Trump’s Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year

We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

Trump's Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year—Do The Math | National Economics Editorial
President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.
Immigrants aren't the problem; they never were.
Crony-capitalists getting rich from wars and the "magic of compound interest blame immigrants to distract from their own crimes.

"Consumer demand[edit]

"Economic activity produced by illegal immigrant spending employs about 5% of the total US workforce. Illegal immigrants occupy over 3 million dwellings, or just under 4% of the total number of homes in the US. UCLA research indicates immigrants produce $150 billion of economic activity equivalent to spending stimulus every year.

"The advantages of illegal migration tend mostly to be on the side of the employer.

"An employer will benefit from the illegal status of a migrant who is desperate for work and therefore prepared to accept poor pay, usually below local norms. Hiring an illegal worker also brings the employer the advantage of paying less in the way of welfare contributions and other non-wage costs.[26]

Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States - Wikipedia

"Nearly every dollar earned by illegal immigrants is spent immediately, and the average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour with an average of 34 hours per week. This means that approximately 8 million US jobs are dependent upon economic activity produced by illegal immigrant activities within the US.[27"
The right wing loves their socialism on an national basis. They do not believe their socialism is just plain "bloatware" because it is for their nationalism.
Many conservatives seem genuinely confused about the extent of the Nanny State and how much they benefit from its largess:

"Beyond the Conservative Nanny State: Policies to Promote Self-Sufficiency Among the Wealthy..."

"Conservatives have managed to dominate the national debate on economic policy over the last quarter century. They have implemented a wide range of policies that have had the effect of redistributing income from those at the middle and the bottom to those at the top. This effort has been successful in part because conservatives never acknowledged the government’s role in this upward redistribution, claiming all along that it was simply the natural workings of the market."
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

Trump's Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year—Do The Math | National Economics Editorial
President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.
Immigrants aren't the problem; they never were.
Crony-capitalists getting rich from wars and the "magic of compound interest blame immigrants to distract from their own crimes.

"Consumer demand[edit]

"Economic activity produced by illegal immigrant spending employs about 5% of the total US workforce. Illegal immigrants occupy over 3 million dwellings, or just under 4% of the total number of homes in the US. UCLA research indicates immigrants produce $150 billion of economic activity equivalent to spending stimulus every year.

"The advantages of illegal migration tend mostly to be on the side of the employer.

"An employer will benefit from the illegal status of a migrant who is desperate for work and therefore prepared to accept poor pay, usually below local norms. Hiring an illegal worker also brings the employer the advantage of paying less in the way of welfare contributions and other non-wage costs.[26]

Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States - Wikipedia

"Nearly every dollar earned by illegal immigrants is spent immediately, and the average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour with an average of 34 hours per week. This means that approximately 8 million US jobs are dependent upon economic activity produced by illegal immigrant activities within the US.[27"

The average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour

Looks like idiots are still editing wiki with fake news/information ,, the average wage is around $22 bucks an hour, 44 grand a year

This is what the average American made last year
Your link:
"Still, 67 percent of wage earners made less than or equal to the average. Median compensation came in at $28,851.21 for the year, up from $28,031.02 in 2013.

"Despite the increase in average compensation last year, pay has struggled to pick up momentum recently. Wages were flat in September, according to the Labor Department."

The average wage appears to be about $15 an hour for two-thirds of US workers, and that sounds a little optimistic to me, at least as far as non-college educated workers are concerned.
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

Trump's Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year—Do The Math | National Economics Editorial
President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.
Immigrants aren't the problem; they never were.
Crony-capitalists getting rich from wars and the "magic of compound interest blame immigrants to distract from their own crimes.

"Consumer demand[edit]

"Economic activity produced by illegal immigrant spending employs about 5% of the total US workforce. Illegal immigrants occupy over 3 million dwellings, or just under 4% of the total number of homes in the US. UCLA research indicates immigrants produce $150 billion of economic activity equivalent to spending stimulus every year.

"The advantages of illegal migration tend mostly to be on the side of the employer.

"An employer will benefit from the illegal status of a migrant who is desperate for work and therefore prepared to accept poor pay, usually below local norms. Hiring an illegal worker also brings the employer the advantage of paying less in the way of welfare contributions and other non-wage costs.[26]

Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States - Wikipedia

"Nearly every dollar earned by illegal immigrants is spent immediately, and the average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour with an average of 34 hours per week. This means that approximately 8 million US jobs are dependent upon economic activity produced by illegal immigrant activities within the US.[27"
The right wing loves their socialism on an national basis. They do not believe their socialism is just plain "bloatware" because it is for their nationalism.
Many conservatives seem genuinely confused about the extent of the Nanny State and how much they benefit from its largess:

"Beyond the Conservative Nanny State: Policies to Promote Self-Sufficiency Among the Wealthy..."

"Conservatives have managed to dominate the national debate on economic policy over the last quarter century. They have implemented a wide range of policies that have had the effect of redistributing income from those at the middle and the bottom to those at the top. This effort has been successful in part because conservatives never acknowledged the government’s role in this upward redistribution, claiming all along that it was simply the natural workings of the market."
"Trickle down" economics is public policy; in effect, it means, bail out the wealthiest, and then let it "trickle down".
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

Trump's Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year—Do The Math | National Economics Editorial
President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.
Immigrants aren't the problem; they never were.
Crony-capitalists getting rich from wars and the "magic of compound interest blame immigrants to distract from their own crimes.

"Consumer demand[edit]

"Economic activity produced by illegal immigrant spending employs about 5% of the total US workforce. Illegal immigrants occupy over 3 million dwellings, or just under 4% of the total number of homes in the US. UCLA research indicates immigrants produce $150 billion of economic activity equivalent to spending stimulus every year.

"The advantages of illegal migration tend mostly to be on the side of the employer.

"An employer will benefit from the illegal status of a migrant who is desperate for work and therefore prepared to accept poor pay, usually below local norms. Hiring an illegal worker also brings the employer the advantage of paying less in the way of welfare contributions and other non-wage costs.[26]

Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States - Wikipedia

"Nearly every dollar earned by illegal immigrants is spent immediately, and the average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour with an average of 34 hours per week. This means that approximately 8 million US jobs are dependent upon economic activity produced by illegal immigrant activities within the US.[27"

The average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour

Looks like idiots are still editing wiki with fake news/information ,, the average wage is around $22 bucks an hour, 44 grand a year

This is what the average American made last year
Your link:
"Still, 67 percent of wage earners made less than or equal to the average. Median compensation came in at $28,851.21 for the year, up from $28,031.02 in 2013.

"Despite the increase in average compensation last year, pay has struggled to pick up momentum recently. Wages were flat in September, according to the Labor Department."

The average wage appears to be about $15 an hour for two-thirds of US workers, and that sounds a little optimistic to me, at least as far as non-college educated workers are concerned.
The right wing is usually only right twice a day; it is the only reason I pay any attention to their arguments. the right wing usually has nothing but fantasy.
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

Trump's Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year—Do The Math | National Economics Editorial
President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.
Immigrants aren't the problem; they never were.
Crony-capitalists getting rich from wars and the "magic of compound interest blame immigrants to distract from their own crimes.

"Consumer demand[edit]

"Economic activity produced by illegal immigrant spending employs about 5% of the total US workforce. Illegal immigrants occupy over 3 million dwellings, or just under 4% of the total number of homes in the US. UCLA research indicates immigrants produce $150 billion of economic activity equivalent to spending stimulus every year.

"The advantages of illegal migration tend mostly to be on the side of the employer.

"An employer will benefit from the illegal status of a migrant who is desperate for work and therefore prepared to accept poor pay, usually below local norms. Hiring an illegal worker also brings the employer the advantage of paying less in the way of welfare contributions and other non-wage costs.[26]

Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States - Wikipedia

"Nearly every dollar earned by illegal immigrants is spent immediately, and the average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour with an average of 34 hours per week. This means that approximately 8 million US jobs are dependent upon economic activity produced by illegal immigrant activities within the US.[27"
The right wing loves their socialism on an national basis. They do not believe their socialism is just plain "bloatware" because it is for their nationalism.
Many conservatives seem genuinely confused about the extent of the Nanny State and how much they benefit from its largess:

"Beyond the Conservative Nanny State: Policies to Promote Self-Sufficiency Among the Wealthy..."

"Conservatives have managed to dominate the national debate on economic policy over the last quarter century. They have implemented a wide range of policies that have had the effect of redistributing income from those at the middle and the bottom to those at the top. This effort has been successful in part because conservatives never acknowledged the government’s role in this upward redistribution, claiming all along that it was simply the natural workings of the market."
"Trickle down" economics is public policy; in effect, it means, bail out the wealthiest, and then let it "trickle down".

And your only option is the alternative, no jobs and despair

We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

Trump's Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year—Do The Math | National Economics Editorial
President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.
Immigrants aren't the problem; they never were.
Crony-capitalists getting rich from wars and the "magic of compound interest blame immigrants to distract from their own crimes.

"Consumer demand[edit]

"Economic activity produced by illegal immigrant spending employs about 5% of the total US workforce. Illegal immigrants occupy over 3 million dwellings, or just under 4% of the total number of homes in the US. UCLA research indicates immigrants produce $150 billion of economic activity equivalent to spending stimulus every year.

"The advantages of illegal migration tend mostly to be on the side of the employer.

"An employer will benefit from the illegal status of a migrant who is desperate for work and therefore prepared to accept poor pay, usually below local norms. Hiring an illegal worker also brings the employer the advantage of paying less in the way of welfare contributions and other non-wage costs.[26]

Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States - Wikipedia

"Nearly every dollar earned by illegal immigrants is spent immediately, and the average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour with an average of 34 hours per week. This means that approximately 8 million US jobs are dependent upon economic activity produced by illegal immigrant activities within the US.[27"
The right wing loves their socialism on an national basis. They do not believe their socialism is just plain "bloatware" because it is for their nationalism.
Many conservatives seem genuinely confused about the extent of the Nanny State and how much they benefit from its largess:

"Beyond the Conservative Nanny State: Policies to Promote Self-Sufficiency Among the Wealthy..."

"Conservatives have managed to dominate the national debate on economic policy over the last quarter century. They have implemented a wide range of policies that have had the effect of redistributing income from those at the middle and the bottom to those at the top. This effort has been successful in part because conservatives never acknowledged the government’s role in this upward redistribution, claiming all along that it was simply the natural workings of the market."
"Trickle down" economics is public policy; in effect, it means, bail out the wealthiest, and then let it "trickle down".
And it also means only little people pay taxes:

"8) Taxes Unpaid taxes are as much a burden to law-abiding taxpayers as any spending item. People who withhold taxes they owe are stealing from the government in the same way as someone who falsely files for TANF benefits, except the sums are likely much larger. The IRS estimated that in 2001, more than $340 billion in taxes went unpaid, an amount that is roughly equal to 20 times federal spending on TANF in that year."

I've seen more recent numbers from 2015 indicating all US domestic and international (corporate?) unpaid taxes roughly equal the budget deficit from that year.
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

Trump's Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year—Do The Math | National Economics Editorial
President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.
Immigrants aren't the problem; they never were.
Crony-capitalists getting rich from wars and the "magic of compound interest blame immigrants to distract from their own crimes.

"Consumer demand[edit]

"Economic activity produced by illegal immigrant spending employs about 5% of the total US workforce. Illegal immigrants occupy over 3 million dwellings, or just under 4% of the total number of homes in the US. UCLA research indicates immigrants produce $150 billion of economic activity equivalent to spending stimulus every year.

"The advantages of illegal migration tend mostly to be on the side of the employer.

"An employer will benefit from the illegal status of a migrant who is desperate for work and therefore prepared to accept poor pay, usually below local norms. Hiring an illegal worker also brings the employer the advantage of paying less in the way of welfare contributions and other non-wage costs.[26]

Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States - Wikipedia

"Nearly every dollar earned by illegal immigrants is spent immediately, and the average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour with an average of 34 hours per week. This means that approximately 8 million US jobs are dependent upon economic activity produced by illegal immigrant activities within the US.[27"
The right wing loves their socialism on an national basis. They do not believe their socialism is just plain "bloatware" because it is for their nationalism.
Many conservatives seem genuinely confused about the extent of the Nanny State and how much they benefit from its largess:

"Beyond the Conservative Nanny State: Policies to Promote Self-Sufficiency Among the Wealthy..."

"Conservatives have managed to dominate the national debate on economic policy over the last quarter century. They have implemented a wide range of policies that have had the effect of redistributing income from those at the middle and the bottom to those at the top. This effort has been successful in part because conservatives never acknowledged the government’s role in this upward redistribution, claiming all along that it was simply the natural workings of the market."
"Trickle down" economics is public policy; in effect, it means, bail out the wealthiest, and then let it "trickle down".

And your only option is the alternative, no jobs and despair

That is the right wing; they have, nothing but repeal.
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

Trump's Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year—Do The Math | National Economics Editorial
President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.
Immigrants aren't the problem; they never were.
Crony-capitalists getting rich from wars and the "magic of compound interest blame immigrants to distract from their own crimes.

"Consumer demand[edit]

"Economic activity produced by illegal immigrant spending employs about 5% of the total US workforce. Illegal immigrants occupy over 3 million dwellings, or just under 4% of the total number of homes in the US. UCLA research indicates immigrants produce $150 billion of economic activity equivalent to spending stimulus every year.

"The advantages of illegal migration tend mostly to be on the side of the employer.

"An employer will benefit from the illegal status of a migrant who is desperate for work and therefore prepared to accept poor pay, usually below local norms. Hiring an illegal worker also brings the employer the advantage of paying less in the way of welfare contributions and other non-wage costs.[26]

Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States - Wikipedia

"Nearly every dollar earned by illegal immigrants is spent immediately, and the average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour with an average of 34 hours per week. This means that approximately 8 million US jobs are dependent upon economic activity produced by illegal immigrant activities within the US.[27"
The right wing loves their socialism on an national basis. They do not believe their socialism is just plain "bloatware" because it is for their nationalism.
Many conservatives seem genuinely confused about the extent of the Nanny State and how much they benefit from its largess:

"Beyond the Conservative Nanny State: Policies to Promote Self-Sufficiency Among the Wealthy..."

"Conservatives have managed to dominate the national debate on economic policy over the last quarter century. They have implemented a wide range of policies that have had the effect of redistributing income from those at the middle and the bottom to those at the top. This effort has been successful in part because conservatives never acknowledged the government’s role in this upward redistribution, claiming all along that it was simply the natural workings of the market."
"Trickle down" economics is public policy; in effect, it means, bail out the wealthiest, and then let it "trickle down".
And it also means only little people pay taxes:

"8) Taxes Unpaid taxes are as much a burden to law-abiding taxpayers as any spending item. People who withhold taxes they owe are stealing from the government in the same way as someone who falsely files for TANF benefits, except the sums are likely much larger. The IRS estimated that in 2001, more than $340 billion in taxes went unpaid, an amount that is roughly equal to 20 times federal spending on TANF in that year."

I've seen more recent numbers from 2015 indicating all US domestic and international (corporate?) unpaid taxes roughly equal the budget deficit from that year.
The right wing, prefers to blame the poor.
Immigrants aren't the problem; they never were.
Crony-capitalists getting rich from wars and the "magic of compound interest blame immigrants to distract from their own crimes.

"Consumer demand[edit]

"Economic activity produced by illegal immigrant spending employs about 5% of the total US workforce. Illegal immigrants occupy over 3 million dwellings, or just under 4% of the total number of homes in the US. UCLA research indicates immigrants produce $150 billion of economic activity equivalent to spending stimulus every year.

"The advantages of illegal migration tend mostly to be on the side of the employer.

"An employer will benefit from the illegal status of a migrant who is desperate for work and therefore prepared to accept poor pay, usually below local norms. Hiring an illegal worker also brings the employer the advantage of paying less in the way of welfare contributions and other non-wage costs.[26]

Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States - Wikipedia

"Nearly every dollar earned by illegal immigrants is spent immediately, and the average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour with an average of 34 hours per week. This means that approximately 8 million US jobs are dependent upon economic activity produced by illegal immigrant activities within the US.[27"
The right wing loves their socialism on an national basis. They do not believe their socialism is just plain "bloatware" because it is for their nationalism.
Many conservatives seem genuinely confused about the extent of the Nanny State and how much they benefit from its largess:

"Beyond the Conservative Nanny State: Policies to Promote Self-Sufficiency Among the Wealthy..."

"Conservatives have managed to dominate the national debate on economic policy over the last quarter century. They have implemented a wide range of policies that have had the effect of redistributing income from those at the middle and the bottom to those at the top. This effort has been successful in part because conservatives never acknowledged the government’s role in this upward redistribution, claiming all along that it was simply the natural workings of the market."
"Trickle down" economics is public policy; in effect, it means, bail out the wealthiest, and then let it "trickle down".
And it also means only little people pay taxes:

"8) Taxes Unpaid taxes are as much a burden to law-abiding taxpayers as any spending item. People who withhold taxes they owe are stealing from the government in the same way as someone who falsely files for TANF benefits, except the sums are likely much larger. The IRS estimated that in 2001, more than $340 billion in taxes went unpaid, an amount that is roughly equal to 20 times federal spending on TANF in that year."

I've seen more recent numbers from 2015 indicating all US domestic and international (corporate?) unpaid taxes roughly equal the budget deficit from that year.
The right wing, prefers to blame the poor.
Except when they need their votes:

Race, class and the election of Trump - World Socialist Web Site

"The interpretation of the 2016 election through the prism of race and, to a lesser extent, gender, stands in glaring contradiction to the facts. The electorate that defeated Clinton—the multimillionaire personification of the political status quo—had voted twice to put Barack Obama in the White House.

"Trump owes his victory largely to a surge in voting by non-college-educated whites aged 45-64, particularly men. This demographic voted by a lopsided margin for the Republican billionaire.

"These people, born between 1952 and 1971, entered the work force between 1970 and 1989. They therefore experienced mass layoffs, declining wages and worsening working conditions throughout their working lives."
The right wing loves their socialism on an national basis. They do not believe their socialism is just plain "bloatware" because it is for their nationalism.
Many conservatives seem genuinely confused about the extent of the Nanny State and how much they benefit from its largess:

"Beyond the Conservative Nanny State: Policies to Promote Self-Sufficiency Among the Wealthy..."

"Conservatives have managed to dominate the national debate on economic policy over the last quarter century. They have implemented a wide range of policies that have had the effect of redistributing income from those at the middle and the bottom to those at the top. This effort has been successful in part because conservatives never acknowledged the government’s role in this upward redistribution, claiming all along that it was simply the natural workings of the market."
"Trickle down" economics is public policy; in effect, it means, bail out the wealthiest, and then let it "trickle down".
And it also means only little people pay taxes:

"8) Taxes Unpaid taxes are as much a burden to law-abiding taxpayers as any spending item. People who withhold taxes they owe are stealing from the government in the same way as someone who falsely files for TANF benefits, except the sums are likely much larger. The IRS estimated that in 2001, more than $340 billion in taxes went unpaid, an amount that is roughly equal to 20 times federal spending on TANF in that year."

I've seen more recent numbers from 2015 indicating all US domestic and international (corporate?) unpaid taxes roughly equal the budget deficit from that year.
The right wing, prefers to blame the poor.
Except when they need their votes:

Race, class and the election of Trump - World Socialist Web Site

"The interpretation of the 2016 election through the prism of race and, to a lesser extent, gender, stands in glaring contradiction to the facts. The electorate that defeated Clinton—the multimillionaire personification of the political status quo—had voted twice to put Barack Obama in the White House.

"Trump owes his victory largely to a surge in voting by non-college-educated whites aged 45-64, particularly men. This demographic voted by a lopsided margin for the Republican billionaire.

"These people, born between 1952 and 1971, entered the work force between 1970 and 1989. They therefore experienced mass layoffs, declining wages and worsening working conditions throughout their working lives."
You mean the same party that fired air traffic controllers and decimated unions in general.
Damn ... there you go confusing the left with facts again!!

Don't you know the left can't count past 20? Well, the men can count to 21, (probably closer to 20 1/2) .... ??
Red State conservative voting service member will enjoy dying and getting used by an illegitimate President!
Many conservatives seem genuinely confused about the extent of the Nanny State and how much they benefit from its largess:

"Beyond the Conservative Nanny State: Policies to Promote Self-Sufficiency Among the Wealthy..."

"Conservatives have managed to dominate the national debate on economic policy over the last quarter century. They have implemented a wide range of policies that have had the effect of redistributing income from those at the middle and the bottom to those at the top. This effort has been successful in part because conservatives never acknowledged the government’s role in this upward redistribution, claiming all along that it was simply the natural workings of the market."
"Trickle down" economics is public policy; in effect, it means, bail out the wealthiest, and then let it "trickle down".
And it also means only little people pay taxes:

"8) Taxes Unpaid taxes are as much a burden to law-abiding taxpayers as any spending item. People who withhold taxes they owe are stealing from the government in the same way as someone who falsely files for TANF benefits, except the sums are likely much larger. The IRS estimated that in 2001, more than $340 billion in taxes went unpaid, an amount that is roughly equal to 20 times federal spending on TANF in that year."

I've seen more recent numbers from 2015 indicating all US domestic and international (corporate?) unpaid taxes roughly equal the budget deficit from that year.
The right wing, prefers to blame the poor.
Except when they need their votes:

Race, class and the election of Trump - World Socialist Web Site

"The interpretation of the 2016 election through the prism of race and, to a lesser extent, gender, stands in glaring contradiction to the facts. The electorate that defeated Clinton—the multimillionaire personification of the political status quo—had voted twice to put Barack Obama in the White House.

"Trump owes his victory largely to a surge in voting by non-college-educated whites aged 45-64, particularly men. This demographic voted by a lopsided margin for the Republican billionaire.

"These people, born between 1952 and 1971, entered the work force between 1970 and 1989. They therefore experienced mass layoffs, declining wages and worsening working conditions throughout their working lives."
You mean the same party that fired air traffic controllers and decimated unions in general.
Since the mid-1970s the Democrats recognized the impending demise of organized labor's political influence and navigated into the same fund raising waters as Republicans. Imho, today both major parties serve the interests of the US investor class (about 5% of all voters) at the expense of the overwhelming majority of citizens with the lion's share of the gains going to those at the very top of the economy.
"Trickle down" economics is public policy; in effect, it means, bail out the wealthiest, and then let it "trickle down".
And it also means only little people pay taxes:

"8) Taxes Unpaid taxes are as much a burden to law-abiding taxpayers as any spending item. People who withhold taxes they owe are stealing from the government in the same way as someone who falsely files for TANF benefits, except the sums are likely much larger. The IRS estimated that in 2001, more than $340 billion in taxes went unpaid, an amount that is roughly equal to 20 times federal spending on TANF in that year."

I've seen more recent numbers from 2015 indicating all US domestic and international (corporate?) unpaid taxes roughly equal the budget deficit from that year.
The right wing, prefers to blame the poor.
Except when they need their votes:

Race, class and the election of Trump - World Socialist Web Site

"The interpretation of the 2016 election through the prism of race and, to a lesser extent, gender, stands in glaring contradiction to the facts. The electorate that defeated Clinton—the multimillionaire personification of the political status quo—had voted twice to put Barack Obama in the White House.

"Trump owes his victory largely to a surge in voting by non-college-educated whites aged 45-64, particularly men. This demographic voted by a lopsided margin for the Republican billionaire.

"These people, born between 1952 and 1971, entered the work force between 1970 and 1989. They therefore experienced mass layoffs, declining wages and worsening working conditions throughout their working lives."
You mean the same party that fired air traffic controllers and decimated unions in general.
Since the mid-1970s the Democrats recognized the impending demise of organized labor's political influence and navigated into the same fund raising waters as Republicans. Imho, today both major parties serve the interests of the US investor class (about 5% of all voters) at the expense of the overwhelming majority of citizens with the lion's share of the gains going to those at the very top of the economy.
Seems like the democrats are willing to try to come up with some solutions, instead of having nothing but repeal.
And it also means only little people pay taxes:

"8) Taxes Unpaid taxes are as much a burden to law-abiding taxpayers as any spending item. People who withhold taxes they owe are stealing from the government in the same way as someone who falsely files for TANF benefits, except the sums are likely much larger. The IRS estimated that in 2001, more than $340 billion in taxes went unpaid, an amount that is roughly equal to 20 times federal spending on TANF in that year."

I've seen more recent numbers from 2015 indicating all US domestic and international (corporate?) unpaid taxes roughly equal the budget deficit from that year.
The right wing, prefers to blame the poor.
Except when they need their votes:

Race, class and the election of Trump - World Socialist Web Site

"The interpretation of the 2016 election through the prism of race and, to a lesser extent, gender, stands in glaring contradiction to the facts. The electorate that defeated Clinton—the multimillionaire personification of the political status quo—had voted twice to put Barack Obama in the White House.

"Trump owes his victory largely to a surge in voting by non-college-educated whites aged 45-64, particularly men. This demographic voted by a lopsided margin for the Republican billionaire.

"These people, born between 1952 and 1971, entered the work force between 1970 and 1989. They therefore experienced mass layoffs, declining wages and worsening working conditions throughout their working lives."
You mean the same party that fired air traffic controllers and decimated unions in general.
Since the mid-1970s the Democrats recognized the impending demise of organized labor's political influence and navigated into the same fund raising waters as Republicans. Imho, today both major parties serve the interests of the US investor class (about 5% of all voters) at the expense of the overwhelming majority of citizens with the lion's share of the gains going to those at the very top of the economy.
Seems like the democrats are willing to try to come up with some solutions, instead of having nothing but repeal.
But we don't see any Democrats proposing the solutions FDR was compelled to make at the outset of the Great Depression. Obama promised Hope and Change and eight years later millions of blue collar voters who had supported him twice turned to Trump. Any possibility of a Green New Deal that would supply millions of living wage jobs does not seem to be a solution either major party will seriously consider, possibly because of the tax burden it would place on their major funders.
Damn ... there you go confusing the left with facts again!!

Don't you know the left can't count past 20? Well, the men can count to 21, (probably closer to 20 1/2) .... ??
Red State conservative voting service member will enjoy dying and getting used by an illegitimate President!

That photo was taken during the Obama administration because Bush wouldn't allow it.
The right wing, prefers to blame the poor.
Except when they need their votes:

Race, class and the election of Trump - World Socialist Web Site

"The interpretation of the 2016 election through the prism of race and, to a lesser extent, gender, stands in glaring contradiction to the facts. The electorate that defeated Clinton—the multimillionaire personification of the political status quo—had voted twice to put Barack Obama in the White House.

"Trump owes his victory largely to a surge in voting by non-college-educated whites aged 45-64, particularly men. This demographic voted by a lopsided margin for the Republican billionaire.

"These people, born between 1952 and 1971, entered the work force between 1970 and 1989. They therefore experienced mass layoffs, declining wages and worsening working conditions throughout their working lives."
You mean the same party that fired air traffic controllers and decimated unions in general.
Since the mid-1970s the Democrats recognized the impending demise of organized labor's political influence and navigated into the same fund raising waters as Republicans. Imho, today both major parties serve the interests of the US investor class (about 5% of all voters) at the expense of the overwhelming majority of citizens with the lion's share of the gains going to those at the very top of the economy.
Seems like the democrats are willing to try to come up with some solutions, instead of having nothing but repeal.
But we don't see any Democrats proposing the solutions FDR was compelled to make at the outset of the Great Depression. Obama promised Hope and Change and eight years later millions of blue collar voters who had supported him twice turned to Trump. Any possibility of a Green New Deal that would supply millions of living wage jobs does not seem to be a solution either major party will seriously consider, possibly because of the tax burden it would place on their major funders.
The only thing that compelled FDR to make any of his decisions was his fascist ideology.
The right wing, prefers to blame the poor.
Except when they need their votes:

Race, class and the election of Trump - World Socialist Web Site

"The interpretation of the 2016 election through the prism of race and, to a lesser extent, gender, stands in glaring contradiction to the facts. The electorate that defeated Clinton—the multimillionaire personification of the political status quo—had voted twice to put Barack Obama in the White House.

"Trump owes his victory largely to a surge in voting by non-college-educated whites aged 45-64, particularly men. This demographic voted by a lopsided margin for the Republican billionaire.

"These people, born between 1952 and 1971, entered the work force between 1970 and 1989. They therefore experienced mass layoffs, declining wages and worsening working conditions throughout their working lives."
You mean the same party that fired air traffic controllers and decimated unions in general.
Since the mid-1970s the Democrats recognized the impending demise of organized labor's political influence and navigated into the same fund raising waters as Republicans. Imho, today both major parties serve the interests of the US investor class (about 5% of all voters) at the expense of the overwhelming majority of citizens with the lion's share of the gains going to those at the very top of the economy.
Seems like the democrats are willing to try to come up with some solutions, instead of having nothing but repeal.
But we don't see any Democrats proposing the solutions FDR was compelled to make at the outset of the Great Depression. Obama promised Hope and Change and eight years later millions of blue collar voters who had supported him twice turned to Trump. Any possibility of a Green New Deal that would supply millions of living wage jobs does not seem to be a solution either major party will seriously consider, possibly because of the tax burden it would place on their major funders.
bailing out the rich had priority over equal protection of the law for the poor.
Many conservatives seem genuinely confused about the extent of the Nanny State and how much they benefit from its largess:

"Beyond the Conservative Nanny State: Policies to Promote Self-Sufficiency Among the Wealthy..."

"Conservatives have managed to dominate the national debate on economic policy over the last quarter century. They have implemented a wide range of policies that have had the effect of redistributing income from those at the middle and the bottom to those at the top. This effort has been successful in part because conservatives never acknowledged the government’s role in this upward redistribution, claiming all along that it was simply the natural workings of the market."
"Trickle down" economics is public policy; in effect, it means, bail out the wealthiest, and then let it "trickle down".
And it also means only little people pay taxes:

"8) Taxes Unpaid taxes are as much a burden to law-abiding taxpayers as any spending item. People who withhold taxes they owe are stealing from the government in the same way as someone who falsely files for TANF benefits, except the sums are likely much larger. The IRS estimated that in 2001, more than $340 billion in taxes went unpaid, an amount that is roughly equal to 20 times federal spending on TANF in that year."

I've seen more recent numbers from 2015 indicating all US domestic and international (corporate?) unpaid taxes roughly equal the budget deficit from that year.
The right wing, prefers to blame the poor.
Except when they need their votes:

Race, class and the election of Trump - World Socialist Web Site

"The interpretation of the 2016 election through the prism of race and, to a lesser extent, gender, stands in glaring contradiction to the facts. The electorate that defeated Clinton—the multimillionaire personification of the political status quo—had voted twice to put Barack Obama in the White House.

"Trump owes his victory largely to a surge in voting by non-college-educated whites aged 45-64, particularly men. This demographic voted by a lopsided margin for the Republican billionaire.

"These people, born between 1952 and 1971, entered the work force between 1970 and 1989. They therefore experienced mass layoffs, declining wages and worsening working conditions throughout their working lives."
You mean the same party that fired air traffic controllers and decimated unions in general.

That would be your party buying cheap crap from chins

"Trickle down" economics is public policy; in effect, it means, bail out the wealthiest, and then let it "trickle down".
And it also means only little people pay taxes:

"8) Taxes Unpaid taxes are as much a burden to law-abiding taxpayers as any spending item. People who withhold taxes they owe are stealing from the government in the same way as someone who falsely files for TANF benefits, except the sums are likely much larger. The IRS estimated that in 2001, more than $340 billion in taxes went unpaid, an amount that is roughly equal to 20 times federal spending on TANF in that year."

I've seen more recent numbers from 2015 indicating all US domestic and international (corporate?) unpaid taxes roughly equal the budget deficit from that year.
The right wing, prefers to blame the poor.
Except when they need their votes:

Race, class and the election of Trump - World Socialist Web Site

"The interpretation of the 2016 election through the prism of race and, to a lesser extent, gender, stands in glaring contradiction to the facts. The electorate that defeated Clinton—the multimillionaire personification of the political status quo—had voted twice to put Barack Obama in the White House.

"Trump owes his victory largely to a surge in voting by non-college-educated whites aged 45-64, particularly men. This demographic voted by a lopsided margin for the Republican billionaire.

"These people, born between 1952 and 1971, entered the work force between 1970 and 1989. They therefore experienced mass layoffs, declining wages and worsening working conditions throughout their working lives."
You mean the same party that fired air traffic controllers and decimated unions in general.

That would be your party buying cheap crap from chins

Better products at lower cost, always increase market share. That is a management responsibility.
And it also means only little people pay taxes:

"8) Taxes Unpaid taxes are as much a burden to law-abiding taxpayers as any spending item. People who withhold taxes they owe are stealing from the government in the same way as someone who falsely files for TANF benefits, except the sums are likely much larger. The IRS estimated that in 2001, more than $340 billion in taxes went unpaid, an amount that is roughly equal to 20 times federal spending on TANF in that year."

I've seen more recent numbers from 2015 indicating all US domestic and international (corporate?) unpaid taxes roughly equal the budget deficit from that year.
The right wing, prefers to blame the poor.
Except when they need their votes:

Race, class and the election of Trump - World Socialist Web Site

"The interpretation of the 2016 election through the prism of race and, to a lesser extent, gender, stands in glaring contradiction to the facts. The electorate that defeated Clinton—the multimillionaire personification of the political status quo—had voted twice to put Barack Obama in the White House.

"Trump owes his victory largely to a surge in voting by non-college-educated whites aged 45-64, particularly men. This demographic voted by a lopsided margin for the Republican billionaire.

"These people, born between 1952 and 1971, entered the work force between 1970 and 1989. They therefore experienced mass layoffs, declining wages and worsening working conditions throughout their working lives."
You mean the same party that fired air traffic controllers and decimated unions in general.

That would be your party buying cheap crap from chins

Better products at lower cost, always increase market share. That is a management responsibility.

Better products at cheaper cost my ass..

Levi's made in America used to last a 100 years with men like me wearing them.

Hell they were such bad asses people sell them for 1000s of dollars now a days

Now little girls can tear apart Levi's made in China in less then a week


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