Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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who gives you your talking points each morning? Rosie O'donnel or Behar?

Trump is smart. smartest man ever to hold the office

Obama is a freak'n community organizer and he tripled the market
How does a smart man like Trump allow the market to drop 2000 points in a week?

Tell me again how any president controls wall street. A market correction has been overdue for many months/years. It was 4%. Compare that to the market growth since January 2017 and get back to me.
How do I know?
Do I look like I went to Wharton?

Fat Donnie did

You don't know anything except what your left wing handlers put in your empty head. No original thinking, ever. No honest opinions, ever. Nothing but left wing bullshit talking points----------------your credibility = ZERO.

Being the smartest man ever to be elected President, Trump should know how to stop a stock market crash

The Great Obama did it and he is only a community organizer

"the great Obama" You are a complete brain dead fool.
Glanced at my Fidelity account last night. This morning I'm penning a note to Trump asking if he needs the Rose Garden's lawn mowed again?

Us too. We'll ride it out and even add to our managed accounts. NOT because Trump had anything to do with the rise and fall, but because the markets have always come back.

There are lots of ideas proffered on why now, and i'll offer mine. Chaos in The District! The chaos has but one father: Donald Trump, aided and abetted by a Congress without competent leadership.

Depends on one's age. If I was counting on using my money in the next 15 years, I'd have gotten out at 25K

Our investments are geared much further out, though I've been retired since '05. We have two sons and two grandchildren and for a number of years we have seen efforts by the Republican Party to take away social safety nets, i.e. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and of course the PPACA.

Beginning with Reagan this effort has led to Trump, Ryan and McConnell, an axis of evil in my opinion, seeking to distribute more and more wealth to the few, and taking from the many. Of course that is not what they say, it is what they have done and what they may do in the future.

["Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"]

No one knows the future, but considering the past, a single party system is unhealthy, and in a democracy the death knell.
I was not a fan of his military buildup, but Reagan did agree to raise taxes for soc sec.

Since Carter and then Reagan followed by Slick, we really have not had a vibrant progressive-pro worker at the expense of the wealthy political party.

However, it's only with the advent of Ryan and the Koch type selective libertarians that we've seen an open assault on middle class entilements, with the latest shot being taxing college endowmments ... and they'll come after soc sec and medicare if Trump is reelected.
The Lefty Stock Market Switcheroo:

Market it up: "The 0bama market is up!"

Market down: "The Trump Market is cratering!"
Trump said he is responsible for the stock market. Dope far the market is up today, is it back to an Obama economy yet?
You are smoking Crack! The market is tanking. Obama's budget ended at the end of September 2017. Since then it is 100% Trump / Republican Disaster. Work week & paychecks getting smaller

Hmmm, here it wasn't more than a week ago when you clowns were making every excuse in the book to say it was Obama's economy...what a bunch of idiots.
You continue Lying. I have never said that. I have been warning this disaster was coming due to Trump & Republicans Exploding Deficits.

Hmmm, tell us again which president added 10 trillion to the debt. Hint, he had a D behind his name and he was from Chicago.
Glanced at my Fidelity account last night. This morning I'm penning a note to Trump asking if he needs the Rose Garden's lawn mowed again?

Us too. We'll ride it out and even add to our managed accounts. NOT because Trump had anything to do with the rise and fall, but because the markets have always come back.

There are lots of ideas proffered on why now, and i'll offer mine. Chaos in The District! The chaos has but one father: Donald Trump, aided and abetted by a Congress without competent leadership.

Depends on one's age. If I was counting on using my money in the next 15 years, I'd have gotten out at 25K

Our investments are geared much further out, though I've been retired since '05. We have two sons and two grandchildren and for a number of years we have seen efforts by the Republican Party to take away social safety nets, i.e. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and of course the PPACA.

Beginning with Reagan this effort has led to Trump, Ryan and McConnell, an axis of evil in my opinion, seeking to distribute more and more wealth to the few, and taking from the many. Of course that is not what they say, it is what they have done and what they may do in the future.

["Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"]

No one knows the future, but considering the past, a single party system is unhealthy, and in a democracy the death knell.
I was not a fan of his military buildup, but Reagan did agree to raise taxes for soc sec.

Since Carter and then Reagan followed by Slick, we really have not had a vibrant progressive-pro worker at the expense of the wealthy political party.

However, it's only with the advent of Ryan and the Koch type selective libertarians that we've seen an open assault on middle class entilements, with the latest shot being taxing college endowmments ... and they'll come after soc sec and medicare if Trump is reelected.

Do you have any functioning brain cells? that has to be the dumbest post of the day/month/year. Who added 10 trillion to the national debt, creating huge obligations for our kids and grandkids?
Glanced at my Fidelity account last night. This morning I'm penning a note to Trump asking if he needs the Rose Garden's lawn mowed again?

Us too. We'll ride it out and even add to our managed accounts. NOT because Trump had anything to do with the rise and fall, but because the markets have always come back.

There are lots of ideas proffered on why now, and i'll offer mine. Chaos in The District! The chaos has but one father: Donald Trump, aided and abetted by a Congress without competent leadership.

Depends on one's age. If I was counting on using my money in the next 15 years, I'd have gotten out at 25K

Our investments are geared much further out, though I've been retired since '05. We have two sons and two grandchildren and for a number of years we have seen efforts by the Republican Party to take away social safety nets, i.e. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and of course the PPACA.

Beginning with Reagan this effort has led to Trump, Ryan and McConnell, an axis of evil in my opinion, seeking to distribute more and more wealth to the few, and taking from the many. Of course that is not what they say, it is what they have done and what they may do in the future.

["Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"]

No one knows the future, but considering the past, a single party system is unhealthy, and in a democracy the death knell.
I was not a fan of his military buildup, but Reagan did agree to raise taxes for soc sec.

Since Carter and then Reagan followed by Slick, we really have not had a vibrant progressive-pro worker at the expense of the wealthy political party.

However, it's only with the advent of Ryan and the Koch type selective libertarians that we've seen an open assault on middle class entilements, with the latest shot being taxing college endowmments ... and they'll come after soc sec and medicare if Trump is reelected.

Do you have any functioning brain cells? that has to be the dumbest post of the day/month/year. Who added 10 trillion to the national debt, creating huge obligations for our kids and grandkids?
Fuck off fish, and please don't ever respond to me again. I will do the same for u.
Glanced at my Fidelity account last night. This morning I'm penning a note to Trump asking if he needs the Rose Garden's lawn mowed again?

Us too. We'll ride it out and even add to our managed accounts. NOT because Trump had anything to do with the rise and fall, but because the markets have always come back.

There are lots of ideas proffered on why now, and i'll offer mine. Chaos in The District! The chaos has but one father: Donald Trump, aided and abetted by a Congress without competent leadership.

Depends on one's age. If I was counting on using my money in the next 15 years, I'd have gotten out at 25K

Our investments are geared much further out, though I've been retired since '05. We have two sons and two grandchildren and for a number of years we have seen efforts by the Republican Party to take away social safety nets, i.e. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and of course the PPACA.

Beginning with Reagan this effort has led to Trump, Ryan and McConnell, an axis of evil in my opinion, seeking to distribute more and more wealth to the few, and taking from the many. Of course that is not what they say, it is what they have done and what they may do in the future.

["Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"]

No one knows the future, but considering the past, a single party system is unhealthy, and in a democracy the death knell.

In the socialist progressive utopia that you dream of all of the power and all of the money is concentrated in a tiny group of super elites and everyone else is EQUALLY miserable. Ever hear of Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea?

I agree that we need a viable two party system, what we don't need is for the socialist party to be one of them.
Us too. We'll ride it out and even add to our managed accounts. NOT because Trump had anything to do with the rise and fall, but because the markets have always come back.

There are lots of ideas proffered on why now, and i'll offer mine. Chaos in The District! The chaos has but one father: Donald Trump, aided and abetted by a Congress without competent leadership.

Depends on one's age. If I was counting on using my money in the next 15 years, I'd have gotten out at 25K

Our investments are geared much further out, though I've been retired since '05. We have two sons and two grandchildren and for a number of years we have seen efforts by the Republican Party to take away social safety nets, i.e. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and of course the PPACA.

Beginning with Reagan this effort has led to Trump, Ryan and McConnell, an axis of evil in my opinion, seeking to distribute more and more wealth to the few, and taking from the many. Of course that is not what they say, it is what they have done and what they may do in the future.

["Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"]

No one knows the future, but considering the past, a single party system is unhealthy, and in a democracy the death knell.
I was not a fan of his military buildup, but Reagan did agree to raise taxes for soc sec.

Since Carter and then Reagan followed by Slick, we really have not had a vibrant progressive-pro worker at the expense of the wealthy political party.

However, it's only with the advent of Ryan and the Koch type selective libertarians that we've seen an open assault on middle class entilements, with the latest shot being taxing college endowmments ... and they'll come after soc sec and medicare if Trump is reelected.

Do you have any functioning brain cells? that has to be the dumbest post of the day/month/year. Who added 10 trillion to the national debt, creating huge obligations for our kids and grandkids?
Fuck off fish, and please don't ever respond to me again. I will do the same for u.

Truth pisses you off, eh? Sorry, but I will continue posting the truth regardless of what you, or any other left wing idiot hurls at me.

But seriously, can you tell us which president took the national debt from 10 Trillion to 19 trillion? if not, then you need to resign from this message board.
Depends on one's age. If I was counting on using my money in the next 15 years, I'd have gotten out at 25K

Our investments are geared much further out, though I've been retired since '05. We have two sons and two grandchildren and for a number of years we have seen efforts by the Republican Party to take away social safety nets, i.e. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and of course the PPACA.

Beginning with Reagan this effort has led to Trump, Ryan and McConnell, an axis of evil in my opinion, seeking to distribute more and more wealth to the few, and taking from the many. Of course that is not what they say, it is what they have done and what they may do in the future.

["Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"]

No one knows the future, but considering the past, a single party system is unhealthy, and in a democracy the death knell.
I was not a fan of his military buildup, but Reagan did agree to raise taxes for soc sec.

Since Carter and then Reagan followed by Slick, we really have not had a vibrant progressive-pro worker at the expense of the wealthy political party.

However, it's only with the advent of Ryan and the Koch type selective libertarians that we've seen an open assault on middle class entilements, with the latest shot being taxing college endowmments ... and they'll come after soc sec and medicare if Trump is reelected.

Do you have any functioning brain cells? that has to be the dumbest post of the day/month/year. Who added 10 trillion to the national debt, creating huge obligations for our kids and grandkids?
Fuck off fish, and please don't ever respond to me again. I will do the same for u.

Truth pisses you off, eh? Sorry, but I will continue posting the truth regardless of what you, or any other left wing idiot hurls at me.

But seriously, can you tell us which president took the national debt from 10 Trillion to 19 trillion? if not, then you need to resign from this message board.
grow a pair, bitch
Silly to use the stock market for political reasons, hope it bonces back to a nice even gain, there are a lot of people depending on there investments to support there retirement.
Increasing Deficits & Inflation is what is hurting workers & retired. It's also pushing up interest rates that is causing the market crash!
It's not really a serious econ issue at present. The stock market is really just a market based on investors' beliefs for the short term future. And of course for those of us with "portfolios" not in the hundreds of thousands, and who imagine ourselves "day traders" it's basically the two dollar tote window our fathers bet on the horses and dogs.

Still, I hope it busts the Oranguton right in the kisser. LOL

So, you would be happy to see millions of americans lose their life savings if it made Trump look bad???? tell us, WTF is wrong with you?
Our investments are geared much further out, though I've been retired since '05. We have two sons and two grandchildren and for a number of years we have seen efforts by the Republican Party to take away social safety nets, i.e. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and of course the PPACA.

Beginning with Reagan this effort has led to Trump, Ryan and McConnell, an axis of evil in my opinion, seeking to distribute more and more wealth to the few, and taking from the many. Of course that is not what they say, it is what they have done and what they may do in the future.

["Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"]

No one knows the future, but considering the past, a single party system is unhealthy, and in a democracy the death knell.
I was not a fan of his military buildup, but Reagan did agree to raise taxes for soc sec.

Since Carter and then Reagan followed by Slick, we really have not had a vibrant progressive-pro worker at the expense of the wealthy political party.

However, it's only with the advent of Ryan and the Koch type selective libertarians that we've seen an open assault on middle class entilements, with the latest shot being taxing college endowmments ... and they'll come after soc sec and medicare if Trump is reelected.

Do you have any functioning brain cells? that has to be the dumbest post of the day/month/year. Who added 10 trillion to the national debt, creating huge obligations for our kids and grandkids?
Fuck off fish, and please don't ever respond to me again. I will do the same for u.

Truth pisses you off, eh? Sorry, but I will continue posting the truth regardless of what you, or any other left wing idiot hurls at me.

But seriously, can you tell us which president took the national debt from 10 Trillion to 19 trillion? if not, then you need to resign from this message board.
grow a pair, bitch

LOL, big bold and brass, low loose and full of juice. Whatcha got? pussy?
Silly to use the stock market for political reasons, hope it bonces back to a nice even gain, there are a lot of people depending on there investments to support there retirement.
Increasing Deficits & Inflation is what is hurting workers & retired. It's also pushing up interest rates that is causing the market crash!
It's not really a serious econ issue at present. The stock market is really just a market based on investors' beliefs for the short term future. And of course for those of us with "portfolios" not in the hundreds of thousands, and who imagine ourselves "day traders" it's basically the two dollar tote window our fathers bet on the horses and dogs.

Still, I hope it busts the Oranguton right in the kisser. LOL

So, you would be happy to see millions of americans lose their life savings if it made Trump look bad???? tell us, WTF is wrong with you?
IF you ever grow up enough to speak like an adult let us know, until then continue your sophomoric insults, asshole.
Glanced at my Fidelity account last night. This morning I'm penning a note to Trump asking if he needs the Rose Garden's lawn mowed again?

Us too. We'll ride it out and even add to our managed accounts. NOT because Trump had anything to do with the rise and fall, but because the markets have always come back.

There are lots of ideas proffered on why now, and i'll offer mine. Chaos in The District! The chaos has but one father: Donald Trump, aided and abetted by a Congress without competent leadership.

I've been retired for a year and have been waiting for this. Year ago I put a token of my 401k rollover into a professionally managed market account and the remainder in CD's. Since then I've been dollar cost averaging as I move dough to the professional account. Transferred some just this morning. Trump played no part in my choices either.
It's not "Trump's stock market", it's our stock market. The hypocrite bi-polar left is happy that their 401k's are making money but on the other hand they are happy when the DOW goes down during the Trump administration. The DOW is still 2,000 points higher than it was during the stagnant Hussein years.

The Great Obama tripled the Dow Jones average

Not bad for a community organizer
Only a Trumpette could see 9% of their wealth wiped out in two weeks, and claim , "This is a GOOD thing"

Who has all their wealth in the stock market? Liberals?

Well, Hadi, when you reach my age, and if you don't have a significant investment portfolio, then you will be, in a word, "fucked".

If the whole portfolio is in the stock market, you're not in a stable position.

As a matter of fact, I knew that Trump was going to lead this country down the road to economic ruin, and I bailed out the the stock market in 12/16. Everything is cash. And when i think that the Trump Effect has run it's course, I am prepared to jump back in in a New York second, probably this afternoon. After this correction, I don't think Trump can do any significant damage to the market.

you are an idiot. an economic idiot. you missed the growth of 2017 because you were pissed that crooked Hillary lost???????? WTF? I will never understand the liberal "mind". You fools shit in your own hat and then blame Trump, amazingly stupid.

As a matter of fact, I missed little of the 2017 growth, because I just bought back in 100% after the worst DOW point decline in American history. It was a small price to pay for being able to sleep at night.

But, now that I know that Trump has done his worst, with the tax bill, and most of the rest of that crap he has been spewing about NAFTA, trade wars, tariffs, etc. is nothing but talk, I don't think he can do much more damage. Trump will not be able to get any significant legislation passed in the next three years, and that will be the end of him.
In 1987 the DOW dropped 22%, yesterday it dropped 4%. Somehow the country survived 1987 and it will survive this hiccup. This is much ado about nothing.
Who has all their wealth in the stock market? Liberals?

Well, Hadi, when you reach my age, and if you don't have a significant investment portfolio, then you will be, in a word, "fucked".

If the whole portfolio is in the stock market, you're not in a stable position.

As a matter of fact, I knew that Trump was going to lead this country down the road to economic ruin, and I bailed out the the stock market in 12/16. Everything is cash. And when i think that the Trump Effect has run it's course, I am prepared to jump back in in a New York second, probably this afternoon. After this correction, I don't think Trump can do any significant damage to the market.

you are an idiot. an economic idiot. you missed the growth of 2017 because you were pissed that crooked Hillary lost???????? WTF? I will never understand the liberal "mind". You fools shit in your own hat and then blame Trump, amazingly stupid.

As a matter of fact, I missed little of the 2017 growth, because I just bought back in 100% after the worst DOW point decline in American history. It was a small price to pay for being able to sleep at night.

But, now that I know that Trump has done his worst, with the tax bill, and most of the rest of that crap he has been spewing about NAFTA, trade wars, tariffs, etc. is nothing but talk, I don't think he can do much more damage. Trump will not be able to get any significant legislation passed in the next three years, and that will be the end of him.

I do not understand you Trump haters wanting the country to go to shit. I didn't like Obama but I still wanted the country to do well. So once again, my only conclusion is that liberalism is a mental disease, there is no other explanation.
In 1987 the DOW dropped 22%, yesterday it dropped 4%. Somehow the country survived 1987 and it will survive this hiccup. This is much ado about nothing.

It all works for me. Every time Trump really fucks up, from here on out, will be another buying opportunity. That's like a daily rain of manna from the sky!
It's not "Trump's stock market", it's our stock market. The hypocrite bi-polar left is happy that their 401k's are making money but on the other hand they are happy when the DOW goes down during the Trump administration. The DOW is still 2,000 points higher than it was during the stagnant Hussein years.

The Great Obama tripled the Dow Jones average

Not bad for a community organizer
But did he really change the lives of and for families making 50K?
Who has all their wealth in the stock market? Liberals?

Well, Hadi, when you reach my age, and if you don't have a significant investment portfolio, then you will be, in a word, "fucked".

If the whole portfolio is in the stock market, you're not in a stable position.

As a matter of fact, I knew that Trump was going to lead this country down the road to economic ruin, and I bailed out the the stock market in 12/16. Everything is cash. And when i think that the Trump Effect has run it's course, I am prepared to jump back in in a New York second, probably this afternoon. After this correction, I don't think Trump can do any significant damage to the market.

you are an idiot. an economic idiot. you missed the growth of 2017 because you were pissed that crooked Hillary lost???????? WTF? I will never understand the liberal "mind". You fools shit in your own hat and then blame Trump, amazingly stupid.

As a matter of fact, I missed little of the 2017 growth, because I just bought back in 100% after the worst DOW point decline in American history. It was a small price to pay for being able to sleep at night.

But, now that I know that Trump has done his worst, with the tax bill, and most of the rest of that crap he has been spewing about NAFTA, trade wars, tariffs, etc. is nothing but talk, I don't think he can do much more damage. Trump will not be able to get any significant legislation passed in the next three years, and that will be the end of him.

OK, lets clear up some terms. Yesterday was a 4% drop. Using the point drop to stir up the ignorant is a typical dem/lib tactic. Using the % is a much more accurate measurement. Take a look at the entirety of 2017. Try to be honest.
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