Trumps taxes, and why I don't give a damn

Which part? Because Congress can, indeed, release Trump's tax returns. Trump is know to have relationships with known mobsters, including just a few months ago when one attended his New Year's party. And if you don't know about Trump's foreign enterprises, then you're just fucking hopeless.
No I'm just not a fucking blind partisan like you who can't accept the fact your chosen one lost because she was a lousy candidate with no message. We don't elect the President by the popular vote before you bring that up again.
Since you didn't address any of my points, I'm assuming you've decided to stop blindly shilling for Trump and at least somewhat agree that he should release his tax returns, as every President in recent memory has done every single year of their Presidency.
Try posting something from an actual news source to backup your claims something thus far you have yet to do. Those Presidents like Trump were under no legal obligation to do so I didn't care about there taxes I don't care about Trumps and I won't care about the next Presidents.
Then you and Trump should not complain about 10's of millions of Americans suspecting that he is hiding something evil in those returns. We'll have to wait until Democrats release his returns next year to find out.

You are a moron. We know exactly why you Jihadist Assholes have now switched to a strategy of "Show us your Tax Returns"
What are you hiding?

Just like the Filth you Vomitted Forth fro your Lying Mouths about 'Russian Collusion" which never happened and your Yellow Bellied Lying Sack of Shit Wiretapper In Chief used our Intelligence Community to try to make a LIE seem plausible to RIG an ELECTION for Hillary Clinton....THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT TOO!

But not only that, it is not required. But more importantly, It is none of your business what his tax returns say. If it was an issue, and there was anything wrong there, THE IRS would have busted his ass for it long ago.

And Lastly. You people make me want to PUKE. If any of you pieces of sub human shit ever saw his full tax returns, and listings of his assets, you and your Jihadist Brethren would make those targets for your Terrorists Assaults. It's in the interest of National Security to not list all of his assets like that.
Once the FBI finishes their investigation, that piece of shit currently residing in the WH will be history. Cant wait
I repeat your idiocy is showing. Complete disaster and the Democrat still couldn't win.
Republicans typically vote against their own interests. It's a bewildering phenomenon, but understandable considering that your only news sources don't even bother trying to hide that they are republican propaganda outlets.
The irony of you talking about using propaganda outlets is off the charts and funny beyond words.

I don't think your brainwashing at the hands of openly partisan conservative media is funny. Just sad, and a tragedy for the country.
The sad thing is you aren't brainwashed your just stupid.
^ ironic
Wow impressive comeback I'm underwhelmed by its brilliance.
Wrong as usual buttercup.
Which part? Because Congress can, indeed, release Trump's tax returns. Trump is know to have relationships with known mobsters, including just a few months ago when one attended his New Year's party. And if you don't know about Trump's foreign enterprises, then you're just fucking hopeless.
No I'm just not a fucking blind partisan like you who can't accept the fact your chosen one lost because she was a lousy candidate with no message. We don't elect the President by the popular vote before you bring that up again.
Since you didn't address any of my points, I'm assuming you've decided to stop blindly shilling for Trump and at least somewhat agree that he should release his tax returns, as every President in recent memory has done every single year of their Presidency.
Try posting something from an actual news source to backup your claims something thus far you have yet to do. Those Presidents like Trump were under no legal obligation to do so I didn't care about there taxes I don't care about Trumps and I won't care about the next Presidents.
Then you and Trump should not complain about 10's of millions of Americans suspecting that he is hiding something evil in those returns. We'll have to wait until Democrats release his returns next year to find out.
Still no source to back up your claims I see not surprised I'm going to lunch now as that is a far better use of my time than reading anymore of your partisan nonsense.
Trump himself called for obamas college transcripts . Because his art history grade as a freshman is really important.

But he can't release his taxes . After he said he would ? What a liar.
Trump himself called for obamas college transcripts . Because his art history grade as a freshman is really important.

But he can't release his taxes . After he said he would ? What a liar.

"More" than Taxes released three years straight. Liabilities on page 50 of 98. Assets and holdings are many (earlier pages of 2017 release). My report would be much smaller.

Could not upload the PDF.....(file too large). I paste link instead. But you lemmings will not read it. You will run to other threads..................."Must see Taxes, Must see Trump Taxes, What is he hiding". SSDD
Trump himself called for obamas college transcripts . Because his art history grade as a freshman is really important.

But he can't release his taxes . After he said he would ? What a liar.

"More" than Taxes released three years straight. Liabilities on page 50 of 98. Assets and holdings are many (earlier pages of 2017 release). My report would be much smaller.
View attachment 134029

Could not upload the PDF.....(file too large). I paste link instead. But you lemmings will not read it. You will run to other threads..................."Must see Taxes, Must see Trump Taxes, What is he hiding". SSDD


Donald Trump says his financial disclosures more than make up for lack of releasing tax returns


Trump did release an extensive (and legally required) document detailing his personal financial holdings. However, experts consider that a red herring. Unlike all presidential nominees since 1980, Trump has not released his tax returns, which experts say would offer valuable details on his effective tax rate, the types of taxes he paid, and how much he gave to charity, as well as a more detailed picture of his income-producing assets.


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