Trump's Tax Plan

Not sure how he will tax free trade

He was talking about old school protectionism. Tariffs on countries he doesn't like.

It would result in retaliatory tariffs on American exports.

Because the US has such high exports? Or because other countries don't tax American exports already?
If we raise tariffs on Chinese goods, the Chinese will retaliate by raising tariffs on American goods imported into their country.

The next thing you know, the CEO of General Motors will kick Donald Trump in the balls.

If that is all they did, we could breath a sigh of relief. IF they sell off, oh, a cool trillion worth of T-Bills, we'd have to pay that to them; thus drying up our money supply in about 8.2 seconds. Inflation would skyrocket like an Apollo moon shot.
You're big on telling us why we can't solve our problems. What would you do?
If that is all they did, we could breath a sigh of relief. IF they sell off, oh, a cool trillion worth of T-Bills, we'd have to pay that to them; thus drying up our money supply in about 8.2 seconds. Inflation would skyrocket like an Apollo moon shot.

If only you knew how ignorant is what you just said.

Government bonds and bills have mature date and they can't force us to pay them until they expire. Just like banks can't force you to pay your 30 year mortgage today or tomorrow. Until mature date, they can sit and collect the interest, just as banks do with your mortgage, and if they don't like it, they can sell to someone else.
If we take all the people out of work and put them to work that's a lot more taxes being paid by people who are currently out of work.

Then consider all the job openings when he runs illegals out. Those companies will be forced to pay American wages and when companies can't find enough workers then we can let some foreigners in. Not before.

Stop defending the establishment.

He won't be able to run all the illegals's a pipe dream....! And a 20 to 30 year do so within the law, for so many millions.

Don't let a catchy phrase fool you!

How does this tax plan create jobs, please be specific.
If illegal employers stop employing illegals the problem goes away in a month.

Now you want my detailed tax plan? Piss off. What's your detailed plan and who's your candidate.

What do you want to do about illegals that won't take 30 years.

Don't bash my ideas, give me yours.

I'm not bashing your plans (I don't know what they are)--I just saw this post. But here is something I would like to ask you since you seem to think that if employers stop hiring illegals, they will somehow decide that they are going to either become citizens or leave the country.

A lot of these same employers are the ones who have ads in the paper right now for people with college degrees. There are something like 5.8 million open jobs in the US. Despite of this; less than half of HS kids go anywhere near a college:

It is true that college degrees do not translate into the jobs that are open but lack of education is the #1 barrier as reported to the BLS.

Anyway; my question is this....

If the open jobs are not sending Americans to college in droves...why do you think the lack of jobs will force undocumented persons to leave?
Why do undocumented workers stay? Because they have jobs.

Oh and by the way, a lot of those people not going to college to get those degrees would never be able to graduate. I myself barely got through college.

But if illegal workers leave, just like when Tyson chicken was raided in the 90's for hiring illegals, the next day those same Americans will show up to apply for those jobs.

That is not the lone reason illegals stay. Thanks for the response
It is the main reason why most of them are here.

What are the other reasons? Welfare? Then don't give it to them. Instead give them a bus ticket.
Not sure how he will tax free trade

He was talking about old school protectionism. Tariffs on countries he doesn't like.

It would result in retaliatory tariffs on American exports.

Because the US has such high exports? Or because other countries don't tax American exports already?
If we raise tariffs on Chinese goods, the Chinese will retaliate by raising tariffs on American goods imported into their country.

The next thing you know, the CEO of General Motors will kick Donald Trump in the balls.

If that is all they did, we could breath a sigh of relief. IF they sell off, oh, a cool trillion worth of T-Bills, we'd have to pay that to them; thus drying up our money supply in about 8.2 seconds. Inflation would skyrocket like an Apollo moon shot.

Erm, what? Do you even know what a T-bill is? They are short term instruments with a maximum maturation period of 6 months. So yeah.....what you're saying is bullshit.

My bad.

Treasury instruments:

"The largest portion of U.S. debt, 68 cents for every dollar or about $10 trillion, is owned by individual investors, corporations, state and local governments and, yes, even foreign governments such as China that hold Treasury bills, notes and bonds."

which they could sell soon after Trump raises tariffs
He won't be able to run all the illegals's a pipe dream....! And a 20 to 30 year do so within the law, for so many millions.

Don't let a catchy phrase fool you!

How does this tax plan create jobs, please be specific.
If illegal employers stop employing illegals the problem goes away in a month.

Now you want my detailed tax plan? Piss off. What's your detailed plan and who's your candidate.

What do you want to do about illegals that won't take 30 years.

Don't bash my ideas, give me yours.

I'm not bashing your plans (I don't know what they are)--I just saw this post. But here is something I would like to ask you since you seem to think that if employers stop hiring illegals, they will somehow decide that they are going to either become citizens or leave the country.

A lot of these same employers are the ones who have ads in the paper right now for people with college degrees. There are something like 5.8 million open jobs in the US. Despite of this; less than half of HS kids go anywhere near a college:

It is true that college degrees do not translate into the jobs that are open but lack of education is the #1 barrier as reported to the BLS.

Anyway; my question is this....

If the open jobs are not sending Americans to college in droves...why do you think the lack of jobs will force undocumented persons to leave?
Why do undocumented workers stay? Because they have jobs.

Oh and by the way, a lot of those people not going to college to get those degrees would never be able to graduate. I myself barely got through college.

But if illegal workers leave, just like when Tyson chicken was raided in the 90's for hiring illegals, the next day those same Americans will show up to apply for those jobs.

That is not the lone reason illegals stay. Thanks for the response
It is the main reason why most of them are here.

What are the other reasons? Welfare? Then don't give it to them. Instead give them a bus ticket.

Maybe. They live with relatives. They work as handymen, maids, nannies, etc.,,. Bus ticket?
Not sure how he will tax free trade

He was talking about old school protectionism. Tariffs on countries he doesn't like.

It would result in retaliatory tariffs on American exports.

Because the US has such high exports? Or because other countries don't tax American exports already?
If we raise tariffs on Chinese goods, the Chinese will retaliate by raising tariffs on American goods imported into their country.

The next thing you know, the CEO of General Motors will kick Donald Trump in the balls.

If that is all they did, we could breath a sigh of relief. IF they sell off, oh, a cool trillion worth of T-Bills, we'd have to pay that to them; thus drying up our money supply in about 8.2 seconds. Inflation would skyrocket like an Apollo moon shot.

Erm, what? Do you even know what a T-bill is? They are short term instruments with a maximum maturation period of 6 months. So yeah.....what you're saying is bullshit.

She's trying. :D
He was talking about old school protectionism. Tariffs on countries he doesn't like.

It would result in retaliatory tariffs on American exports.

Because the US has such high exports? Or because other countries don't tax American exports already?
If we raise tariffs on Chinese goods, the Chinese will retaliate by raising tariffs on American goods imported into their country.

The next thing you know, the CEO of General Motors will kick Donald Trump in the balls.

If that is all they did, we could breath a sigh of relief. IF they sell off, oh, a cool trillion worth of T-Bills, we'd have to pay that to them; thus drying up our money supply in about 8.2 seconds. Inflation would skyrocket like an Apollo moon shot.

Erm, what? Do you even know what a T-bill is? They are short term instruments with a maximum maturation period of 6 months. So yeah.....what you're saying is bullshit.

My bad.

Treasury instruments:

"The largest portion of U.S. debt, 68 cents for every dollar or about $10 trillion, is owned by individual investors, corporations, state and local governments and, yes, even foreign governments such as China that hold Treasury bills, notes and bonds."

which they could sell soon after Trump raises tariffs
Yes it's true. Breaking bad agreements could cause some pain. If you don't pay a loanshark they might break your legs.

What should we do then?
If that is all they did, we could breath a sigh of relief. IF they sell off, oh, a cool trillion worth of T-Bills, we'd have to pay that to them; thus drying up our money supply in about 8.2 seconds. Inflation would skyrocket like an Apollo moon shot.

If only you knew how ignorant is what you just said.

Government bonds and bills have mature date and they can't force us to pay them until they expire. Just like banks can't force you to pay your 30 year mortgage today or tomorrow. Until mature date, they can sit and collect the interest, just as banks do with your mortgage, and if they don't like it, they can sell to someone else.

I'm sure they bought all trillion dollars yesterday....
My bad.

Treasury instruments:

"The largest portion of U.S. debt, 68 cents for every dollar or about $10 trillion, is owned by individual investors, corporations, state and local governments and, yes, even foreign governments such as China that hold Treasury bills, notes and bonds."


which they could sell soon after Trump raises tariffs


You should stick to trick-or-treating and leave the hard stuff to the grownups.
If that is all they did, we could breath a sigh of relief. IF they sell off, oh, a cool trillion worth of T-Bills, we'd have to pay that to them; thus drying up our money supply in about 8.2 seconds. Inflation would skyrocket like an Apollo moon shot.

If only you knew how ignorant is what you just said.

Government bonds and bills have mature date and they can't force us to pay them until they expire. Just like banks can't force you to pay your 30 year mortgage today or tomorrow. Until mature date, they can sit and collect the interest, just as banks do with your mortgage, and if they don't like it, they can sell to someone else.

I'm sure they bought all trillion dollars yesterday....

Last week actually.

This is not latest document, but it's still relevant.

China Holdings of US Securities
If illegal employers stop employing illegals the problem goes away in a month.

Now you want my detailed tax plan? Piss off. What's your detailed plan and who's your candidate.

What do you want to do about illegals that won't take 30 years.

Don't bash my ideas, give me yours.

I'm not bashing your plans (I don't know what they are)--I just saw this post. But here is something I would like to ask you since you seem to think that if employers stop hiring illegals, they will somehow decide that they are going to either become citizens or leave the country.

A lot of these same employers are the ones who have ads in the paper right now for people with college degrees. There are something like 5.8 million open jobs in the US. Despite of this; less than half of HS kids go anywhere near a college:

It is true that college degrees do not translate into the jobs that are open but lack of education is the #1 barrier as reported to the BLS.

Anyway; my question is this....

If the open jobs are not sending Americans to college in droves...why do you think the lack of jobs will force undocumented persons to leave?
Why do undocumented workers stay? Because they have jobs.

Oh and by the way, a lot of those people not going to college to get those degrees would never be able to graduate. I myself barely got through college.

But if illegal workers leave, just like when Tyson chicken was raided in the 90's for hiring illegals, the next day those same Americans will show up to apply for those jobs.

That is not the lone reason illegals stay. Thanks for the response
It is the main reason why most of them are here.

What are the other reasons? Welfare? Then don't give it to them. Instead give them a bus ticket.

Maybe. They live with relatives. They work as handymen, maids, nannies, etc.,,. Bus ticket?
Like I said, they come here to work.

We wouldn't mind so much if it was on a small scale but its not. Sure there will always be some illegals in America but 10 million? So we are basically ignoring all the factories hotels construction crews and airports who are outsourcing to 3rd party companies that knowingly hire illegals.

We may have to be politically incorrect and racially profile for a bit. In ww2 we put japs in camps we can assume someone who can't speak English is here illegally.

I could go to the laundry mat and find 10 illegals right now.
Upon further review, it appears that the Trump tax plan is in fact a huge windfall for the rich. The Club for Growth likes it,

say no more. It's a standard issue GOP budget busting gift to the Rich.
If we take all the people out of work and put them to work that's a lot more taxes being paid by people who are currently out of work.

Then consider all the job openings when he runs illegals out. Those companies will be forced to pay American wages and when companies can't find enough workers then we can let some foreigners in. Not before.

Stop defending the establishment.

He won't be able to run all the illegals's a pipe dream....! And a 20 to 30 year do so within the law, for so many millions.

Don't let a catchy phrase fool you!

How does this tax plan create jobs, please be specific.
If illegal employers stop employing illegals the problem goes away in a month.

Now you want my detailed tax plan? Piss off. What's your detailed plan and who's your candidate.

What do you want to do about illegals that won't take 30 years.

Don't bash my ideas, give me yours.
You are talking about two separate things, right?

1 is to remove immigrants that are illegal by forcing millions of employers not to hire them...right?
How do you enforce these employers? It's already illegal and against the law??? JAIL? Multi million dollar fine per illegal?

By law and the constitution, gvt has to prove they are an illegal, before deportation, which is a legal process in the courts that takes time and money, that we don't have in the present budget.

And if we prosecute the employer, we first need to have a court ruling on the illegal, actually being an illegal before we can penalize the employer.

In addition to this, Americans in these low paying positions will not add to the tax base, low income Americans do not pay income taxes.

2. You are discussing Trumps tax plan that you errantly believe bucks the establishment.....

First, it's the same ole same ole republican plan...created by career politicos for him. I'D LIKE you to tell me what is in this old and tired regurgitated tax plan that is going to create jobs....can you answer that....?

It's revenue neutral.....this means all it does is shift the tax burden off of some and on to others....who ends up paying more and who ends up paying less? Has this been shown? Is this Shift in taxes from one shoulder on to another's shoulder helpful for the Nation or for just the few?

What I would do, is raise tax revenues, as Bill confidence to the consumer and businessmen, that congress is going to finally address the deficit budgets and debt....AS IT DID when Bill Clinton passed his 1993 tax hike on the very top taxable quintile....

Continue pushing legislation that educates our future workers and job creation bills that bring back some good paying jobs.

Then I would begin cutting spending, concentrating on waste and duplicate programs...

2 out of 3 won't cut it, to get us out of this slump and financial distress we are in....we need all 3.

More tax revenues, reduce spending, good economy that creates taxable jobs....good paying jobs. Then we can cut taxes on everyone.
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Trump knows as I do we are in such a deep hole our only hope now is to grow our way out of it hence his tax plan goes all in on growth and jobs. We are well beyond the point where we can just increase taxes on the few at the top and resolve our financial problems.

Trump also knows that virtually every action government takes is anti-growth, that's why our problems have mushroomed. Thousands of new government regulations each year, tax and fee increases at the national, state, and local level. Politicians are concerned with getting re-elected not solving the problems.

Everyone but leftards knows that.

You have got it almost exactly backward......

There are way too many "pro-growth" programs in government...... tax breaks for this, tax breaks for that......
low interest small business loans

handouts for "job creation" , and at the state and local level too.... subsidized small business "incubators", TIF districts etc etc. "creating jobs" is the excuse for tons upon tons of government waste, fraud and corruption.

I had High hopes for Trumps tax plan...the way he was talking he had it about right.......but now he comes out with a clone of Bushes plan basically......more of the same idiocy we've been doing for years. (except for eliminating the carried interest deduction, which is a good thing)

This makes me think Trump is just a shill for the establishment, the clintons or/and the bushies
Upon further review, it appears that the Trump tax plan is in fact a huge windfall for the rich. The Club for Growth likes it,

say no more. It's a standard issue GOP budget busting gift to the Rich.
If we take all the people out of work and put them to work that's a lot more taxes being paid by people who are currently out of work.

Then consider all the job openings when he runs illegals out. Those companies will be forced to pay American wages and when companies can't find enough workers then we can let some foreigners in. Not before.

Stop defending the establishment.

Trumps rhetoric on foreign trade is good, but if his real ideas are like the mismatch between his tax plan rhetoric and his written tax aint much good.
Because the US has such high exports? Or because other countries don't tax American exports already?
If we raise tariffs on Chinese goods, the Chinese will retaliate by raising tariffs on American goods imported into their country.

The next thing you know, the CEO of General Motors will kick Donald Trump in the balls.

If that is all they did, we could breath a sigh of relief. IF they sell off, oh, a cool trillion worth of T-Bills, we'd have to pay that to them; thus drying up our money supply in about 8.2 seconds. Inflation would skyrocket like an Apollo moon shot.

Erm, what? Do you even know what a T-bill is? They are short term instruments with a maximum maturation period of 6 months. So yeah.....what you're saying is bullshit.

My bad.

Treasury instruments:

"The largest portion of U.S. debt, 68 cents for every dollar or about $10 trillion, is owned by individual investors, corporations, state and local governments and, yes, even foreign governments such as China that hold Treasury bills, notes and bonds."

which they could sell soon after Trump raises tariffs
Yes it's true. Breaking bad agreements could cause some pain. If you don't pay a loanshark they might break your legs.

What should we do then?

I'm in favor of first building the wall as a national security measure. Secondly, when it is built, you issue a nationwide ID card that allows you to buy utilities, get a PO box, credit, etc.... You issue these to any and all who apply and pass an exhaustive background check. This itself will take years. Finally, as a third step, you get rid of sanctuary cities and other havens. they are by definition illegal.
Upon further review, it appears that the Trump tax plan is in fact a huge windfall for the rich. The Club for Growth likes it,

say no more. It's a standard issue GOP budget busting gift to the Rich.
If we take all the people out of work and put them to work that's a lot more taxes being paid by people who are currently out of work.

Then consider all the job openings when he runs illegals out. Those companies will be forced to pay American wages and when companies can't find enough workers then we can let some foreigners in. Not before.

Stop defending the establishment.

Trumps rhetoric on foreign trade is good, but if his real ideas are like the mismatch between his tax plan rhetoric and his written tax aint much good.

Trump just cuts and pastes random issues onto his agenda where he thinks there's some popular support to latch onto.
Upon further review, it appears that the Trump tax plan is in fact a huge windfall for the rich. The Club for Growth likes it,

say no more. It's a standard issue GOP budget busting gift to the Rich.
If we take all the people out of work and put them to work that's a lot more taxes being paid by people who are currently out of work.

Then consider all the job openings when he runs illegals out. Those companies will be forced to pay American wages and when companies can't find enough workers then we can let some foreigners in. Not before.

Stop defending the establishment.

He won't be able to run all the illegals's a pipe dream....! And a 20 to 30 year do so within the law, for so many millions.

Don't let a catchy phrase fool you!

How does this tax plan create jobs, please be specific.
If illegal employers stop employing illegals the problem goes away in a month.

Now you want my detailed tax plan? Piss off. What's your detailed plan and who's your candidate.

What do you want to do about illegals that won't take 30 years.

Don't bash my ideas, give me yours.
You are talking about two separate things, right?

1 is to remove immigrants that are illegal by forcing millions of employers not to hire them...right?
How do you enforce these employers? It's already illegal and against the law??? JAIL? Multi million dollar fine per illegal?

By law and the constitution, gvt has to prove they are an illegal, before deportation, which is a legal process in the courts that takes time and money, that we don't have in the present budget.

And if we prosecute the employer, we first need to have a court ruling on the illegal, actually being an illegal before we can penalize the employer.

In addition to this, Americans in these low paying positions will not add to the tax base, low income Americans do not pay income taxes.

2. You are discussing Trumps tax plan that you errantly believe bucks the establishment.....

First, it's the same ole same ole republican plan...created by career politicos for him. I'D LIKE you to tell me what is in this old and tired regurgitated tax plan that is going to create jobs....can you answer that....?

It's revenue neutral.....this means all it does is shift the tax burden off of some and on to others....who ends up paying more and who ends up paying less? Has this been shown? Is this Shift in taxes from one shoulder on to another's shoulder helpful for the Nation or for just the few?

What I would do, is raise tax revenues, as Bill confidence to the consumer and businessmen, that congress is going to finally address the deficit budgets and debt....AS IT DID when Bill Clinton passed his 1993 tax hike on the very top taxable quintile....

Continue pushing legislation that educates our future workers and job creation bills that bring back some good paying jobs.

Then I would begin cutting spending, concentrating on waste and duplicate programs...

2 out of 3 won't cut it, to get us out of this slump and financial distress we are in....we need all 3.

More tax revenues, reduce spending, good economy that creates taxable jobs....good paying jobs. Then we can cut taxes on everyone.
Let me answer your first point. Yes. You go after illegal employers like we did before bush stopped. If I were at a computer I'd show you this problem started on purpose during Reagan and picked up steam under Gw.

Add to that the GOP crafted NAFTA?

Trumps the only one making sense.
Upon further review, it appears that the Trump tax plan is in fact a huge windfall for the rich. The Club for Growth likes it,

say no more. It's a standard issue GOP budget busting gift to the Rich.
If we take all the people out of work and put them to work that's a lot more taxes being paid by people who are currently out of work.

Then consider all the job openings when he runs illegals out. Those companies will be forced to pay American wages and when companies can't find enough workers then we can let some foreigners in. Not before.

Stop defending the establishment.

Trumps rhetoric on foreign trade is good, but if his real ideas are like the mismatch between his tax plan rhetoric and his written tax aint much good.

Trump just cuts and pastes random issues onto his agenda where he thinks there's some popular support to latch onto.
You mean he addresses the stuff that really matters?

You want him to go huckabee or carson and talk about God gays and racism?

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