Trump’s Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year

Damn ... there you go confusing the left with facts again!!

Don't you know the left can't count past 20? Well, the men can count to 21, (probably closer to 20 1/2) .... ??

Since the numbers have no basis in reality, why consider them at all.

And a conservative think tank recently admitted that illegal immigration is a NET GAIN for the US economy so, conservatives really haven't thought this through very well, at all, but then that's what they always do.
You're naive if you think that's all it would take. For one thing, the minute some Open Borders douche bag got in office, the raids would stop. There weren't any convictions under either Obama or Bush.

There probably won't be any convictions under Trump, either. The reason why you stupids are being fooled is because the 1% WANT illegal labor. But they know they have to keep you bigots happy by pretending to go through the motions of chasing the brown ones.

Sooo, what part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been stealing from hard working real American's?

hard working Americans arent willing to pick strawberries, and oranges 12 hours a day for min wage. They need a union to make sure farmers arent screwing them.

sooooooooooooo, where and when do start working jobs that an illegal took away from you ?

Currently we have shortages of these workers............ and if we deport these illegals.
Who do they expect to work on agricultural, poultry, meat products etc etc etc?
We might as well shut down all these enterprises then let's see what happen.
No...they retired because their retirement savings and homes recovered from the Wages of Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux, and they could finally afford to....
Surely, you jest ...

I'm pretty sure you can't fathom the complete idiocy of a statement like that. How is it possible that you are so completely deluded?

I have the S&P soaring from 1335 in Jan 2001 to a lofty 805 by January home sales went from about 900,000 per year in 2007 to about 300,000 per year in 2010....

What have you got?
You prove yourself incapable once again ....

First, you claim that all is right with the world and that people retired because they finally can - and then, you post numbers that directly disprove your own statement.

You need to rethink your logic ...
No issues with my logic......which is why you don't cite one.

Your original "criticism" was sufficiently vague that I could not clearly discern the pathology from which you are suffering....

Having dispensed with the need to demonstrate that Supply Side Idiocy Part Deux left the economy, and by extension household net worth, a smoking pyre, I will now close the circle, Hannibal style....

Is it your belief that the values of these asset classes didn't improve thereafter?


The S&P had recovered all its losses as of late summer, 2013.

Home inventories were falling, and sales recovering by the same year.

The Boomers started turning 65 in 2011.....

LOL ----- you seriously don't really believe this, do you?

Tell me --- just exactly how long will it take for a retiree's investments to return to pre-recession purchase power levels? (The answer is a lot longer than they will be alive).

Your case of economic relativity doesn't support your point ... you need to try again.

Now, as for your pathetic attempt to demonstrate your supposed superior intellect, I would strongly suggest you go back to high school. Your facility with the English language leaves much to be desired. Your attempt to distract from the weakness of your argument by dressing it in folderol is childish at best, and intellectually dishonest at worst.
Tell me --- just exactly how long will it take for a retiree's investments to return to pre-recession purchase power levels? (The answer is a lot longer than they will be alive).

You are innumerate........The S&P reached the inflation adjusted pre-recession highs in May 2014.....Over the past 3 years returns have outpaced inflation by nearly 600 basis points....

Find another game, son.....
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .
The $148 billion figure is totally bogus. He counts, among other things. $38 billion in remittances. And the tard seems to be oblivious to the fact illegals are not entitled to federal welfare or ObamaCare subsidies.
Should we expand the H1b visa to be more market friendly?

No, I don't need more Indian software coolies competing with me for the same job.
But most likely all of them are far more qualified than you are, stop asking for Affirmative Action to save your job...heh heh heh!

That isn't affirmative action, douche bag. That's the government doing one of the few legitimate purposes it was created to perform. illegals, by definition, have no right to be here.
Damn ... there you go confusing the left with facts again!!

Don't you know the left can't count past 20? Well, the men can count to 21, (probably closer to 20 1/2) .... ??

Since the numbers have no basis in reality, why consider them at all.

And a conservative think tank recently admitted that illegal immigration is a NET GAIN for the US economy so, conservatives really haven't thought this through very well, at all, but then that's what they always do.

Again, a "net gain" for the abstraction called "the economy" is meaningless. What counts is whether it benefits native born American workers, and any way you look at it it doesn't.
I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.
Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.

No it's not easy to build the wall Bri. Look at the enormous cost and the logistics to build the wall. And we do not have an open borders that you keep plugging in.

$20 billion is a drop in the bucket when you look at the size of the federal budget. The government spends more than that on office supplies. Building a 2000 mile wall would be easier than building a 2000 mile highway the same distance, and we already have Interstate 10 almost parallel to the wall.

The claim that the wall is too expensive or too hard build is just plain bullshit.

The road which is also thousand of miles, heavy equipments, housing for workers, water/electric, purchase of private lands etc etc are not even included. It cost more than $20 billions. Bri.
That is all normally included in the construction contract ...
Twisted logic to make you feel better?

Today, 11 million illegal aliens cost us $143 B (or whatever number you want to use) --- tomorrow, 22 million illegal aliens cost us $280 B (or twice your fictitious number) .... no wall, the onslaught doesn't stop, and the costs just get higher and higher and higher.

You are exaggerating your fictitious dishonest numbers way too high.

1. Are you telling me that by building a wall....Will eliminate the $143? I don't think so.
2 Without the wall........ by next year or 5 years the number of illegals will double from 12+ to 24 millions? Really?
3. Without the wall Trump will do a lousy job in controlling our borders? Despite the additional 5k BP?

About 8 out 10 Americans believe US will pay for the wall and about 60% oppose building the wall.
How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?

UNBELIEVABLE! 480,000 Illegals Overstayed Visas Last Year ⋆ Freedom Daily

"How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?"

Oh we'll get them as well. Right now our primary concern is the lowest grade filth of know, the ones who don't have the iQ or cash to come over on a know, all your buddies from Mexico, Central and South America

Your opinion doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility coming from a racist piece of shit like you.
Didn't I told you to FUCK OFF?

Well, a concise, mature, and succinct post like this CERTAINLY forwards your position ..... NOT!

Grow up.

Why the fuck you are telling me that? Why don't you tell this red neck inbred fucking asshole to grow the fuck up and stop insulting me in the first place?
His been doing these to me for a while.

I was trying to talk to decently. Now do you want to talk to you trash?

"But, Mommy, he did it FIRST!"

Really mature.
"How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?"

Oh we'll get them as well. Right now our primary concern is the lowest grade filth of know, the ones who don't have the iQ or cash to come over on a know, all your buddies from Mexico, Central and South America

Your opinion doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility coming from a racist piece of shit like you.
Didn't I told you to FUCK OFF?

Easy now need for hostility. Remember "the code" of TOLERANCE.
To show that I am tolerant I am still willing to help you with your extreme level of illiteracy and retarded use of the English language by sending you a valid copy of Rosetta Stone. I'm really starting to feel sorry for you as you continue to make a total ass of yourself here. Please accept my gracious offer.

So far this is all what you got insult. Dumb fuck. I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. SCUMBAG. Fuck you asshole.
"How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?"

Oh we'll get them as well. Right now our primary concern is the lowest grade filth of know, the ones who don't have the iQ or cash to come over on a know, all your buddies from Mexico, Central and South America

Your opinion doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility coming from a racist piece of shit like you.
Didn't I told you to FUCK OFF?

Easy now need for hostility. Remember "the code" of TOLERANCE.
To show that I am tolerant I am still willing to help you with your extreme level of illiteracy and retarded use of the English language by sending you a valid copy of Rosetta Stone. I'm really starting to feel sorry for you as you continue to make a total ass of yourself here. Please accept my gracious offer.

So far this is all what you got insult. Dumb fuck. I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. SCUMBAG. Fuck you asshole.

Lots of class here, folks ... bring the kids on by and let them see how adults address the critical issues of the day!!

What the fuck are you talking about fuck head?
"How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?"

Oh we'll get them as well. Right now our primary concern is the lowest grade filth of know, the ones who don't have the iQ or cash to come over on a know, all your buddies from Mexico, Central and South America

Your opinion doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility coming from a racist piece of shit like you.
Didn't I told you to FUCK OFF?

Easy now need for hostility. Remember "the code" of TOLERANCE.
To show that I am tolerant I am still willing to help you with your extreme level of illiteracy and retarded use of the English language by sending you a valid copy of Rosetta Stone. I'm really starting to feel sorry for you as you continue to make a total ass of yourself here. Please accept my gracious offer.

So far this is all what you got insult. Dumb fuck. I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. SCUMBAG. Fuck you asshole.
"How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?"

Oh we'll get them as well. Right now our primary concern is the lowest grade filth of know, the ones who don't have the iQ or cash to come over on a know, all your buddies from Mexico, Central and South America

Your opinion doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility coming from a racist piece of shit like you.
Didn't I told you to FUCK OFF?

Easy now need for hostility. Remember "the code" of TOLERANCE.
To show that I am tolerant I am still willing to help you with your extreme level of illiteracy and retarded use of the English language by sending you a valid copy of Rosetta Stone. I'm really starting to feel sorry for you as you continue to make a total ass of yourself here. Please accept my gracious offer.

So far this is all what you got insult. Dumb fuck. I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. SCUMBAG. Fuck you asshole.

Lots of class here, folks ... bring the kids on by and let them see how adults address the critical issues of the day!!

What the fuck are you talking about fuck head?

I'm talking about your childish, immature, and sophomoric insistence on resorting to foul language and personal attacks when pressed to validate your ridiculous posts. Somehow, you seem to be under the assumption that we are supposed to genuflect to the obvious truth simply because you said it. You offer generalities and banalities without supportable evidence, and then get all pissy when someone dares to challenge your dictums from on high.

THAT's what the fuck I'm talking about ... if you can't keep up, order the Cliff Notes version.
Which is easier, keeping out some ignorant peasants, or keeping out some well trained armies bent on conquest?

You're missing the point comrade, there is a demand for those ignorant peasants and they will keep coming as long as somebody is willing to hire them. A wall isn't going to stop them since they can simply bring shovels or ladders with them to the promised land (and it's a lot easier for a few immigrants to sneak in under the cover of darkness than it would be for an entire army)

Actually, that's false ... but, hey, if it helps sell your idea, go ahead and tell it.

It actually works like this ... an employer has a job available. He wants to pay the minimum labor costs so that his product is more competitive. If there are people who will do it for $1 an hour, he will hire them. If there aren't, and all he can find is people who demand $10 an hour, he will hire those.

The truth is much simpler ... YOU are the problem. You're unwilling to pay a price for your lettuce that will support a viable living wage for the field worker. YOU are unwilling to pay a meaningful price for your hamburger that will support the cook. YOU are the problem. The employer is trying to give you what you demand ... cheap food and goods.

I especially enjoy the way you demean them by calling them "ignorant peasants". Does that make you feel superior, or something?

But, of course, we know they are only doing jobs that Americans won't do, right? (I mean --- that's what you leftists say all the time, right?)

Except that isn't true ....


When people claim that these workers are taking jobs that Americans won't do, they ignore these statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009 averages):
  • 77.7 percent of the 7.75 million workers in food preparation and serving jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers). It is harder to get a job at McDonalds than it is to get into Harvard.
  • 65.8 percent of 5.38 million workers in cleaning and maintenance jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 74.5 percent of the 7.45 million workers in construction and extraction jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 75.9 percent of the 7.63 million workers in production jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
It is clear then, that these ARE jobs that Americans will do, if paid a fair wage.

Jobs Americans Won't Do?

So, we now know that myth isn't true, don't we?

The truth is much, much simpler ... these "ignorant peasants" (as you so blithely call them) will keep coming as long as the social safety net of the US provides them a better life than they have in their home country. They know that, no matter what happens, they will have food and a place to live. They know that they will not only survive on the US safety net, but they will be able to send money back to their families.

In an effort to create a voting base, the Democrat party, and its socialist counterparts, have created a mess that is getting too expensive to maintain.

That's dumb. This just shows that you don't know shit and just pure ignorant.
Which is easier, keeping out some ignorant peasants, or keeping out some well trained armies bent on conquest?

You're missing the point comrade, there is a demand for those ignorant peasants and they will keep coming as long as somebody is willing to hire them. A wall isn't going to stop them since they can simply bring shovels or ladders with them to the promised land (and it's a lot easier for a few immigrants to sneak in under the cover of darkness than it would be for an entire army)

Actually, that's false ... but, hey, if it helps sell your idea, go ahead and tell it.

It actually works like this ... an employer has a job available. He wants to pay the minimum labor costs so that his product is more competitive. If there are people who will do it for $1 an hour, he will hire them. If there aren't, and all he can find is people who demand $10 an hour, he will hire those.

The truth is much simpler ... YOU are the problem. You're unwilling to pay a price for your lettuce that will support a viable living wage for the field worker. YOU are unwilling to pay a meaningful price for your hamburger that will support the cook. YOU are the problem. The employer is trying to give you what you demand ... cheap food and goods.

I especially enjoy the way you demean them by calling them "ignorant peasants". Does that make you feel superior, or something?

But, of course, we know they are only doing jobs that Americans won't do, right? (I mean --- that's what you leftists say all the time, right?)

Except that isn't true ....


When people claim that these workers are taking jobs that Americans won't do, they ignore these statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009 averages):
  • 77.7 percent of the 7.75 million workers in food preparation and serving jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers). It is harder to get a job at McDonalds than it is to get into Harvard.
  • 65.8 percent of 5.38 million workers in cleaning and maintenance jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 74.5 percent of the 7.45 million workers in construction and extraction jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 75.9 percent of the 7.63 million workers in production jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
It is clear then, that these ARE jobs that Americans will do, if paid a fair wage.

Jobs Americans Won't Do?

So, we now know that myth isn't true, don't we?

The truth is much, much simpler ... these "ignorant peasants" (as you so blithely call them) will keep coming as long as the social safety net of the US provides them a better life than they have in their home country. They know that, no matter what happens, they will have food and a place to live. They know that they will not only survive on the US safety net, but they will be able to send money back to their families.

In an effort to create a voting base, the Democrat party, and its socialist counterparts, have created a mess that is getting too expensive to maintain.

That's dumb. This just shows that you don't know shit and just pure ignorant.

Right ... I don't know shit. My years as a business owner and CEO mean nothing ... clearly, I don't have a clue.

Why don't you tell us your expertise, and your experience, as a businessman?
You're naive if you think that's all it would take. For one thing, the minute some Open Borders douche bag got in office, the raids would stop. There weren't any convictions under either Obama or Bush.

There probably won't be any convictions under Trump, either. The reason why you stupids are being fooled is because the 1% WANT illegal labor. But they know they have to keep you bigots happy by pretending to go through the motions of chasing the brown ones.

Sooo, what part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been stealing from hard working real American's?

hard working Americans arent willing to pick strawberries, and oranges 12 hours a day for min wage. They need a union to make sure farmers arent screwing them.

sooooooooooooo, where and when do start working jobs that an illegal took away from you ?

Currently we have shortages of these workers............ and if we deport these illegals.
Who do they expect to work on agricultural, poultry, meat products etc etc etc?
We might as well shut down all these enterprises then let's see what happen.
Maybe, coincident with deportation, we should cancel food stamps and unemployment. I'm guessing that will cure three problems at once.
Surely, you jest ...

I'm pretty sure you can't fathom the complete idiocy of a statement like that. How is it possible that you are so completely deluded?

I have the S&P soaring from 1335 in Jan 2001 to a lofty 805 by January home sales went from about 900,000 per year in 2007 to about 300,000 per year in 2010....

What have you got?
You prove yourself incapable once again ....

First, you claim that all is right with the world and that people retired because they finally can - and then, you post numbers that directly disprove your own statement.

You need to rethink your logic ...
No issues with my logic......which is why you don't cite one.

Your original "criticism" was sufficiently vague that I could not clearly discern the pathology from which you are suffering....

Having dispensed with the need to demonstrate that Supply Side Idiocy Part Deux left the economy, and by extension household net worth, a smoking pyre, I will now close the circle, Hannibal style....

Is it your belief that the values of these asset classes didn't improve thereafter?


The S&P had recovered all its losses as of late summer, 2013.

Home inventories were falling, and sales recovering by the same year.

The Boomers started turning 65 in 2011.....

LOL ----- you seriously don't really believe this, do you?

Tell me --- just exactly how long will it take for a retiree's investments to return to pre-recession purchase power levels? (The answer is a lot longer than they will be alive).

Your case of economic relativity doesn't support your point ... you need to try again.

Now, as for your pathetic attempt to demonstrate your supposed superior intellect, I would strongly suggest you go back to high school. Your facility with the English language leaves much to be desired. Your attempt to distract from the weakness of your argument by dressing it in folderol is childish at best, and intellectually dishonest at worst.
Tell me --- just exactly how long will it take for a retiree's investments to return to pre-recession purchase power levels? (The answer is a lot longer than they will be alive).

You are innumerate........The S&P reached the inflation adjusted pre-recession highs in May 2014.....Over the past 3 years returns have outpaced inflation by nearly 600 basis points....

Find another game, son.....

Whose investments do you suppose recovered? Think it was your mama's Social Security? Drive her Medicare costs down? Wait - I bet it lowered the cost of her food, lights, and energy, right?

You are talking apples and oranges ... clearly, indicating you don't understand fruit at all.
You're naive if you think that's all it would take. For one thing, the minute some Open Borders douche bag got in office, the raids would stop. There weren't any convictions under either Obama or Bush.

There probably won't be any convictions under Trump, either. The reason why you stupids are being fooled is because the 1% WANT illegal labor. But they know they have to keep you bigots happy by pretending to go through the motions of chasing the brown ones.

Sooo, what part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been stealing from hard working real American's?

hard working Americans arent willing to pick strawberries, and oranges 12 hours a day for min wage. They need a union to make sure farmers arent screwing them.

sooooooooooooo, where and when do start working jobs that an illegal took away from you ?

Currently we have shortages of these workers............ and if we deport these illegals.
Who do they expect to work on agricultural, poultry, meat products etc etc etc?
We might as well shut down all these enterprises then let's see what happen.

Again no American wants to work for $4.00 an hour kick 20 million illegals out and they would have to raise wages, hell I would pick apples for $25 bucks an hour,
I have the S&P soaring from 1335 in Jan 2001 to a lofty 805 by January home sales went from about 900,000 per year in 2007 to about 300,000 per year in 2010....

What have you got?
You prove yourself incapable once again ....

First, you claim that all is right with the world and that people retired because they finally can - and then, you post numbers that directly disprove your own statement.

You need to rethink your logic ...
No issues with my logic......which is why you don't cite one.

Your original "criticism" was sufficiently vague that I could not clearly discern the pathology from which you are suffering....

Having dispensed with the need to demonstrate that Supply Side Idiocy Part Deux left the economy, and by extension household net worth, a smoking pyre, I will now close the circle, Hannibal style....

Is it your belief that the values of these asset classes didn't improve thereafter?


The S&P had recovered all its losses as of late summer, 2013.

Home inventories were falling, and sales recovering by the same year.

The Boomers started turning 65 in 2011.....

LOL ----- you seriously don't really believe this, do you?

Tell me --- just exactly how long will it take for a retiree's investments to return to pre-recession purchase power levels? (The answer is a lot longer than they will be alive).

Your case of economic relativity doesn't support your point ... you need to try again.

Now, as for your pathetic attempt to demonstrate your supposed superior intellect, I would strongly suggest you go back to high school. Your facility with the English language leaves much to be desired. Your attempt to distract from the weakness of your argument by dressing it in folderol is childish at best, and intellectually dishonest at worst.
Tell me --- just exactly how long will it take for a retiree's investments to return to pre-recession purchase power levels? (The answer is a lot longer than they will be alive).

You are innumerate........The S&P reached the inflation adjusted pre-recession highs in May 2014.....Over the past 3 years returns have outpaced inflation by nearly 600 basis points....

Find another game, son.....

Whose investments do you suppose recovered? Think it was your mama's Social Security? Drive her Medicare costs down? Wait - I bet it lowered the cost of her food, lights, and energy, right?

You are talking apples and oranges ... clearly, indicating you don't understand fruit at all.
I've got no problem spotting a steaming pile of horse dung when I see it....
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .
The $148 billion figure is totally bogus. He counts, among other things. $38 billion in remittances. And the tard seems to be oblivious to the fact illegals are not entitled to federal welfare or ObamaCare subsidies.
Should we expand the H1b visa to be more market friendly?

No, I don't need more Indian software coolies competing with me for the same job.
But most likely all of them are far more qualified than you are, stop asking for Affirmative Action to save your job...heh heh heh!

That isn't affirmative action, douche bag. That's the government doing one of the few legitimate purposes it was created to perform. illegals, by definition, have no right to be here.
But we only want the brightest and the best... I'd take a brilliant illegal over your dumbass any day :lol:
Damn ... there you go confusing the left with facts again!!

Don't you know the left can't count past 20? Well, the men can count to 21, (probably closer to 20 1/2) .... ??

Since the numbers have no basis in reality, why consider them at all.

And a conservative think tank recently admitted that illegal immigration is a NET GAIN for the US economy so, conservatives really haven't thought this through very well, at all, but then that's what they always do.
I'm shocked! Greedy assed Neo-Conservatives want cheap labor!?
It's a net gain for those who have stock in food corporations.
You prove yourself incapable once again ....

First, you claim that all is right with the world and that people retired because they finally can - and then, you post numbers that directly disprove your own statement.

You need to rethink your logic ...
No issues with my logic......which is why you don't cite one.

Your original "criticism" was sufficiently vague that I could not clearly discern the pathology from which you are suffering....

Having dispensed with the need to demonstrate that Supply Side Idiocy Part Deux left the economy, and by extension household net worth, a smoking pyre, I will now close the circle, Hannibal style....

Is it your belief that the values of these asset classes didn't improve thereafter?


The S&P had recovered all its losses as of late summer, 2013.

Home inventories were falling, and sales recovering by the same year.

The Boomers started turning 65 in 2011.....

LOL ----- you seriously don't really believe this, do you?

Tell me --- just exactly how long will it take for a retiree's investments to return to pre-recession purchase power levels? (The answer is a lot longer than they will be alive).

Your case of economic relativity doesn't support your point ... you need to try again.

Now, as for your pathetic attempt to demonstrate your supposed superior intellect, I would strongly suggest you go back to high school. Your facility with the English language leaves much to be desired. Your attempt to distract from the weakness of your argument by dressing it in folderol is childish at best, and intellectually dishonest at worst.
Tell me --- just exactly how long will it take for a retiree's investments to return to pre-recession purchase power levels? (The answer is a lot longer than they will be alive).

You are innumerate........The S&P reached the inflation adjusted pre-recession highs in May 2014.....Over the past 3 years returns have outpaced inflation by nearly 600 basis points....

Find another game, son.....

Whose investments do you suppose recovered? Think it was your mama's Social Security? Drive her Medicare costs down? Wait - I bet it lowered the cost of her food, lights, and energy, right?

You are talking apples and oranges ... clearly, indicating you don't understand fruit at all.
I've got no problem spotting a steaming pile of horse dung when I see it....

Same old stuff ... when hoisted by your own petard, attack the poster, not the issue.

We'll take this as your sign of surrender (and admission that you don't know what hell you were talking about)
Damn ... there you go confusing the left with facts again!!

Don't you know the left can't count past 20? Well, the men can count to 21, (probably closer to 20 1/2) .... ??

Since the numbers have no basis in reality, why consider them at all.

And a conservative think tank recently admitted that illegal immigration is a NET GAIN for the US economy so, conservatives really haven't thought this through very well, at all, but then that's what they always do.
I'm shocked! Greedy assed Neo-Conservatives want cheap labor!?
It's a net gain for those who have stock in food corporations.
Actually, it isn't ... but it IS a net gain for the consumer.
The wall won't work. You want to stop illegal immigration? You need an all out war on the people who employ illegals,
right down to the homeowner who hires an illegal to mow his lawn.

That will never happen.

The wall will work. It works everywhere it's tried. Sovling the problem after they have already entered the country is orders of magnitude less likely to be successful. Of course, that's exactly why you propose it.

Can you tell us how the wall works to stop those who enter legally and overstay their visas?
Damn ... there you go confusing the left with facts again!!

Don't you know the left can't count past 20? Well, the men can count to 21, (probably closer to 20 1/2) .... ??

Since the numbers have no basis in reality, why consider them at all.

And a conservative think tank recently admitted that illegal immigration is a NET GAIN for the US economy so, conservatives really haven't thought this through very well, at all, but then that's what they always do.
I'm shocked! Greedy assed Neo-Conservatives want cheap labor!?
It's a net gain for those who have stock in food corporations.
Actually, it isn't ... but it IS a net gain for the consumer.
I don't know as I have no idea as to how crops are actually harvested, picked, etc...
For instance, does anybody here know how many apples are picked per hour per person?
The wall won't work. You want to stop illegal immigration? You need an all out war on the people who employ illegals,
right down to the homeowner who hires an illegal to mow his lawn.

That will never happen.

The wall will work. It works everywhere it's tried. Sovling the problem after they have already entered the country is orders of magnitude less likely to be successful. Of course, that's exactly why you propose it.

Can you tell us how the wall works to stop those who enter legally and overstay their visas?
Can you tell us how many work visas will be granted per year to those who have to enter through the wall?

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