Trump's Vitamin SCAM

Who the hell cares about his vitamins? With all the BS you spew, you'd easily put the man out of business.

It was a scam that harmed people and Trump profited from it.

And? You seem to think that will hurt him?

Trump supporters have no shame.

30 years of righteous, sanctimonious indignation by the RWnuts over DEMOCRAT scandals, faux scandals, non scandals,

all gone up in hypocritical smoke in a matter of months, thanks to Donald Trump. Trump at this point has been defended for almost every 'crime' the RWnuts threw fits over when they thought they were Clinton 'crimes'.
Who the hell cares about his vitamins? With all the BS you spew, you'd easily put the man out of business.

It was a scam that harmed people and Trump profited from it.
The exact same as Trump University ... a total scam that harmed the students and enriched Donald "Money grubber" Trump..

The get rich quick real estate scam,

the snake oil vitamin multi-level marketing scam,

Trump is a con man cliche.
30 years of righteous, sanctimonious indignation by the RWnuts over DEMOCRAT scandals, faux scandals, non scandals,

all gone up in hypocritical smoke in a matter of months, thanks to Donald Trump. Trump at this point has been defended for almost every 'crime' the RWnuts threw fits over when they thought they were Clinton 'crimes'.

Look at this. Look. At. This. Alas, this thread, doing the same thing against Trump.

I invite you to prove that these are "faux scandals", or "non scandals." Go on. Do it.
Trump Vitamins Were Fortified With B.S.

You give the Donald your urine and a stack of money?

Ackchooly I'm half-OK with that. I'd be more than happy to give The Dumbnail some urine.
Right on those white shoes. :gay:
our Clinton email link is bullshit. She broke no laws and Colon Powell did the same thing.

Huh? Last time I checked, Reuters is a very credible source of information.

Let's try this again by reading the lede:

Hillary Clinton broke government rules by using a private email server without approval for her work as U.S. secretary of state, an internal government watchdog said on Wednesday.

How could she not break any laws when David Petraeus had the book thrown at him for the same thing?

The key difference here is that while Colin Powell used a personal email address to conduct official business, he never used an unsecure server in his home.

Hillary Clinton said 'my predecessors did the same thing' with email

Dafuck does "Hillary Clinton" have to do with Donald Rump running a scam, hawking it like Billy Mays, and then running away and lying about having done that ---- when it's right there on video??

To wit:

Did "Hillary Clinton" erase his memory with her magic powers? Like she erased his memory of David Duke?

Not getting the connection here.

There's already a thread on this btw.
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Trump Vitamins Were Fortified With B.S.

You give the Donald your urine and a stack of money?

Ackchooly I'm half-OK with that. I'd be more than happy to give The Dumbnail some urine.
Right on those white shoes. :gay:


There is something weird going on in the low information left wing arena. Apparently the left is clueless about the difference between business people and elected politicians. Let it go lefties. Tell us how great it was that Hillary received 1.5 million dollars for a couple of mystery speeches.

Hey, if these mystery speeches erased Rump's memory of his own yet-another failed business venture, that memory-wiper prolly cost a bundle. After all he has "a very good brain" and it has "the best words". I'm sure that took the extra-strength version.
Dafuck does "Hillary Clinton" have to do with Donald Rump running a scam, hawking it like Billy Mays, and then running away and lying about having done that ---- when it's right there on video??

Like I told Carbine, all of these "scams" you all mention are not violations of the Federal Recordkeeping Act, or the Espionage Act, nor are they violations of oh, about 10 other federal laws. So what? He can settle that vitamin thing in court, no problem. Same with Trump University. Is this all you folks can come up with?
30 years of righteous, sanctimonious indignation by the RWnuts over DEMOCRAT scandals, faux scandals, non scandals,

all gone up in hypocritical smoke in a matter of months, thanks to Donald Trump. Trump at this point has been defended for almost every 'crime' the RWnuts threw fits over when they thought they were Clinton 'crimes'.

Look at this. Look. At. This. Alas, this thread, doing the same thing against Trump.

I invite you to prove that these are "faux scandals", or "non scandals." Go on. Do it.

Vincent Foster. Anyone convicted of killing him? Bill Clinton. Ever convicted of rape?
Who the hell cares about his vitamins? With all the BS you spew, you'd easily put the man out of business.

Obviously you NaziCons don't give a shit about any of Adolf Trump's deception and snake oil - or all the people his scams harmed.

Frankly, I'm more concerned with Hillary's Progressive deception and snake oil, and her passing classified info to various enemies.
The whole pitch here:

The Rump Network

Launched: 2009

Service rendered: Vitamin pyramid scheme

Years in business: 2

What went wrong: Since the folding of Trump Magazine proved that people clearly didn’t have money to spare after the bubble burst, Trump decided to change strategies. With the Trump Network, Trump offered a get-rich-quick scheme centered around what else but nutritional supplements. The motto: Discover the Difference between Opportunity and Success.

The supplements came from Ideal Health, Inc, which Trump purchased in 2009. In addition to the supplements, though, Trump also offered the PrivaTest, which Trump’s site described as “a scientific window into your personal biochemistry.” A test that the Trump Network recommended be repeated every nine months for $100 a pop, which would be outrageous even if the test actually worked. But as Dr. Stephen Barrett, of health watchdog site Quackwatch, noted, “No single test can provide a rational basis for dietary supplement recommendations.”

What’s more, the company didn’t even deliver on its promised scam. A FOIA by Quackwatch in 2004 turned up the following complaint on Ideal Health filed in 2001:

The consumer states that she was working for this company trying to sell their dietary supplement products. The consumer states that she paid the company $5,412.50 for promotional leads, and marketing programs. The consumer states that the company never did the promotional leads, and took the consumers [sic] money and ran

And that’s what Donald Trump decided would be a great investment.

From here: A Complete* List of Donald Rump's Business Disasters
(*not really, doesn't mention the more obvious casino washouts)

Sorry, this one only comes in at number 13, although they don't really say they're in ranked order.

Doncha love the way he bleats in the video as if the viewer not only just answered the door but is deaf too?
You do realize that none of this is going to hurt him, right?

I mean 16 other Republican candidates tried this tactic on him throughout the past year, and failed to bring him down.

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