Trump's Uplifting Easter Message

"...their BS about being so "tolerant" while, out of the other side of their mouths, they are hating whoever differs......"
Well, poster PleaseQuit, that 'tolerance' seems to end with the XY Chromone suite. Or maybe it is just fearing estrogen that ends their tolerance?

Meaning, the MAGA's and QAnon'rs on this site least, too many of 'em.....seem to revel in their 'hatin' on women.

MAGA is an acronym now for......Misogyny.

Just sayin'

" do seem triggered by Trump's message, but I think he's spot on."

OK, Finger. We hear you.
Your message about the message = "Spot On".

However, framing that message that way on that holy day for Christianists must be compared with the view of:

  • What would Jesus do?
  • Would Jesus ...on Easter, no less.....have preached "incompetent" "weak and pathetic" "Incapable of dreaming"?

Maybe yourp own personal Jesus would.
But I suspect mine wouldn't.

But pick your own gods. The ones most like you.
Or maybe the gods most like your Don Trump?
I wonder what they really do think about his middle school-level posting like that.

It may be that such behavior is at their own behavioral level, so they think it's a real hoot 'n stuff. If they don't know how a normal, intelligent adult behaves, they won't notice anything unusual. Or maybe they're just too emotionally invested to say anything.

You can't ask, because you'll get a middle school-level response.
Or perhaps they believe that Trump's "message" was appropriate for Easter or any other occassion.
Well, poster PleaseQuit, that 'tolerance' seems to end with the XY Chromone suite. Or maybe it is just fearing estrogen that ends their tolerance?

Meaning, the MAGA's and QAnon'rs on this site least, too many of 'em.....seem to revel in their 'hatin' on women.

MAGA is an acronym now for......Misogyny.

Just sayin'


OK, Finger. We hear you.
Your message about the message = "Spot On".

However, framing that message that way on that holy day for Christianists must be compared with the view of:

  • What would Jesus do?
  • Would Jesus ...on Easter, no less.....have preached "incompetent" "weak and pathetic" "Incapable of dreaming"?

Maybe yourp own personal Jesus would.
But I suspect mine wouldn't.

But pick your own gods. The ones most like you.
Or maybe the gods most like your Don Trump?

Would Jesus ...on Easter, no less.....have preached "incompetent" "weak and pathetic" "Incapable of dreaming"?

Actually Jesus did rail against the corruption of the government and tax collectors, much like he would rail against the current dishonest Biden Administration and followers. Matthew 21:12 - 17.
Jesus was also one of the great proponents of women's equality of all time. You can lie all you want but you can't change the way Christians think about that. Try again chili, and try to be a little more coherent with your thought, you tend to ramble and meander, maybe take a class. MAGA
Actually Jesus did rail against the corruption of the government and tax collectors, much like he would rail against the current dishonest Biden Administration and followers. Matthew 21:12 - 17.
Jesus was also one of the great proponents of women's equality of all time. You can lie all you want but you can't change the way Christians think about that. Try again chili, and try to be a little more coherent with your thought, you tend to ramble and meander, maybe take a class. MAGA
tell your little woman no abortions for her, and get to cookin
Jesus was also one of the great proponents of women's equality of all time. You can lie all you want but you can't change the way Christians think about that.

Of note: My poor avatar did not say sincere and observant "Christianists" were misogynists. Rather, what he did post.....and used pulled quotes to illustrate it that too many of the MAGA's, the Trump Supporters, the QAnon'rs who post on this venue display regularly and frequently a misogynistic view of women. And women's body parts.

Now, to be sure....and I will concede .....that I don't know if those misogynists are Christianists or not. They certainly are MAGA....judging by their postings.
So the obvious question must be is Christian-thinking and MAGA-thinking the same?
If so, well, that's not a good thing for the Christianists. In fact, it makes Jesus look bad, In my opinion.


But, beyond the misogyny......the framing of Don Trump's Easter Message of Hope......against what Jesus would have said under such circumstances....has validity. It gives us a comparative by which to judge the character of Trump Supporters who support that Easter Message of his.

Just sayin'.

Of note: My poor avatar did not say sincere and observant "Christianists" were misogynists. Rather, what he did post.....and used pulled quotes to illustrate it that too many of the MAGA's, the Trump Supporters, the QAnon'rs who post on this venue display regularly and frequently a misogynistic view of women. And women's body parts.

Now, to be sure....and I will concede .....that I don't know if those misogynists are Christianists or not. They certainly are MAGA....judging by their postings.
So the obvious question must be is Christian-thinking and MAGA-thinking the same?
If so, well, that's not a good thing for the Christianists. In fact, it makes Jesus look bad, In my opinion.


But, beyond the misogyny......the framing of Don Trump's Easter Message of Hope......against what Jesus would have said under such circumstances....has validity. It gives us a comparative by which to judge the character of Trump Supporters who support that Easter Message of his.

Just sayin'.
MAGA is an acronym now for......Misogyny.
You say they aren't and then you say they are, then you say you don't know. Which is it? I don't know of any misogynist Christians, I know ones that don't like to kill babies. You seem to have your head up your ass chilly. It'll be kind of smelly when you pull it out but you could clean it up.

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