Trump’s Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year

We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

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Mostly Fake News B.S.!
Liberals want to put a trumped up (no pun intended) price on America's sovereignty and survival.
Liberals want a liberal solution that conforms to our Commerce Clause.

Nothing but repeal, is only for the right wing. Demonstrations are what they are best at.
Confused, much?
No, I have a solution, unlike the slackers on the right wing.

Letting the barbarians at the gate come in and sack the country isn't a "solution."
Liberals want to put a trumped up (no pun intended) price on America's sovereignty and survival.

No matter how you look at it, the cost of a wall and more border security is far cheaper than a single year of paying for illegal aliens to be here.

We need to take away the incentive for them to come here. No benefits. No automatic citizenship for babies when the parents are not citizens No free anything. If they are unable to come and take advantage of us, they won't come. As it is, the sanctuary cities protect all of them, even the criminals. They get welfare after they get free medical to have anchor babies. Their kids get free school and everything else. Why would they not come here when there are so many perks to entering illegally?
Liberals want to put a trumped up (no pun intended) price on America's sovereignty and survival.
Liberals want a liberal solution that conforms to our Commerce Clause.

Nothing but repeal, is only for the right wing. Demonstrations are what they are best at.
Confused, much?
No, I have a solution, unlike the slackers on the right wing.

Letting the barbarians at the gate come in and sack the country isn't a "solution."
You are just clueless and Causeless, like the right wing.

We have the largest economy in the entire world. That means, even illegal immigration is not the problem; lousy management is the problem.
Liberals want to put a trumped up (no pun intended) price on America's sovereignty and survival.

No matter how you look at it, the cost of a wall and more border security is far cheaper than a single year of paying for illegal aliens to be here.

We need to take away the incentive for them to come here. No benefits. No automatic citizenship for babies when the parents are not citizens No free anything. If they are unable to come and take advantage of us, they won't come. As it is, the sanctuary cities protect all of them, even the criminals. They get welfare after they get free medical to have anchor babies. Their kids get free school and everything else. Why would they not come here when there are so many perks to entering illegally?
No, it isn't. We have the largest economy in the entire world, even with illegal immigration. Those studies are merely, special pleading.
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .
Is it true you are giving up your food stamps for this wall?
We've all heard the snowflake lies about the cost of the wall and the cost of illegal immigration. Here's a more credible examination of the facts.

President Donald Trump announced that he will fulfill his campaign promise to build a nearly 2,000 mile long wall (not a fence) along America’s southern border with Mexico.

The idea is that a physical barrier will act as a low-cost deterrent, and will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering America via Mexico—the hope is that once an illegal alien (particularly a criminal migrant) is deported, they won’t return.

The plan is simple and time-tested—China’s Great Wall did it’s job, so did Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain—and yet it’s come under fire from the mainstream media.

They claim that the wall will be prohibitively expensive, that illegal immigrants contribute to America’s economy (so there’s no reason to deport them), and that the wall won’t work.

They’re factually wrong on all accounts—let’s look at the numbers.

How Much Will Trump’s Wall Cost? $21.6 Billion.
The first question we must address is very straightforward: how much would it cost to build a wall along the Mexican border?

We don’t know for sure (construction costs rarely align with initial estimates), but we have a few good estimates.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell said Congress estimates the wall will cost $15 billion at most—he said it would likely fall within a range of $12 to $15 billion.

However, according to more recent information acquired by Reuters, the border wall will cost $21.6 billion, and will take roughly 3.5 years to build. This is according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security.

It’s probably our best current estimate, and this article will proceed under using this cost assumption.

On the high end (which can’t be totally discounted, given the nature of construction projects), the left-wing advocacy group cum “newspaper” the Huffington Post said the wall would cost roughly $40 billion. Their evidence is based on a study done by MIT (although their assumptions about the size and building materials may be why the projection is so high).

Either way, the cost of the wall pales in comparison to the cost of illegal immigrants in America.

. . . . . . . .
I'm surprised you had the nerve to post such an embarrassing link.
This is the picture they used:


Another article was "The myth of the Gender Pay Gap".

Now what is especially hilarious is an ad for, get this, an "immigration attorney".

This site might as well have been Breitbart or Fox.

Remember right wingers, you post a link, we go and look at it.

Many of the so called links in the article lead back to that website. And others go to sites like: Federation for American Immigration Reform.
because of course,they would be so honest.

Then you have all those farm workers, never mentioned, who pick fruits and vegetables. Without them, the price of fruits and vegatables would skyrocket. Then these right wingers would be whining about that.
Liberals want to put a trumped up (no pun intended) price on America's sovereignty and survival.
Liberals want a liberal solution that conforms to our Commerce Clause.

Nothing but repeal, is only for the right wing. Demonstrations are what they are best at.
Confused, much?
No, I have a solution, unlike the slackers on the right wing.

Letting the barbarians at the gate come in and sack the country isn't a "solution."
You are just clueless and Causeless, like the right wing.

We have the largest economy in the entire world. That means, even illegal immigration is not the problem; lousy management is the problem.
Actually, what that means is you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Your stupid wall will not be built.
It will be similar to another of your fat ass' promise: Ill repeal and replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and EVERYONE will be covered,
The Liar also added" I won't cut Medicaid or Medicare."

Not one trump whore has had the balls to call him out on his lies.
Not one.,
Right now millions of acres of fruits and vegetables are rotting on the vines because there's no one to pick them.
Was this fact figured in with the economics?
Of course not.,
Right now millions of acres of fruits and vegetables are rotting on the vines because there's no one to pick them.
Was this fact figured in with the economics?
Of course not.,
Guess that's what happens when you don't want to pay a decent wage .. stuff just doesn't get done.
Right now millions of acres of fruits and vegetables are rotting on the vines because there's no one to pick them.

Easily remedied. Make unemployed people on welfare/food stamps work in the fields unless they have a medically documented disability that prevents such work.

EXACTLY...pry the bong and 40oz from the lips of our lazy, baby making filthy lowlifes and make them labor for their free shit....get our incarcerated piece of shits out there as well.
WIN, WIN, WIN.....everybody wins!
Liberals want a liberal solution that conforms to our Commerce Clause.

Nothing but repeal, is only for the right wing. Demonstrations are what they are best at.
Confused, much?
No, I have a solution, unlike the slackers on the right wing.

Letting the barbarians at the gate come in and sack the country isn't a "solution."
You are just clueless and Causeless, like the right wing.

We have the largest economy in the entire world. That means, even illegal immigration is not the problem; lousy management is the problem.
Actually, what that means is you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
lol. Only the clueless and Causeless say that; the rest have a good argument.

You are just clueless and Causeless, like the right wing.

We have the largest economy in the entire world. That means, even illegal immigration is not the problem; lousy management is the problem.

My alternate screenname is WholeDollar, not sparechange.

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