Trump’s Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year

You have nothing but fallacy; how inferior is that. It is the Only reason i cannot go along with your white nationalism.

Huh? Come on Danny, don't give up so easily.
What you're really saying is I made too much sense, you can't counter so you'll just bow out of the debate...right?
simply being full of fallacy, really is inferior.

We could be generating revenue with a market friendly visa that expires annually.

It is about capitalism versus socialism on a national basis.

Why be for more, regulation?

Come on Danny....stop the babble and properly engage in the discussion...I don't like watching you being ignored.
Why put foreigners to work here when we can make use of our own desperate bottom feeders?

"Rather than work so hard to come up with clever ways to keep the Mexican filth rolling in why not figure out ways to get our resident filth off the couch, away from the weed and 40oz of King Cobra and out working?
Let's demand that our able bodied welfare recipients pick strawberries and pour concrete in order to keep those EBT cards rolling in?
The win is two fold....Government could offer subsidized labor to employers such as farmers and construction companies while teaching our bottom feeding piece of shits to work and be accountable.....Whatta you say?"
only the right wing never gets it.

why "throw capitalism under the buss" merely for the inferiority of your national socialist point of view?

You're ducking and dodging and making no sense in your babble.
Answer my questions. Don't be scared.
you have nothing but fallacy. with Capitalism, we could be generating revenue to help potentially, lower our tax burden.

all you have is more socialism on a national basis, my goode comrade.
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .
13 hrs ·

I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.

No, monetary incentive is the source of illegal immigration. Stories of how eager American employers are eager to hire and pay spreads like wildfire throughout Latin America. The source is also the cause.

If nobody would hire them they would not come....

Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall

Hey fellas... just so I know the type of chareacter I'm dealing with...let me ask you this.
If I left my keys in the ignition of my car and it got stolen did I incentives the thieves and perpetuate the theft?
Did I deserve to have my car stolen?
Just because I made the theft possible should the thieves have stolen my car?
Apples and oranges....right? Thanks for playing.
Notice how when foreigners break our laws the lib douche bags want to put Americans in jail rather than the foreigners.

Notice how when the rich take advantage of the poor to get richer, the republicans punish the poor.

Got any idea just exactly how stupid that sounds??

You might want to shine a little reality on it.

The reality is they come here because the rich hire them. No jobs, no immigrants.
So incredibly naive ... and ever so wrong. But, yet, you continue to parrot the leftist propaganda.
You're naive if you think that's all it would take. For one thing, the minute some Open Borders douche bag got in office, the raids would stop. There weren't any convictions under either Obama or Bush.

There probably won't be any convictions under Trump, either. The reason why you stupids are being fooled is because the 1% WANT illegal labor. But they know they have to keep you bigots happy by pretending to go through the motions of chasing the brown ones.

Sooo, what part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been stealing from hard working real American's?

The employers are the ones stealing. They are hiring immigrants rather than Americans.
Ok ... one more time I'm going to show you just how incredibly false this is.

Profit - which you maintain is the reason illegals are hired - is a percentage of cost. Any good businessman sets his anticipated profit margin based on the cost of production and labor. It doesn't make any difference whether the cost is $5 or $500, his profit expectations are the same (a nominal 10% of the cost) There is an economic case to be made that the higher the labor cost, the more dollars in the pocket of the producer (10% of $500 means more money in the employer's pocket than 10% of $5)

The only reason to use cheaper labor is because YOU want cheaper goods. YOU are more likely to buy the product if it is cheaper. Cheaper prices means the product is more competitive, and more likely to be bought by YOU.

So, YOU bitch and moan about the employer giving you exactly what you want. It's always convenient to blame somebody else when, in fact, YOU are the problem.
You're naive if you think that's all it would take. For one thing, the minute some Open Borders douche bag got in office, the raids would stop. There weren't any convictions under either Obama or Bush.

There probably won't be any convictions under Trump, either. The reason why you stupids are being fooled is because the 1% WANT illegal labor. But they know they have to keep you bigots happy by pretending to go through the motions of chasing the brown ones.

Sooo, what part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been stealing from hard working real American's?

hard working Americans arent willing to pick strawberries, and oranges 12 hours a day for min wage. They need a union to make sure farmers arent screwing them.

sooooooooooooo, where and when do start working jobs that an illegal took away from you ?
Except that isn't true ....


When people claim that these workers are taking jobs that Americans won't do, they ignore these statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009 averages):
  • 77.7 percent of the 7.75 million workers in food preparation and serving jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers). It is harder to get a job at McDonalds than it is to get into Harvard.
  • 65.8 percent of 5.38 million workers in cleaning and maintenance jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 74.5 percent of the 7.45 million workers in construction and extraction jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 75.9 percent of the 7.63 million workers in production jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
It is clear then, that these ARE jobs that Americans will do, if paid a fair wage.

Jobs Americans Won't Do?

So, we now know that myth isn't true, don't we?
Yeah, it's low, if you don't count all the people who quit looking or all the people holding down two or three part time jobs.

Why would we count all those baby boomers who got old and retired? Isn't that what you are supposed to do?
They "retired" only because they couldn't find work, moron.
No...they retired because their retirement savings and homes recovered from the Wages of Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux, and they could finally afford to....
Surely, you jest ...

I'm pretty sure you can't fathom the complete idiocy of a statement like that. How is it possible that you are so completely deluded?

I have the S&P soaring from 1335 in Jan 2001 to a lofty 805 by January home sales went from about 900,000 per year in 2007 to about 300,000 per year in 2010....

What have you got?
You prove yourself incapable once again ....

First, you claim that all is right with the world and that people retired because they finally can - and then, you post numbers that directly disprove your own statement.

You need to rethink your logic ...
I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.
If we go to the source of illegal immigration.
"If we go to the source of illegal immigration"
Well technically isn't the source or origination point Mexico and the border?
No, monetary incentive is the source of illegal immigration. Stories of how eager American employers are eager to hire and pay spreads like wildfire throughout Latin America. The source is also the cause.

If nobody would hire them they would not come....

Awesome how you loons are all for slave labor...haha
How many times does this have to be revisited before you whackos can understand it? Illegal immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America do not yield a net gain for the US...they cost billions on top of billions and your are plain fucking crazy or a beaner yourself if you believe otherwise. They are dead weight and leave nothing but filth behind.
Long before wetbacks American's were working the low iQ jobs. Kids worked on farms, washed dishes and flipped burgers. The Libtard spin is that kids aren't willing to work these jobs...but that's total bullshit. Wetbacks have made these jobs careers, and offered BJ's at the end of shifts all for shit wages...they take what they can get as they're fully aware they can't qualify to work anything requiring iQ and communication skills. They've essentially ran the kids out of these jobs. Wetbacks offer the new age slave labor. If wetbacks didn't exist companies would have to pay whatever wage necessary to encourage real American's to work X jobs and then pass the cost on to the end user...simple economics. If end users aren't willing to pay X amount then X product or service goes away...again, simple economics.
See how easy this is? Keep your head out of your ass and enjoy being truly enlightened. You're welcome.
P.S.- What part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been robbing American taxpayers?
I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.
Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.
Tear down the wall

Lock up a single CEO and watch the jobs disappear overnight
10 million people will be moving in the opposite direction

Awesome how you loons are all for slave labor...haha
How many times does this have to be revisited before you whackos can understand it? Illegal immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America do not yield a net gain for the US...they cost billions on top of billions and your are plain fucking crazy or a beaner yourself if you believe otherwise. They are dead weight and leave nothing but filth behind.
Long before wetbacks American's were working the low iQ jobs. Kids worked on farms, washed dishes and flipped burgers. The Libtard spin is that kids aren't willing to work these jobs...but that's total bullshit. Wetbacks have made these jobs careers, and offered BJ's at the end of shifts all for shit wages...they take what they can get as they're fully aware they can't qualify to work anything requiring iQ and communication skills. They've essentially ran the kids out of these jobs. Wetbacks offer the new age slave labor. If wetbacks didn't exist companies would have to pay whatever wage necessary to encourage real American's to work X jobs and then pass the cost on to the end user...simple economics. If end users aren't willing to pay X amount then X product or service goes away...again, simple economics.
See how easy this is? Keep your head out of your ass and enjoy being truly enlightened. You're welcome.
P.S.- What part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been robbing American taxpayers?
I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.
Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.
How is it easier to build a 2000 mile wall you impertinent little toad? All it would take is several well publicized convictions of employers of illegals accompanied by long prison sentences. All for a third of the cost to buy one fighter jet.

"Agreed. The crime of hiring illegals should be aggressively enforced. However, big cities with the populous of illegals have already made it clear that they love their illegals and will not criminalize them...with that said should we believe city officials would demand criminalization of employers? That would be awfully naive of"
Build the wall and defend it like the Pentagon.
Who is the bigger criminal?
The business owner who makes profit off of low wage illegal workers or some Mexican trying to feed his family?

Who is more likely to be arrested?
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .

As always Bri you are missing something.
1. How in the world this biased media came up with $148B? Trump said $113B, ABC estimate at $100B.

2. To all Trump supporters. LISTEN CAREFULLY............ Whatever the cost $148B or $100B ................ those cost are inside this country. It is NOT the cost of illegal immigrants coming in.
So if the stupid wall is built........ It doesn't matter the cost $100B is not going away. Got it?

Building a wall VS costing tax payers to support illegals are 2 separate entities.
Meaning the link you provided coming from a biased media is worthless and dumb to make that kind of justification.

Twisted logic to make you feel better?

Today, 11 million illegal aliens cost us $143 B (or whatever number you want to use) --- tomorrow, 22 million illegal aliens cost us $280 B (or twice your fictitious number) .... no wall, the onslaught doesn't stop, and the costs just get higher and higher and higher.

You are exaggerating your fictitious dishonest numbers way too high.

1. Are you telling me that by building a wall....Will eliminate the $143? I don't think so.
2 Without the wall........ by next year or 5 years the number of illegals will double from 12+ to 24 millions? Really?
3. Without the wall Trump will do a lousy job in controlling our borders? Despite the additional 5k BP?

About 8 out 10 Americans believe US will pay for the wall and about 60% oppose building the wall.
How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?

UNBELIEVABLE! 480,000 Illegals Overstayed Visas Last Year ⋆ Freedom Daily

"How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?"

Oh we'll get them as well. Right now our primary concern is the lowest grade filth of know, the ones who don't have the iQ or cash to come over on a know, all your buddies from Mexico, Central and South America

Your opinion doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility coming from a racist piece of shit like you.
Didn't I told you to FUCK OFF?
If we go to the source of illegal immigration.
"If we go to the source of illegal immigration"
Well technically isn't the source or origination point Mexico and the border?
No, monetary incentive is the source of illegal immigration. Stories of how eager American employers are eager to hire and pay spreads like wildfire throughout Latin America. The source is also the cause.

If nobody would hire them they would not come....

I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.
Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.
Tear down the wall

Lock up a single CEO and watch the jobs disappear overnight
10 million people will be moving in the opposite direction

I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.
Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.
How is it easier to build a 2000 mile wall you impertinent little toad? All it would take is several well publicized convictions of employers of illegals accompanied by long prison sentences. All for a third of the cost to buy one fighter jet.

"Agreed. The crime of hiring illegals should be aggressively enforced. However, big cities with the populous of illegals have already made it clear that they love their illegals and will not criminalize them...with that said should we believe city officials would demand criminalization of employers? That would be awfully naive of"
Build the wall and defend it like the Pentagon.
Who is the bigger criminal?
The business owner who makes profit off of low wage illegal workers or some Mexican trying to feed his family?

Who is more likely to be arrested?

They're equally criminal as both are committing crimes. Problem is, your nutless Democratic leaders of these shithole cities pretend neither are criminals and refuse to do anything about it. In fact most develop one program after the next to make both sides more "comfortable" and at ease while breaking the law. Your party would sell their ass for a know this.
Does that include the welfare an unemployment benefits of Americans who lost their jobs to illegals?

Competitive labor leads to a stronger economy. Next!

Like most proud Americans i hated the idea of illegals coming here to "take our jobs." However, the more I looked at the work they do and the impact of mass deportation, I realized just how important most of them are to the health of our economy.

undocumented workers make up around 67% of farm laborers. Their low salaries keep prices of crops and vegetables down.

The National Milk Producer's Federation forecasted a 61% increase in the cost of milk if their low cost labor pool dried up.

They contributed close to 300 billion in payroll tax to the Social Security trust Fund.

From the perspective of any notable economist, the undocumented worker is helping to maintain our way of life more than they are hindering it!

Awesome how you loons are all for slave labor...haha
How many times does this have to be revisited before you whackos can understand it? Illegal immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America do not yield a net gain for the US...they cost billions on top of billions and your are plain fucking crazy or a beaner yourself if you believe otherwise. They are dead weight and leave nothing but filth behind.
Long before wetbacks American's were working the low iQ jobs. Kids worked on farms, washed dishes and flipped burgers. The Libtard spin is that kids aren't willing to work these jobs...but that's total bullshit. Wetbacks have made these jobs careers, and offered BJ's at the end of shifts all for shit wages...they take what they can get as they're fully aware they can't qualify to work anything requiring iQ and communication skills. They've essentially ran the kids out of these jobs. Wetbacks offer the new age slave labor. If wetbacks didn't exist companies would have to pay whatever wage necessary to encourage real American's to work X jobs and then pass the cost on to the end user...simple economics. If end users aren't willing to pay X amount then X product or service goes away...again, simple economics.
See how easy this is? Keep your head out of your ass and enjoy being truly enlightened. You're welcome.
P.S.- What part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been robbing American taxpayers?

You're correct. As a youngster I washed dishes, ran a ski lift, bused tables, cleaned up on construction sites, pumped gas, clean up had landscape maintenance, etc. All jobs now held by illegals. Even my kids had more job opportunities, though more limited than mine, than kids today.

Illegals have taken all of the low skilled, entry level jobs that young people filled in the past, causing the unemployment to escalate, exacerbating the situation.

Where I live illegals have taken ALL of the laborer, pipe layers, brick layers, concrete finishers, burger flippers, some truck driver/heavy equipment operator, roofer, many carpenter, fencing, landscaping, logging, drilling rig, etc, jobs. As a result there are hundreds of people out of work in our small city. They have depressed all of those wages to the point that (if a job even comes open) a family man isn't able to support his family. They've taken skilled jobs from $20..00-$25.00/hr to of $10.00-$12.00/hr. They get food stamps; welfare; and government supported free medical and dental care from the Merilac Clinic; unemployment in the winter; government assisted low-income housing, so the unemployed can't find an affordable place to live.

With the illegals driving down wages and the huge influx of California retirees moving in, wages have dropped and the cost of living (Housing and food, etc) has risen to the point the the average person can't afford to live here and can't afford to move.

Trying to find a job here is harder than during the energy bust in the 1980's.

This is the thing that liberals turn a blind eye to and claim it doesn't exist. Liberals live in their ivory towers, often in their minds, and view the world though rose colored glasses. They totally ignored the realities of this, and other things. They choose to live in their utopian worlds, which are quickly turning in dystopian, in ignorant bliss.

And they can't figure out why the average working man has chosen conservatism.

Last edited:
Does that include the welfare an unemployment benefits of Americans who lost their jobs to illegals?

Competitive labor leads to a stronger economy. Next!

Like most proud Americans i hated the idea of illegals coming here to "take our jobs." However, the more I looked at the work they do and the impact of mass deportation, I realized just how important most of them are to the health of our economy.

undocumented workers make up around 67% of farm laborers. Their low salaries keep prices of crops and vegetables down.

The National Milk Producer's Federation forecasted a 61% increase in the cost of milk if their low cost labor pool dried up.

They contributed close to 300 billion in payroll tax to the Social Security trust Fund.

From the perspective of any notable economist, the undocumented worker is helping to maintain our way of life more than they are hindering it!

Awesome how you loons are all for slave labor...haha
How many times does this have to be revisited before you whackos can understand it? Illegal immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America do not yield a net gain for the US...they cost billions on top of billions and your are plain fucking crazy or a beaner yourself if you believe otherwise. They are dead weight and leave nothing but filth behind.
Long before wetbacks American's were working the low iQ jobs. Kids worked on farms, washed dishes and flipped burgers. The Libtard spin is that kids aren't willing to work these jobs...but that's total bullshit. Wetbacks have made these jobs careers, and offered BJ's at the end of shifts all for shit wages...they take what they can get as they're fully aware they can't qualify to work anything requiring iQ and communication skills. They've essentially ran the kids out of these jobs. Wetbacks offer the new age slave labor. If wetbacks didn't exist companies would have to pay whatever wage necessary to encourage real American's to work X jobs and then pass the cost on to the end user...simple economics. If end users aren't willing to pay X amount then X product or service goes away...again, simple economics.
See how easy this is? Keep your head out of your ass and enjoy being truly enlightened. You're welcome.
P.S.- What part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been robbing American taxpayers?

You're correct. As a youngster I washed dishes, ran a ski lift, bused tables, cleaned up on construction sites, pumped gas, clean up had landscape maintenance, etc. All jobs now held by illegals. Even my kids had more job opportunities, though more limited than mine, than kids today.

Even with "home schooling" and YouTube available? How do your kids have less opportunities, in modern information age times?
Does that include the welfare an unemployment benefits of Americans who lost their jobs to illegals?

Competitive labor leads to a stronger economy. Next!

Like most proud Americans i hated the idea of illegals coming here to "take our jobs." However, the more I looked at the work they do and the impact of mass deportation, I realized just how important most of them are to the health of our economy.

undocumented workers make up around 67% of farm laborers. Their low salaries keep prices of crops and vegetables down.

The National Milk Producer's Federation forecasted a 61% increase in the cost of milk if their low cost labor pool dried up.

They contributed close to 300 billion in payroll tax to the Social Security trust Fund.

From the perspective of any notable economist, the undocumented worker is helping to maintain our way of life more than they are hindering it!

Awesome how you loons are all for slave labor...haha
How many times does this have to be revisited before you whackos can understand it? Illegal immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America do not yield a net gain for the US...they cost billions on top of billions and your are plain fucking crazy or a beaner yourself if you believe otherwise. They are dead weight and leave nothing but filth behind.
Long before wetbacks American's were working the low iQ jobs. Kids worked on farms, washed dishes and flipped burgers. The Libtard spin is that kids aren't willing to work these jobs...but that's total bullshit. Wetbacks have made these jobs careers, and offered BJ's at the end of shifts all for shit wages...they take what they can get as they're fully aware they can't qualify to work anything requiring iQ and communication skills. They've essentially ran the kids out of these jobs. Wetbacks offer the new age slave labor. If wetbacks didn't exist companies would have to pay whatever wage necessary to encourage real American's to work X jobs and then pass the cost on to the end user...simple economics. If end users aren't willing to pay X amount then X product or service goes away...again, simple economics.
See how easy this is? Keep your head out of your ass and enjoy being truly enlightened. You're welcome.
P.S.- What part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been robbing American taxpayers?
I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.
Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.

No it's not easy to build the wall Bri. Look at the enormous cost and the logistics to build the wall. And we do not have an open borders that you keep plugging in.
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .

As always Bri you are missing something.
1. How in the world this biased media came up with $148B? Trump said $113B, ABC estimate at $100B.

2. To all Trump supporters. LISTEN CAREFULLY............ Whatever the cost $148B or $100B ................ those cost are inside this country. It is NOT the cost of illegal immigrants coming in.
So if the stupid wall is built........ It doesn't matter the cost $100B is not going away. Got it?

Building a wall VS costing tax payers to support illegals are 2 separate entities.
Meaning the link you provided coming from a biased media is worthless and dumb to make that kind of justification.

Twisted logic to make you feel better?

Today, 11 million illegal aliens cost us $143 B (or whatever number you want to use) --- tomorrow, 22 million illegal aliens cost us $280 B (or twice your fictitious number) .... no wall, the onslaught doesn't stop, and the costs just get higher and higher and higher.

You are exaggerating your fictitious dishonest numbers way too high.

1. Are you telling me that by building a wall....Will eliminate the $143? I don't think so.
2 Without the wall........ by next year or 5 years the number of illegals will double from 12+ to 24 millions? Really?
3. Without the wall Trump will do a lousy job in controlling our borders? Despite the additional 5k BP?

About 8 out 10 Americans believe US will pay for the wall and about 60% oppose building the wall.
How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?

UNBELIEVABLE! 480,000 Illegals Overstayed Visas Last Year ⋆ Freedom Daily

"How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?"

Oh we'll get them as well. Right now our primary concern is the lowest grade filth of know, the ones who don't have the iQ or cash to come over on a know, all your buddies from Mexico, Central and South America

Your opinion doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility coming from a racist piece of shit like you.
Didn't I told you to FUCK OFF?

Easy now need for hostility. Remember "the code" of TOLERANCE.
To show that I am tolerant I am still willing to help you with your extreme level of illiteracy and retarded use of the English language by sending you a valid copy of Rosetta Stone. I'm really starting to feel sorry for you as you continue to make a total ass of yourself here. Please accept my gracious offer.
Why would we count all those baby boomers who got old and retired? Isn't that what you are supposed to do?
They "retired" only because they couldn't find work, moron.
No...they retired because their retirement savings and homes recovered from the Wages of Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux, and they could finally afford to....
Surely, you jest ...

I'm pretty sure you can't fathom the complete idiocy of a statement like that. How is it possible that you are so completely deluded?

I have the S&P soaring from 1335 in Jan 2001 to a lofty 805 by January home sales went from about 900,000 per year in 2007 to about 300,000 per year in 2010....

What have you got?
You prove yourself incapable once again ....

First, you claim that all is right with the world and that people retired because they finally can - and then, you post numbers that directly disprove your own statement.

You need to rethink your logic ...
No issues with my logic......which is why you don't cite one.

Your original "criticism" was sufficiently vague that I could not clearly discern the pathology from which you are suffering....

Having dispensed with the need to demonstrate that Supply Side Idiocy Part Deux left the economy, and by extension household net worth, a smoking pyre, I will now close the circle, Hannibal style....

Is it your belief that the values of these asset classes didn't improve thereafter?


The S&P had recovered all its losses as of late summer, 2013.

Home inventories were falling, and sales recovering by the same year.

The Boomers started turning 65 in 2011.....
If we go to the source of illegal immigration.
"If we go to the source of illegal immigration"
Well technically isn't the source or origination point Mexico and the border?
No, monetary incentive is the source of illegal immigration. Stories of how eager American employers are eager to hire and pay spreads like wildfire throughout Latin America. The source is also the cause.

If nobody would hire them they would not come....

I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.
Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.
Tear down the wall

Lock up a single CEO and watch the jobs disappear overnight
10 million people will be moving in the opposite direction

I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.
Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.
How is it easier to build a 2000 mile wall you impertinent little toad? All it would take is several well publicized convictions of employers of illegals accompanied by long prison sentences. All for a third of the cost to buy one fighter jet.

"Agreed. The crime of hiring illegals should be aggressively enforced. However, big cities with the populous of illegals have already made it clear that they love their illegals and will not criminalize them...with that said should we believe city officials would demand criminalization of employers? That would be awfully naive of"
Build the wall and defend it like the Pentagon.
Who is the bigger criminal?
The business owner who makes profit off of low wage illegal workers or some Mexican trying to feed his family?

Who is more likely to be arrested?

What difference does it make? We know that the immigration laws are never going to be enforced by Democrats running these sanctuary cities. They are the biggest criminals. The surest way to make sure illegals don't enter the country is to keep them out in the first place.

No one gives a fuck about your hatred of employers.
Competitive labor leads to a stronger economy. Next!

Like most proud Americans i hated the idea of illegals coming here to "take our jobs." However, the more I looked at the work they do and the impact of mass deportation, I realized just how important most of them are to the health of our economy.

undocumented workers make up around 67% of farm laborers. Their low salaries keep prices of crops and vegetables down.

The National Milk Producer's Federation forecasted a 61% increase in the cost of milk if their low cost labor pool dried up.

They contributed close to 300 billion in payroll tax to the Social Security trust Fund.

From the perspective of any notable economist, the undocumented worker is helping to maintain our way of life more than they are hindering it!

Awesome how you loons are all for slave labor...haha
How many times does this have to be revisited before you whackos can understand it? Illegal immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America do not yield a net gain for the US...they cost billions on top of billions and your are plain fucking crazy or a beaner yourself if you believe otherwise. They are dead weight and leave nothing but filth behind.
Long before wetbacks American's were working the low iQ jobs. Kids worked on farms, washed dishes and flipped burgers. The Libtard spin is that kids aren't willing to work these jobs...but that's total bullshit. Wetbacks have made these jobs careers, and offered BJ's at the end of shifts all for shit wages...they take what they can get as they're fully aware they can't qualify to work anything requiring iQ and communication skills. They've essentially ran the kids out of these jobs. Wetbacks offer the new age slave labor. If wetbacks didn't exist companies would have to pay whatever wage necessary to encourage real American's to work X jobs and then pass the cost on to the end user...simple economics. If end users aren't willing to pay X amount then X product or service goes away...again, simple economics.
See how easy this is? Keep your head out of your ass and enjoy being truly enlightened. You're welcome.
P.S.- What part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been robbing American taxpayers?
I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.
Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.

No it's not easy to build the wall Bri. Look at the enormous cost and the logistics to build the wall. And we do not have an open borders that you keep plugging in.

$20 billion is a drop in the bucket when you look at the size of the federal budget. The government spends more than that on office supplies. Building a 2000 mile wall would be easier than building a 2000 mile highway the same distance, and we already have Interstate 10 almost parallel to the wall.

The claim that the wall is too expensive or too hard build is just plain bullshit.
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .

As always Bri you are missing something.
1. How in the world this biased media came up with $148B? Trump said $113B, ABC estimate at $100B.

2. To all Trump supporters. LISTEN CAREFULLY............ Whatever the cost $148B or $100B ................ those cost are inside this country. It is NOT the cost of illegal immigrants coming in.
So if the stupid wall is built........ It doesn't matter the cost $100B is not going away. Got it?

Building a wall VS costing tax payers to support illegals are 2 separate entities.
Meaning the link you provided coming from a biased media is worthless and dumb to make that kind of justification.

Twisted logic to make you feel better?

Today, 11 million illegal aliens cost us $143 B (or whatever number you want to use) --- tomorrow, 22 million illegal aliens cost us $280 B (or twice your fictitious number) .... no wall, the onslaught doesn't stop, and the costs just get higher and higher and higher.

You are exaggerating your fictitious dishonest numbers way too high.

1. Are you telling me that by building a wall....Will eliminate the $143? I don't think so.
2 Without the wall........ by next year or 5 years the number of illegals will double from 12+ to 24 millions? Really?
3. Without the wall Trump will do a lousy job in controlling our borders? Despite the additional 5k BP?

About 8 out 10 Americans believe US will pay for the wall and about 60% oppose building the wall.
How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?

UNBELIEVABLE! 480,000 Illegals Overstayed Visas Last Year ⋆ Freedom Daily
Well, I can see logic isn't your strong suit ....

You rebuttal stinks ..........
What I did old you are facts and reality. No bs. I asked you a very simple questions but you deflected.
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .

As always Bri you are missing something.
1. How in the world this biased media came up with $148B? Trump said $113B, ABC estimate at $100B.

2. To all Trump supporters. LISTEN CAREFULLY............ Whatever the cost $148B or $100B ................ those cost are inside this country. It is NOT the cost of illegal immigrants coming in.
So if the stupid wall is built........ It doesn't matter the cost $100B is not going away. Got it?

Building a wall VS costing tax payers to support illegals are 2 separate entities.
Meaning the link you provided coming from a biased media is worthless and dumb to make that kind of justification.

Twisted logic to make you feel better?

Today, 11 million illegal aliens cost us $143 B (or whatever number you want to use) --- tomorrow, 22 million illegal aliens cost us $280 B (or twice your fictitious number) .... no wall, the onslaught doesn't stop, and the costs just get higher and higher and higher.

You are exaggerating your fictitious dishonest numbers way too high.

1. Are you telling me that by building a wall....Will eliminate the $143? I don't think so.
2 Without the wall........ by next year or 5 years the number of illegals will double from 12+ to 24 millions? Really?
3. Without the wall Trump will do a lousy job in controlling our borders? Despite the additional 5k BP?

About 8 out 10 Americans believe US will pay for the wall and about 60% oppose building the wall.
How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?

UNBELIEVABLE! 480,000 Illegals Overstayed Visas Last Year ⋆ Freedom Daily
Well, I can see logic isn't your strong suit ....

You rebuttal stinks ..........
What I did old you are facts and reality. No bs. I asked you a very simple questions but you deflected.

Oh shit...more of the same illiteracy. What's your address bud? I really need to get this Rosetta Stone off to you. Let me save you from the embarrassment. Maybe then you can sell your lie and convince others that you are a legal American citizen.
If we go to the source of illegal immigration.
"If we go to the source of illegal immigration"
Well technically isn't the source or origination point Mexico and the border?
No, monetary incentive is the source of illegal immigration. Stories of how eager American employers are eager to hire and pay spreads like wildfire throughout Latin America. The source is also the cause.

If nobody would hire them they would not come....

I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.
Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.
Tear down the wall

Lock up a single CEO and watch the jobs disappear overnight
10 million people will be moving in the opposite direction

I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.
Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.
How is it easier to build a 2000 mile wall you impertinent little toad? All it would take is several well publicized convictions of employers of illegals accompanied by long prison sentences. All for a third of the cost to buy one fighter jet.

"Agreed. The crime of hiring illegals should be aggressively enforced. However, big cities with the populous of illegals have already made it clear that they love their illegals and will not criminalize them...with that said should we believe city officials would demand criminalization of employers? That would be awfully naive of"
Build the wall and defend it like the Pentagon.
Who is the bigger criminal?
The business owner who makes profit off of low wage illegal workers or some Mexican trying to feed his family?

Who is more likely to be arrested?
Neither is a criminal .... welcome to capitalism.
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .

As always Bri you are missing something.
1. How in the world this biased media came up with $148B? Trump said $113B, ABC estimate at $100B.

2. To all Trump supporters. LISTEN CAREFULLY............ Whatever the cost $148B or $100B ................ those cost are inside this country. It is NOT the cost of illegal immigrants coming in.
So if the stupid wall is built........ It doesn't matter the cost $100B is not going away. Got it?

Building a wall VS costing tax payers to support illegals are 2 separate entities.
Meaning the link you provided coming from a biased media is worthless and dumb to make that kind of justification.

Twisted logic to make you feel better?

Today, 11 million illegal aliens cost us $143 B (or whatever number you want to use) --- tomorrow, 22 million illegal aliens cost us $280 B (or twice your fictitious number) .... no wall, the onslaught doesn't stop, and the costs just get higher and higher and higher.

You are exaggerating your fictitious dishonest numbers way too high.

1. Are you telling me that by building a wall....Will eliminate the $143? I don't think so.
2 Without the wall........ by next year or 5 years the number of illegals will double from 12+ to 24 millions? Really?
3. Without the wall Trump will do a lousy job in controlling our borders? Despite the additional 5k BP?

About 8 out 10 Americans believe US will pay for the wall and about 60% oppose building the wall.
How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?

UNBELIEVABLE! 480,000 Illegals Overstayed Visas Last Year ⋆ Freedom Daily

"How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?"

Oh we'll get them as well. Right now our primary concern is the lowest grade filth of know, the ones who don't have the iQ or cash to come over on a know, all your buddies from Mexico, Central and South America

Your opinion doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility coming from a racist piece of shit like you.
Didn't I told you to FUCK OFF?

Well, a concise, mature, and succinct post like this CERTAINLY forwards your position ..... NOT!

Grow up.

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