Trumps Ties to Russia

No, Russia, or more specifically, Putin, is not your friend. He has proven that he has no regard for the sovereignty or rights of other independent states, and he longs to reunite the Russian Empire, or at least the old USSR.
Maybe he is not a friend but neither is he the enemy.
This endangers all of Eastern Europe, especially former Soviet satellite states which are now NATO members.
Here is a former USSR satellite country's PM saying this:
Hungary's Prime Minister said this:
"We said today, and I am convinced that Russia is not Hungary’s enemy, but is Hungary’s partner. Russia is not a threat to our country, but offers us a good partnership relation.
We agreed too that Hungary and Russia both want to strengthen Europe’s security and normalise relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation. We can say too that there can be no bypassing Russia on international issues."
News conference following Russian-Hungarian talks

Very interesting. Please pay special attention to the highlighted section. Why the left here is so concerned about the so called "Russian expansion" threatening Europe, when a small country in Russia's backyard proclaims it otherwise?
NATO is responsible for the longest period of peace in Europe in recorded history. It makes any attempt to move against member states foolhardy, if not suicidal, so of course Putin would support a guy who has pledged not to support NATO allies.
NATO served its purpose and now is obsolete. The EU is capable to defend itself against any aggression from anybody. They are committing suicide right now by Islamisation of their nations. That's a bigger threat to the EU than any so called "Russian expansionist" Baba Yaga.
Sure but the Cold War is over, Russia is not our enemy. The only enemy we have is radical islam.


It's true, it just doesn't fit with your narrative, and takes that play against Trump away. Too bad for you.

What narrative? You're just saying "their not the enemy" as if typing the words is all it takes. Tell that to the Navy who has said they're show of aggression is a problem.

Or maybe the Navy is in on the narrative too...whatever that means.

The narrative is that "Trump has ties to Russia so we can't let him be POTUS".

Wow! A show of aggression! Launch the nukes!!!!

He does have ties to Russia. I mean are you using the word narrative to label events. It rained yesterday I say that because it actually did. Is that a narrative? lol

You can pretend the show of aggression wasnt a show of aggression by going "Wow" but you asked for it. The Navy disagrees with you and you instead say that what Russia did wasnt a big deal.

Well Russia did it for a reason. The Navy said it was a problem. What say you?

Your reading comprehension difficulties are very acute today. Your narrative is that Trump can't be POTUS because he has ties to Russia, I never stated he didn't. That should have been clear.

It also should have been clear that I didn't at all imply that it wasn't a show of aggression. I implied that it didn't make them our enemy.

Read more slowly next time, that might help.
You know that its possible to have more than one enemy, right? Even people who only read comic books know that.

Sure but the Cold War is over, Russia is not our enemy. The only enemy we have is radical islam.


It's true, it just doesn't fit with your narrative, and takes that play against Trump away. Too bad for you.

What narrative? You're just saying "their not the enemy" as if typing the words is all it takes. Tell that to the Navy who has said they're show of aggression is a problem.

Or maybe the Navy is in on the narrative too...whatever that means.
How many times do I have to post the quote from the magazine "Navy Times" where it is clearly stated that the Russian fly by was not a threat to the U.S. warship? You are not debating, nor are you reasonable. You are repeating he same talking point over and over again. What is your beef with the Russians? Did a Russian boy smack you pee-pee when you tried make advancements?

Nah, he is just trying to tie Russia to Trump, thinking that might mean something.
It's true, it just doesn't fit with your narrative, and takes that play against Trump away. Too bad for you.

What narrative? You're just saying "their not the enemy" as if typing the words is all it takes. Tell that to the Navy who has said they're show of aggression is a problem.

Or maybe the Navy is in on the narrative too...whatever that means.
How many times do I have to post the quote from the magazine "Navy Times" where it is clearly stated that the Russian fly by was not a threat to the U.S. warship? You are not debating, nor are you reasonable. You are repeating he same talking point over and over again. What is your beef with the Russians? Did a Russian boy smack you pee-pee when you tried make advancements?

They asked for a show of aggression...I post a show of aggression...the Navy says it was a show of aggression. You respond back with "not a threat".

Are you playing this same game now? Where stating what happened is being labeled as a talking point? lol. If I said I was typing on a computer would you call that too a talking point?

You guys and your bs labels are funny
What you are doing is deflecting from the Clintons' scandalous affairs. You are trying to portray the Trump campaign as traitors when they have not been in office yet taking bribes from foreign nations in exchange for favorable State Department decisions, they did worldwide business what business people do. Now, you found and "enemy" in the Russians to divert attention from the real issue. I quoted yet another news outlet where a small country's Prime Minister stated that Russia was not the enemy and that small country is located in Europe in the backyard of Russia. If Russia is not an enemy over there for the Europeans, how is Russia your enemy over here? You lack logic, you lack reason or simply just carry out your marching orders from the DNC what is a Global Elitist stooge in the U.S.

Is saying I'm typing on a keyboard distracting away from typewriters goofy ass? The Navy said it was a show of aggression. Do you have friends? Are you aggressive toward your friends?

You asked for a show of aggression, I showed you and now you want me to talk about what YOU want me to talk about by crying and showing me the tears streaming down your face. That shit dont work on me fool. You want to talk about Clinton? Fine but thats not what I'm talking about. Dont like it? hold your breath until I give a hot damn
Hahaha... broken record. It could have been a friendly fly by on INTERNATIONAL waters. Aggression is when Iranians capture U.S. patrol boats, when the Chinese force a U.S. RC-135 reconnaissance plane to land on Chinese soil. The fly by was not a threat to the U.S. warship, therefore it was not an aggression. Those Russian planes were not even armed....
It's true, it just doesn't fit with your narrative, and takes that play against Trump away. Too bad for you.

No, Russia, or more specifically, Putin, is not your friend. He has proven that he has no regard for the sovereignty or rights of other independent states, and he longs to reunite the Russian Empire, or at least the old USSR. This endangers all of Eastern Europe, especially former Soviet satellite states which are now NATO members.

NATO is responsible for the longest period of peace in Europe in recorded history. It makes any attempt to move against member states foolhardy, if not suicidal, so of course Putin would support a guy who has pledged not to support NATO allies.

I never said he was our friend.

Your fears about Eastern Europe are not our problem.

NATO is an anti-US, anti-Israel political body and we need to be out of it.

Russia is not our enemy.

It's true, it just doesn't fit with your narrative, and takes that play against Trump away. Too bad for you.

What narrative? You're just saying "their not the enemy" as if typing the words is all it takes. Tell that to the Navy who has said they're show of aggression is a problem.

Or maybe the Navy is in on the narrative too...whatever that means.

The narrative is that "Trump has ties to Russia so we can't let him be POTUS".

Wow! A show of aggression! Launch the nukes!!!!

He does have ties to Russia. I mean are you using the word narrative to label events. It rained yesterday I say that because it actually did. Is that a narrative? lol

You can pretend the show of aggression wasnt a show of aggression by going "Wow" but you asked for it. The Navy disagrees with you and you instead say that what Russia did wasnt a big deal.

Well Russia did it for a reason. The Navy said it was a problem. What say you?

Your reading comprehension difficulties are very acute today. Your narrative is that Trump can't be POTUS because he has ties to Russia, I never stated he didn't. That should have been clear.

Lets get it right, my "narrative" is that Trump has ties to Russia. PERIOD.

It also should have been clear that I didn't at all imply that it wasn't a show of aggression. I implied that it didn't make them our enemy.

Read more slowly next time, that might help.

And I say you dont show aggression toward someone who is your friend. You can call their actions anything you like. Shit, call it a fly by kiss for all I care but your labels dont mean shit.

They asked for a show of aggression....I showed it to you want to say "well, it might've been friendly" lol

Uh, ok...I just disagree and so does the fucking Navy.
Russia GUD

Nato BAD


Trumpbots are scary little creatures,
It's true, it just doesn't fit with your narrative, and takes that play against Trump away. Too bad for you.

What narrative? You're just saying "their not the enemy" as if typing the words is all it takes. Tell that to the Navy who has said they're show of aggression is a problem.

Or maybe the Navy is in on the narrative too...whatever that means.

The narrative is that "Trump has ties to Russia so we can't let him be POTUS".

Wow! A show of aggression! Launch the nukes!!!!

He does have ties to Russia. I mean are you using the word narrative to label events. It rained yesterday I say that because it actually did. Is that a narrative? lol

You can pretend the show of aggression wasnt a show of aggression by going "Wow" but you asked for it. The Navy disagrees with you and you instead say that what Russia did wasnt a big deal.

Well Russia did it for a reason. The Navy said it was a problem. What say you?

Your reading comprehension difficulties are very acute today. Your narrative is that Trump can't be POTUS because he has ties to Russia, I never stated he didn't. That should have been clear.

Lets get it right, my "narrative" is that Trump has ties to Russia. PERIOD.

It also should have been clear that I didn't at all imply that it wasn't a show of aggression. I implied that it didn't make them our enemy.

Read more slowly next time, that might help.

And I say you dont show aggression toward someone who is your friend. You can call their actions anything you like. Shit, call it a fly by kiss for all I care but your labels dont mean shit.

They asked for a show of aggression....I showed it to you want to say "well, it might've been friendly" lol

Uh, ok...I just disagree and so does the fucking Navy.

So, you are trying to tell me that your only reason for posting this thread is to inform us that Trump has ties to Russia? You are simply providing us with unbiased information? Yeah I know you better.

I told you to read slowly, you apparently didn't listen. I never stated that Russia was our friend, nor did I ask for you to show an act of aggression, and I never said it might have been friendly.

I only said that they are not our enemy. If you still cannot comprehend what I am saying then we are done because I cannot dumb it down any further.
Liberals, you seem to be really afraid of Trump since you have pulled out a lot of anti-Trump propaganda (which is lies, only lies and nothing but lies).

Are you refuting the pictures, links, background and public information I presented as all being lies?
The Clintons gave Russia nuclear material. If you jackass party lemmings were actually worried about ties with Russia you would be starting threads about that.
Liberals, you seem to be really afraid of Trump since you have pulled out a lot of anti-Trump propaganda (which is lies, only lies and nothing but lies).

Are you refuting the pictures, links, background and public information I presented as all being lies?
The Clintons gave Russia nuclear material. If you jackass party lemmings were actually worried about ties with Russia you would be starting threads about that.

proof please
I'm more than a little curious about how the change to the gop platform came about.\

But more importantly, Putin's desire to frustrate free trade in western Europe is contrary to vital strategic interest of the US, and not only could that lead to the legit use of US force but also makes Putin an enemy of this country. And I find it very hard to believe US citizens are not extremely uncomfortable and down right pissed off that Russia is meddling in a presidential election. I find the lack of outrage by trumpbots and isolationists to be a bit contrary to our country's interests.
What narrative? You're just saying "their not the enemy" as if typing the words is all it takes. Tell that to the Navy who has said they're show of aggression is a problem.

Or maybe the Navy is in on the narrative too...whatever that means.

The narrative is that "Trump has ties to Russia so we can't let him be POTUS".

Wow! A show of aggression! Launch the nukes!!!!

He does have ties to Russia. I mean are you using the word narrative to label events. It rained yesterday I say that because it actually did. Is that a narrative? lol

You can pretend the show of aggression wasnt a show of aggression by going "Wow" but you asked for it. The Navy disagrees with you and you instead say that what Russia did wasnt a big deal.

Well Russia did it for a reason. The Navy said it was a problem. What say you?

Your reading comprehension difficulties are very acute today. Your narrative is that Trump can't be POTUS because he has ties to Russia, I never stated he didn't. That should have been clear.

Lets get it right, my "narrative" is that Trump has ties to Russia. PERIOD.

It also should have been clear that I didn't at all imply that it wasn't a show of aggression. I implied that it didn't make them our enemy.

Read more slowly next time, that might help.

And I say you dont show aggression toward someone who is your friend. You can call their actions anything you like. Shit, call it a fly by kiss for all I care but your labels dont mean shit.

They asked for a show of aggression....I showed it to you want to say "well, it might've been friendly" lol

Uh, ok...I just disagree and so does the fucking Navy.

So, you are trying to tell me that your only reason for posting this thread is to inform us that Trump has ties to Russia? You are simply providing us with unbiased information? Yeah I know you better.

Obviously not since you somehow saw where I said Trump cant be POTUS when I didnt say it. But then again, you know me so well. Thats your excuse for ignoring what someone says and you think it works

I told you to read slowly, you apparently didn't listen. I never stated that Russia was our friend, nor did I ask for you to show an act of aggression, and I never said it might have been friendly.

I never, I didnt, etc etc etc. I know what you arent saying you just cant tell anyone what it is you ARE saying.

I only said that they are not our enemy. If you still cannot comprehend what I am saying then we are done because I cannot dumb it down any further.

And I simply said that you need more than your assertion. Because you just saying "they arent our enemy" means as much as me saying "I'm typing with my feet". Since I said it do you now think I'm typing with my feet silly ass? Do you require more than me just SAYING it silly ass? Why silly ass? Isnt me saying it enough?.....Silly ass
Ipissed off that Russia is meddling in a presidential election.


You liberals look like a bunch of fools, easy to brainwash and to be distracted from the main subject (Hilary's crimes in this case) by Clinton Network and not able to think on your own. Anti-Russian propaganda has been strong in this country for quite a few years, however unlike you, dummies libs, Conservatives somehow were able to dig out of it and to figure out what's right and what's wrong.

Meanwhile Putin has already answered the question about who he wants to win (Trump or Hillary) long time ago and his answer makes a lot more sense than all those fairy tales CNN and MSNBC is putting into your ears.

Putin: As for the United States, as we know, the presidential election campaign is now in its final stage. Naturally, we will respect the American voters’ choice and are ready to work with whoever becomes the next president.

Moreover, what we want is to work in close cooperation with the United States on international affairs, but we will not accept the approach of that part of the U.S. establishment that thinks they can decide themselves in which areas we will cooperate and in which areas they will turn up the pressure, including through sanctions. We seek a partnership based on equality and consideration of each other’s interests. Only on this basis can we work together.
Meeting of Russian Federation ambassadors and permanent envoys
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Putin kills journalists and political opponents. I'm not a Bernie fan, but I'm sure he wouldn't care for that. Jill Stein is more a nut than anything.

You have no proof of that. Just because Western Government/Corporate Media says it's so, doesn't mean it is. And you may wanna go and research the disturbing long list of folks connected to the Clintons who've turned up dead. Check it out, if you dare.
Well he invaded Georgia and tried to push through a "non-trade" deal after Manafort's client lost the election in Ukraine, so I'll go with facts and leave you with your pro-Putin isolationist propaganda

Again, Western Government/Corporate Media propaganda. The Georgia issue is actually pretty complicated. The West obviously didn't present the true whole picture. But besides that, it isn't our business. I'm not prepared to support another Cold War with Russia over Georgia.

When the situation with Georgia blew up, Russia had to protect their interests in Tskhinvali (South Ossetia) and in Abkhazia and they had every right to.

America invades and Regime Changes ENTIRE NATIONS on the premise of "protecting America's interests"

WTF exactly ARE "America's interests" in Iraq, Syria, Libya for example?

Iraq, Syria and Libya are geographically NOWHERE near America.

Georgia is right NEXT to The Russian Federation.

See. Russia's neighbors, like Georgia, want to get away from Russia.

Most Trump supporters pine for an authoritarian, so it's no surprise that so many of them admire Putin almost as much as they do their Orange Jesus.

It's funny that posters talk about "Western government/corporate media" are here pimping Putin, the guy who has made the press dramatically less free under his reign.

Putin isn't stupid. He's playing Trump for the fool that he is.

None of our business what goes on in Russia. We've got plenty of problems here in the U.S. Our own Government is systematically taking our rights away. I'm much more concerned with that. Let Russians worry about Russia. A new Cold War is completely unnecessary.
Liberals, you seem to be really afraid of Trump since you have pulled out a lot of anti-Trump propaganda (which is lies, only lies and nothing but lies).

Are you refuting the pictures, links, background and public information I presented as all being lies?
The Clintons gave Russia nuclear material. If you jackass party lemmings were actually worried about ties with Russia you would be starting threads about that.

proof please
11 Items from Clinton Foundation's Dealings with Russian Uranium That Should Have Americans Worried
Interesting how the left no longer feints their deep set supposed principles of anti war but now embrace war and discontent with Russia once Trump states he'd want to have friendly, cordial and substantive talks and relations....DemoRATS the party of the military-industrial complex and the Hildebeast is a WAR HAWK!!!!!
Dude for them it's only blue until you agree it's blue and then it's purple. They are the most unsociable bunch of humans that exist on this planet. holy fk.
Sure but the Cold War is over, Russia is not our enemy. The only enemy we have is radical islam.


It's true, it just doesn't fit with your narrative, and takes that play against Trump away. Too bad for you.

What narrative? You're just saying "their not the enemy" as if typing the words is all it takes. Tell that to the Navy who has said they're show of aggression is a problem.

Or maybe the Navy is in on the narrative too...whatever that means.

The narrative is that "Trump has ties to Russia so we can't let him be POTUS".

Wow! A show of aggression! Launch the nukes!!!!

He does have ties to Russia. I mean are you using the word narrative to label events. It rained yesterday I say that because it actually did. Is that a narrative? lol

You can pretend the show of aggression wasnt a show of aggression by going "Wow" but you asked for it. The Navy disagrees with you and you instead say that what Russia did wasnt a big deal.

Well Russia did it for a reason. The Navy said it was a problem. What say you?
post a link that shows that.
Lets nail this down so we dont continue the mistake. Who should Americans turn to for information on what is happening in other nations if the news is not one of them?

Like i said, don't worry about it. What they do in their own countries is none of our business. They all lie, that's a given. But it's not our concern. We can't micromanage every nation on earth. We should stop trying to.

You cant say that something didnt happen and when asked how you know respond with "dont worry about it"

But when it is pointed out that George Soros and his E.U pals intentionally brought down the duly elected government? Leftards bail because it is the truth. Why is having ties to Russia allegedly worse than being tied to the E.U? No leftard can ever say why that is. Russia isn't an enemy of anyone but USA.INC and NATO are the enemy of any country that has resources that they covet. If you need any more proof, reference Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria and that's just recently. Hitlery, the Barrypuppet and Eric Holder know the powers backing ISIS and protected it in order to try and take out Assad and that is a fucking fact which is why Putin and Russia came to the defense of Syria...they have seen Acts 1, 2 and 3.
Partially true. Yanukovych had already lost his reelection bid when he tried to "fast track" the solely trade with Russia pact, after years of negotiation and EU loans led to Ukraine supposedly being free to trade with anyone. That was what led to the Euromaiden revolution. Also, Yanukovych had previously been denied election as president in the Orange Revolution on Russian led corruption charges. And, ultimately that led to Putin attempting to assassinate Yushchenko with dioxin.

True the neocons supported pro western elements. Not true that the neocons were the cause of Russia's attempts to destabilize Ukraine and install a totalitarian socialist govt.

I am not saying that the prior government wasn't corrupt to the core because when you get right down to it, which government isn't It certainly isn't USA.INC. The interference of the E.U and Soros wasn't for any benevolent reason lest you believe other wise. Hope all is well with ya.

Good point. And it was an illegal coup. The U.S./West does all the terrible things it accuses others of doing. It's just a misdirection trick. I mean the C.I.A. and other Western intelligence services, are all about destabilizing nations. They've been doing it for several decades. No other nations do it more than Western nations. Yet the West constantly hops up on its high horse to preach against others doing it.

Ukraine was actually a stable country before the West engineered the illegal coup in Kiev. So who was it that destabilized Ukraine? Well, if you only believe Western Government/Corporate Media, you believe it was Russia. But that really isn't the case. Ukraine and many other countries have been destabilized by the U.S./West. In Ukraine, Putin and Russia are just a convenient scapegoat for them. Hence all the absurd demonizing.
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And I say you dont show aggression toward someone who is your friend. You can call their actions anything you like. Shit, call it a fly by kiss for all I care but your labels dont mean shit.

They asked for a show of aggression....I showed it to you want to say "well, it might've been friendly" lol

Uh, ok...I just disagree and so does the fucking Navy.
You didn't show a damned thing CC. I showed you from the "Navy Times" that the fly by was not a threat. PredFan nailed it. You do not listen and defy every reason and logic. You need to reset the needle on your old turntable dude.

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