Trumps tax returns, still waiting and waiting and waiting!

The Blamer's college transcripts.
Still waiting and waiting.
Crooked Hillary's wall street speeches.
Still waiting and waiting.....

I'd like to hear what Trumps deals are like on the golf course. I'd like to see Trumps college papers.
Not really , just his tax returns.

The system is so rigged against this man born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Sorrry. You don't get to see 'em.
How does that taste?
The Blamer's college transcripts.
Still waiting and waiting.
Crooked Hillary's wall street speeches.
Still waiting and waiting.....
Presidents do not release college transcripts. Never has happened. George W. Bush DID NOT release his. Someone got a hold of them and released them: it wasn't Bush, and if they had not been stolen, essentially, we would never have seen them. No presidential candidate has ever 'released' college transcripts: it just isn't done. Get up to speed.
The Blamer's college transcripts.
Still waiting and waiting.
Crooked Hillary's wall street speeches.
Still waiting and waiting.....
Presidents do not release college transcripts. Never has happened. George W. Bush DID NOT release his. Someone got a hold of them and released them: it wasn't Bush, and if they had not been stolen, essentially, we would never have seen them. No presidential candidate has ever 'released' college transcripts: it just isn't done. Get up to speed.
How about if they show him as a foreign exchange student?
But that doesn't matter to the human libstains.
The Blamer's college transcripts.
Still waiting and waiting.
Crooked Hillary's wall street speeches.
Still waiting and waiting.....
Presidents do not release college transcripts. Never has happened. George W. Bush DID NOT release his. Someone got a hold of them and released them: it wasn't Bush, and if they had not been stolen, essentially, we would never have seen them. No presidential candidate has ever 'released' college transcripts: it just isn't done. Get up to speed.
How about if they show him as a foreign exchange student?
But that doesn't matter to the human libstains.
Anyone who uses the term 'libstains' is a childish, simple minded thinker.
The Blamer's college transcripts.
Still waiting and waiting.
Crooked Hillary's wall street speeches.
Still waiting and waiting.....
Presidents do not release college transcripts. Never has happened. George W. Bush DID NOT release his. Someone got a hold of them and released them: it wasn't Bush, and if they had not been stolen, essentially, we would never have seen them. No presidential candidate has ever 'released' college transcripts: it just isn't done. Get up to speed.
How about if they show him as a foreign exchange student?
But that doesn't matter to the human libstains.
Anyone who uses the term 'libstains' is a childish, simple minded thinker.
Says the libstain.....:lol:
The Blamer's college transcripts.
Still waiting and waiting.
Crooked Hillary's wall street speeches.
Still waiting and waiting.....
Presidents do not release college transcripts. Never has happened. George W. Bush DID NOT release his. Someone got a hold of them and released them: it wasn't Bush, and if they had not been stolen, essentially, we would never have seen them. No presidential candidate has ever 'released' college transcripts: it just isn't done. Get up to speed.
How about if they show him as a foreign exchange student?
But that doesn't matter to the human libstains.
Anyone who uses the term 'libstains' is a childish, simple minded thinker.
Appropriate. But unrefined.
I know.
Now, go take a long walk on a short plank.
I bet he pays no taxes, or very little. He is hiding something and probably many things. Cant trust the man.
Who gives a shit, financial matters are a personal thing.... None of the federal government business
Anyone who denies global warming is not very bright, yet uses it as an excuse to build a retaining wall in Ireland, and his doing away with the ACA is also a dumb thing to do,
I could go on, I just want everyone to know what a "loser' he is.
Man-made global warming is a myth, it's just a way to control people that disagree with you. The Obamacare is legalized extortion nothing more.
Well hell dummy! 50% of the citizens pay zero federal taxes. You pissed at them too?

No since the elites took their jobs away, and many of them are elderly and or disabled.
Trumps tax returns, still waiting and waiting and waiting!

Hold your breath, that'll make him release them sooner.
If it were the Democratic candidate refusing to release tax returns, you folks would be having a monumental hissy fit...over and over and over and over again ad infinitum.

Nah, I know Hillary is a criminal, I didn't need to see her tax returns to know that.
That is not the point. You're deflecting. Just like Trump, you are refusing to address the real point.

Every presidential and vice presidential candidate releases his/her tax returns. EVERYONE. That Trump is refusing to do so means he is hiding something. You people ignore it as if it isn't an issue, but it is, AND if a Democratic candidate were the only one not releasing tax returns, you'd be screaming your heads off day in andn day out. You are pathetic losers and hypocrites.

That Trump is refusing to do so means he is hiding something.

What could he be hiding that would be revealed in his tax returns?

AND if a Democratic candidate were the only one not releasing tax returns, you'd be screaming your heads off

Nah. Nothing useful in tax returns.
Hillary doesn't declare her bribes on her returns, so I don't care if she releases them.
I don't recall Republicans ever belle ring for tax returns! I don't recall any Republican Senator lying on the floor of the Senate claiming a Democrat candidate has
not paid his taxes. What the fuck is it with ewe people?
Another day passes and still Bad Penney can't figure out how to post a .pdf file of his/her/its own tax forms.

Maybe I can arrange some classes - the tuition fee might be deductible as education if you're a paid blogger.

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