit in your own hat and then blame Trump, amazingly stupid.

The Growth in 2017 followed along with the growth from 2009 until this last week. Even an Obama hater like Redfish can't ignore these facts:

Dow Jones - 10 Year Daily Chart

Of course the BIG LIE is the first and only recourse for a Right Winger.
Glanced at my Fidelity account last night. This morning I'm penning a note to Trump asking if he needs the Rose Garden's lawn mowed again?

Us too. We'll ride it out and even add to our managed accounts. NOT because Trump had anything to do with the rise and fall, but because the markets have always come back.

There are lots of ideas proffered on why now, and i'll offer mine. Chaos in The District! The chaos has but one father: Donald Trump, aided and abetted by a Congress without competent leadership.

Depends on one's age. If I was counting on using my money in the next 15 years, I'd have gotten out at 25K

Our investments are geared much further out, though I've been retired since '05. We have two sons and two grandchildren and for a number of years we have seen efforts by the Republican Party to take away social safety nets, i.e. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and of course the PPACA.

Beginning with Reagan this effort has led to Trump, Ryan and McConnell, an axis of evil in my opinion, seeking to distribute more and more wealth to the few, and taking from the many. Of course that is not what they say, it is what they have done and what they may do in the future.

["Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"]

No one knows the future, but considering the past, a single party system is unhealthy, and in a democracy the death knell.

In the socialist progressive utopia that you dream of all of the power and all of the money is concentrated in a tiny group of super elites and everyone else is EQUALLY miserable. Ever hear of Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea?

I agree that we need a viable two party system, what we don't need is for the socialist party to be one of them.

Q. Why does Fish Post

A. He has no clue about the issues, and his opinions are built on that ignorance. Thus, we can conclude he is immune to cognitive dissonance (there is no cognition there).
Trump already made the biggest ever single year point gain in history, so we knew that already.
It is misleading to use point gains in historical comparisons of market averages. For example:
In 2017, the Dow rose from 19762.6 to 24719.22, an increase of 4956.62 (25.08%)
That was a good year but it didn't beat the
2013 gain of 26.499%
2003 gain of 25.322%
1995 gain of 33.452%
1985 gain of 27.658%
1975 gain of 38.324%
1958 gain of 33.960%
1954 gain of 43.962%
1935 gain of 38.533%
1933 gain of 63.740%

The gains in the stock market under Trump are not even close to a record, just more bull shit from the master bullshitter.

Stock Market Yearly Historical Returns from 1921 to Present:Dow Jones Index - TradingNinvestment
last week, trumptards were taking credit for a market over inflated by emotion (animal spirits).

naturally, stocks had already been destined to weaken in a rising interest rate environment.

this week, the global market meltdown is all obama's fault!

Sean Hannity blames Obama for historic market crash

^ :laugh:

that's foolish, its not Obama's fault or Trump's, or Bush's, or any other president. The whole thing is the fault of years of congresses that have tried to buy votes by spending more than the govt takes in. They are all at fault, and so are we for letting them do it.
Not quite. True, the recent market slide has little do with our presidents but it also has little to do with congressional spending. This market slide is just a reaction to a market that went up too far too fast. After the fact, people attempt to blame it on everything from position of the stars to fear of inflation, lower profits, higher interest rates, etc. but it all boils down to fear overcoming greed. Barring any really bad news, the market should recover over the coming months.
sure ya are binky.

I'm part of the liberal elite, remember? i don't concern myself with free cheese. only economically marginanl angry white supremacists do.

and Hillary voters, you know, dead people and illegal aliens.

Here's an idea for you, spaghetti with ketchup and obozo cheese. ghetto gourmet.

only in the fevered imaginations of trumptrash.

but it's ok, little boy. maybe Donald will get you an extra $1 a week.

it wont do anything for me, but for the working middle class americans it will put more money in their pockets every week. Why do you and Pelosi think that's a bad thing?
Because you can put the same amount of money in the hands of the Middle class without handing out cuts to the wealthy & well off corporations. We are borrowing 1.5 needlessly.

Bullshit. Cutting the corporate tax rate will create millions of jobs, tax paying jobs and will result in more tax revenue for the government, every tax cut in history has proven that, that's why Obozo refused to reverse the Bush tax cuts, even he understood------------but you obozoites don't, amazing.
Yes, cutting corporate taxes will create jobs but where will most of them be created? Assuming that cash generated by the tax cut will all go to expansion of businesses in the US is nonsense. In the past, most money from tax savings has gone to acquisitions, stock buy backs, increasing profits, and investment in the most profitable markets which generally are not found in the US.

The huge cooperate rate cut does not necessary effect some our largest employers. For example, AT&T has an effective tax rate of 8%. After the tax cut, there will be only a small change in their effective rate. This is true for many of America's largest employers.

There will certainly be some job creation in the US do to corporate tax reduction and individual reductions, however whether federal tax revenues rise enough to pay for the tax cut is open to discussion.
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In 1987 the DOW dropped 22%, yesterday it dropped 4%. Somehow the country survived 1987 and it will survive this hiccup. This is much ado about nothing.

It all works for me. Every time Trump really fucks up, from here on out, will be another buying opportunity. That's like a daily rain of manna from the sky!
It's difficult to say when it'll hit bottom. And what will be the bottom.

True. But I'm not greedy. I consider a 9% drop to be good enough for me!
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