Trump’s Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year

Which is easier, keeping out some ignorant peasants, or keeping out some well trained armies bent on conquest?

You're missing the point comrade, there is a demand for those ignorant peasants and they will keep coming as long as somebody is willing to hire them. A wall isn't going to stop them since they can simply bring shovels or ladders with them to the promised land (and it's a lot easier for a few immigrants to sneak in under the cover of darkness than it would be for an entire army)

Actually, that's false ... but, hey, if it helps sell your idea, go ahead and tell it.

It actually works like this ... an employer has a job available. He wants to pay the minimum labor costs so that his product is more competitive. If there are people who will do it for $1 an hour, he will hire them. If there aren't, and all he can find is people who demand $10 an hour, he will hire those.

The truth is much simpler ... YOU are the problem. You're unwilling to pay a price for your lettuce that will support a viable living wage for the field worker. YOU are unwilling to pay a meaningful price for your hamburger that will support the cook. YOU are the problem. The employer is trying to give you what you demand ... cheap food and goods.

I especially enjoy the way you demean them by calling them "ignorant peasants". Does that make you feel superior, or something?

But, of course, we know they are only doing jobs that Americans won't do, right? (I mean --- that's what you leftists say all the time, right?)

Except that isn't true ....


When people claim that these workers are taking jobs that Americans won't do, they ignore these statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009 averages):
  • 77.7 percent of the 7.75 million workers in food preparation and serving jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers). It is harder to get a job at McDonalds than it is to get into Harvard.
  • 65.8 percent of 5.38 million workers in cleaning and maintenance jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 74.5 percent of the 7.45 million workers in construction and extraction jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 75.9 percent of the 7.63 million workers in production jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
It is clear then, that these ARE jobs that Americans will do, if paid a fair wage.

Jobs Americans Won't Do?

So, we now know that myth isn't true, don't we?

The truth is much, much simpler ... these "ignorant peasants" (as you so blithely call them) will keep coming as long as the social safety net of the US provides them a better life than they have in their home country. They know that, no matter what happens, they will have food and a place to live. They know that they will not only survive on the US safety net, but they will be able to send money back to their families.

In an effort to create a voting base, the Democrat party, and its socialist counterparts, have created a mess that is getting too expensive to maintain.

That's dumb. This just shows that you don't know shit and just pure ignorant.
Which is easier, keeping out some ignorant peasants, or keeping out some well trained armies bent on conquest?

You're missing the point comrade, there is a demand for those ignorant peasants and they will keep coming as long as somebody is willing to hire them. A wall isn't going to stop them since they can simply bring shovels or ladders with them to the promised land (and it's a lot easier for a few immigrants to sneak in under the cover of darkness than it would be for an entire army)

Actually, that's false ... but, hey, if it helps sell your idea, go ahead and tell it.

It actually works like this ... an employer has a job available. He wants to pay the minimum labor costs so that his product is more competitive. If there are people who will do it for $1 an hour, he will hire them. If there aren't, and all he can find is people who demand $10 an hour, he will hire those.

The truth is much simpler ... YOU are the problem. You're unwilling to pay a price for your lettuce that will support a viable living wage for the field worker. YOU are unwilling to pay a meaningful price for your hamburger that will support the cook. YOU are the problem. The employer is trying to give you what you demand ... cheap food and goods.

I especially enjoy the way you demean them by calling them "ignorant peasants". Does that make you feel superior, or something?

But, of course, we know they are only doing jobs that Americans won't do, right? (I mean --- that's what you leftists say all the time, right?)

Except that isn't true ....


When people claim that these workers are taking jobs that Americans won't do, they ignore these statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009 averages):
  • 77.7 percent of the 7.75 million workers in food preparation and serving jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers). It is harder to get a job at McDonalds than it is to get into Harvard.
  • 65.8 percent of 5.38 million workers in cleaning and maintenance jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 74.5 percent of the 7.45 million workers in construction and extraction jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 75.9 percent of the 7.63 million workers in production jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
It is clear then, that these ARE jobs that Americans will do, if paid a fair wage.

Jobs Americans Won't Do?

So, we now know that myth isn't true, don't we?

The truth is much, much simpler ... these "ignorant peasants" (as you so blithely call them) will keep coming as long as the social safety net of the US provides them a better life than they have in their home country. They know that, no matter what happens, they will have food and a place to live. They know that they will not only survive on the US safety net, but they will be able to send money back to their families.

In an effort to create a voting base, the Democrat party, and its socialist counterparts, have created a mess that is getting too expensive to maintain.

That's dumb. This just shows that you don't know shit and just pure ignorant.

Right ... I don't know shit. My years as a business owner and CEO mean nothing ... clearly, I don't have a clue.

Why don't you tell us your expertise, and your experience, as a businessman?

Right..... Suddenly you are business owner. Bullshit.............. And what is business has to do with your twisted opinion? Desperation time........ I know lots of business owners that are stupid like you but smart enough not to get involved in this kind of conversation. You are just lightweight.

I'm in the business of medical instruments and consumable including reagents and blood products for the last 18 years and my parents before that. Located in San Diego and Miami.
Which is easier, keeping out some ignorant peasants, or keeping out some well trained armies bent on conquest?

You're missing the point comrade, there is a demand for those ignorant peasants and they will keep coming as long as somebody is willing to hire them. A wall isn't going to stop them since they can simply bring shovels or ladders with them to the promised land (and it's a lot easier for a few immigrants to sneak in under the cover of darkness than it would be for an entire army)

Actually, that's false ... but, hey, if it helps sell your idea, go ahead and tell it.

It actually works like this ... an employer has a job available. He wants to pay the minimum labor costs so that his product is more competitive. If there are people who will do it for $1 an hour, he will hire them. If there aren't, and all he can find is people who demand $10 an hour, he will hire those.

The truth is much simpler ... YOU are the problem. You're unwilling to pay a price for your lettuce that will support a viable living wage for the field worker. YOU are unwilling to pay a meaningful price for your hamburger that will support the cook. YOU are the problem. The employer is trying to give you what you demand ... cheap food and goods.

I especially enjoy the way you demean them by calling them "ignorant peasants". Does that make you feel superior, or something?

But, of course, we know they are only doing jobs that Americans won't do, right? (I mean --- that's what you leftists say all the time, right?)

Except that isn't true ....


When people claim that these workers are taking jobs that Americans won't do, they ignore these statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009 averages):
  • 77.7 percent of the 7.75 million workers in food preparation and serving jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers). It is harder to get a job at McDonalds than it is to get into Harvard.
  • 65.8 percent of 5.38 million workers in cleaning and maintenance jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 74.5 percent of the 7.45 million workers in construction and extraction jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 75.9 percent of the 7.63 million workers in production jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
It is clear then, that these ARE jobs that Americans will do, if paid a fair wage.

Jobs Americans Won't Do?

So, we now know that myth isn't true, don't we?

The truth is much, much simpler ... these "ignorant peasants" (as you so blithely call them) will keep coming as long as the social safety net of the US provides them a better life than they have in their home country. They know that, no matter what happens, they will have food and a place to live. They know that they will not only survive on the US safety net, but they will be able to send money back to their families.

In an effort to create a voting base, the Democrat party, and its socialist counterparts, have created a mess that is getting too expensive to maintain.

That's dumb. This just shows that you don't know shit and just pure ignorant.
Which is easier, keeping out some ignorant peasants, or keeping out some well trained armies bent on conquest?

You're missing the point comrade, there is a demand for those ignorant peasants and they will keep coming as long as somebody is willing to hire them. A wall isn't going to stop them since they can simply bring shovels or ladders with them to the promised land (and it's a lot easier for a few immigrants to sneak in under the cover of darkness than it would be for an entire army)

Actually, that's false ... but, hey, if it helps sell your idea, go ahead and tell it.

It actually works like this ... an employer has a job available. He wants to pay the minimum labor costs so that his product is more competitive. If there are people who will do it for $1 an hour, he will hire them. If there aren't, and all he can find is people who demand $10 an hour, he will hire those.

The truth is much simpler ... YOU are the problem. You're unwilling to pay a price for your lettuce that will support a viable living wage for the field worker. YOU are unwilling to pay a meaningful price for your hamburger that will support the cook. YOU are the problem. The employer is trying to give you what you demand ... cheap food and goods.

I especially enjoy the way you demean them by calling them "ignorant peasants". Does that make you feel superior, or something?

But, of course, we know they are only doing jobs that Americans won't do, right? (I mean --- that's what you leftists say all the time, right?)

Except that isn't true ....


When people claim that these workers are taking jobs that Americans won't do, they ignore these statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009 averages):
  • 77.7 percent of the 7.75 million workers in food preparation and serving jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers). It is harder to get a job at McDonalds than it is to get into Harvard.
  • 65.8 percent of 5.38 million workers in cleaning and maintenance jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 74.5 percent of the 7.45 million workers in construction and extraction jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 75.9 percent of the 7.63 million workers in production jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
It is clear then, that these ARE jobs that Americans will do, if paid a fair wage.

Jobs Americans Won't Do?

So, we now know that myth isn't true, don't we?

The truth is much, much simpler ... these "ignorant peasants" (as you so blithely call them) will keep coming as long as the social safety net of the US provides them a better life than they have in their home country. They know that, no matter what happens, they will have food and a place to live. They know that they will not only survive on the US safety net, but they will be able to send money back to their families.

In an effort to create a voting base, the Democrat party, and its socialist counterparts, have created a mess that is getting too expensive to maintain.

That's dumb. This just shows that you don't know shit and just pure ignorant.

Right ... I don't know shit. My years as a business owner and CEO mean nothing ... clearly, I don't have a clue.

Why don't you tell us your expertise, and your experience, as a businessman?

Right..... Suddenly you are business owner. Bullshit.............. And what is business has to do with your twisted opinion? Desperation time........ I know lots of business owners that are stupid like you but smart enough not to get involved in this kind of conversation. You are just lightweight.

I'm in the business of medical instruments and consumable including reagents and blood products for the last 18 years and my parents before that. Located in San Diego and Miami.

Being the security guard at your company does not automatically qualify you as a business genius.
You're also completely illiterate. Only proper nouns should be capitalized snowflake. Shouldn't you be on your way to the welfare office right about now?

Do you mInd if I disagree?
I is always capitalized - as is the beginning of every sentence. I didn't realize I needed to point that out. But considering the astounding illiteracy of the left-wingers on this board, I'm not surprised.
Again no American wants to work for $4.00 an hour kick 20 million illegals out and they would have to raise wages, hell I would pick apples for $25 bucks an hour,

I never heard of $4. An hour. Even illegals will not take that kind of starvation wages. Even Trump will tell you no Americans are willing to work for $10.20
And if you charge $25/hour how much do you think those apples cost?
I know you told me how tough you are but------ how many Americans are willing to work in that kind of tough environment?

It's called working under the table..

And how much those apples will cost? The same price as a Big Mac if we raise the minimum wage nationaly, what the fuck is wrong with your type anyways?

You defend artificaly raising the minimum wage and are entirely against letting the market decide wages after kicking out illegal immigrants who shouldn't belong here under cutting American jobs in the first place.

Letting the market decide is free choice to company's.. Either raise wages or no one will work for you..

Forcing companies to raise wages if they can afford it or not is fucking stupid and retarded.


Working under the table doesn't hide the cost of the labor.
You analogy of using the minimum wage increase is not the same than paying you $25/hour. The minimum wage doesn't jump from $10 to $16 in one day. People at McDonald's do not make $16.
What made you think farmers can afford all his laborers to pay $25/hour?

And if you remove all these illegals from ----- let say agricultural jobs ------ Who will take over those jobs?
You are so worried foreigners taking over jobs and yet you have Trump hiring foreigners paying $10.20/hour.

They can afford it the same way some McDonald's and Walmart's were paying $17 bucks an hour in the Dakotas

God you refuse to get supply and demand.

Right now illegals take those jobs becau6no one else wants to get paid that little, you remove the supply of labor .....wages always go up what's so complicated to understand?

How much do you think should those kind of agricultural jobs get paid? 25$?
I know couple of business owners here to in Ca that own McDonald's franchises and none are making $16 except shift managers.
What made you think I don't recognized/refused ------ supply and demands? That is what I do for a living but I refuse to believe and believe:
1. Most Americans will not take over those jobs even if you raised it to a reasonable $18.
2. You don't just wake up and suddenly you want to work in those kind of hard dirty labor. If you are not born to do this kind of jobs you will not last and probably quit the same or the next day. That's been proven over and over. I believed you are physically tough but not all Americans are like you.
3. if you have kids ------ are you going to give up your welfare checks and work for $18 to $20?
Then pay babysitter.
4. Even if you find Americans that are willing to work in those kind environments. I'm very sure it's not in millions.
5. Now -------- What are you going to do if those illegals are gone? Shut down the agricultural business?
6. Definitely all prices will also go up from food to other services. Are you speaking for the rest of poor Americans that are trying to get by?

Again you ignorant bozo they had to pay $17 bucks an hour because the unemployment was zero.. Who ever wanted a high paying job in the fracking industry was working there..

Supply and demand...

Damn you are stupid...

Again no American wants to work for $4.00 an hour kick 20 million illegals out and they would have to raise wages, hell I would pick apples for $25 bucks an hour,

I never heard of $4. An hour. Even illegals will not take that kind of starvation wages. Even Trump will tell you no Americans are willing to work for $10.20
And if you charge $25/hour how much do you think those apples cost?
I know you told me how tough you are but------ how many Americans are willing to work in that kind of tough environment?

It's called working under the table..

And how much those apples will cost? The same price as a Big Mac if we raise the minimum wage nationaly, what the fuck is wrong with your type anyways?

You defend artificaly raising the minimum wage and are entirely against letting the market decide wages after kicking out illegal immigrants who shouldn't belong here under cutting American jobs in the first place.

Letting the market decide is free choice to company's.. Either raise wages or no one will work for you..

Forcing companies to raise wages if they can afford it or not is fucking stupid and retarded.


Working under the table doesn't hide the cost of the labor.
You analogy of using the minimum wage increase is not the same than paying you $25/hour. The minimum wage doesn't jump from $10 to $16 in one day. People at McDonald's do not make $16.
What made you think farmers can afford all his laborers to pay $25/hour?

And if you remove all these illegals from ----- let say agricultural jobs ------ Who will take over those jobs?
You are so worried foreigners taking over jobs and yet you have Trump hiring foreigners paying $10.20/hour.

They can afford it the same way some McDonald's and Walmart's were paying $17 bucks an hour in the Dakotas

God you refuse to get supply and demand.

Right now illegals take those jobs becau6no one else wants to get paid that little, you remove the supply of labor .....wages always go up what's so complicated to understand?

How much do you think should those kind of agricultural jobs get paid? 25$?
I know couple of business owners here to in Ca that own McDonald's franchises and none are making $16 except shift managers.
What made you think I don't recognized/refused ------ supply and demands? That is what I do for a living but I refuse to believe and believe:
1. Most Americans will not take over those jobs even if you raised it to a reasonable $18.
2. You don't just wake up and suddenly you want to work in those kind of hard dirty labor. If you are not born to do this kind of jobs you will not last and probably quit the same or the next day. That's been proven over and over. I believed you are physically tough but not all Americans are like you.
3. if you have kids ------ are you going to give up your welfare checks and work for $18 to $20?
Then pay babysitter.
4. Even if you find Americans that are willing to work in those kind environments. I'm very sure it's not in millions.
5. Now -------- What are you going to do if those illegals are gone? Shut down the agricultural business?
6. Definitely all prices will also go up from food to other services. Are you speaking for the rest of poor Americans that are trying to get by?

Why One Walmart in North Dakota Is Paying $17.40 an Hour
  • Philip Wegmann
3 years ago

Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

A Walmart store in Williston, N.D., is offering to pay entry-level workers as much as $17.40 per hour—nearly 2½ times the federal minimum wage—in an effort to compete in one of America’s most dynamic labor markets.

The push for a “living wage” has gained momentum in cities such as Seattle recently. But the historic oil boom in North Dakota has provided real, sustained growth in wages and lowered unemployment in North Dakota to 2.6 percent—the lowest statewide rate in the nation—and to less than 1 percent in Williston, which is near the oil fields in the western part of the state.



I never heard of $4. An hour. Even illegals will not take that kind of starvation wages. Even Trump will tell you no Americans are willing to work for $10.20
And if you charge $25/hour how much do you think those apples cost?
I know you told me how tough you are but------ how many Americans are willing to work in that kind of tough environment?

It's called working under the table..

And how much those apples will cost? The same price as a Big Mac if we raise the minimum wage nationaly, what the fuck is wrong with your type anyways?

You defend artificaly raising the minimum wage and are entirely against letting the market decide wages after kicking out illegal immigrants who shouldn't belong here under cutting American jobs in the first place.

Letting the market decide is free choice to company's.. Either raise wages or no one will work for you..

Forcing companies to raise wages if they can afford it or not is fucking stupid and retarded.


Working under the table doesn't hide the cost of the labor.
You analogy of using the minimum wage increase is not the same than paying you $25/hour. The minimum wage doesn't jump from $10 to $16 in one day. People at McDonald's do not make $16.
What made you think farmers can afford all his laborers to pay $25/hour?

And if you remove all these illegals from ----- let say agricultural jobs ------ Who will take over those jobs?
You are so worried foreigners taking over jobs and yet you have Trump hiring foreigners paying $10.20/hour.

They can afford it the same way some McDonald's and Walmart's were paying $17 bucks an hour in the Dakotas

God you refuse to get supply and demand.

Right now illegals take those jobs becau6no one else wants to get paid that little, you remove the supply of labor .....wages always go up what's so complicated to understand?

How much do you think should those kind of agricultural jobs get paid? 25$?
I know couple of business owners here to in Ca that own McDonald's franchises and none are making $16 except shift managers.
What made you think I don't recognized/refused ------ supply and demands? That is what I do for a living but I refuse to believe and believe:
1. Most Americans will not take over those jobs even if you raised it to a reasonable $18.
2. You don't just wake up and suddenly you want to work in those kind of hard dirty labor. If you are not born to do this kind of jobs you will not last and probably quit the same or the next day. That's been proven over and over. I believed you are physically tough but not all Americans are like you.
3. if you have kids ------ are you going to give up your welfare checks and work for $18 to $20?
Then pay babysitter.
4. Even if you find Americans that are willing to work in those kind environments. I'm very sure it's not in millions.
5. Now -------- What are you going to do if those illegals are gone? Shut down the agricultural business?
6. Definitely all prices will also go up from food to other services. Are you speaking for the rest of poor Americans that are trying to get by?

Why One Walmart in North Dakota Is Paying $17.40 an Hour
  • Philip Wegmann
3 years ago

Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

A Walmart store in Williston, N.D., is offering to pay entry-level workers as much as $17.40 per hour—nearly 2½ times the federal minimum wage—in an effort to compete in one of America’s most dynamic labor markets.

The push for a “living wage” has gained momentum in cities such as Seattle recently. But the historic oil boom in North Dakota has provided real, sustained growth in wages and lowered unemployment in North Dakota to 2.6 percent—the lowest statewide rate in the nation—and to less than 1 percent in Williston, which is near the oil fields in the western part of the state.



Again it's simple economics 101 you get rid of 20 million illegals wages
Will go up...

McDonald’s Signing Bonuses: North Dakota Outlet Offering $300 To Potential Hires

In one North Dakota town, prospective McDonald’s employees are netting a nice paycheck before they ever have to ask a customer if they want fries with that.

McDonald’s workers are netting $300 bonuses just to sign on to work at the eatery in Dickinson, North Dakota, Businessweek reports. That’s just one sign of a state currently reaping the benefits of an oil boom, sending the jobless rate plunging to 3.4 percent and engendering fierce competition among employers to find workers.

It’s not uncommon for signing bonuses to proliferate during boom times. In the late 1990s Burger King offered managers a $5,000 signing bonus in a variety of cities to try to poach them from other fast food chains, according to a 1998 New York Times report. In Dallas, the school board tried to lure teachers with $1,500 signing bonuses during the same period of worker scarcity.

In North Dakota, the prospect of huge salaries is pushing prospective workers to change their lifestyles in a variety of ways. At Williston Sate College in Williston, North Dakota, students are dropping out, lured by the possibility of making $100,000 working on oil rigs, driving trucks or maintaining oil wells, according to CNNMoney.
Hey,dim ass, you don't see ladders because the wall has not been built yet. Did you fall asleep at the keyboard and all of a sudden wake up and start typing?
You don't think we have a wall along the U.S. - Mexican border yet? :lmao:

This is just outside of Campo, California - snowflake. How stupid do you look right now?

View attachment 118877
I look far brighter than the idiots who see a fence and think it's a wall. A monkey or dog might not know the difference but I would expect a1st class primate to possess the mental acuity to know the difference. I guess I was wrong.
Hey,dim ass, you don't see ladders because the wall has not been built yet. Did you fall asleep at the keyboard and all of a sudden wake up and start typing?
You don't think we have a wall along the U.S. - Mexican border yet? :lmao:

This is just outside of Campo, California - snowflake. How stupid do you look right now?

View attachment 118877
I look far brighter than the idiots who see a fence and think it's a wall. A monkey or dog might not know the difference but I would expect a1st class primate to possess the mental acuity to know the difference. I guess I was wrong.
For the love of God....left-wing dimwits can't even discern now between a fence and a wall. Snowflake - a wall is a solid structure (like the wall shown in the picture near Campo, CA.), while a fence you can see through (like chain link fences, etc.). The fact that you people need a freaking definition for shit this basic really illustrates why concepts such as even basic economics and basic biology confused the hell out of you people. :eusa_doh:

"The difference between a fence and a wall is that you can almost always see through a fence, at least to some degree, while a wall is solid"

fence - Dictionary Definition
It's called working under the table..

And how much those apples will cost? The same price as a Big Mac if we raise the minimum wage nationaly, what the fuck is wrong with your type anyways?

You defend artificaly raising the minimum wage and are entirely against letting the market decide wages after kicking out illegal immigrants who shouldn't belong here under cutting American jobs in the first place.

Letting the market decide is free choice to company's.. Either raise wages or no one will work for you..

Forcing companies to raise wages if they can afford it or not is fucking stupid and retarded.


Working under the table doesn't hide the cost of the labor.
You analogy of using the minimum wage increase is not the same than paying you $25/hour. The minimum wage doesn't jump from $10 to $16 in one day. People at McDonald's do not make $16.
What made you think farmers can afford all his laborers to pay $25/hour?

And if you remove all these illegals from ----- let say agricultural jobs ------ Who will take over those jobs?
You are so worried foreigners taking over jobs and yet you have Trump hiring foreigners paying $10.20/hour.

They can afford it the same way some McDonald's and Walmart's were paying $17 bucks an hour in the Dakotas

God you refuse to get supply and demand.

Right now illegals take those jobs becau6no one else wants to get paid that little, you remove the supply of labor .....wages always go up what's so complicated to understand?

How much do you think should those kind of agricultural jobs get paid? 25$?
I know couple of business owners here to in Ca that own McDonald's franchises and none are making $16 except shift managers.
What made you think I don't recognized/refused ------ supply and demands? That is what I do for a living but I refuse to believe and believe:
1. Most Americans will not take over those jobs even if you raised it to a reasonable $18.
2. You don't just wake up and suddenly you want to work in those kind of hard dirty labor. If you are not born to do this kind of jobs you will not last and probably quit the same or the next day. That's been proven over and over. I believed you are physically tough but not all Americans are like you.
3. if you have kids ------ are you going to give up your welfare checks and work for $18 to $20?
Then pay babysitter.
4. Even if you find Americans that are willing to work in those kind environments. I'm very sure it's not in millions.
5. Now -------- What are you going to do if those illegals are gone? Shut down the agricultural business?
6. Definitely all prices will also go up from food to other services. Are you speaking for the rest of poor Americans that are trying to get by?

Why One Walmart in North Dakota Is Paying $17.40 an Hour
  • Philip Wegmann
3 years ago

Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

A Walmart store in Williston, N.D., is offering to pay entry-level workers as much as $17.40 per hour—nearly 2½ times the federal minimum wage—in an effort to compete in one of America’s most dynamic labor markets.

The push for a “living wage” has gained momentum in cities such as Seattle recently. But the historic oil boom in North Dakota has provided real, sustained growth in wages and lowered unemployment in North Dakota to 2.6 percent—the lowest statewide rate in the nation—and to less than 1 percent in Williston, which is near the oil fields in the western part of the state.



Again it's simple economics 101 you get rid of 20 million illegals wages
Will go up...

McDonald’s Signing Bonuses: North Dakota Outlet Offering $300 To Potential Hires

In one North Dakota town, prospective McDonald’s employees are netting a nice paycheck before they ever have to ask a customer if they want fries with that.

McDonald’s workers are netting $300 bonuses just to sign on to work at the eatery in Dickinson, North Dakota, Businessweek reports. That’s just one sign of a state currently reaping the benefits of an oil boom, sending the jobless rate plunging to 3.4 percent and engendering fierce competition among employers to find workers.

It’s not uncommon for signing bonuses to proliferate during boom times. In the late 1990s Burger King offered managers a $5,000 signing bonus in a variety of cities to try to poach them from other fast food chains, according to a 1998 New York Times report. In Dallas, the school board tried to lure teachers with $1,500 signing bonuses during the same period of worker scarcity.

In North Dakota, the prospect of huge salaries is pushing prospective workers to change their lifestyles in a variety of ways. At Williston Sate College in Williston, North Dakota, students are dropping out, lured by the possibility of making $100,000 working on oil rigs, driving trucks or maintaining oil wells, according to CNNMoney.
Amen! And one of the reasons for the phenomenal economic boom in North Dakota is because they are fracking around the clock up there - producing clean, safe, affordable energy. They can't find enough people to build houses and work at McDonald's. They are paying truck drivers over $100,000 per year there.

Meanwhile, people are leaving New York, New Jersey, and California because left-wing policy has left them with no jobs and no money.
Like most proud Americans i hated the idea of illegals coming here to "take our jobs." However, the more I looked at the work they do and the impact of mass deportation, I realized just how important most of them are to the health of our economy.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
undocumented workers make up around 67% of farm laborers. Their low salaries keep prices of crops and vegetables down.
In other words, like a good little left-winger, you want to exploit labor for your own benefit. You people loved slavery in the 1700's and the 1800's and you sick fucks still love it to this day.
The National Milk Producer's Federation forecasted a 61% increase in the cost of milk if their low cost labor pool dried up.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
They contributed close to 300 billion in payroll tax to the Social Security trust Fund.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
From the perspective of any notable economist, the undocumented worker is helping to maintain our way of life more than they are hindering it!
From the perspective of a decent American with common sense, you're an absolute fucking tool - advocating for felonious criminal activity simply out of your desperation to win elections.

Settle down fella. That post you just responded to wasn't to advocate violations of federal immigration laws I was just putting some facts on the table for both sides to consider. I just think it is wise to study the economic consequences of getting rid of undocumented workers, don't YOU? If that is idiotic, I raise my hand. But for me, idiocy is shown by those who jump right into something without thinking it through. BTW, ifyou read the last few posts I submitted on the matter, you will see some of the far cheaper remedies I proposed to preclude building a multi billion dollar wall , the cost of which could reach more than 40 billion, depending on the dimensions..

Bottom lined? I proposed enforcing the laws already on the books whereas those criminals who hire, harbor or aid and abet illegals be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I am not advocating felonious activity, I am for going after the people who hire illegals...aren't you?

Building the wall is already on the books, dumbass. Trying to resolve the problem after illegals are already in the country is stupid. Keeping them out in the first place is 10 times cheaper and more effective.

Mitch "the bitch" McConnell doesn't agree with you and neither does the Senate. And only a silly duck like you woud say "trying to resolve the problem after illegals are already in the country is stupid." Duhhhh! So building the wall is going to do what, keep those already here in? Look turd breath, if we are going to have to go out and identify 11 million illegals, we have to use the I-9 forms to do it. Anyone who knowingly hired an illegal needs to face the consequences.
I am surprised that a konservative like you would advocate employer's violating immigration laws....
You're discussing a different issue. The one we're discussing is how to keep more illegals from entering the country. How to git rid of the ones we already have is another issue. Abolishing sanctuary cities would be a big help in that regard, but you don't want to go there. All you want to do is punish employers. Your solution is purely a manifestation of your hatred for corporations.
Like most proud Americans i hated the idea of illegals coming here to "take our jobs." However, the more I looked at the work they do and the impact of mass deportation, I realized just how important most of them are to the health of our economy.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
undocumented workers make up around 67% of farm laborers. Their low salaries keep prices of crops and vegetables down.
In other words, like a good little left-winger, you want to exploit labor for your own benefit. You people loved slavery in the 1700's and the 1800's and you sick fucks still love it to this day.
The National Milk Producer's Federation forecasted a 61% increase in the cost of milk if their low cost labor pool dried up.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
They contributed close to 300 billion in payroll tax to the Social Security trust Fund.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
From the perspective of any notable economist, the undocumented worker is helping to maintain our way of life more than they are hindering it!
From the perspective of a decent American with common sense, you're an absolute fucking tool - advocating for felonious criminal activity simply out of your desperation to win elections.

Settle down fella. That post you just responded to wasn't to advocate violations of federal immigration laws I was just putting some facts on the table for both sides to consider. I just think it is wise to study the economic consequences of getting rid of undocumented workers, don't YOU? If that is idiotic, I raise my hand. But for me, idiocy is shown by those who jump right into something without thinking it through. BTW, ifyou read the last few posts I submitted on the matter, you will see some of the far cheaper remedies I proposed to preclude building a multi billion dollar wall , the cost of which could reach more than 40 billion, depending on the dimensions..

Bottom lined? I proposed enforcing the laws already on the books whereas those criminals who hire, harbor or aid and abet illegals be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I am not advocating felonious activity, I am for going after the people who hire illegals...aren't you?

Building the wall is already on the books, dumbass. Trying to resolve the problem after illegals are already in the country is stupid. Keeping them out in the first place is 10 times cheaper and more effective.
So you Boldly Assert, Bri.......but your Bold Assertions have no currency.

It has been proven time and time again. What especially makes it true is that douche bags like you do everything possible to keep the one already here from being deported. If they never get through the door, then we don't have to listen to your sob stories about how deporting them is cruel and we shouldn't break up families.

You are proposing a solution that snowflakes like you are constantly attacking.
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.

No it's not easy to build the wall Bri. Look at the enormous cost and the logistics to build the wall. And we do not have an open borders that you keep plugging in.

$20 billion is a drop in the bucket when you look at the size of the federal budget. The government spends more than that on office supplies. Building a 2000 mile wall would be easier than building a 2000 mile highway the same distance, and we already have Interstate 10 almost parallel to the wall.

The claim that the wall is too expensive or too hard build is just plain bullshit.

The road which is also thousand of miles, heavy equipments, housing for workers, water/electric, purchase of private lands etc etc are not even included. It cost more than $20 billions. Bri.
That is all normally included in the construction contract ...

But that is not included in the $20billions estimates. Try again.

Yes it is, dumbass.
Like most proud Americans i hated the idea of illegals coming here to "take our jobs." However, the more I looked at the work they do and the impact of mass deportation, I realized just how important most of them are to the health of our economy.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
undocumented workers make up around 67% of farm laborers. Their low salaries keep prices of crops and vegetables down.
In other words, like a good little left-winger, you want to exploit labor for your own benefit. You people loved slavery in the 1700's and the 1800's and you sick fucks still love it to this day.
The National Milk Producer's Federation forecasted a 61% increase in the cost of milk if their low cost labor pool dried up.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
They contributed close to 300 billion in payroll tax to the Social Security trust Fund.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
From the perspective of any notable economist, the undocumented worker is helping to maintain our way of life more than they are hindering it!
From the perspective of a decent American with common sense, you're an absolute fucking tool - advocating for felonious criminal activity simply out of your desperation to win elections.

Settle down fella. That post you just responded to wasn't to advocate violations of federal immigration laws I was just putting some facts on the table for both sides to consider. I just think it is wise to study the economic consequences of getting rid of undocumented workers, don't YOU? If that is idiotic, I raise my hand. But for me, idiocy is shown by those who jump right into something without thinking it through. BTW, ifyou read the last few posts I submitted on the matter, you will see some of the far cheaper remedies I proposed to preclude building a multi billion dollar wall , the cost of which could reach more than 40 billion, depending on the dimensions..

Bottom lined? I proposed enforcing the laws already on the books whereas those criminals who hire, harbor or aid and abet illegals be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I am not advocating felonious activity, I am for going after the people who hire illegals...aren't you?

Building the wall is already on the books, dumbass. Trying to resolve the problem after illegals are already in the country is stupid. Keeping them out in the first place is 10 times cheaper and more effective.
Building the wall is already on the books, dumbass

How is it "on the books"?

Congress passed legislation to build the wall and even partially funded it, but a series of Open-Borders administration only did a half-assed attempt at actually building one.
"If we go to the source of illegal immigration"
Well technically isn't the source or origination point Mexico and the border?
No, monetary incentive is the source of illegal immigration. Stories of how eager American employers are eager to hire and pay spreads like wildfire throughout Latin America. The source is also the cause.

If nobody would hire them they would not come....

Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.
Tear down the wall

Lock up a single CEO and watch the jobs disappear overnight
10 million people will be moving in the opposite direction

Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.
How is it easier to build a 2000 mile wall you impertinent little toad? All it would take is several well publicized convictions of employers of illegals accompanied by long prison sentences. All for a third of the cost to buy one fighter jet.

"Agreed. The crime of hiring illegals should be aggressively enforced. However, big cities with the populous of illegals have already made it clear that they love their illegals and will not criminalize them...with that said should we believe city officials would demand criminalization of employers? That would be awfully naive of"
Build the wall and defend it like the Pentagon.
Who is the bigger criminal?
The business owner who makes profit off of low wage illegal workers or some Mexican trying to feed his family?

Who is more likely to be arrested?

What difference does it make? We know that the immigration laws are never going to be enforced by Democrats running these sanctuary cities. They are the biggest criminals. The surest way to make sure illegals don't enter the country is to keep them out in the first place.

No one gives a fuck about your hatred of employers.
only because capitalism never makes sense to the right wing.
Awesome how you loons are all for slave labor...haha
How many times does this have to be revisited before you whackos can understand it? Illegal immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America do not yield a net gain for the US...they cost billions on top of billions and your are plain fucking crazy or a beaner yourself if you believe otherwise. They are dead weight and leave nothing but filth behind.
Long before wetbacks American's were working the low iQ jobs. Kids worked on farms, washed dishes and flipped burgers. The Libtard spin is that kids aren't willing to work these jobs...but that's total bullshit. Wetbacks have made these jobs careers, and offered BJ's at the end of shifts all for shit wages...they take what they can get as they're fully aware they can't qualify to work anything requiring iQ and communication skills. They've essentially ran the kids out of these jobs. Wetbacks offer the new age slave labor. If wetbacks didn't exist companies would have to pay whatever wage necessary to encourage real American's to work X jobs and then pass the cost on to the end user...simple economics. If end users aren't willing to pay X amount then X product or service goes away...again, simple economics.
See how easy this is? Keep your head out of your ass and enjoy being truly enlightened. You're welcome.
P.S.- What part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been robbing American taxpayers?
I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.
Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.

No it's not easy to build the wall Bri. Look at the enormous cost and the logistics to build the wall. And we do not have an open borders that you keep plugging in.

$20 billion is a drop in the bucket when you look at the size of the federal budget. The government spends more than that on office supplies. Building a 2000 mile wall would be easier than building a 2000 mile highway the same distance, and we already have Interstate 10 almost parallel to the wall.

The claim that the wall is too expensive or too hard build is just plain bullshit.
Home Depot is in Mexico now; should we ask that they, "buy American ladders"?
Hey,dim ass, you don't see ladders because the wall has not been built yet. Did you fall asleep at the keyboard and all of a sudden wake up and start typing?
You don't think we have a wall along the U.S. - Mexican border yet? :lmao:

This is just outside of Campo, California - snowflake. How stupid do you look right now?

View attachment 118877
I look far brighter than the idiots who see a fence and think it's a wall. A monkey or dog might not know the difference but I would expect a1st class primate to possess the mental acuity to know the difference. I guess I was wrong.
For the love of God....left-wing dimwits can't even discern now between a fence and a wall. Snowflake - a wall is a solid structure (like the wall shown in the picture near Campo, CA.), while a fence you can see through (like chain link fences, etc.). The fact that you people need a freaking definition for shit this basic really illustrates why concepts such as even basic economics and basic biology confused the hell out of you people. :eusa_doh:

"The difference between a fence and a wall is that you can almost always see through a fence, at least to some degree, while a wall is solid"

fence - Dictionary Definition

Home Depot advertises this opaque linear structure as a fence.

We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .

As always Bri you are missing something.
1. How in the world this biased media came up with $148B? Trump said $113B, ABC estimate at $100B.

2. To all Trump supporters. LISTEN CAREFULLY............ Whatever the cost $148B or $100B ................ those cost are inside this country. It is NOT the cost of illegal immigrants coming in.
So if the stupid wall is built........ It doesn't matter the cost $100B is not going away. Got it?

Building a wall VS costing tax payers to support illegals are 2 separate entities.
Meaning the link you provided coming from a biased media is worthless and dumb to make that kind of justification.

Twisted logic to make you feel better?

Today, 11 million illegal aliens cost us $143 B (or whatever number you want to use) --- tomorrow, 22 million illegal aliens cost us $280 B (or twice your fictitious number) .... no wall, the onslaught doesn't stop, and the costs just get higher and higher and higher.

You are exaggerating your fictitious dishonest numbers way too high.

1. Are you telling me that by building a wall....Will eliminate the $143? I don't think so.
2 Without the wall........ by next year or 5 years the number of illegals will double from 12+ to 24 millions? Really?
3. Without the wall Trump will do a lousy job in controlling our borders? Despite the additional 5k BP?

About 8 out 10 Americans believe US will pay for the wall and about 60% oppose building the wall.
How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?

UNBELIEVABLE! 480,000 Illegals Overstayed Visas Last Year ⋆ Freedom Daily
they should be renewable annually. why are we not making money on this?

Renewable means they can come back and forth legally as a tourist but lots of them came in for just one purpose........ seek better opportunity.
Actually some tourist do post bond and a round trip tickets which we make money but most just take that as a lost in exchange of hiding..... then try to find a white boy to marry.
Depends on the circumstances and location. The right wing claims all illegals are from Mexico. Not all Mexicans want to stay here, if they can make money and "set up shop" over there.
As always Bri you are missing something.
1. How in the world this biased media came up with $148B? Trump said $113B, ABC estimate at $100B.

2. To all Trump supporters. LISTEN CAREFULLY............ Whatever the cost $148B or $100B ................ those cost are inside this country. It is NOT the cost of illegal immigrants coming in.
So if the stupid wall is built........ It doesn't matter the cost $100B is not going away. Got it?

Building a wall VS costing tax payers to support illegals are 2 separate entities.
Meaning the link you provided coming from a biased media is worthless and dumb to make that kind of justification.

Twisted logic to make you feel better?

Today, 11 million illegal aliens cost us $143 B (or whatever number you want to use) --- tomorrow, 22 million illegal aliens cost us $280 B (or twice your fictitious number) .... no wall, the onslaught doesn't stop, and the costs just get higher and higher and higher.

You are exaggerating your fictitious dishonest numbers way too high.

1. Are you telling me that by building a wall....Will eliminate the $143? I don't think so.
2 Without the wall........ by next year or 5 years the number of illegals will double from 12+ to 24 millions? Really?
3. Without the wall Trump will do a lousy job in controlling our borders? Despite the additional 5k BP?

About 8 out 10 Americans believe US will pay for the wall and about 60% oppose building the wall.
How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?

UNBELIEVABLE! 480,000 Illegals Overstayed Visas Last Year ⋆ Freedom Daily
Well, I can see logic isn't your strong suit ....

You rebuttal stinks ..........
What I did old you are facts and reality. No bs. I asked you a very simple questions but you deflected.
No, I didn't deflect ... you failed to comprehend.

If you don't stop the influx of illegal aliens, we will continue to collect: 1) uneducated base laborers, and 2) additions supported by the US safety net.

The numbers used were theoretical - I think you can realistically expect the invasion curve to steepen. What makes you think that allowing more illegals into the country will somehow soften the per capita cost of supporting them? Are we suddenly going to have a flood of PhD's across the border?

Your inability to look at the problem diametrically has caused you to distort reality - or, you've drank too much kool-aid and need to run to the bathroom and relieve yourself ... cuz you sure ain't thinking clearly.
capitalism is simply, much more effective at solving our problem than socialism on a national basis.

now you know what the real problem is.

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