Trump's Uplifting Easter Message

I'm just responding to what that person explicitly said.

No you're telling all Christians what they should think about Trump's post, and if they don't agree with you then shame on them, they're terrible Christians and the reason Christianity is failing. Cause you're the expert and only your opinion matters. :auiqs.jpg:Did I sum that up accurately?
Thanks for confirming that your orange messiah just sent out a hateful and divisive Easter message and you don't see anything wrong with it.

Enjoy your declining numbers.

Why do you care, and man do you really care... to the tune of at least 30 posts+ saying the same thing. I'm sure every Christian on the board is going to repent straight away because you enlightened them. :laughing0301:
Of course you confirmed that you don’t have a problem with Trump‘s Easter message.

I get it. You don’t care for the non-religious. Unfortunately for you, they’re growing. Very rapidly. Enjoy.

An Easter message that is politically divisive and has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. And you see nothing wrong with it because it came from your orange messiah.

Christians are full of shit.

You thought that before Trump's post, and you'll continue thinking that for the rest of your life, because you're a Christian hater. :dunno:

You only came here to 'ridicule', i.e. propagate hate and division, problem is that no one gives a shit what you think. 🤡
An Easter message that is politically divisive and has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. And you see nothing wrong with it because it came from your orange messiah.

Christians are full of shit.
You're just triggered cuz he called you out for being the traitor that you are. What a dick you are hahaha

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It's good to see he's spreading the message of the Lord. In fact, he's screaming it out to the land in all CAPS.

Trump's Easter message is this:

When you factor in him also running against West, Stein, Kennedy, and a Libertarian, Trump leads the polls over the margin of error in every single swing state except Wisconsin and Michigan, winning the presidency. Since you know this you must spam the forum with anti-Trump threads. Hell, even Gavin Newsome knows Trump is going to win and is taking steps to bulletproof California from a Trump presidency. And, Kennedy has recently said that Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than Trump.

Supposedly that message of Trump's is for real?
Filled with accuracy and truth.
No you're telling all Christians what they should think about Trump's post, and if they don't agree with you then shame on them, they're terrible Christians and the reason Christianity is failing.

If it is real...and I can only go by what multiple outlets report, though the reports are pretty doggone consistent, so I'm gonna go with.."Yeah, that's his message".

And if that is his message to America or just to Christianists on that holy day of theirs, well, the perspective that comes to my mind is:

  1. What would Jesus do?
  2. Would Jesus put out a message of that nature?
Those seem to me to be not inappropriate questions to help frame any messaging on that day of hope and renewal. "We'll be back" doesn't quite override the themes of:
  • Massive voter fraud
  • Weak, pathetic RINOS
  • Marxists, Communists, Socialists, Radicals
  • Killing our nation
  • Incapable of dreaming
  • Incompetent.

Just sayin'.
No you're telling all Christians what they should think about Trump's post, and if they don't agree with you then shame on them, they're terrible Christians and the reason Christianity is failing. Cause you're the expert and only your opinion matters. :auiqs.jpg:Did I sum that up accurately?
So you think your opinion is the only correct one and if I disagree with your expert opinion then I’m automatically wrong.

Did I summarize you correctly? :cuckoo: :laugh:
Why do you care, and man do you really care... to the tune of at least 30 posts+ saying the same thing. I'm sure every Christian on the board is going to repent straight away because you enlightened them. :laughing0301:
I’m not going to enlighten any Christians if they see nothing wrong with Trump’s message. I’m just pointing out why their religion is failing in this country.

Why do you care so much about what I think? I must have really struck a nerve with you. :laugh:
I’m not going to enlighten any Christians if they see nothing wrong with Trump’s message. I’m just pointing out why their religion is failing in this country.

Why do you care so much about what I think? I must have really struck a nerve with you. :laugh:

Guess what, Christians don't need you to enlighten them about anything. :auiqs.jpg:
You thought that before Trump's post, and you'll continue thinking that for the rest of your life, because you're a Christian hater. :dunno:

You only came here to 'ridicule', i.e. propagate hate and division, problem is that no one gives a shit what you think. 🤡

It's amazing that they think we'll buy their BS about being so "tolerant" while, out of the other side of their mouths, they are hating whoever differs with their belief system.



It's amazing that they think we'll buy their BS about being so "tolerant" while, out of the other side of their mouths, they are hating whoever differs with their belief system.



They're completely tone deaf, they're used to controlling the narrative, but they're losing their grasp on that because they're going way too far with it. It was going to happen eventually. It's enjoyable watching it fall apart.

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