Trump's tweet about Mika

Meanwhile, in reality, normal people don't care about tweets. Just sayin'.
When "tweets" reveal that an individual - especially the President of the United States and Leader of the Free World - clearly has both self esteem and impulse control problems, I think that's pretty significant.

He's a human being who isn't going to sit siliently by while he and his family are trashed. That's not nearly the equivalent of Antifa Cupcakes assaulting people and torching buildings.

Just sayin'.
He's a thin skinned doofus who should be above all the mudslinging.

Think skinned? I suggest you read some quotes of Obabble and hiLIARy remarks.
So you're saying that he has thin skin but so do other people. Got it. Thanks.

I'm saying that this issue is blown out of proportion. There is not evidence that his thin skin is affecting the policy iniatiatives and decisions in the White House. And most Americans prefer someone with an open temper (WYSIWYG) than the passive agressive elitism to which we were subjected during the Obabble Reign of Condescension.
When "tweets" reveal that an individual - especially the President of the United States and Leader of the Free World - clearly has both self esteem and impulse control problems, I think that's pretty significant.

He's a human being who isn't going to sit siliently by while he and his family are trashed. That's not nearly the equivalent of Antifa Cupcakes assaulting people and torching buildings.

Just sayin'.
He's a thin skinned doofus who should be above all the mudslinging.

Think skinned? I suggest you read some quotes of Obabble and hiLIARy remarks.
So you're saying that he has thin skin but so do other people. Got it. Thanks.

I'm saying that this issue is blown out of proportion. There is not evidence that his thin skin is affecting the policy iniatiatives and decisions in the White House. And most Americans prefer someone with an open temper (WYSIWYG) than the passive agressive elitism to which we were subjected during the Obabble Reign of Condescension.
You just like boors with no class, admit it. :biggrin:
He's a human being who isn't going to sit siliently by while he and his family are trashed. That's not nearly the equivalent of Antifa Cupcakes assaulting people and torching buildings.

Just sayin'.
He's a thin skinned doofus who should be above all the mudslinging.

Think skinned? I suggest you read some quotes of Obabble and hiLIARy remarks.
So you're saying that he has thin skin but so do other people. Got it. Thanks.

I'm saying that this issue is blown out of proportion. There is not evidence that his thin skin is affecting the policy iniatiatives and decisions in the White House. And most Americans prefer someone with an open temper (WYSIWYG) than the passive agressive elitism to which we were subjected during the Obabble Reign of Condescension.
You just like boors with no class, admit it. :biggrin:

I like Alpha Males. Betas are whiney little pajamas bois.
Meanwhile, in reality, normal people don't care about tweets. Just sayin'.
When "tweets" reveal that an individual - especially the President of the United States and Leader of the Free World - clearly has both self esteem and impulse control problems, I think that's pretty significant.

He's a human being who isn't going to sit siliently by while he and his family are trashed. That's not nearly the equivalent of Antifa Cupcakes assaulting people and torching buildings.

Just sayin'.
He's a thin skinned doofus who should be above all the mudslinging.

Think skinned? I suggest you read some quotes of Obabble and hiLIARy remarks.

That's a good idea. How 'bout this one.....

"A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons."
Meanwhile, in reality, normal people don't care about tweets. Just sayin'.
When "tweets" reveal that an individual - especially the President of the United States and Leader of the Free World - clearly has both self esteem and impulse control problems, I think that's pretty significant.

He's a human being who isn't going to sit siliently by while he and his family are trashed. That's not nearly the equivalent of Antifa Cupcakes assaulting people and torching buildings.

Just sayin'.
He's a thin skinned doofus who should be above all the mudslinging.

Think skinned? I suggest you read some quotes of Obabble and hiLIARy remarks.

That's a good idea. How 'bout this one.....

"A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons."

Non sequitur.

Word and tweets are not actions, despite how the SJW movement tries to conflate words and VIOLENCE.
I just can't believe a president is a low life POS goes around insulting everyone like a thug and some are finding this ok.
That's because they people he insults are thugs who deserve it.

On June 8 Low IQ Mika called President Trump "mentally ill". When he hit back she suddenly is the little lady being attacked by the mean man.
You didnt see the feminists yelling for civility that day did you? Nope. They snickered. But call them to account and they revert to hiding behind their gender.

It is no wonder that you support Trump, he calls those who do not kiss his ass names, it's what you and the other neo fascists do everyday on this message board.

And BTW, take a gander a personality disorders in the DSM, you will see that Mika is correct in her assessment of Trump as mentally ill, and she is not alone. Millions more saw through his demagoguery and voted for other parties nominees, Trump is unfit to be POTUS!

Is Mika's lover, Joe Scarborough, mentally ill or putting down Fred Thompson and his wife?

Meanwhile, in reality, normal people don't care about tweets. Just sayin'.
When "tweets" reveal that an individual - especially the President of the United States and Leader of the Free World - clearly has both self esteem and impulse control problems, I think that's pretty significant.

He's a human being who isn't going to sit siliently by while he and his family are trashed. That's not nearly the equivalent of Antifa Cupcakes assaulting people and torching buildings.

Just sayin'.
Would you like me to count the 100's of people that pos trashed the 17 presidential hopefuls and how many since and before then?? The man is a walking scumbag He was before his presidency and is after
Beat me to it.

This man has been tossing out vicious personal insults and third-grade name-calling since long before he even announced he was running for President.

The man talked about the SIZE of his DICK in a national Presidential debate. He is a child.

He has pissed on the office, and worse, he has proven he doesn't have the temperament for the position. Over and over and over.

It's great to see the Lefties more concerned about Tweets than they are about the Murder Rates in Chicago and Baltimore, Violence, Terrorism, Genital Mutiliation of Little Girls, Beheadings of Gays...

It's great to see Pogo's Law is still paying royalties. :eusa_dance:

In any thread about Rumpleforeskin that stops short of the requisite obsequious fawning, his obedient drones will drone in like white on rice to change the subject to "Hillary Clinton", "Bill Clinton", "George Clinton", "Dewitt Clinton", "Murder Rates in Chicago and Baltimore, Violence, Terrorism, Genital Mutiliation of Little Girls, Beheadings of Gays" or whatever they can think of, yea that the Mitey Creamsicle may be spared the spotlight of any critical eye, world without end amen.
When "tweets" reveal that an individual - especially the President of the United States and Leader of the Free World - clearly has both self esteem and impulse control problems, I think that's pretty significant.

He's a human being who isn't going to sit siliently by while he and his family are trashed. That's not nearly the equivalent of Antifa Cupcakes assaulting people and torching buildings.

Just sayin'.
He's a thin skinned doofus who should be above all the mudslinging.

Think skinned? I suggest you read some quotes of Obabble and hiLIARy remarks.

That's a good idea. How 'bout this one.....

"A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons."

Non sequitur.

Word and tweets are not actions, despite how the SJW movement tries to conflate words and VIOLENCE.

"Words and violence"?

Yammean like "I'd like to punch him in the face" and "there used to be consequences" and "maybe he should have been roughed up" and "if you hurt him I'll pay for your legal fees" and "beat the crap out of him" and of course my personal favorite, "knock the hell"?
... pajamas bois.

pajama boi:
When "tweets" reveal that an individual - especially the President of the United States and Leader of the Free World - clearly has both self esteem and impulse control problems, I think that's pretty significant.

He's a human being who isn't going to sit siliently by while he and his family are trashed. That's not nearly the equivalent of Antifa Cupcakes assaulting people and torching buildings.

Just sayin'.
Would you like me to count the 100's of people that pos trashed the 17 presidential hopefuls and how many since and before then?? The man is a walking scumbag He was before his presidency and is after
Beat me to it.

This man has been tossing out vicious personal insults and third-grade name-calling since long before he even announced he was running for President.

The man talked about the SIZE of his DICK in a national Presidential debate. He is a child.

He has pissed on the office, and worse, he has proven he doesn't have the temperament for the position. Over and over and over.
To be fair, I think he just enjoyed the limelight and the popular adulation. I strongly doubt he expected to actually win and be saddled with all that goes with being POTUS. After all, he's a 71 year old billionaire. Why the fuck would he want to spend the last few good years of his life putting up with this shit? Unlike the LWLs talking about his sanity and claiming his son is mentally retarded, I think Trump genuinely doesn't give a shit and simply wants to find a relatively face-saving way out. He want's to go back to the "campaign trail" where he can vent his spleen and receive standing ovations by those who love him.
Yeah, I think it's possible that the showbiz angle is all he cares/cared about, and I think it's possible he didn't really think he was going to win and was just having fun with it.

One helluva story, that's for sure.

I for one was opining exactly that all during the campaign. And it seems confirmed by his comments about having underestimated the job when it actually came to pass. His schtick has always been not leading anything but simple trolling to attract attention to himself. Now that the campaign's over he's basically lost. Except of course when he picks up the Twitter phone, then he's back in his element.

All of which keeps bringing to mind the old adage, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".
He's a human being who isn't going to sit siliently by while he and his family are trashed. That's not nearly the equivalent of Antifa Cupcakes assaulting people and torching buildings.

Just sayin'.
He's a thin skinned doofus who should be above all the mudslinging.

Think skinned? I suggest you read some quotes of Obabble and hiLIARy remarks.

That's a good idea. How 'bout this one.....

"A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons."

Non sequitur.

Word and tweets are not actions, despite how the SJW movement tries to conflate words and VIOLENCE.

"Words and violence"?

Yammean like "I'd like to punch him in the face" and "there used to be consequences" and "maybe he should have been roughed up" and "if you hurt him I'll pay for your legal fees" and "beat the crap out of him" and of course my personal favorite, "knock the hell"?

The Right is so proper.
He's a human being who isn't going to sit siliently by while he and his family are trashed. That's not nearly the equivalent of Antifa Cupcakes assaulting people and torching buildings.

Just sayin'.
Would you like me to count the 100's of people that pos trashed the 17 presidential hopefuls and how many since and before then?? The man is a walking scumbag He was before his presidency and is after
Beat me to it.

This man has been tossing out vicious personal insults and third-grade name-calling since long before he even announced he was running for President.

The man talked about the SIZE of his DICK in a national Presidential debate. He is a child.

He has pissed on the office, and worse, he has proven he doesn't have the temperament for the position. Over and over and over.
To be fair, I think he just enjoyed the limelight and the popular adulation. I strongly doubt he expected to actually win and be saddled with all that goes with being POTUS. After all, he's a 71 year old billionaire. Why the fuck would he want to spend the last few good years of his life putting up with this shit? Unlike the LWLs talking about his sanity and claiming his son is mentally retarded, I think Trump genuinely doesn't give a shit and simply wants to find a relatively face-saving way out. He want's to go back to the "campaign trail" where he can vent his spleen and receive standing ovations by those who love him.
Yeah, I think it's possible that the showbiz angle is all he cares/cared about, and I think it's possible he didn't really think he was going to win and was just having fun with it.

One helluva story, that's for sure.

I for one was opining exactly that all during the campaign. And it seems confirmed by his comments about having underestimated the job when it actually came to pass. His schtick has always been not leading anything but simple trolling to attract attention to himself. Now that the campaign's over he's basically lost. Except of course when he picks up the Twitter phone, then he's back in his element.
Like a child who will keep doing the same stunt over and over until the adults finally stop laughing, he's going to keep doing this stuff as long as his base screams its approval.

Which, from all indications, might well be forever.
He's a human being who isn't going to sit siliently by while he and his family are trashed. That's not nearly the equivalent of Antifa Cupcakes assaulting people and torching buildings.

Just sayin'.
Would you like me to count the 100's of people that pos trashed the 17 presidential hopefuls and how many since and before then?? The man is a walking scumbag He was before his presidency and is after
Beat me to it.

This man has been tossing out vicious personal insults and third-grade name-calling since long before he even announced he was running for President.

The man talked about the SIZE of his DICK in a national Presidential debate. He is a child.

He has pissed on the office, and worse, he has proven he doesn't have the temperament for the position. Over and over and over.
To be fair, I think he just enjoyed the limelight and the popular adulation. I strongly doubt he expected to actually win and be saddled with all that goes with being POTUS. After all, he's a 71 year old billionaire. Why the fuck would he want to spend the last few good years of his life putting up with this shit? Unlike the LWLs talking about his sanity and claiming his son is mentally retarded, I think Trump genuinely doesn't give a shit and simply wants to find a relatively face-saving way out. He want's to go back to the "campaign trail" where he can vent his spleen and receive standing ovations by those who love him.
Yeah, I think it's possible that the showbiz angle is all he cares/cared about, and I think it's possible he didn't really think he was going to win and was just having fun with it.

One helluva story, that's for sure.
Agreed. This is also why I have one bet out (and offered several more) that he won't finish his term. He wants out, but he's not a quitter. If he quits, he can't go around giving road shows like Palin did for several years. He needs to be "forced" to resign or offer up a medical excuse for resigning...."for the good of the nation", of course.
He should be preparing for his putin visit working on HC instead of acting like an infantile AH
He's a thin skinned doofus who should be above all the mudslinging.

Think skinned? I suggest you read some quotes of Obabble and hiLIARy remarks.

That's a good idea. How 'bout this one.....

"A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons."

Non sequitur.

Word and tweets are not actions, despite how the SJW movement tries to conflate words and VIOLENCE.

"Words and violence"?

Yammean like "I'd like to punch him in the face" and "there used to be consequences" and "maybe he should have been roughed up" and "if you hurt him I'll pay for your legal fees" and "beat the crap out of him" and of course my personal favorite, "knock the hell"?

The Right is so proper.

If it looks like a big acts like a pig ,plays in the mud like a pig IT'S A PIG
When they meet the vodka will be flowing and trump will be buying ,,thanking putin for all his help

Sounds like the vodka has been flowing for weeks on end with you.

You know retard, I have proof that fascist democrat oligarchs in California spent $45 million to corrupt an election in Georgia through a massive influx of paid trolls, slander and libel, and brown shirted thugs on the ground. Yet I have seen utterly no evidence that the Russians did anything similar? In fact, the most that the deep state can come up with is "they said mean things about Hillary on the web."

There is indeed a group that perverts elections outside of their homes to corrupt our democratic process, but it is not the Russians, it's you Nazi scum democrats.

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