Trump’s Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year

The issue is the ECONOMIC cost/benefit. This involves numbers, and thereby disqualifies you from participating.
The issue is that we have laws and they will be enforced. Now hurry up and get your ass to the welfare office before we shut that down too.

I'm paid to think....anyone ever offer you a penny for your intellectual output?
Sooo, what part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been stealing from hard working real American's?

hard working Americans arent willing to pick strawberries, and oranges 12 hours a day for min wage. They need a union to make sure farmers arent screwing them.

sooooooooooooo, where and when do start working jobs that an illegal took away from you ?

Currently we have shortages of these workers............ and if we deport these illegals.
Who do they expect to work on agricultural, poultry, meat products etc etc etc?
We might as well shut down all these enterprises then let's see what happen.

Again no American wants to work for $4.00 an hour kick 20 million illegals out and they would have to raise wages, hell I would pick apples for $25 bucks an hour,

I never heard of $4. An hour. Even illegals will not take that kind of starvation wages. Even Trump will tell you no Americans are willing to work for $10.20
And if you charge $25/hour how much do you think those apples cost?
I know you told me how tough you are but------ how many Americans are willing to work in that kind of tough environment?

It's called working under the table..

And how much those apples will cost? The same price as a Big Mac if we raise the minimum wage nationaly, what the fuck is wrong with your type anyways?

You defend artificaly raising the minimum wage and are entirely against letting the market decide wages after kicking out illegal immigrants who shouldn't belong here under cutting American jobs in the first place.

Letting the market decide is free choice to company's.. Either raise wages or no one will work for you..

Forcing companies to raise wages if they can afford it or not is fucking stupid and retarded.


Working under the table doesn't hide the cost of the labor.
You analogy of using the minimum wage increase is not the same than paying you $25/hour. The minimum wage doesn't jump from $10 to $16 in one day. People at McDonald's do not make $16.
What made you think farmers can afford all his laborers to pay $25/hour?

And if you remove all these illegals from ----- let say agricultural jobs ------ Who will take over those jobs?
You are so worried foreigners taking over jobs and yet you have Trump hiring foreigners paying $10.20/hour.
I just think it is wise to study the economic consequences of getting rid of undocumented workers, don't YOU?
No. No I don't. At all. That's as absurd as saying "we need to study the economic 'consequences' of stopping rapists before we stop them". You enforce the law.

Guess what - cocaine and heroin have a monumental economic effect on the economy. Would you advocate allowing that to go on while you "study" the effects? We're either a law of nations or were not. You people desperately want to turn America into Somalia and that is going to end terribly for you. My side of the aisle is heavily armed and thoroughly trained. Your side of the aisle cross-dresses and is "triggered" into the fetal position by mere words.
Guess what - cocaine and heroin have a monumental economic effect on the economy.

can you quantify that?
hard working Americans arent willing to pick strawberries, and oranges 12 hours a day for min wage. They need a union to make sure farmers arent screwing them.

sooooooooooooo, where and when do start working jobs that an illegal took away from you ?

Currently we have shortages of these workers............ and if we deport these illegals.
Who do they expect to work on agricultural, poultry, meat products etc etc etc?
We might as well shut down all these enterprises then let's see what happen.

Again no American wants to work for $4.00 an hour kick 20 million illegals out and they would have to raise wages, hell I would pick apples for $25 bucks an hour,

I never heard of $4. An hour. Even illegals will not take that kind of starvation wages. Even Trump will tell you no Americans are willing to work for $10.20
And if you charge $25/hour how much do you think those apples cost?
I know you told me how tough you are but------ how many Americans are willing to work in that kind of tough environment?

It's called working under the table..

And how much those apples will cost? The same price as a Big Mac if we raise the minimum wage nationaly, what the fuck is wrong with your type anyways?

You defend artificaly raising the minimum wage and are entirely against letting the market decide wages after kicking out illegal immigrants who shouldn't belong here under cutting American jobs in the first place.

Letting the market decide is free choice to company's.. Either raise wages or no one will work for you..

Forcing companies to raise wages if they can afford it or not is fucking stupid and retarded.


Working under the table doesn't hide the cost of the labor.
You analogy of using the minimum wage increase is not the same than paying you $25/hour. The minimum wage doesn't jump from $10 to $16 in one day. People at McDonald's do not make $16.
What made you think farmers can afford all his laborers to pay $25/hour?

And if you remove all these illegals from ----- let say agricultural jobs ------ Who will take over those jobs?
You are so worried foreigners taking over jobs and yet you have Trump hiring foreigners paying $10.20/hour.

(Boy this shit is getting old...copy and pasted...see below...problem solved)

"It's time to think outside the box and get aggressive. Between welfare recipients and those incarcerated we would have no problem manning all facets of agriculture.
This could easily drive the final cost of the commodity down to the end user / consumer."

"Rather than work so hard to come up with clever ways to keep the Mexican filth rolling in why not figure out ways to get our resident filth off the couch, away from the weed and 40oz of King Cobra and out working?
Let's demand that our able bodied welfare recipients pick strawberries and pour concrete in order to keep those EBT cards rolling in?
The win is two fold....Government could offer subsidized labor to employers such as farmers and construction companies while teaching our bottom feeding piece of shits to work and be accountable.....Whatta you say?"
On top of that he didn't pressed me on anything. and what challenge did he offer?
You never did tell us what nation you snuck into the United States from.

Rottweiler ------- People here are kicking your ass all over the place and embarrassing yourself. Don't you think you have enough in your plate? You are so concerned about Snowflake or snowflake because you have zero rebuttal.
That means your ass is bleeding trying to deflect which is about your style.

I thought by now you already put me on ignore.--------- Do you want me to kick your ass again?
Currently we have shortages of these workers............ and if we deport these illegals.
Who do they expect to work on agricultural, poultry, meat products etc etc etc?
We might as well shut down all these enterprises then let's see what happen.

Again no American wants to work for $4.00 an hour kick 20 million illegals out and they would have to raise wages, hell I would pick apples for $25 bucks an hour,

I never heard of $4. An hour. Even illegals will not take that kind of starvation wages. Even Trump will tell you no Americans are willing to work for $10.20
And if you charge $25/hour how much do you think those apples cost?
I know you told me how tough you are but------ how many Americans are willing to work in that kind of tough environment?

It's called working under the table..

And how much those apples will cost? The same price as a Big Mac if we raise the minimum wage nationaly, what the fuck is wrong with your type anyways?

You defend artificaly raising the minimum wage and are entirely against letting the market decide wages after kicking out illegal immigrants who shouldn't belong here under cutting American jobs in the first place.

Letting the market decide is free choice to company's.. Either raise wages or no one will work for you..

Forcing companies to raise wages if they can afford it or not is fucking stupid and retarded.


Working under the table doesn't hide the cost of the labor.
You analogy of using the minimum wage increase is not the same than paying you $25/hour. The minimum wage doesn't jump from $10 to $16 in one day. People at McDonald's do not make $16.
What made you think farmers can afford all his laborers to pay $25/hour?

And if you remove all these illegals from ----- let say agricultural jobs ------ Who will take over those jobs?
You are so worried foreigners taking over jobs and yet you have Trump hiring foreigners paying $10.20/hour.

(Boy this shit is getting old...copy and pasted...see below...problem solved)

"It's time to think outside the box and get aggressive. Between welfare recipients and those incarcerated we would have no problem manning all facets of agriculture.
This could easily drive the final cost of the commodity down to the end user / consumer."

"Rather than work so hard to come up with clever ways to keep the Mexican filth rolling in why not figure out ways to get our resident filth off the couch, away from the weed and 40oz of King Cobra and out working?
Let's demand that our able bodied welfare recipients pick strawberries and pour concrete in order to keep those EBT cards rolling in?
The win is two fold....Government could offer subsidized labor to employers such as farmers and construction companies while teaching our bottom feeding piece of shits to work and be accountable.....Whatta you say?"

Dude ------ You need apologize before I give any kind of response. And stop putting words in my mouth.
On top of that he didn't pressed me on anything. and what challenge did he offer?
You never did tell us what nation you snuck into the United States from.
People here are kicking your ass all over the place and embarrassing yourself.
The illiteracy continues. Why are you so afraid to tell us why country you are from? :dunno:

If this is all you got as always....... then you are just a waste of my time.
Stop embarrassing yourself dude and trying to deflect from others.
Maybe I will put you in my ignore list.
hard working Americans arent willing to pick strawberries, and oranges 12 hours a day for min wage. They need a union to make sure farmers arent screwing them.

sooooooooooooo, where and when do start working jobs that an illegal took away from you ?

Currently we have shortages of these workers............ and if we deport these illegals.
Who do they expect to work on agricultural, poultry, meat products etc etc etc?
We might as well shut down all these enterprises then let's see what happen.

Again no American wants to work for $4.00 an hour kick 20 million illegals out and they would have to raise wages, hell I would pick apples for $25 bucks an hour,

I never heard of $4. An hour. Even illegals will not take that kind of starvation wages. Even Trump will tell you no Americans are willing to work for $10.20
And if you charge $25/hour how much do you think those apples cost?
I know you told me how tough you are but------ how many Americans are willing to work in that kind of tough environment?

It's called working under the table..

And how much those apples will cost? The same price as a Big Mac if we raise the minimum wage nationaly, what the fuck is wrong with your type anyways?

You defend artificaly raising the minimum wage and are entirely against letting the market decide wages after kicking out illegal immigrants who shouldn't belong here under cutting American jobs in the first place.

Letting the market decide is free choice to company's.. Either raise wages or no one will work for you..

Forcing companies to raise wages if they can afford it or not is fucking stupid and retarded.


Working under the table doesn't hide the cost of the labor.
You analogy of using the minimum wage increase is not the same than paying you $25/hour. The minimum wage doesn't jump from $10 to $16 in one day. People at McDonald's do not make $16.
What made you think farmers can afford all his laborers to pay $25/hour?

And if you remove all these illegals from ----- let say agricultural jobs ------ Who will take over those jobs?
You are so worried foreigners taking over jobs and yet you have Trump hiring foreigners paying $10.20/hour.

They can afford it the same way some McDonald's and Walmart's were paying $17 bucks an hour in the Dakotas

God you refuse to get supply and demand.

Right now illegals take those jobs becau6no one else wants to get paid that little, you remove the supply of labor .....wages always go up what's so complicated to understand?
Currently we have shortages of these workers............ and if we deport these illegals.
Who do they expect to work on agricultural, poultry, meat products etc etc etc?
We might as well shut down all these enterprises then let's see what happen.

Again no American wants to work for $4.00 an hour kick 20 million illegals out and they would have to raise wages, hell I would pick apples for $25 bucks an hour,

I never heard of $4. An hour. Even illegals will not take that kind of starvation wages. Even Trump will tell you no Americans are willing to work for $10.20
And if you charge $25/hour how much do you think those apples cost?
I know you told me how tough you are but------ how many Americans are willing to work in that kind of tough environment?

It's called working under the table..

And how much those apples will cost? The same price as a Big Mac if we raise the minimum wage nationaly, what the fuck is wrong with your type anyways?

You defend artificaly raising the minimum wage and are entirely against letting the market decide wages after kicking out illegal immigrants who shouldn't belong here under cutting American jobs in the first place.

Letting the market decide is free choice to company's.. Either raise wages or no one will work for you..

Forcing companies to raise wages if they can afford it or not is fucking stupid and retarded.


Working under the table doesn't hide the cost of the labor.
You analogy of using the minimum wage increase is not the same than paying you $25/hour. The minimum wage doesn't jump from $10 to $16 in one day. People at McDonald's do not make $16.
What made you think farmers can afford all his laborers to pay $25/hour?

And if you remove all these illegals from ----- let say agricultural jobs ------ Who will take over those jobs?
You are so worried foreigners taking over jobs and yet you have Trump hiring foreigners paying $10.20/hour.

They can afford it the same way some McDonald's and Walmart's were paying $17 bucks an hour in the Dakotas

God you refuse to get supply and demand.

Right now illegals take those jobs becau6no one else wants to get paid that little, you remove the supply of labor .....wages always go up what's so complicated to understand?

How much do you think should those kind of agricultural jobs get paid? 25$?
I know couple of business owners here to in Ca that own McDonald's franchises and none are making $16 except shift managers.
What made you think I don't recognized/refused ------ supply and demands? That is what I do for a living but I refuse to believe and believe:
1. Most Americans will not take over those jobs even if you raised it to a reasonable $18.
2. You don't just wake up and suddenly you want to work in those kind of hard dirty labor. If you are not born to do this kind of jobs you will not last and probably quit the same or the next day. That's been proven over and over. I believed you are physically tough but not all Americans are like you.
3. if you have kids ------ are you going to give up your welfare checks and work for $18 to $20?
Then pay babysitter.
4. Even if you find Americans that are willing to work in those kind environments. I'm very sure it's not in millions.
5. Now -------- What are you going to do if those illegals are gone? Shut down the agricultural business?
6. Definitely all prices will also go up from food to other services. Are you speaking for the rest of poor Americans that are trying to get by?

Whose investments do you suppose recovered? Think it was your mama's Social Security? Drive her Medicare costs down? Wait - I bet it lowered the cost of her food, lights, and energy, right?

You are talking apples and oranges ... clearly, indicating you don't understand fruit at all.
I've got no problem spotting a steaming pile of horse dung when I see it....

Same old stuff ... when hoisted by your own petard, attack the poster, not the issue.

We'll take this as your sign of surrender (and admission that you don't know what hell you were talking about)

So far, everything I've said is consistent with the objective evidence I've provided...

You've brought nothing. .

You've brought false evidence, and irrelevant evidence (some of it contradictory to your suppositions) and then tried, clumsily to weave into some kind of fabric to justify a false conclusion.
There is no false evidence.....
You're lying.

The conclusion is entirely consistent with the premise, and evidence.

You've spent the past 20 years reading Drudge headlines....and now you can't link two cogent thoughts.

Whose investments do you suppose recovered? Think it was your mama's Social Security? Drive her Medicare costs down? Wait - I bet it lowered the cost of her food, lights, and energy, right?

You are talking apples and oranges ... clearly, indicating you don't understand fruit at all.
I've got no problem spotting a steaming pile of horse dung when I see it....

Same old stuff ... when hoisted by your own petard, attack the poster, not the issue.

We'll take this as your sign of surrender (and admission that you don't know what hell you were talking about)

So far, everything I've said is consistent with the objective evidence I've provided...

You've brought nothing. .

You've brought false evidence, and irrelevant evidence (some of it contradictory to your suppositions) and then tried, clumsily to weave into some kind of fabric to justify a false conclusion.
There is no false evidence.....
You're lying.

The conclusion is entirely consistent with the premise, and evidence.

You've spent the past 20 years reading Drudge headlines....and now you can't link two cogent thoughts.
Let's create a little timeline of your nonsense ...

Post 107 - you state that people are retiring because "retirement savings and home recovered"

Post 165 - When challenged, you cite that the "S&P soaring from 1335 (2007) to 805 (2009), and that "new home sales" went from 900K to 300K in the same period. This, of course, is completely contradictory to the previous statement for which you were challenged.

Post 243 - When the anomaly of thought was pointed out, you drug out a chart and claim that the S&P hit "pre-recession" highs in 2014.

Of course, you failed to note that had almost nothing to do with the average retiree. While the S&P is a nice economic indicator, it has almost nothing to do the income of today's retiree. You also fail to account for the lost income during the down years, instead trying to gloss over the impact to today's seniors.

Even more egregious, you try to somehow correlate the increase in income for investors to people living on Social Security and corporate pensions, both of which are massively underfunded. Not only that, but you conveniently ignore the meteoric rise in health care costs (as a direct result of liberal policies). It is not an accident that the variations in energy, health care, and food are NOT considered in the CPI (it's done to paint a false picture so politicians can get re-elected).

Don't believe it? I suggest you go to the nearest Walmart, or McDonalds, or Taco Bell, and see how many senior citizens are still working to supplement (not offset) their retirement nest eggs. They aren't working just to have something to do - they are working to keep from starving to death, while liberals like you try to gloss over the reality.
You're naive if you think that's all it would take. For one thing, the minute some Open Borders douche bag got in office, the raids would stop. There weren't any convictions under either Obama or Bush.

There probably won't be any convictions under Trump, either. The reason why you stupids are being fooled is because the 1% WANT illegal labor. But they know they have to keep you bigots happy by pretending to go through the motions of chasing the brown ones.

Notice how when foreigners break our laws the lib douche bags want to put Americans in jail rather than the foreigners.

Notice how when the rich take advantage of the poor to get richer, the republicans punish the poor.

Got any idea just exactly how stupid that sounds??

You might want to shine a little reality on it.

The reality is they come here because the rich hire them. No jobs, no immigrants.

Another post that's been conveniently ignored so whackos can continue to frame and spin their fabricated bullshit. (See below)
"Come on bud...SERIOUSLY?
This debate has been had way too many times. I'll make it short...PLEASE explain the numbers to me. The average Hispanic family in CA looks like this:
Carlos and Guadalupe have 4-6 children born in the U.S. all attending public schools. Carlos works for $10 dollars an hour and averages 50 hours per week while Guadalupe is a stay at home mother.
Carlos grosses $500 per week in income.
The cost to attend a public school in CA is $10,600 per year per child. The cost of child birth in CA is $10,000. Carlos and Guadalupe get housing assistance, EBT, welfare, health coverage...etc etc all compliments of hard working real American taxpayers. I won't list all the other direct and indirect expenses related to Carlos' family as it would be retarded and a waste of time.
Do your own math and PLEASE explain to me how Carlos and Guadalupe are helping Americans and this country?
How many piece of shit junker autos do you think they buy, how many bottles of Tapatio or cans of Bud Light? Payroll taxes? They pay a zero percent effective tax rate and don't tell me that many use a bogus tax id to pay taxes yet never collect the return...that's absolute bullshit and just another fabricated Liberal myth...those types claim 99 dependents and essentially exempt themselves from withholding."

Dude. The Cleaners called. They said that they were able to get the soot stains out of your white sheets but the part where the cross burned the sleeve, they couldn't do anything about.
When lacking an intelligent response, use the race card.
"How about illegals that violated their visas? That are also taking advantage of the welfare. How are you going to stop that? A net?"

Oh we'll get them as well. Right now our primary concern is the lowest grade filth of know, the ones who don't have the iQ or cash to come over on a know, all your buddies from Mexico, Central and South America

Your opinion doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility coming from a racist piece of shit like you.
Didn't I told you to FUCK OFF?

Well, a concise, mature, and succinct post like this CERTAINLY forwards your position ..... NOT!

Grow up.

Why the fuck you are telling me that? Why don't you tell this red neck inbred fucking asshole to grow the fuck up and stop insulting me in the first place?
His been doing these to me for a while.

I was trying to talk to decently. Now do you want to talk to you trash?

"But, Mommy, he did it FIRST!"

Really mature.

So why the fuck you want to get involved?

Because little, immature, pissant children like you, incapable of intelligent discussion, but intent to intimidating people through name calling and vulgarity, piss me off. You pollute every discussion with your sophomoric nonsense. You destroy the opportunity for adults to have a meaningful and intelligent discussion.

I have made it my life's goal to expose the stupidity of your ilk at every turn.
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.

No it's not easy to build the wall Bri. Look at the enormous cost and the logistics to build the wall. And we do not have an open borders that you keep plugging in.

$20 billion is a drop in the bucket when you look at the size of the federal budget. The government spends more than that on office supplies. Building a 2000 mile wall would be easier than building a 2000 mile highway the same distance, and we already have Interstate 10 almost parallel to the wall.

The claim that the wall is too expensive or too hard build is just plain bullshit.

The road which is also thousand of miles, heavy equipments, housing for workers, water/electric, purchase of private lands etc etc are not even included. It cost more than $20 billions. Bri.
That is all normally included in the construction contract ...

But that is not included in the $20billions estimates. Try again.
It's far easier to build a wall. You open-borders douche bags sure are fond of solution that are virtually impossible to implement and that won't work.

No it's not easy to build the wall Bri. Look at the enormous cost and the logistics to build the wall. And we do not have an open borders that you keep plugging in.

$20 billion is a drop in the bucket when you look at the size of the federal budget. The government spends more than that on office supplies. Building a 2000 mile wall would be easier than building a 2000 mile highway the same distance, and we already have Interstate 10 almost parallel to the wall.

The claim that the wall is too expensive or too hard build is just plain bullshit.

The road which is also thousand of miles, heavy equipments, housing for workers, water/electric, purchase of private lands etc etc are not even included. It cost more than $20 billions. Bri.
That is all normally included in the construction contract ...

But that is not included in the $20billions estimates. Try again.

Actually, that's not true ... would you like to prove otherwise?

Nahh --- I didn't think so.
Easy now need for hostility. Remember "the code" of TOLERANCE.
To show that I am tolerant I am still willing to help you with your extreme level of illiteracy and retarded use of the English language by sending you a valid copy of Rosetta Stone. I'm really starting to feel sorry for you as you continue to make a total ass of yourself here. Please accept my gracious offer.

So far this is all what you got insult. Dumb fuck. I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. SCUMBAG. Fuck you asshole.
Easy now need for hostility. Remember "the code" of TOLERANCE.
To show that I am tolerant I am still willing to help you with your extreme level of illiteracy and retarded use of the English language by sending you a valid copy of Rosetta Stone. I'm really starting to feel sorry for you as you continue to make a total ass of yourself here. Please accept my gracious offer.

So far this is all what you got insult. Dumb fuck. I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. SCUMBAG. Fuck you asshole.

Lots of class here, folks ... bring the kids on by and let them see how adults address the critical issues of the day!!

What the fuck are you talking about fuck head?
Easy now need for hostility. Remember "the code" of TOLERANCE.
To show that I am tolerant I am still willing to help you with your extreme level of illiteracy and retarded use of the English language by sending you a valid copy of Rosetta Stone. I'm really starting to feel sorry for you as you continue to make a total ass of yourself here. Please accept my gracious offer.

So far this is all what you got insult. Dumb fuck. I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. SCUMBAG. Fuck you asshole.
Easy now need for hostility. Remember "the code" of TOLERANCE.
To show that I am tolerant I am still willing to help you with your extreme level of illiteracy and retarded use of the English language by sending you a valid copy of Rosetta Stone. I'm really starting to feel sorry for you as you continue to make a total ass of yourself here. Please accept my gracious offer.

So far this is all what you got insult. Dumb fuck. I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. SCUMBAG. Fuck you asshole.

Lots of class here, folks ... bring the kids on by and let them see how adults address the critical issues of the day!!

What the fuck are you talking about fuck head?

I'm talking about your childish, immature, and sophomoric insistence on resorting to foul language and personal attacks when pressed to validate your ridiculous posts. Somehow, you seem to be under the assumption that we are supposed to genuflect to the obvious truth simply because you said it. You offer generalities and banalities without supportable evidence, and then get all pissy when someone dares to challenge your dictums from on high.

THAT's what the fuck I'm talking about ... if you can't keep up, order the Cliff Notes version.

Blah blah blah...... I don't give a fuck about that piece of shit opinion. I was talking to him directly and I told hm several times not to quote me.......... Then you get yourself involved. So FUCK YOU.

On top of that he didn't pressed me on anything. and what challenge did he offer?

Need a lollipop? You're kinda cranky today.

If you promise to be good, I'll make it a Tootsie Pop. And, if you're REALLY good, you can have chocolate milk at recess, too !!!

Grow up.

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