Trump's Tax Plan

Trump knows as I do we are in such a deep hole our only hope now is to grow our way out of it hence his tax plan goes all in on growth and jobs. We are well beyond the point where we can just increase taxes on the few at the top and resolve our financial problems.

Trump also knows that virtually every action government takes is anti-growth, that's why our problems have mushroomed. Thousands of new government regulations each year, tax and fee increases at the national, state, and local level. Politicians are concerned with getting re-elected not solving the problems.

Everyone but leftards knows that.
The deficit Bush handed Obama is down by about 700 billion.
I wasn't happy the news story I saw today weren't very specific. Going to the Trump for President site I was glad to see the rates in black-and-white but I'm not all that much more satisfied with these generalities:

The Trump tax cuts are fully paid for by:
Reducing or eliminating deductions and loopholes available to the very rich, starting by steepening the curve of the Personal Exemption Phaseout and the Pease Limitation on itemized deductions. The Trump plan also phases out the tax exemption on life insurance interest for high-income earners, ends the current tax treatment of carried interest for speculative partnerships that do not grow businesses or create jobs and are not risking their own capital, and reduces or eliminates other loopholes for the very rich and special interests. These reductions and eliminations will not harm the economy or hurt the middle class. Because the Trump plan introduces a new business income rate within the personal income tax code, they will not harm small businesses either.
Upon further review, it appears that the Trump tax plan is in fact a huge windfall for the rich. The Club for Growth likes it,

say no more. It's a standard issue GOP budget busting gift to the Rich.
Trump Plan Cuts Taxes for Millions

Under the Trump plan, no federal income tax would be levied against individuals earning less than $25,000 and married couples earning less than $50,000. The Trump campaign estimates that would reduce taxes to zero for 31 million households that currently pay at least some income tax. The highest individual income-tax rate would be 25%, compared with the current 39.6% rate.

To pay for the proposed tax benefits, the Trump plan would eliminate or reduce deductions and loopholes to high-income taxpayers, and would curb some deductions and other breaks for middle-class taxpayers by capping the level of individual deductions, a politically dicey proposition.

I hate it when specifics are not given. What deductions and "loopholes" would be eliminated? This is the most important thing to know about any tax plan in order to determine the total effect on taxpayers and revenues.

Mr. Trump also would end the “carried interest” tax break, which allows many investment-fund managers to pay lower taxes on much of their compensation.

Eliminating the carried interest tax break will probably only bring in an extra two billion dollars a year.

A significant revenue gain would come from a one-time tax on overseas profits that could encourage U.S. multinational corporations to return an estimated $2.1 trillion in cash now sitting offshore, largely to avoid U.S. taxes. His proposal would impose a mandatory 10% tax on all of that money

A one-time gain.

Mr. Trump also would impose an immediate tax on overseas earnings of American corporations; currently, such tax payments can be deferred.

All told, the campaign says the plan would be revenue neutral—neither raising nor lowering federal revenues—by the third year and then begin adding revenue.

On the individual side, Mr. Trump would consolidate the current seven rates to four, of 0%, 10%, 20% and 25%. Those changes alone would exempt all married couples making $50,000 or less from the income tax, as well as singles making $25,000 or less.

The 10% bracket would apply to incomes from $50,000 to $100,000 for a married couple; the current 10% bracket has a ceiling of $18,450. The new 25% top bracket would apply to married couples’ incomes in excess of $300,000, which currently are subject to rates as high as 39.6%. Mr. Trump also would cut the top capital gains rate to 20%, from the current 23.8%. And he would eliminate the alternative minimum tax.

Bring all those high paying manufacturing jobs home so we have a working economy.

Lots of people making $20 hr means lots of tax payers.
Upon further review, it appears that the Trump tax plan is in fact a huge windfall for the rich. The Club for Growth likes it,

say no more. It's a standard issue GOP budget busting gift to the Rich.
If we take all the people out of work and put them to work that's a lot more taxes being paid by people who are currently out of work.

Then consider all the job openings when he runs illegals out. Those companies will be forced to pay American wages and when companies can't find enough workers then we can let some foreigners in. Not before.

Stop defending the establishment.
Upon further review, it appears that the Trump tax plan is in fact a huge windfall for the rich. The Club for Growth likes it,

say no more. It's a standard issue GOP budget busting gift to the Rich.
If we take all the people out of work and put them to work that's a lot more taxes being paid by people who are currently out of work.

Then consider all the job openings when he runs illegals out. Those companies will be forced to pay American wages and when companies can't find enough workers then we can let some foreigners in. Not before.

Stop defending the establishment.

He won't be able to run all the illegals's a pipe dream....! And a 20 to 30 year do so within the law, for so many millions.

Don't let a catchy phrase fool you!

How does this tax plan create jobs, please be specific.
Upon further review, it appears that the Trump tax plan is in fact a huge windfall for the rich. The Club for Growth likes it,

say no more. It's a standard issue GOP budget busting gift to the Rich.
If we take all the people out of work and put them to work that's a lot more taxes being paid by people who are currently out of work.

Then consider all the job openings when he runs illegals out. Those companies will be forced to pay American wages and when companies can't find enough workers then we can let some foreigners in. Not before.

Stop defending the establishment.

He won't be able to run all the illegals's a pipe dream....! And a 20 to 30 year do so within the law, for so many millions.

Don't let a catchy phrase fool you!

How does this tax plan create jobs, please be specific.
If illegal employers stop employing illegals the problem goes away in a month.

Now you want my detailed tax plan? Piss off. What's your detailed plan and who's your candidate.

What do you want to do about illegals that won't take 30 years.

Don't bash my ideas, give me yours.
From what I've heard about the plan; I like it. Good Job Mr. Trump. You still won't get my vote but kudos on a Tax plan that looks like it was given a few minutes of thought.
Not sure how he will tax free trade

He was talking about old school protectionism. Tariffs on countries he doesn't like.

It would result in retaliatory tariffs on American exports.

Because the US has such high exports? Or because other countries don't tax American exports already?
If we raise tariffs on Chinese goods, the Chinese will retaliate by raising tariffs on American goods imported into their country.

The next thing you know, the CEO of General Motors will kick Donald Trump in the balls.

If that is all they did, we could breath a sigh of relief. IF they sell off, oh, a cool trillion worth of T-Bills, we'd have to pay that to them; thus drying up our money supply in about 8.2 seconds. Inflation would skyrocket like an Apollo moon shot.
Upon further review, it appears that the Trump tax plan is in fact a huge windfall for the rich. The Club for Growth likes it,

say no more. It's a standard issue GOP budget busting gift to the Rich.
If we take all the people out of work and put them to work that's a lot more taxes being paid by people who are currently out of work.

Then consider all the job openings when he runs illegals out. Those companies will be forced to pay American wages and when companies can't find enough workers then we can let some foreigners in. Not before.

Stop defending the establishment.

He won't be able to run all the illegals's a pipe dream....! And a 20 to 30 year do so within the law, for so many millions.

Don't let a catchy phrase fool you!

How does this tax plan create jobs, please be specific.
If illegal employers stop employing illegals the problem goes away in a month.

Now you want my detailed tax plan? Piss off. What's your detailed plan and who's your candidate.

What do you want to do about illegals that won't take 30 years.

Don't bash my ideas, give me yours.

I'm not bashing your plans (I don't know what they are)--I just saw this post. But here is something I would like to ask you since you seem to think that if employers stop hiring illegals, they will somehow decide that they are going to either become citizens or leave the country.

A lot of these same employers are the ones who have ads in the paper right now for people with college degrees. There are something like 5.8 million open jobs in the US. Despite of this; less than half of HS kids go anywhere near a college:

It is true that college degrees do not translate into the jobs that are open but lack of education is the #1 barrier as reported to the BLS.

Anyway; my question is this....

If the open jobs are not sending Americans to college in droves...why do you think the lack of jobs will force undocumented persons to leave?
Upon further review, it appears that the Trump tax plan is in fact a huge windfall for the rich. The Club for Growth likes it,

say no more. It's a standard issue GOP budget busting gift to the Rich.
If we take all the people out of work and put them to work that's a lot more taxes being paid by people who are currently out of work.

Then consider all the job openings when he runs illegals out. Those companies will be forced to pay American wages and when companies can't find enough workers then we can let some foreigners in. Not before.

Stop defending the establishment.

He won't be able to run all the illegals's a pipe dream....! And a 20 to 30 year do so within the law, for so many millions.

Don't let a catchy phrase fool you!

How does this tax plan create jobs, please be specific.
If illegal employers stop employing illegals the problem goes away in a month.

Now you want my detailed tax plan? Piss off. What's your detailed plan and who's your candidate.

What do you want to do about illegals that won't take 30 years.

Don't bash my ideas, give me yours.

I'm not bashing your plans (I don't know what they are)--I just saw this post. But here is something I would like to ask you since you seem to think that if employers stop hiring illegals, they will somehow decide that they are going to either become citizens or leave the country.

A lot of these same employers are the ones who have ads in the paper right now for people with college degrees. There are something like 5.8 million open jobs in the US. Despite of this; less than half of HS kids go anywhere near a college:

It is true that college degrees do not translate into the jobs that are open but lack of education is the #1 barrier as reported to the BLS.

Anyway; my question is this....

If the open jobs are not sending Americans to college in droves...why do you think the lack of jobs will force undocumented persons to leave?
Why do undocumented workers stay? Because they have jobs.

Oh and by the way, a lot of those people not going to college to get those degrees would never be able to graduate. I myself barely got through college.

But if illegal workers leave, just like when Tyson chicken was raided in the 90's for hiring illegals, the next day those same Americans will show up to apply for those jobs.
Upon further review, it appears that the Trump tax plan is in fact a huge windfall for the rich. The Club for Growth likes it,

say no more. It's a standard issue GOP budget busting gift to the Rich.
If we take all the people out of work and put them to work that's a lot more taxes being paid by people who are currently out of work.

Then consider all the job openings when he runs illegals out. Those companies will be forced to pay American wages and when companies can't find enough workers then we can let some foreigners in. Not before.

Stop defending the establishment.

He won't be able to run all the illegals's a pipe dream....! And a 20 to 30 year do so within the law, for so many millions.

Don't let a catchy phrase fool you!

How does this tax plan create jobs, please be specific.
If illegal employers stop employing illegals the problem goes away in a month.

Now you want my detailed tax plan? Piss off. What's your detailed plan and who's your candidate.

What do you want to do about illegals that won't take 30 years.

Don't bash my ideas, give me yours.

I'm not bashing your plans (I don't know what they are)--I just saw this post. But here is something I would like to ask you since you seem to think that if employers stop hiring illegals, they will somehow decide that they are going to either become citizens or leave the country.

A lot of these same employers are the ones who have ads in the paper right now for people with college degrees. There are something like 5.8 million open jobs in the US. Despite of this; less than half of HS kids go anywhere near a college:

It is true that college degrees do not translate into the jobs that are open but lack of education is the #1 barrier as reported to the BLS.

Anyway; my question is this....

If the open jobs are not sending Americans to college in droves...why do you think the lack of jobs will force undocumented persons to leave?
Two entirely different questions that have nothing to do with each other.

Why don't unintelligent people just go become engineers?

Has nothing to do with why illegals stay. What's your point? Is it that there's nothing we can do to get rid of illegals? Then vote GOP or hillary. If you want status quo don't vote trump. At least he says he will try. When your congressman obstructs him, vote them out.
Not sure how he will tax free trade

He was talking about old school protectionism. Tariffs on countries he doesn't like.

It would result in retaliatory tariffs on American exports.

Because the US has such high exports? Or because other countries don't tax American exports already?
If we raise tariffs on Chinese goods, the Chinese will retaliate by raising tariffs on American goods imported into their country.

The next thing you know, the CEO of General Motors will kick Donald Trump in the balls.

If that is all they did, we could breath a sigh of relief. IF they sell off, oh, a cool trillion worth of T-Bills, we'd have to pay that to them; thus drying up our money supply in about 8.2 seconds. Inflation would skyrocket like an Apollo moon shot.

Erm, what? Do you even know what a T-bill is? They are short term instruments with a maximum maturation period of 6 months. So yeah.....what you're saying is bullshit.
Upon further review, it appears that the Trump tax plan is in fact a huge windfall for the rich. The Club for Growth likes it,

say no more. It's a standard issue GOP budget busting gift to the Rich.
If we take all the people out of work and put them to work that's a lot more taxes being paid by people who are currently out of work.

Then consider all the job openings when he runs illegals out. Those companies will be forced to pay American wages and when companies can't find enough workers then we can let some foreigners in. Not before.

Stop defending the establishment.

He won't be able to run all the illegals's a pipe dream....! And a 20 to 30 year do so within the law, for so many millions.

Don't let a catchy phrase fool you!

How does this tax plan create jobs, please be specific.
If illegal employers stop employing illegals the problem goes away in a month.

Now you want my detailed tax plan? Piss off. What's your detailed plan and who's your candidate.

What do you want to do about illegals that won't take 30 years.

Don't bash my ideas, give me yours.

I'm not bashing your plans (I don't know what they are)--I just saw this post. But here is something I would like to ask you since you seem to think that if employers stop hiring illegals, they will somehow decide that they are going to either become citizens or leave the country.

A lot of these same employers are the ones who have ads in the paper right now for people with college degrees. There are something like 5.8 million open jobs in the US. Despite of this; less than half of HS kids go anywhere near a college:

It is true that college degrees do not translate into the jobs that are open but lack of education is the #1 barrier as reported to the BLS.

Anyway; my question is this....

If the open jobs are not sending Americans to college in droves...why do you think the lack of jobs will force undocumented persons to leave?
Why do undocumented workers stay? Because they have jobs.

Oh and by the way, a lot of those people not going to college to get those degrees would never be able to graduate. I myself barely got through college.

But if illegal workers leave, just like when Tyson chicken was raided in the 90's for hiring illegals, the next day those same Americans will show up to apply for those jobs.

That is not the lone reason illegals stay. Thanks for the response

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