Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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Or we're heading for a recession because the fed will jack up rates faster, and since the gop cut taxes we have to sell more gummit bonds, and there's no market so we'll have to pay more interest, requiring more gummit bonds, for which there's no market, requiring us to again pay even more interest ....

Ironically the market turn may very well be blamed on the tax cut bill, which may be seen as an inflationary, budget busting stimulus package,

when stimulus wasn't needed.

your ignorance is amazing. You prove it every day.

YOU prove it.

yes, you are correct, I prove your ignorance. your last post is further confirmation of your inane stupidity.

Your say-so has no value whatsoever, so, no, you haven't proven anything.

because that was and is a valid claim. Who do you hold responsible for the market growth from Jan 2017 thru Jan 2018? oh, I know, Obama the Kenyan messiah and savior of the world. I understand who and what you are.
your ignorance is amazing. You prove it every day.

YOU prove it.

yes, you are correct, I prove your ignorance. your last post is further confirmation of your inane stupidity.

Your say-so has no value whatsoever, so, no, you haven't proven anything.

So, let me understand, you want me to prove your stupidity? I need not do that since you do it quite well on your own. Now, go away and crawl back under your rock, the groundhog misses you.

I've inspired my first meltdown of the day. Before 9 o'clock! Just about average.

some days my tolerance for idiots is pretty limited. must be the coffee.
Stock market down another 240 today already?

More of too much winning. Stop. That's enough winning now.

did you miss the previous 365 days? you fools amuse me with you desperate failed attempts to blame Trump for everything.

So you take the position (that seems popular here with your fellow RWnuts)

that Trump gets credit when the market goes up, but someone else gets the blame when the market goes down.

the market goes up and down, its trends that are meaningful, and the upward trend for the last year is significant and, IMHO, the direct result of Trump's pro America policies.

yesterday's drop was around 4%. hardly worth panicking over.

Whose policies were responsible for the 8 years of the stock market rising from 2009 to 2017?

If presidents get credit or blame for everything that happens during their terms then Obama gets credit for that market. He also gets credit for putting more americans in poverty than ever before, more on welfare than ever before, more on food stamps than ever before, adding 10 trillion to the debt, and making the USA the laughing stock of the world.

winger finds this funny. tell us winger, what do you find funny about the truth?
FOR YOU LEFTIES, do you hold Obama personally responsible for every negative day that the DOW had during his 8 years? yes or no.
What if Friday's decline was a precursor to Trump's Black Monday,

as was the Friday decline ahead of Reagan's Black Monday?

ooh, very scary...

We shall see, but I doubt it. But if it all falls apart isn’t only the rich that get hurt, according to the left only the rich benefit when it goes up , so only the rich will be hurt if it goes down and since the left hates the rich, they should be excited that Trump had the market crash. What a win for Trump! You lefties would adore him.
The DJIA is down about 240 point midday Monday and the world is still turning. The correction in the market is too be expected. Whenever the economy is expanding as it has been for a number of years and it gets a big dose of stimulus such as a tax cut, you get a surge in prices following by a retreat as investors begin to worry about an overheated economy, inflation, and fed interest rate increases. This is normal and is nothing to be worried about. In fact, it's a good time for investors that are sitting on sidelines to start moving money into the market conservatively with dollar cost averaging.
Or we're heading for a recession because the fed will jack up rates faster, and since the gop cut taxes we have to sell more gummit bonds, and there's no market so we'll have to pay more interest, requiring more gummit bonds, for which there's no market, requiring us to again pay even more interest ....

Ironically the market turn may very well be blamed on the tax cut bill, which may be seen as an inflationary, budget busting stimulus package,

when stimulus wasn't needed.

your ignorance is amazing. You prove it every day.
Spits the forum moron who called a 50% market collapse, a “correction.”

We shall see, but I doubt it. But if it all falls apart isn’t only the rich that get hurt, according to the left only the rich benefit when it goes up , so only the rich will be hurt if it goes down and since the left hates the rich, they should be excited that Trump had the market crash. What a win for Trump! You lefties would adore him.
The DJIA is down about 240 point midday Monday and the world is still turning. The correction in the market is too be expected. Whenever the economy is expanding as it has been for a number of years and it gets a big dose of stimulus such as a tax cut, you get a surge in prices following by a retreat as investors begin to worry about an overheated economy, inflation, and fed interest rate increases. This is normal and is nothing to be worried about. In fact, it's a good time for investors that are sitting on sidelines to start moving money into the market conservatively with dollar cost averaging.
Or we're heading for a recession because the fed will jack up rates faster, and since the gop cut taxes we have to sell more gummit bonds, and there's no market so we'll have to pay more interest, requiring more gummit bonds, for which there's no market, requiring us to again pay even more interest ....

Ironically the market turn may very well be blamed on the tax cut bill, which may be seen as an inflationary, budget busting stimulus package,

when stimulus wasn't needed.

your ignorance is amazing. You prove it every day.
Spits the forum moron who called a 50% market collapse, a “correction.”


OH, back to the great recession of 2008. Right? LOL, you never give up the bullshit, do you? that was a major correction (but a great time to buy into the market), this one is not likely to do what that one did, but still a good buying opportunity.

the stock market is a betting game. nothing more. presidents do not control it, but they can create an environment that causes it to trend up or down.

trying to turn the market into political rhetoric makes good talking points, but the reality is something else.
The left wingers are thrilled over the damage, and Trump is looking foolish over his previous words.

This is what happens when something as complicated as the stock market gets politicized.

Partisan politics continue to pollute and distort.

Trump is probably out smartest President
Went to Wharton, knows more than the Generals, smart, very smart, smart man, Believe me

If the stock market was going to crash, he should have known about it and done something

who gives you your talking points each morning? Rosie O'donnel or Behar?

Trump is smart. smartest man ever to hold the office

Obama is a freak'n community organizer and he tripled the market
How does a smart man like Trump allow the market to drop 2000 points in a week?

Tell me again how any president controls wall street. A market correction has been overdue for many months/years. It was 4%. Compare that to the market growth since January 2017 and get back to me.

Not many rational people think the President controls or much less has much to do with how the stock market is driven, but a big but here, if you're going to open your uneducated mouth and take credit for all the gains in the market in the past year you better be prepared to take the blame when it corrects. Spout your mouth off then take the lumps.
The DJIA is down about 240 point midday Monday and the world is still turning. The correction in the market is too be expected. Whenever the economy is expanding as it has been for a number of years and it gets a big dose of stimulus such as a tax cut, you get a surge in prices following by a retreat as investors begin to worry about an overheated economy, inflation, and fed interest rate increases. This is normal and is nothing to be worried about. In fact, it's a good time for investors that are sitting on sidelines to start moving money into the market conservatively with dollar cost averaging.
Or we're heading for a recession because the fed will jack up rates faster, and since the gop cut taxes we have to sell more gummit bonds, and there's no market so we'll have to pay more interest, requiring more gummit bonds, for which there's no market, requiring us to again pay even more interest ....

Ironically the market turn may very well be blamed on the tax cut bill, which may be seen as an inflationary, budget busting stimulus package,

when stimulus wasn't needed.

your ignorance is amazing. You prove it every day.
Spits the forum moron who called a 50% market collapse, a “correction.”


OH, back to the great recession of 2008. Right? LOL, you never give up the bullshit, do you? that was a major correction (but a great time to buy into the market), this one is not likely to do what that one did, but still a good buying opportunity.

the stock market is a betting game. nothing more. presidents do not control it, but they can create an environment that causes it to trend up or down.

trying to turn the market into political rhetoric makes good talking points, but the reality is something else.

You have no idea at all how retarded you look calling a 50% collapse, a “correction,” do ya?

The left wingers are thrilled over the damage, and Trump is looking foolish over his previous words.

This is what happens when something as complicated as the stock market gets politicized.

Partisan politics continue to pollute and distort.

Trump is probably out smartest President
Went to Wharton, knows more than the Generals, smart, very smart, smart man, Believe me

If the stock market was going to crash, he should have known about it and done something

who gives you your talking points each morning? Rosie O'donnel or Behar?

Trump is smart. smartest man ever to hold the office

Obama is a freak'n community organizer and he tripled the market
How does a smart man like Trump allow the market to drop 2000 points in a week?

Tell me again how any president controls wall street. A market correction has been overdue for many months/years. It was 4%. Compare that to the market growth since January 2017 and get back to me.

Not many rational people think the President controls or much less has much to do with how the stock market is driven, but a big but here, if you're going to open your uneducated mouth and take credit for all the gains in the market in the past year you better be prepared to take the blame when it corrects. Spout your mouth off then take the lumps.

right, I agree. But we have to take that in context. Look at the market for the entirety of 2017. Its all political rhetoric and for the dems to lie and pretend that they don't do it is ludicrous and disingenuous. That's the only point I am trying to make here, but our friends on the left are obsessed with Trump-hate and the blocks all rational thinking.
Or we're heading for a recession because the fed will jack up rates faster, and since the gop cut taxes we have to sell more gummit bonds, and there's no market so we'll have to pay more interest, requiring more gummit bonds, for which there's no market, requiring us to again pay even more interest ....

Ironically the market turn may very well be blamed on the tax cut bill, which may be seen as an inflationary, budget busting stimulus package,

when stimulus wasn't needed.

your ignorance is amazing. You prove it every day.
Spits the forum moron who called a 50% market collapse, a “correction.”


OH, back to the great recession of 2008. Right? LOL, you never give up the bullshit, do you? that was a major correction (but a great time to buy into the market), this one is not likely to do what that one did, but still a good buying opportunity.

the stock market is a betting game. nothing more. presidents do not control it, but they can create an environment that causes it to trend up or down.

trying to turn the market into political rhetoric makes good talking points, but the reality is something else.

You have no idea at all how retarded you look calling a 50% collapse, a “correction,” do ya?


no more retarded than you calling it a GREAT RECESSION. Nothing but words, fool, just words, and in the meantime my portfolio grows no matter who is president.
The left wingers are thrilled over the damage, and Trump is looking foolish over his previous words.

This is what happens when something as complicated as the stock market gets politicized.

Partisan politics continue to pollute and distort.

Trump is probably out smartest President
Went to Wharton, knows more than the Generals, smart, very smart, smart man, Believe me

If the stock market was going to crash, he should have known about it and done something

who gives you your talking points each morning? Rosie O'donnel or Behar?

Trump is smart. smartest man ever to hold the office

Obama is a freak'n community organizer and he tripled the market
How does a smart man like Trump allow the market to drop 2000 points in a week?

Tell me again how any president controls wall street. A market correction has been overdue for many months/years. It was 4%. Compare that to the market growth since January 2017 and get back to me.
How do I know?
Do I look like I went to Wharton?

Fat Donnie did
Ironically the market turn may very well be blamed on the tax cut bill, which may be seen as an inflationary, budget busting stimulus package,

when stimulus wasn't needed.

your ignorance is amazing. You prove it every day.
Spits the forum moron who called a 50% market collapse, a “correction.”


OH, back to the great recession of 2008. Right? LOL, you never give up the bullshit, do you? that was a major correction (but a great time to buy into the market), this one is not likely to do what that one did, but still a good buying opportunity.

the stock market is a betting game. nothing more. presidents do not control it, but they can create an environment that causes it to trend up or down.

trying to turn the market into political rhetoric makes good talking points, but the reality is something else.

You have no idea at all how retarded you look calling a 50% collapse, a “correction,” do ya?


no more retarded than you calling it a GREAT RECESSION. Nothing but words, fool, just words, and in the meantime my portfolio grows no matter who is president.
Correctly called The Great Bush Recession
The left wingers are thrilled over the damage, and Trump is looking foolish over his previous words.

This is what happens when something as complicated as the stock market gets politicized.

Partisan politics continue to pollute and distort.

Trump is probably out smartest President
Went to Wharton, knows more than the Generals, smart, very smart, smart man, Believe me

If the stock market was going to crash, he should have known about it and done something

who gives you your talking points each morning? Rosie O'donnel or Behar?

Trump is smart. smartest man ever to hold the office

Obama is a freak'n community organizer and he tripled the market
How does a smart man like Trump allow the market to drop 2000 points in a week?

Tell me again how any president controls wall street. A market correction has been overdue for many months/years. It was 4%. Compare that to the market growth since January 2017 and get back to me.
How do I know?
Do I look like I went to Wharton?

Fat Donnie did

You don't know anything except what your left wing handlers put in your empty head. No original thinking, ever. No honest opinions, ever. Nothing but left wing bullshit talking points----------------your credibility = ZERO.
your ignorance is amazing. You prove it every day.
Spits the forum moron who called a 50% market collapse, a “correction.”


OH, back to the great recession of 2008. Right? LOL, you never give up the bullshit, do you? that was a major correction (but a great time to buy into the market), this one is not likely to do what that one did, but still a good buying opportunity.

the stock market is a betting game. nothing more. presidents do not control it, but they can create an environment that causes it to trend up or down.

trying to turn the market into political rhetoric makes good talking points, but the reality is something else.

You have no idea at all how retarded you look calling a 50% collapse, a “correction,” do ya?


no more retarded than you calling it a GREAT RECESSION. Nothing but words, fool, just words, and in the meantime my portfolio grows no matter who is president.
Correctly called The Great Bush Recession

But it happened when Obama was sitting in the whitehouse, so using your "logic" it belongs to him. you lefties are a joke.
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