Trump’s Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year

I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.
Find the largest agricultural concern in the country and lock up their CEO for a week for hiring illegals

Jobs will disappear immediately

No need for a wall
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.
How is it easier to build a 2000 mile wall you impertinent little toad? All it would take is several well publicized convictions of employers of illegals accompanied by long prison sentences. All for a third of the cost to buy one fighter jet.

You're naive if you think that's all it would take. For one thing, the minute some Open Borders douche bag got in office, the raids would stop. There weren't any convictions under either Obama or Bush.

For another, how would that stop women coming over with their anchor babies?

Dims will do and say anything to keep the wall from being built. That's how we know it's the right thing to do.
Obama deported more illegals than any other president. In case you didn't know, that is what we do with illegals who have broken no laws other than immigration laws. But here is what the law indicates shouold happen to the criminals who hire aid and abet illegal immigrants:

View attachment 118757

View attachment 118759

8 U.S. Code § 1324a - Unlawful employment of aliens
Freedom of association and Contract is the law of the land.

Immigration is Only a federal problem since 1808. The several States no longer have jurisdiction over immigration into the Union.

Immigration into a State or the Union has never been an individual concern.
I think your anger is misplaced. Rather than shouting at your monitor why not type a letter to your congressman and insist that the hiring of illegals be made a felony. Don't blame poorf people for coming here to make a better life for themselves blame the traitors who hire them.
If we go to the source of illegal immigration.
"If we go to the source of illegal immigration"
Well technically isn't the source or origination point Mexico and the border?
No, monetary incentive is the source of illegal immigration. Stories of how eager American employers are eager to hire and pay spreads like wildfire throughout Latin America. The source is also the cause.
Our exorbitantly expensive drug war in Latin America does not help the situation, either.
Our drug war..ini Latin America? Are you saying some of the posters here are confusing illegal immigrants with refugees caused by our exploits in Latin America?...Please go on...expound.
"mass migrations" happen for a reason.
simply being full of fallacy, really is inferior.

We could be generating revenue with a market friendly visa that expires annually.

It is about capitalism versus socialism on a national basis.

Why be for more, regulation?

Come on Danny....stop the babble and properly engage in the discussion...I don't like watching you being ignored.
Why put foreigners to work here when we can make use of our own desperate bottom feeders?

"Rather than work so hard to come up with clever ways to keep the Mexican filth rolling in why not figure out ways to get our resident filth off the couch, away from the weed and 40oz of King Cobra and out working?
Let's demand that our able bodied welfare recipients pick strawberries and pour concrete in order to keep those EBT cards rolling in?
The win is two fold....Government could offer subsidized labor to employers such as farmers and construction companies while teaching our bottom feeding piece of shits to work and be accountable.....Whatta you say?"
only the right wing never gets it.

why "throw capitalism under the buss" merely for the inferiority of your national socialist point of view?

You're ducking and dodging and making no sense in your babble.
Answer my questions. Don't be scared.
you have nothing but fallacy. with Capitalism, we could be generating revenue to help potentially, lower our tax burden.

all you have is more socialism on a national basis, my goode comrade.
What is the sense in lowering the tax burden for those making more than $250,000 per year while, simultaneously building walls, reducing the work force,
raising interest rates and increasing spending on defense.
Increasing the Debt, so the right wing can have something more to complain about?
Damn ... there you go confusing the left with facts again!!

Don't you know the left can't count past 20? Well, the men can count to 21, (probably closer to 20 1/2) .... ??

Since the numbers have no basis in reality, why consider them at all.

And a conservative think tank recently admitted that illegal immigration is a NET GAIN for the US economy so, conservatives really haven't thought this through very well, at all, but then that's what they always do.

Again, a "net gain" for the abstraction called "the economy" is meaningless. What counts is whether it benefits native born American workers, and any way you look at it it doesn't.
The rich are getting richer faster and the poor can still have steak and lobster on their EBT cards.
Like most proud Americans i hated the idea of illegals coming here to "take our jobs." However, the more I looked at the work they do and the impact of mass deportation, I realized just how important most of them are to the health of our economy.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
undocumented workers make up around 67% of farm laborers. Their low salaries keep prices of crops and vegetables down.
In other words, like a good little left-winger, you want to exploit labor for your own benefit. You people loved slavery in the 1700's and the 1800's and you sick fucks still love it to this day.
The National Milk Producer's Federation forecasted a 61% increase in the cost of milk if their low cost labor pool dried up.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
They contributed close to 300 billion in payroll tax to the Social Security trust Fund.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
From the perspective of any notable economist, the undocumented worker is helping to maintain our way of life more than they are hindering it!
From the perspective of a decent American with common sense, you're an absolute fucking tool - advocating for felonious criminal activity simply out of your desperation to win elections.

Settle down fella. That post you just responded to wasn't to advocate violations of federal immigration laws I was just putting some facts on the table for both sides to consider. I just think it is wise to study the economic consequences of getting rid of undocumented workers, don't YOU? If that is idiotic, I raise my hand. But for me, idiocy is shown by those who jump right into something without thinking it through. BTW, ifyou read the last few posts I submitted on the matter, you will see some of the far cheaper remedies I proposed to preclude building a multi billion dollar wall , the cost of which could reach more than 40 billion, depending on the dimensions..

Bottom lined? I proposed enforcing the laws already on the books whereas those criminals who hire, harbor or aid and abet illegals be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I am not advocating felonious activity, I am for going after the people who hire illegals...aren't you?

Building the wall is already on the books, dumbass. Trying to resolve the problem after illegals are already in the country is stupid. Keeping them out in the first place is 10 times cheaper and more effective.

Mitch "the bitch" McConnell doesn't agree with you and neither does the Senate. And only a silly duck like you woud say "trying to resolve the problem after illegals are already in the country is stupid." Duhhhh! So building the wall is going to do what, keep those already here in? Look turd breath, if we are going to have to go out and identify 11 million illegals, we have to use the I-9 forms to do it. Anyone who knowingly hired an illegal needs to face the consequences.
I am surprised that a konservative like you would advocate employer's violating immigration laws....
You're discussing a different issue. The one we're discussing is how to keep more illegals from entering the country. How to git rid of the ones we already have is another issue. Abolishing sanctuary cities would be a big help in that regard, but you don't want to go there. All you want to do is punish employers. Your solution is purely a manifestation of your hatred for corporations.
I don't hate corporations. I just wonder why those employers who knowingly hire illegals aren't subject to existing laws. I didn't write those laws but those laws exist.if we would enforce existing laws calling for the punishment of employers that hire illegals we wouldn't have an illegal immigrant problem.sanctuary cities could not exist because no one would risk hiring illegals.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
In other words, like a good little left-winger, you want to exploit labor for your own benefit. You people loved slavery in the 1700's and the 1800's and you sick fucks still love it to this day.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
From the perspective of a decent American with common sense, you're an absolute fucking tool - advocating for felonious criminal activity simply out of your desperation to win elections.

Settle down fella. That post you just responded to wasn't to advocate violations of federal immigration laws I was just putting some facts on the table for both sides to consider. I just think it is wise to study the economic consequences of getting rid of undocumented workers, don't YOU? If that is idiotic, I raise my hand. But for me, idiocy is shown by those who jump right into something without thinking it through. BTW, ifyou read the last few posts I submitted on the matter, you will see some of the far cheaper remedies I proposed to preclude building a multi billion dollar wall , the cost of which could reach more than 40 billion, depending on the dimensions..

Bottom lined? I proposed enforcing the laws already on the books whereas those criminals who hire, harbor or aid and abet illegals be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I am not advocating felonious activity, I am for going after the people who hire illegals...aren't you?

Building the wall is already on the books, dumbass. Trying to resolve the problem after illegals are already in the country is stupid. Keeping them out in the first place is 10 times cheaper and more effective.

Mitch "the bitch" McConnell doesn't agree with you and neither does the Senate. And only a silly duck like you woud say "trying to resolve the problem after illegals are already in the country is stupid." Duhhhh! So building the wall is going to do what, keep those already here in? Look turd breath, if we are going to have to go out and identify 11 million illegals, we have to use the I-9 forms to do it. Anyone who knowingly hired an illegal needs to face the consequences.
I am surprised that a konservative like you would advocate employer's violating immigration laws....
You're discussing a different issue. The one we're discussing is how to keep more illegals from entering the country. How to git rid of the ones we already have is another issue. Abolishing sanctuary cities would be a big help in that regard, but you don't want to go there. All you want to do is punish employers. Your solution is purely a manifestation of your hatred for corporations.
I don't hate corporations. I just wonder why those employers who knowingly hire illegals aren't subject to existing laws. I didn't write those laws but those laws exist.if we would enforce existing laws calling for the punishment of employers that hire illegals we wouldn't have an illegal immigrant problem.sanctuary cities could not exist because no one would risk hiring illegals.
".... enforce existing laws ..."

Does that apply to ALL laws, or just to the ones you like?
Home Depot advertises this opaque linear structure as a fence.
Maybe you should stop getting all of your information from Home Depot. Funny how you despise, reject, and ignore those "evil" corporations until you can lean on them for something absurd after you've embarrassed yourself.
I don't hate corporations. I just wonder why those employers who knowingly hire illegals aren't subject to existing laws.
Agree 100%. And who is tasked with enforcing the law? The government. And which side of the aisle refuses to do that? The Dumbocrats.
I didn't write those laws but those laws exist.if we would enforce existing laws calling for the punishment of employers that hire illegals we wouldn't have an illegal immigrant problem.
Exactly what the American people have been saying for a decade now. But unfortunately your side of the aisle refuses to enforce the law.
sanctuary cities could not exist because no one would risk hiring illegals.
Pure bullshit as proven above. Sanctuary cities are established by Democrats in government - not by corporations.
Home Depot advertises this opaque linear structure as a fence.
Maybe you should stop getting all of your information from Home Depot. Funny how you despise, reject, and ignore those "evil" corporations until you can lean on them for something absurd after you've embarrassed yourself. are denying the the picture of the wooden fence I posted above shows a fence? If you aren't embarrassed by now you are just plain dumb.
Settle down fella. That post you just responded to wasn't to advocate violations of federal immigration laws I was just putting some facts on the table for both sides to consider. I just think it is wise to study the economic consequences of getting rid of undocumented workers, don't YOU? If that is idiotic, I raise my hand. But for me, idiocy is shown by those who jump right into something without thinking it through. BTW, ifyou read the last few posts I submitted on the matter, you will see some of the far cheaper remedies I proposed to preclude building a multi billion dollar wall , the cost of which could reach more than 40 billion, depending on the dimensions..

Bottom lined? I proposed enforcing the laws already on the books whereas those criminals who hire, harbor or aid and abet illegals be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I am not advocating felonious activity, I am for going after the people who hire illegals...aren't you?

Building the wall is already on the books, dumbass. Trying to resolve the problem after illegals are already in the country is stupid. Keeping them out in the first place is 10 times cheaper and more effective.

Mitch "the bitch" McConnell doesn't agree with you and neither does the Senate. And only a silly duck like you woud say "trying to resolve the problem after illegals are already in the country is stupid." Duhhhh! So building the wall is going to do what, keep those already here in? Look turd breath, if we are going to have to go out and identify 11 million illegals, we have to use the I-9 forms to do it. Anyone who knowingly hired an illegal needs to face the consequences.
I am surprised that a konservative like you would advocate employer's violating immigration laws....
You're discussing a different issue. The one we're discussing is how to keep more illegals from entering the country. How to git rid of the ones we already have is another issue. Abolishing sanctuary cities would be a big help in that regard, but you don't want to go there. All you want to do is punish employers. Your solution is purely a manifestation of your hatred for corporations.
I don't hate corporations. I just wonder why those employers who knowingly hire illegals aren't subject to existing laws. I didn't write those laws but those laws exist.if we would enforce existing laws calling for the punishment of employers that hire illegals we wouldn't have an illegal immigrant problem.sanctuary cities could not exist because no one would risk hiring illegals.
".... enforce existing laws ..."

Does that apply to ALL laws, or just to the ones you like?
All laws should be enforced by the agencies responsible for enforcing laws within their purview.
I don't hate corporations. I just wonder why those employers who knowingly hire illegals aren't subject to existing laws.
Agree 100%. And who is tasked with enforcing the law? The government. And which side of the aisle refuses to do that? The Dumbocrats..
Wrong! Sanctuary enclaves can be found in many red states too. Not only do these states have Sanctuary Cities,some have Sanctuary counties too.
Map: Sanctuary Cities, Counties and States

I didn't write those laws but those laws exist.if we would enforce existing laws calling for the punishment of employers that hire illegals we wouldn't have an illegal immigrant problem.
Exactly what the American people have been saying for a decade now. But unfortunately your side of the aisle refuses to enforce the law.
It would appear that both sides are complicit in tolerating Sanctuary Enclaves within their respective jurisdictions.
Not all Democrats subscribe to Sanctuary policies and some Repub-lie-cons do.
sanctuary cities could not exist because no one would risk hiring illegals.
Pure bullshit as proven above. Sanctuary cities are established by Democrats in government - not by corporations.
You might want to rethink that. Some corporations violate immigration laws with impunity to save labor costs. Corporate farms are probably the biggest violators. But lobbying and other legal corruption devices keeps cops at all levels at bay.... It's going to be interesting to see if Trump can put an end to this bipartisan culture of corruption. are denying the the picture of the wooden fence I posted above shows a fence? If you aren't embarrassed by now you are just plain dumb.
So your source of information in life is what Home Depot (and I quote) "advertises"? :lmao:

Son - I posted the official definitions. You got owned. Be a big boy now and deal with it.
I don't hate corporations. I just wonder why those employers who knowingly hire illegals aren't subject to existing laws.
Agree 100%. And who is tasked with enforcing the law? The government. And which side of the aisle refuses to do that? The Dumbocrats..
Wrong! Sanctuary enclaves can be found in many red states too. Not only do these states have Sanctuary Cities,some have Sanctuary counties too.
Map: Sanctuary Cities, Counties and States
Oh you poor, poor little nitwit. What you call "red states" have "blue" cities in them, you twit. Ohio is a red state right now, but Cleveland is solid blue. Michigan is a red state right now, but Detroit is solid blue.

How dumb does one have to be to believe that if a state is "red", 100% of the population and cities in that state are Republican?!? :laugh:

So I'll ask again stupid - who is tasked with enforcing the law? The government! Am doing which side of the aisle refuses to do that? The Dumbocrats!
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
In other words, like a good little left-winger, you want to exploit labor for your own benefit. You people loved slavery in the 1700's and the 1800's and you sick fucks still love it to this day.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
Well shit....if that's not a reason to violate federal law...I don't know what is. Idiot.
From the perspective of a decent American with common sense, you're an absolute fucking tool - advocating for felonious criminal activity simply out of your desperation to win elections.

Settle down fella. That post you just responded to wasn't to advocate violations of federal immigration laws I was just putting some facts on the table for both sides to consider. I just think it is wise to study the economic consequences of getting rid of undocumented workers, don't YOU? If that is idiotic, I raise my hand. But for me, idiocy is shown by those who jump right into something without thinking it through. BTW, ifyou read the last few posts I submitted on the matter, you will see some of the far cheaper remedies I proposed to preclude building a multi billion dollar wall , the cost of which could reach more than 40 billion, depending on the dimensions..

Bottom lined? I proposed enforcing the laws already on the books whereas those criminals who hire, harbor or aid and abet illegals be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I am not advocating felonious activity, I am for going after the people who hire illegals...aren't you?

Building the wall is already on the books, dumbass. Trying to resolve the problem after illegals are already in the country is stupid. Keeping them out in the first place is 10 times cheaper and more effective.

Mitch "the bitch" McConnell doesn't agree with you and neither does the Senate. And only a silly duck like you woud say "trying to resolve the problem after illegals are already in the country is stupid." Duhhhh! So building the wall is going to do what, keep those already here in? Look turd breath, if we are going to have to go out and identify 11 million illegals, we have to use the I-9 forms to do it. Anyone who knowingly hired an illegal needs to face the consequences.
I am surprised that a konservative like you would advocate employer's violating immigration laws....
You're discussing a different issue. The one we're discussing is how to keep more illegals from entering the country. How to git rid of the ones we already have is another issue. Abolishing sanctuary cities would be a big help in that regard, but you don't want to go there. All you want to do is punish employers. Your solution is purely a manifestation of your hatred for corporations.
I don't hate corporations. I just wonder why those employers who knowingly hire illegals aren't subject to existing laws. I didn't write those laws but those laws exist.if we would enforce existing laws calling for the punishment of employers that hire illegals we wouldn't have an illegal immigrant problem.sanctuary cities could not exist because no one would risk hiring illegals.

(Posted for the third time in this thread...make any sense yet?...see below)
"Agreed. The crime of hiring illegals should be aggressively enforced. However, big cities with the populous of illegals have already made it clear that they love their illegals and will not criminalize them...with that said should we believe city officials would demand criminalization of employers? That would be awfully naive of"
Your opinion doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility coming from a racist piece of shit like you.
Didn't I told you to FUCK OFF?

Well, a concise, mature, and succinct post like this CERTAINLY forwards your position ..... NOT!

Grow up.

Why the fuck you are telling me that? Why don't you tell this red neck inbred fucking asshole to grow the fuck up and stop insulting me in the first place?
His been doing these to me for a while.

I was trying to talk to decently. Now do you want to talk to you trash?

"But, Mommy, he did it FIRST!"

Really mature.

So why the fuck you want to get involved?

Because little, immature, pissant children like you, incapable of intelligent discussion, but intent to intimidating people through name calling and vulgarity, piss me off. You pollute every discussion with your sophomoric nonsense. You destroy the opportunity for adults to have a meaningful and intelligent discussion.

I have made it my life's goal to expose the stupidity of your ilk at every turn.

Dude... you have not posted nothing credible but delusional.
If you don't want to get blasted then don't get involved in a heated argument. Idiot.
No it's not easy to build the wall Bri. Look at the enormous cost and the logistics to build the wall. And we do not have an open borders that you keep plugging in.

$20 billion is a drop in the bucket when you look at the size of the federal budget. The government spends more than that on office supplies. Building a 2000 mile wall would be easier than building a 2000 mile highway the same distance, and we already have Interstate 10 almost parallel to the wall.

The claim that the wall is too expensive or too hard build is just plain bullshit.

The road which is also thousand of miles, heavy equipments, housing for workers, water/electric, purchase of private lands etc etc are not even included. It cost more than $20 billions. Bri.
That is all normally included in the construction contract ...

But that is not included in the $20billions estimates. Try again.
No it's not easy to build the wall Bri. Look at the enormous cost and the logistics to build the wall. And we do not have an open borders that you keep plugging in.

$20 billion is a drop in the bucket when you look at the size of the federal budget. The government spends more than that on office supplies. Building a 2000 mile wall would be easier than building a 2000 mile highway the same distance, and we already have Interstate 10 almost parallel to the wall.

The claim that the wall is too expensive or too hard build is just plain bullshit.

The road which is also thousand of miles, heavy equipments, housing for workers, water/electric, purchase of private lands etc etc are not even included. It cost more than $20 billions. Bri.
That is all normally included in the construction contract ...

But that is not included in the $20billions estimates. Try again.

Actually, that's not true ... would you like to prove otherwise?

Nahh --- I didn't think so.

Why me? There are not even any contract written....... Then give me the specific items that are included in the $20B estimates.
This alone is just your pure delusional.
So far this is all what you got insult. Dumb fuck. I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. SCUMBAG. Fuck you asshole.
So far this is all what you got insult. Dumb fuck. I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. SCUMBAG. Fuck you asshole.

Lots of class here, folks ... bring the kids on by and let them see how adults address the critical issues of the day!!

What the fuck are you talking about fuck head?
So far this is all what you got insult. Dumb fuck. I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. SCUMBAG. Fuck you asshole.
So far this is all what you got insult. Dumb fuck. I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. SCUMBAG. Fuck you asshole.

Lots of class here, folks ... bring the kids on by and let them see how adults address the critical issues of the day!!

What the fuck are you talking about fuck head?

I'm talking about your childish, immature, and sophomoric insistence on resorting to foul language and personal attacks when pressed to validate your ridiculous posts. Somehow, you seem to be under the assumption that we are supposed to genuflect to the obvious truth simply because you said it. You offer generalities and banalities without supportable evidence, and then get all pissy when someone dares to challenge your dictums from on high.

THAT's what the fuck I'm talking about ... if you can't keep up, order the Cliff Notes version.

Blah blah blah...... I don't give a fuck about that piece of shit opinion. I was talking to him directly and I told hm several times not to quote me.......... Then you get yourself involved. So FUCK YOU.

On top of that he didn't pressed me on anything. and what challenge did he offer?

Need a lollipop? You're kinda cranky today.

If you promise to be good, I'll make it a Tootsie Pop. And, if you're REALLY good, you can have chocolate milk at recess, too !!!

Grow up.

Dude. I was talking to you in decent manner then you came up blasting for somebody else.
That shows you were deflecting because you only came up with your one sentence rebuttal.
I don't hate corporations. I just wonder why those employers who knowingly hire illegals aren't subject to existing laws.
Agree 100%. And who is tasked with enforcing the law? The government. And which side of the aisle refuses to do that? The Dumbocrats..
Wrong! Sanctuary enclaves can be found in many red states too. Not only do these states have Sanctuary Cities,some have Sanctuary counties too.
Map: Sanctuary Cities, Counties and States

I didn't write those laws but those laws exist.if we would enforce existing laws calling for the punishment of employers that hire illegals we wouldn't have an illegal immigrant problem.
Exactly what the American people have been saying for a decade now. But unfortunately your side of the aisle refuses to enforce the law.
It would appear that both sides are complicit in tolerating Sanctuary Enclaves within their respective jurisdictions.
Not all Democrats subscribe to Sanctuary policies and some Repub-lie-cons do.
sanctuary cities could not exist because no one would risk hiring illegals.
Pure bullshit as proven above. Sanctuary cities are established by Democrats in government - not by corporations.
You might want to rethink that. Some corporations violate immigration laws with impunity to save labor costs. Corporate farms are probably the biggest violators. But lobbying and other legal corruption devices keeps cops at all levels at bay.... It's going to be interesting to see if Trump can put an end to this bipartisan culture of corruption.

LMFAO your stupid map points to Atlanta? A city that I think never had a republican mayor?

. are denying the the picture of the wooden fence I posted above shows a fence? If you aren't embarrassed by now you are just plain dumb.
So your source of information in life is what Home Depot (and I quote) "advertises"? :lmao:

Son - I posted the official definitions. You got owned. Be a big boy now and deal with it.
I see you didn't answer my question about how you would define the wooden fence in the picture I posted.. You can't see through it and it looks amazingly similar to the border fence you posted earlier.
You're missing the point comrade, there is a demand for those ignorant peasants and they will keep coming as long as somebody is willing to hire them. A wall isn't going to stop them since they can simply bring shovels or ladders with them to the promised land (and it's a lot easier for a few immigrants to sneak in under the cover of darkness than it would be for an entire army)

Actually, that's false ... but, hey, if it helps sell your idea, go ahead and tell it.

It actually works like this ... an employer has a job available. He wants to pay the minimum labor costs so that his product is more competitive. If there are people who will do it for $1 an hour, he will hire them. If there aren't, and all he can find is people who demand $10 an hour, he will hire those.

The truth is much simpler ... YOU are the problem. You're unwilling to pay a price for your lettuce that will support a viable living wage for the field worker. YOU are unwilling to pay a meaningful price for your hamburger that will support the cook. YOU are the problem. The employer is trying to give you what you demand ... cheap food and goods.

I especially enjoy the way you demean them by calling them "ignorant peasants". Does that make you feel superior, or something?

But, of course, we know they are only doing jobs that Americans won't do, right? (I mean --- that's what you leftists say all the time, right?)

Except that isn't true ....


When people claim that these workers are taking jobs that Americans won't do, they ignore these statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009 averages):
  • 77.7 percent of the 7.75 million workers in food preparation and serving jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers). It is harder to get a job at McDonalds than it is to get into Harvard.
  • 65.8 percent of 5.38 million workers in cleaning and maintenance jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 74.5 percent of the 7.45 million workers in construction and extraction jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 75.9 percent of the 7.63 million workers in production jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
It is clear then, that these ARE jobs that Americans will do, if paid a fair wage.

Jobs Americans Won't Do?

So, we now know that myth isn't true, don't we?

The truth is much, much simpler ... these "ignorant peasants" (as you so blithely call them) will keep coming as long as the social safety net of the US provides them a better life than they have in their home country. They know that, no matter what happens, they will have food and a place to live. They know that they will not only survive on the US safety net, but they will be able to send money back to their families.

In an effort to create a voting base, the Democrat party, and its socialist counterparts, have created a mess that is getting too expensive to maintain.

That's dumb. This just shows that you don't know shit and just pure ignorant.
You're missing the point comrade, there is a demand for those ignorant peasants and they will keep coming as long as somebody is willing to hire them. A wall isn't going to stop them since they can simply bring shovels or ladders with them to the promised land (and it's a lot easier for a few immigrants to sneak in under the cover of darkness than it would be for an entire army)

Actually, that's false ... but, hey, if it helps sell your idea, go ahead and tell it.

It actually works like this ... an employer has a job available. He wants to pay the minimum labor costs so that his product is more competitive. If there are people who will do it for $1 an hour, he will hire them. If there aren't, and all he can find is people who demand $10 an hour, he will hire those.

The truth is much simpler ... YOU are the problem. You're unwilling to pay a price for your lettuce that will support a viable living wage for the field worker. YOU are unwilling to pay a meaningful price for your hamburger that will support the cook. YOU are the problem. The employer is trying to give you what you demand ... cheap food and goods.

I especially enjoy the way you demean them by calling them "ignorant peasants". Does that make you feel superior, or something?

But, of course, we know they are only doing jobs that Americans won't do, right? (I mean --- that's what you leftists say all the time, right?)

Except that isn't true ....


When people claim that these workers are taking jobs that Americans won't do, they ignore these statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009 averages):
  • 77.7 percent of the 7.75 million workers in food preparation and serving jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers). It is harder to get a job at McDonalds than it is to get into Harvard.
  • 65.8 percent of 5.38 million workers in cleaning and maintenance jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 74.5 percent of the 7.45 million workers in construction and extraction jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 75.9 percent of the 7.63 million workers in production jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
It is clear then, that these ARE jobs that Americans will do, if paid a fair wage.

Jobs Americans Won't Do?

So, we now know that myth isn't true, don't we?

The truth is much, much simpler ... these "ignorant peasants" (as you so blithely call them) will keep coming as long as the social safety net of the US provides them a better life than they have in their home country. They know that, no matter what happens, they will have food and a place to live. They know that they will not only survive on the US safety net, but they will be able to send money back to their families.

In an effort to create a voting base, the Democrat party, and its socialist counterparts, have created a mess that is getting too expensive to maintain.

That's dumb. This just shows that you don't know shit and just pure ignorant.

Right ... I don't know shit. My years as a business owner and CEO mean nothing ... clearly, I don't have a clue.

Why don't you tell us your expertise, and your experience, as a businessman?

Right..... Suddenly you are business owner. Bullshit.............. And what is business has to do with your twisted opinion? Desperation time........ I know lots of business owners that are stupid like you but smart enough not to get involved in this kind of conversation. You are just lightweight.

I'm in the business of medical instruments and consumable including reagents and blood products for the last 18 years and my parents before that. Located in San Diego and Miami.
You're missing the point comrade, there is a demand for those ignorant peasants and they will keep coming as long as somebody is willing to hire them. A wall isn't going to stop them since they can simply bring shovels or ladders with them to the promised land (and it's a lot easier for a few immigrants to sneak in under the cover of darkness than it would be for an entire army)

Actually, that's false ... but, hey, if it helps sell your idea, go ahead and tell it.

It actually works like this ... an employer has a job available. He wants to pay the minimum labor costs so that his product is more competitive. If there are people who will do it for $1 an hour, he will hire them. If there aren't, and all he can find is people who demand $10 an hour, he will hire those.

The truth is much simpler ... YOU are the problem. You're unwilling to pay a price for your lettuce that will support a viable living wage for the field worker. YOU are unwilling to pay a meaningful price for your hamburger that will support the cook. YOU are the problem. The employer is trying to give you what you demand ... cheap food and goods.

I especially enjoy the way you demean them by calling them "ignorant peasants". Does that make you feel superior, or something?

But, of course, we know they are only doing jobs that Americans won't do, right? (I mean --- that's what you leftists say all the time, right?)

Except that isn't true ....


When people claim that these workers are taking jobs that Americans won't do, they ignore these statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009 averages):
  • 77.7 percent of the 7.75 million workers in food preparation and serving jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers). It is harder to get a job at McDonalds than it is to get into Harvard.
  • 65.8 percent of 5.38 million workers in cleaning and maintenance jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 74.5 percent of the 7.45 million workers in construction and extraction jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 75.9 percent of the 7.63 million workers in production jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
It is clear then, that these ARE jobs that Americans will do, if paid a fair wage.

Jobs Americans Won't Do?

So, we now know that myth isn't true, don't we?

The truth is much, much simpler ... these "ignorant peasants" (as you so blithely call them) will keep coming as long as the social safety net of the US provides them a better life than they have in their home country. They know that, no matter what happens, they will have food and a place to live. They know that they will not only survive on the US safety net, but they will be able to send money back to their families.

In an effort to create a voting base, the Democrat party, and its socialist counterparts, have created a mess that is getting too expensive to maintain.

That's dumb. This just shows that you don't know shit and just pure ignorant.
You're missing the point comrade, there is a demand for those ignorant peasants and they will keep coming as long as somebody is willing to hire them. A wall isn't going to stop them since they can simply bring shovels or ladders with them to the promised land (and it's a lot easier for a few immigrants to sneak in under the cover of darkness than it would be for an entire army)

Actually, that's false ... but, hey, if it helps sell your idea, go ahead and tell it.

It actually works like this ... an employer has a job available. He wants to pay the minimum labor costs so that his product is more competitive. If there are people who will do it for $1 an hour, he will hire them. If there aren't, and all he can find is people who demand $10 an hour, he will hire those.

The truth is much simpler ... YOU are the problem. You're unwilling to pay a price for your lettuce that will support a viable living wage for the field worker. YOU are unwilling to pay a meaningful price for your hamburger that will support the cook. YOU are the problem. The employer is trying to give you what you demand ... cheap food and goods.

I especially enjoy the way you demean them by calling them "ignorant peasants". Does that make you feel superior, or something?

But, of course, we know they are only doing jobs that Americans won't do, right? (I mean --- that's what you leftists say all the time, right?)

Except that isn't true ....


When people claim that these workers are taking jobs that Americans won't do, they ignore these statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009 averages):
  • 77.7 percent of the 7.75 million workers in food preparation and serving jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers). It is harder to get a job at McDonalds than it is to get into Harvard.
  • 65.8 percent of 5.38 million workers in cleaning and maintenance jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 74.5 percent of the 7.45 million workers in construction and extraction jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 75.9 percent of the 7.63 million workers in production jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
It is clear then, that these ARE jobs that Americans will do, if paid a fair wage.

Jobs Americans Won't Do?

So, we now know that myth isn't true, don't we?

The truth is much, much simpler ... these "ignorant peasants" (as you so blithely call them) will keep coming as long as the social safety net of the US provides them a better life than they have in their home country. They know that, no matter what happens, they will have food and a place to live. They know that they will not only survive on the US safety net, but they will be able to send money back to their families.

In an effort to create a voting base, the Democrat party, and its socialist counterparts, have created a mess that is getting too expensive to maintain.

That's dumb. This just shows that you don't know shit and just pure ignorant.

Right ... I don't know shit. My years as a business owner and CEO mean nothing ... clearly, I don't have a clue.

Why don't you tell us your expertise, and your experience, as a businessman?

Right..... Suddenly you are business owner. Bullshit.............. And what is business has to do with your twisted opinion? Desperation time........ I know lots of business owners that are stupid like you but smart enough not to get involved in this kind of conversation. You are just lightweight.

I'm in the business of medical instruments and consumable including reagents and blood products for the last 18 years and my parents before that. Located in San Diego and Miami.

Being the security guard at your company does not automatically qualify you as a business genius.

And this your best rebuttal? Ask me if I give a flying fuck if you believe me or not. Jealous? Dude You cannot even tell me where you live or what you do for a living.
For the record I challenged total of 3 members to visit my company and buildings in Sand Diego or Miami at my expense--------- but no takers.
And live debate total 4 members but no takers.
Total of 3 of members to tour immigration center in Arizona or Texas at my expense ---- no takers either.
Do you want me to challenge you?

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