Trump's Vitamin SCAM

Dafuck does "Hillary Clinton" have to do with Donald Rump running a scam, hawking it like Billy Mays, and then running away and lying about having done that ---- when it's right there on video??

Like I told Carbine, all of these "scams" you all mention are not violations of the Federal Recordkeeping Act, or the Espionage Act, nor are they violations of oh, about 10 other federal laws. So what? He can settle that vitamin thing in court, no problem. Same with Trump University. Is this all you folks can come up with?

They're also not violations of the Infield Fly Rule or the freaking Membership Guidelines for the Ladies Sewing Circle of Ottumwa Iowa. So what? Who suggests they are?
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Trump Vitamins Were Fortified With B.S.

You give the Donald your urine and a stack of money? That’s what he wanted, in exchange for a customized vitamin regimen that a Harvard doctor deems a ‘scam.’

Call it “Vitamin T.” For several years in the late 2000s and early 2010s, Donald Trump encouraged people to take part in a pseudo-scientific vitamin scheme—all without expressing any concern about how it might potentially endanger people’s health.

Through a multi-level marketing project called The Trump Network, the business mogul encouraged people to take an expensive urine test, which would then be used to personally “tailor” a pricey monthly concoction of vitamins—something a Harvard doctor told The Daily Beast was a straight-up “scam.”

And when The Daily Beast asked a doctor for The Trump Network to defend the products, he wound up deriding the idea of “evidence-based” medicine.

The Trump Network ultimately failed, and its assets were sold off. But it was not just a marketing and business disaster—the actions of the all-but-certain GOP presidential nominee reflect his willingness to license his name to a product without fully vetting it: a casual endorsement of a serious matter, all with the flitting nonchalance that characterizes the many falsehoods he utters.

The project is just another example of Trump’s questionable business practices, from his Trump University (accused by many students of fraud) to his casinos (which went bankrupt so often) to his “tasteless and mealy” signature steaks. And it highlights an essential contradiction in his campaign for the White House. While politician Trump says that he cares about average Joe or Jane, his past shows a shocking indifference.

More: Trump Vitamins Were Fortified With B.S.

Holy shit, how much worse can it get? Is this clown the greatest huckster/grifter snake oil peddler in American history? Why don't his supporters care?

For his supporters it's all about the wall, the wall, the wall--LOL A wall that supposedly Mexico is going to pay for, when Mexico has already stated they wouldn't.

Dafuck does "Hillary Clinton" have to do with Donald Rump running a scam, hawking it like Billy Mays, and then running away and lying about having done that ---- when it's right there on video??

Like I told Carbine, all of these "scams" you all mention are not violations of the Federal Recordkeeping Act, or the Espionage Act, nor are they violations of oh, about 10 other federal laws. So what? He can settle that vitamin thing in court, no problem. Same with Trump University. Is this all you folks can come up with?

They're also not violations of the Infield Fly Rule or the freaking Membership Guidelines for the Ladies Sewing Circle of Ottumw Iowa. So what? Who suggests they are?

Here, edify yourself.

FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law
Dafuck does "Hillary Clinton" have to do with Donald Rump running a scam, hawking it like Billy Mays, and then running away and lying about having done that ---- when it's right there on video??

Like I told Carbine, all of these "scams" you all mention are not violations of the Federal Recordkeeping Act, or the Espionage Act, nor are they violations of oh, about 10 other federal laws. So what? He can settle that vitamin thing in court, no problem. Same with Trump University. Is this all you folks can come up with?

They're also not violations of the Infield Fly Rule or the freaking Membership Guidelines for the Ladies Sewing Circle of Ottumw Iowa. So what? Who suggests they are?

Here, edify yourself.

FBI is wrapping up e-mail investigation with no evidence Clinton willfully violated the law

For the UMPTEENTH time --- what in the blue fuck does "Hillary Clinton" have to do with a Rumpian pyramid scam?

Did she make him do it?

You seem obsessed to make this topic go away and get replaced with something else. Why would that be?

Perhaps you need a special vitamin formula. Engineered to piss you off. Uh, I mean, engineered off your piss.
Who the hell cares about his vitamins? With all the BS you spew, you'd easily put the man out of business.

Obviously you NaziCons don't give a shit about any of Adolf Trump's deception and snake oil - or all the people his scams harmed.

Vitamins vs
government investigation concluding that Hitlery is a liar and a crook, put the nation's security at risk, deleted sensitive material, and lied some more about her e-mail, fiasco. Then there is the "Pay to Play" scandal unfolding that REALLY puts our nation's security at risk, and the dead in Benghazi stumbling block.

Trump 2016
Perhaps you need a special vitamin formula. Engineered to piss you off. Uh, I mean, engineered off your piss.

What is it with you and your obsession with piss tonight, Pogo?

Why, it's where the whole Vitamin BS starts. You send you whiz in, pay 140 bucks, and they send you .... vitamins!
Such a deal.

Read the OP. It's right at the beginning.
For the UMPTEENTH time --- what in the blue fuck does "Hillary Clinton" have to do with a Rumpian pyramid scam?

For the UPTEENTH time, none of those scams are violations of the Espionage or Federal Recordkeeping Acts.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

For the UMPTEENTH (it's UMP not UP -- defined as "ten plus Ump") -- no one suggested they are violations of the Espionage, Federal Recordkeeping, or any other Act. You're constructing a strawman for the purpose of introducing a red herring in order to deflect the topic away so you don't have to address it. That's cowardice.

It may be fraud, that's for the legal system to work out -- the point is it's dishonesty. Especially when you come out and deny ever having done it -- when it's recorded on video.

And that speaks to a dangerous mental condition employing self-delusional psychosis.
For the UMPTEENTH time --- what in the blue fuck does "Hillary Clinton" have to do with a Rumpian pyramid scam?

For the UPTEENTH time, none of those scams are violations of the Espionage or Federal Recordkeeping Acts.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

For the UMPTEENTH (it's UMP not UP -- defined as "ten plus Ump") -- no one suggested they are violations of the Espionage, Federal Recordkeeping, or any other Act. You're constructing a strawman for the purpose of introducing a red herring in order to deflect the topic away so you don't have to address it. That's cowardice.

It may be fraud, that's for the legal system to work out -- the point is it's dishonesty. Especially when you come out and deny ever having done it -- when it's recorded on video.

And that speaks to a dangerous mental condition employing self-delusional psychosis.

To wit --- from one of the other threads:

“I do not know the company. I know nothing about the company other than the people who run the company,” he said. “I’m not familiar with what they do or how they go about doing that.”

That was a surprising statement, given that, from 2006 until he announced his presidential bid in 2015, Trump was easily ACN’s most famous unofficial spokesman. For nearly a decade, Trump appeared in promotional videos touting ACN’s “revolutionary products,” he devoted an episode of NBC’s The Celebrity Apprentice to ACN’s “revolutionary” videophone, and he earned millions of dollars giving speeches at ACN events as recently as early 2015. Introducing ACN executives Greg Provenzano and Mike Cupisz on The Celebrity Apprentice in 2011, Trump said: “They run a company called ACN, which I know very well.”

Read more at: Trump’s Multi-Level Marketing Telecom Endorsement Is Another Example of His Terrible Judgement, by Ian Tuttle, National Review

Now, you tell me.... how much does “I do not know the company. I know nothing about the company other than the people who run the company,” he said. “I’m not familiar with what they do or how they go about doing that.”

sound just a teensy-weensy bit like:

I don’t know anything about David Duke. OK? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don’t know.... I just don’t know anything about him".

Self-delusional psychosis. It's part of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

In short ----- he's clinically insane.. :cuckoo:
This is too funny coming from left wing whackos.

BS artist Al Gore & BS scientists Global warming and climate change = Give me all your money for as long as you live so we can save the planet.

Now THAT'S a scam. And we're talking vitamins?

This is too funny coming from left wing whackos.

BS artist Al Gore & BS scientists Global warming and climate change = Give me all your money for as long as you live so we can save the planet.

Now THAT'S a scam. And we're talking vitamins?


Again, the desperation of deflection.

Sadly, you just missed Al Gore. By sixteen years.
So -- the MO seems to go like this:

"Rump 2016!"

"Why? What's his qualification?"

"He's a businessman! He's 'successful!"

"Is he? What about these bankruptcies? And those scams? And that fraud? And all these failed ventures? What about his denying he ever did it, even when the evidence is right there?"

"ulp --- um..... b- but.. but... Hillary! But -- but .... Bill Cosby! But.... Al Gore! .... B- but.... O'bama! AaaaaAAAAaaahhhh...."

Happy landings.
Iraq War Vet: Trump University Fired Me 'Because I Was In The Military'

Iraq War veteran Corinne Sommer is not allowed to talk about the settlement she reached with Trump University after she was fired in 2007.

But in a deposition first made public on Tuesday, Sommer said she believed the real estate seminar provider terminated her because her military commitments as a reservist interfered — a little — with her work as an events planner for the company.

“I was fired because I was in the military,”


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