Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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It's not "Trump's stock market", it's our stock market. The hypocrite bi-polar left is happy that their 401k's are making money but on the other hand they are happy when the DOW goes down during the Trump administration. The DOW is still 2,000 points higher than it was during the stagnant Hussein years.
Silly to use the stock market for political reasons, hope it bonces back to a nice even gain, there are a lot of people depending on there investments to support there retirement.
It's not "Trump's stock market", it's our stock market. The hypocrite bi-polar left is happy that their 401k's are making money but on the other hand they are happy when the DOW goes down during the Trump administration. The DOW is still 2,000 points higher than it was during the stagnant Hussein years.
Trump claimed it. He owns it.

I'd prefer it just stay at 25000 for awhile. But it's largely irrelevant, aside from the amusement of Trumpisms. If interest rates go up, or if we have to pay 5% on the debt, we're fucked. But then, I thought the indivicual tax changes were purely graft for the gop
Silly to use the stock market for political reasons, hope it bonces back to a nice even gain, there are a lot of people depending on there investments to support there retirement.
Increasing Deficits & Inflation is what is hurting workers & retired. It's also pushing up interest rates that is causing the market crash!
Silly to use the stock market for political reasons, hope it bonces back to a nice even gain, there are a lot of people depending on there investments to support there retirement.
Increasing Deficits & Inflation is what is hurting workers & retired. It's also pushing up interest rates that is causing the market crash!

Yes indeed, Obama sure proved deficits hurt workers and retired.
Silly to use the stock market for political reasons, hope it bonces back to a nice even gain, there are a lot of people depending on there investments to support there retirement.
Increasing Deficits & Inflation is what is hurting workers & retired. It's also pushing up interest rates that is causing the market crash!
Quote) just about every going on now is hurting workers & the retired.
It's not "Trump's stock market", it's our stock market. The hypocrite bi-polar left is happy that their 401k's are making money but on the other hand they are happy when the DOW goes down during the Trump administration. The DOW is still 2,000 points higher than it was during the stagnant Hussein years.

After the Trump tax cut kicked in starting in February, it became the Trump economy.
Silly to use the stock market for political reasons, hope it bonces back to a nice even gain, there are a lot of people depending on there investments to support there retirement.
Increasing Deficits & Inflation is what is hurting workers & retired. It's also pushing up interest rates that is causing the market crash!

Yes indeed, Obama sure proved deficits hurt workers and retired.
Government shrank, spending & deficits went down until Republicans took congress. Now totally exploding again as usual under all Republican control.
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Glanced at my Fidelity account last night. This morning I'm penning a note to Trump asking if he needs the Rose Garden's lawn mowed again?
Silly to use the stock market for political reasons, hope it bonces back to a nice even gain, there are a lot of people depending on there investments to support there retirement.
Increasing Deficits & Inflation is what is hurting workers & retired. It's also pushing up interest rates that is causing the market crash!

Yes indeed, Obama sure proved deficits hurt workers and retired.
Government shrank, spending & deficits went down until Republicans took congress. Completely exploding as usual under all Republican control.

Christ sake, increasing government then shrinking it and increasing spending/deficits then shrinking it....are you really that bright. Let's look at it this way, this month spend $5000 more than last month, then next month spend $2500 less than this month...did you spend less, yes. Did it improve your financial position, absolutely not.
Obama government shrinking after period of rapid growth
Government shrank, spending & deficits went down until Republicans took congress. Completely exploding as usual under all Republican control.

Under Obama deficits shrank whether democrats ran the congress or the republicans. Now that Trump is the head of single party government it's George W. Bush all over again. Bush never vetoed anything the republican congress wanted to spend, no matter how wild or filled with pork or corruption.

You will see Trump similarly unwilling to veto a republican spending bill.
It's not "Trump's stock market", it's our stock market. The hypocrite bi-polar left is happy that their 401k's are making money but on the other hand they are happy when the DOW goes down during the Trump administration. The DOW is still 2,000 points higher than it was during the stagnant Hussein years.

I suggest, if you care to be credible, that you define what years were President Obama's stagnant?

Dow Jones - 10 Year Daily Chart

Open this link and see the graph from 2009 - 2016 and then point out to the viewer which year(s) did you refer as stagnant.
Silly to use the stock market for political reasons, hope it bonces back to a nice even gain, there are a lot of people depending on there investments to support there retirement.
Increasing Deficits & Inflation is what is hurting workers & retired. It's also pushing up interest rates that is causing the market crash!

Yes indeed, Obama sure proved deficits hurt workers and retired.
Government shrank, spending & deficits went down until Republicans took congress. Completely exploding as usual under all Republican control.

Christ sake, increasing government then shrinking it and increasing spending/deficits then shrinking it....are you really that bright. Let's look at it this way, this month spend $5000 more than last month, then next month spend $2500 less than this month...did you spend less, yes. Did it improve your financial position, absolutely not.
Obama government shrinking after period of rapid growth
You are beyond stupid! Bush caused 2 recessions, bailout & stimulus deficit spending explosion.

Obama is the only president to ever shrink government!!!!!
Silly to use the stock market for political reasons, hope it bonces back to a nice even gain, there are a lot of people depending on there investments to support there retirement.
Increasing Deficits & Inflation is what is hurting workers & retired. It's also pushing up interest rates that is causing the market crash!

Yes indeed, Obama sure proved deficits hurt workers and retired.
Government shrank, spending & deficits went down until Republicans took congress. Completely exploding as usual under all Republican control.

Christ sake, increasing government then shrinking it and increasing spending/deficits then shrinking it....are you really that bright. Let's look at it this way, this month spend $5000 more than last month, then next month spend $2500 less than this month...did you spend less, yes. Did it improve your financial position, absolutely not.
Obama government shrinking after period of rapid growth
You are beyond stupid! Bush caused 2 recessions, bailout & stimulus deficit spending explosion.

Obama is the only president to ever shrink government!!!!!

Sure, whatever you say...dumbass.
Silly to use the stock market for political reasons, hope it bonces back to a nice even gain, there are a lot of people depending on there investments to support there retirement.
Increasing Deficits & Inflation is what is hurting workers & retired. It's also pushing up interest rates that is causing the market crash!
It's not really a serious econ issue at present. The stock market is really just a market based on investors' beliefs for the short term future. And of course for those of us with "portfolios" not in the hundreds of thousands, and who imagine ourselves "day traders" it's basically the two dollar tote window our fathers bet on the horses and dogs.

Still, I hope it busts the Oranguton right in the kisser. LOL
Glanced at my Fidelity account last night. This morning I'm penning a note to Trump asking if he needs the Rose Garden's lawn mowed again?

Us too. We'll ride it out and even add to our managed accounts. NOT because Trump had anything to do with the rise and fall, but because the markets have always come back.

There are lots of ideas proffered on why now, and i'll offer mine. Chaos in The District! The chaos has but one father: Donald Trump, aided and abetted by a Congress without competent leadership.
Glanced at my Fidelity account last night. This morning I'm penning a note to Trump asking if he needs the Rose Garden's lawn mowed again?

Us too. We'll ride it out and even add to our managed accounts. NOT because Trump had anything to do with the rise and fall, but because the markets have always come back.

There are lots of ideas proffered on why now, and i'll offer mine. Chaos in The District! The chaos has but one father: Donald Trump, aided and abetted by a Congress without competent leadership.
Depends on one's age. If I was counting on using my money in the next 15 years, I'd have gotten out at 25K
Increasing Deficits & Inflation is what is hurting workers & retired. It's also pushing up interest rates that is causing the market crash!

Yes indeed, Obama sure proved deficits hurt workers and retired.
Government shrank, spending & deficits went down until Republicans took congress. Completely exploding as usual under all Republican control.

Christ sake, increasing government then shrinking it and increasing spending/deficits then shrinking it....are you really that bright. Let's look at it this way, this month spend $5000 more than last month, then next month spend $2500 less than this month...did you spend less, yes. Did it improve your financial position, absolutely not.
Obama government shrinking after period of rapid growth
You are beyond stupid! Bush caused 2 recessions, bailout & stimulus deficit spending explosion.

Obama is the only president to ever shrink government!!!!!

Sure, whatever you say...dumbass.

Idiot-gram ^^^ wrapped in an ad hominem.
Glanced at my Fidelity account last night. This morning I'm penning a note to Trump asking if he needs the Rose Garden's lawn mowed again?

Us too. We'll ride it out and even add to our managed accounts. NOT because Trump had anything to do with the rise and fall, but because the markets have always come back.

There are lots of ideas proffered on why now, and i'll offer mine. Chaos in The District! The chaos has but one father: Donald Trump, aided and abetted by a Congress without competent leadership.

Depends on one's age. If I was counting on using my money in the next 15 years, I'd have gotten out at 25K

Our investments are geared much further out, though I've been retired since '05. We have two sons and two grandchildren and for a number of years we have seen efforts by the Republican Party to take away social safety nets, i.e. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and of course the PPACA.

Beginning with Reagan this effort has led to Trump, Ryan and McConnell, an axis of evil in my opinion, seeking to distribute more and more wealth to the few, and taking from the many. Of course that is not what they say, it is what they have done and what they may do in the future.

["Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"]

No one knows the future, but considering the past, a single party system is unhealthy, and in a democracy the death knell.
Only a Trumpette could see 9% of their wealth wiped out in two weeks, and claim , "This is a GOOD thing"

Who has all their wealth in the stock market? Liberals?

Well, Hadi, when you reach my age, and if you don't have a significant investment portfolio, then you will be, in a word, "fucked".

If the whole portfolio is in the stock market, you're not in a stable position.

As a matter of fact, I knew that Trump was going to lead this country down the road to economic ruin, and I bailed out the the stock market in 12/16. Everything is cash. And when i think that the Trump Effect has run it's course, I am prepared to jump back in in a New York second, probably this afternoon. After this correction, I don't think Trump can do any significant damage to the market.

you are an idiot. an economic idiot. you missed the growth of 2017 because you were pissed that crooked Hillary lost???????? WTF? I will never understand the liberal "mind". You fools shit in your own hat and then blame Trump, amazingly stupid.
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