Trumps VP pick

If he picked De Santis, Donalson or Rubio they would have to move bc his running mate can’t live in the same state as Trump. Maybe Stefanik could bring him NY. I want him to pander.
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If he is trying to win an election choosing DeSantis as his running mate would be a really poor choice.

Scott or Rubio I presume. Though I still say that Tulsi would be his best if he wants to win the most votes. That would be a broad appeal from military members to women and libertarians.
In case he can't pardon himself, he's gonna need a VP to pardon him for every crime he has committed or potentially committed, before he resigns right before his term is up! Whomever that VP is, would need to be strong enough to handle the back lash, if he or she plans to run for the Presidency! 😁
Or Vance. Tulsi would be ok with me but many conservatives would be pissed, she did endorse Bernie Sanders at one time and voted for Biden.
My VP pick has no chance, Nikki Haley. Trump's massive ego can't handle that. She would be more popular than him.

Nikki keeps getting 15%-20% of GOP votes in the primaries, even though she stopped her campaign.

That tells me that if Trump wants to "really unify" the GOP he needs to pick Nikki as VP, or risk losing votes.

The kicker is that Nikki beats Biden by 15-17 points, and Trump is within the margin of error.
In case he can't pardon himself, he's gonna need a VP to pardon him for every crime he has committed or potentially committed, before he resigns right before his term is up! Whomever that VP is, would need to be strong enough to handle the back lash, if he or she plans to run for the Presidency!
You assume that Trump would need to be pardoned? Why wouldn't Trump get a sweetheart deal like Hunter was offered?
Or Vance. Tulsi would be ok with me but many conservatives would be pissed, she did endorse Bernie Sanders at one time and voted for Biden.
He isn't choosing Tulsi for sure, it is in my opinion his best shot at broad appeal. The V.P isn't as big a deal if both Parties are on the same page as they once were with minor disagreements, right now there is a major divide from those wanting to remain a Republic and those wanting to become socialist, even communist. Therefore, winning requires every angle you can exploit

The Dems have used decades to try and divide by race and gender, the GOP didn't play that game. Now they should if they want to win, it's that simple. It's not ideal but it is the way the game has become, at least in the short term until the U.S is united and not divided as some have assured.
No one has ever voted based on who is the vice presidential candidate. Now, people might vote against him if he shows bad judgement and picks a loon which highly likely but not certain. Pence wasnt a loon, he just had bad policy ideas.
It cannot be something like ronald reagan to george bush. George was intelligent though. We must move on from this.
Do you think it’s essential for Trump to pander and pick a woman or person of color? Would it hurt him if he picks a white guy?
In 10 yrs I’ve never started a thread, hopefully I did it right.

Republicans don't vote based on skin color or genitalia, those are "qualifications" only DemoKKKrats consider; so it doesn't matter if he picks a woman or a POC.

I'm hoping for JD Vance or Marco Rubio.
Republicans don't vote based on skin color or genitalia, those are "qualifications" only DemoKKKrats consider; so it doesn't matter if he picks a woman or a POC.

I'm hoping for JD Vance or Marco Rubio.
I keep seeing Ted Cruz pop up, I hope not he’s too unpopular with the undecideds.
Do you think it’s essential for Trump to pander and pick a woman or person of color? Would it hurt him if he picks a white guy?
In 10 yrs I’ve never started a thread, hopefully I did it right.
I actually don't think it is pandering. All of the people he is considering are all very capable. The object is to win and beat Biden and if a qualified black, woman, or Hispanic can do that better than an old white man, I'm all for it.
You assume that Trump would need to be pardoned? Why wouldn't Trump get a sweetheart deal like Hunter was offered?
What sweet heart deal did Hunter get for this gun charge? He got brought to trial, when no one else has been, without another felony being committed by the perp, with the gun....who lied on an application.

They offered him deals, before they charged him, when he was a target.... He wanted no part of that.... And announced his run for office, instead...

Trump is going to get the federal cases against him dropped by his AG, and try to pardon himself, because dropping them isn't enough to stop them completely from continuing after he leaves office... if he even becomes president again imo.

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