Trumps strategy now

He should do in all out campaign to expose the most corrupt election in history then leave on Jan 20 and never concede or even meet with Biden Sanders
As long as he leaves, he can say, go and do whatever he wants. I hear they're sprucing up his dacha in the Crimea.
Seems the demoncats are the true puppet of China and Russia
Seems? As usual, charges with no evidence.
Evidence is overwhelming!!’ You have hundreds of affidavits
Then why do lawyers keep quitting the team and why do judges keep dismissing cases?
Not campaign cases.
What are campaign cases? All that really matters is, do the votes count or not. To this point they've backed off fraud charges and present very little in evidence of any irregularities beyond trivial human errors.

So, you expect them to lay out their case before it’s heard by a court? You are dumber than I thought.
He should do in all out campaign to expose the most corrupt election in history then leave on Jan 20 and never concede or even meet with Biden Sanders
As long as he leaves, he can say, go and do whatever he wants. I hear they're sprucing up his dacha in the Crimea.
Seems the demoncats are the true puppet of China and Russia
Seems? As usual, charges with no evidence.
Evidence is overwhelming!!’ You have hundreds of affidavits
Then why do lawyers keep quitting the team and why do judges keep dismissing cases?
Not campaign cases.
What are campaign cases? All that really matters is, do the votes count or not. To this point they've backed off fraud charges and present very little in evidence of any irregularities beyond trivial human errors.
So, you expect them to lay out their case before it’s heard by a court? You are dumber than I thought.
Before it's heard by a court? What do you think has been going on? Trump's team has appeared before court after court encountering dismissal after dismissal. That's what happens when you have no evidence.
He should do in all out campaign to expose the most corrupt election in history then leave on Jan 20 and never concede or even meet with Biden Sanders
As long as he leaves, he can say, go and do whatever he wants. I hear they're sprucing up his dacha in the Crimea.
Seems the demoncats are the true puppet of China and Russia
Seems? As usual, charges with no evidence.
Evidence is overwhelming!!’ You have hundreds of affidavits
Then why do lawyers keep quitting the team and why do judges keep dismissing cases?
Not campaign cases.
What are campaign cases? All that really matters is, do the votes count or not. To this point they've backed off fraud charges and present very little in evidence of any irregularities beyond trivial human errors.
So, you expect them to lay out their case before it’s heard by a court? You are dumber than I thought.
Before it's heard by a court? What do you think has been going on? Trump's team has appeared before court after court encountering dismissal after dismissal. That's what happens when you have no evidence.
Nope...wrong...go educate yourself.
He should do in all out campaign to expose the most corrupt election in history then leave on Jan 20 and never concede or even meet with Biden Sanders

I agree.

1. President Trump should not formally concede (it's not legally necessary).

2. He should leave the Executive Mansion before January 20.

a. Let President-elect Biden & his family move in before January 20.

3. I think that it's a given that he will NOT ride with the in-coming President to the Capitol.

a. I assume that the Biden people have told the Trump people that it would be infelicitous for Mr. Trump to attend the Inauguration, for Biden fans would be outraged & probably rush the steps of the Capitol to seize Mr. Trump.

4. I hope that all Americans who believe in honest elections (even some Democrats) will continue to collect evidence to determine whether or not the election was sufficiently rigged to make Mr. Biden the winner. ("Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence")
He should do in all out campaign to expose the most corrupt election in history then leave on Jan 20 and never concede or even meet with Biden Sanders
If he actually has evidence of massive election fraud / foreign interference he needs to show it all on national TV. He has to win over the American people with that evidence because his 'Don Quixote' routine of charging the courts with the American people not having any idea what he has - IF he has anything - is quickly getting old. He WON in 2016 because of he got the people on-board behind him. Without that now, he's just starting to piss even Conservatives off, making it look like he is just desperately trying to hang on...which is beginning to be the case unless he can prove otherwise.
Its frustrating for sure. I dont believe it to be prudent to show the evidence prior to court, or everything would be jeopardized. On a positive note, I believe there will be a strong court case built, but until then, this exposure of fraud, in time, I believe will weed out more rhinos, and in the end, result in a stronger Republican party - if Trump prevails or not.
Keep the faith. I really believe this exposure is being battled out exactly as it should be.
If there is indeed mass corruption as alleged, then both parties should want it exposed.
This is a dangerous time with our MSM, FBI, etc...being complicit with these circumstances.
He should do in all out campaign to expose the most corrupt election in history then leave on Jan 20 and never concede or even meet with Biden Sanders

I agree.

1. President Trump should not formally concede (it's not legally necessary).

2. He should leave the Executive Mansion before January 20.

a. Let President-elect Biden & his family move in before January 20.

3. I think that it's a given that he will NOT ride with the in-coming President to the Capitol.

a. I assume that the Biden people have told the Trump people that it would be infelicitous for Mr. Trump to attend the Inauguration, for Biden fans would be outraged & probably rush the steps of the Capitol to seize Mr. Trump.

4. I hope that all Americans who believe in honest elections (even some Democrats) will continue to collect evidence to determine whether or not the election was sufficiently rigged to make Mr. Biden the winner. ("Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence")
Absence of evidence does mean he doesn't have a case. Trump's team needs to assemble some before they tick off another judge. They don't like having their time wasted and fines and other penalties are possible, if the unsupported claims become especially egregious.
He should do in all out campaign to expose the most corrupt election in history then leave on Jan 20 and never concede or even meet with Biden Sanders
If he actually has evidence of massive election fraud / foreign interference he needs to show it all on national TV. He has to win over the American people with that evidence because his 'Don Quixote' routine of charging the courts with the American people not having any idea what he has - IF he has anything - is quickly getting old. He WON in 2016 because of he got the people on-board behind him. Without that now, he's just starting to piss even Conservatives off, making it look like he is just desperately trying to hang on...which is beginning to be the case unless he can prove otherwise.

He is, everyone with their eyes open sees it.
He should do in all out campaign to expose the most corrupt election in history then leave on Jan 20 and never concede or even meet with Biden Sanders
As long as he leaves, he can say, go and do whatever he wants. I hear they're sprucing up his dacha in the Crimea.
Seems the demoncats are the true puppet of China and Russia
Seems? As usual, charges with no evidence.
Evidence is overwhelming!!’
You have hundreds of affidavits

No, those are called lies.
He should do in all out campaign to expose the most corrupt election in history then leave on Jan 20 and never concede or even meet with Biden Sanders
As long as he leaves, he can say, go and do whatever he wants. I hear they're sprucing up his dacha in the Crimea.
Seems the demoncats are the true puppet of China and Russia
Seems? As usual, charges with no evidence.
Evidence is overwhelming!!’ You have hundreds of affidavits
Then why do lawyers keep quitting the team and why do judges keep dismissing cases?
Because lawyers are being threaten by leftist thugs like you
These are fake leftist judges
The evidence is overwhelming
There is not enough time to investigate hundreds of witnesses and the Fascist Gov won’t release the names and voting rolls
He should do in all out campaign to expose the most corrupt election in history then leave on Jan 20 and never concede or even meet with Biden Sanders
So far Trump hasn't exposed anything. It all got thrown out of court.
He should NEVER concede to fakery. And he won't. In the meantime...start declassifying shit that has been hidden from us for so long; pardon Gen Flynn amongst other things he could do and should do.
Pardon EVERY SINGLE MOTHERFUCKER in any federal prison for any reason, then leave the WH on fire. (and pardon himself for the arson)

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