Trump's wall is working!!

...We have done quite well for 200 years without a wall of hate
We have no 'wall of hate'.

We have a wall protecting our southern national border.

We have that wall because of a flood of refugees and illegal aliens crossing our border in recent decades.

A flood that at an given time accounts for anywhere from 10,000,000 to 30,000,000 Illegal Aliens upon US soil without our express prior consent.

A nation that cannot enforce its own national territorial sovereignty is no nation at all.

We are - and intend to remain - a nation, regardless of how many globalist internationalist leftist freaks come out of the woodwork howling otherwise.

Illegal Aliens do more harm than good to the American Economy.

They depress wages in various trades and undercut the livelihoods and career-paths of countless American Citizens and have been doing so for decades.

Enough is enough.

The wall is merely a tool in a larger tool-kit designed to begin reversing that trend and to regain control of our border and that aspect of our national sovereignty.

It's one of the primary causes for the Democratic Party humiliation in 2016, and those idiots never seem to learn from their past mistakes - ideological fools.

The frigging Democrats are so busy kissing Latino a$$ that they've lost sight of the vastly larger audience of American Citizens who might otherwise vote for them.

Kinda like spending a dollar to make a dime ( wasting the votes of those who might otherwise vote for them, merely to gain Hispanic support ).

Well... even though the Pubs have no room to talk in other areas... in the above context, Dems aren't exactly the brightest crayons in the box, are they?
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Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

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Everyone and their mother knows the most effective tactic against illegals is e verify

Don't talk about a fucking wall no1 cares about and doesn't matter.

WRONG!! The wall is essential. So say the Border Patrol. Who says its not needed?

Me and everyone else who looks at the data

Take that capital and give out free e verify machines

Wall is meaningless next to that, and EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER LOOKED INTO THE SUBJECT KNOWS IT

Including trump's dumbass

So typical of a liberal, you deny the facts. Only the truth that Demoncraps need the illegal vote to win any elections, has come to an end...

So lets have the facts, Can you so a mass amount of illegals voting for democrats?

Evidence please...

Then perhaps it's time to begin using lethal force against border-crossers?

So you want the Death Penalty for undocumented workers... How does that work?

Are you just going to round up millions of people detain them in camps and then execute them...

Original solution (some could say it is the final one) but I think I heard it somewhere else.

As we have stated repeatedly, it won't work on everybody, but it will work on most of the people. Our border agents are too happy to have that wall, and they've said so. Plus the fact these pictures don't show what happens to these people once (or if) they get over.

You have a few pictures. We have documentation.

You Lie! The Wall won't work on most of the people! Only a fraction may be slowed by a completed wall.
View attachment 366288

Nope. A wall or other barrier has worked every place it's tried around the world, and here in the US as well. On top of that, the President has worked on other avenues that people use to get into the country. Of course, the open border commies are trying to stop him at every turn, but he's still working for our country while they work against us.
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Then perhaps it's time to begin using lethal force against border-crossers?

So you want the Death Penalty for undocumented workers... How does that work?

Are you just going to round up millions of people detain them in camps and then execute them...

Original solution (some could say it is the final one) but I think I heard it somewhere else.

Send them back home, and you are welcome to go with them.

As we have stated repeatedly, it won't work on everybody, but it will work on most of the people. Our border agents are too happy to have that wall, and they've said so. Plus the fact these pictures don't show what happens to these people once (or if) they get over.

You have a few pictures. We have documentation.

You Lie! The Wall won't work on most of the people! Only a fraction may be slowed by a completed wall.
View attachment 366288

Nope. A wall or other barrier has worked every place it's tried around the world, and here in the US as well. On top of that, the President has worked on other avenues that people use to get into the country. Of course, the open border commies are trying to stop him at every turn, but he's still working for our country while they work against us.

You lied when you said the wall "it will work on most of the people". Because most of the illegals don't walk across the southern border!

As we have stated repeatedly, it won't work on everybody, but it will work on most of the people. Our border agents are too happy to have that wall, and they've said so. Plus the fact these pictures don't show what happens to these people once (or if) they get over.

You have a few pictures. We have documentation.

You Lie! The Wall won't work on most of the people! Only a fraction may be slowed by a completed wall.
View attachment 366288

Nope. A wall or other barrier has worked every place it's tried around the world, and here in the US as well. On top of that, the President has worked on other avenues that people use to get into the country. Of course, the open border commies are trying to stop him at every turn, but he's still working for our country while they work against us.

You lied when you said the wall "it will work on most of the people". Because most of the illegals don't walk across the southern border!

I didn't think I had to spell it out for you. Yes, it will work on most of the people that cross our border illegally. What Trump does, works.

Look how great of a job he has done by getting Mexico to stop immigrants from their adjoining countries crossing their country to get to ours. New asylum laws such as having to apply for asylum at a US embassy in your own country instead of at our border. Or perhaps that anybody that does come to our border seeking asylum will be immediately disqualified if they were offered asylum in another country and refused it.

President Trump has taken more measures to secure that border than all previous Presidents combined. Democrats are not concerned that the wall won't work, they are concerned that it will. Their goal is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in our history ASAP.
...So you want the Death Penalty for undocumented workers...
1. they are not 'undocumented workers'

2. they are Illegal Aliens

3. the question about lethal force at the border was focused upon invaders attempting to penetrate our borders without permission; not workers already here

...How does that work?...
No need to explain something that you (intentionally pretended to have) misunderstood in the first place.

...Are you just going to round up millions of people detain them in camps and then execute them...
No need to explain something that you (intentionally pretended to have) misunderstood in the first place.

...Original solution (some could say it is the final one) but I think I heard it somewhere else.
No need to explain something that you (intentionally pretended to have) misunderstood in the first place.


The reference was in question form, not the declarative.

It was designed as a drive-by to (perhaps) stimulate some chatter about appropriate levels of force on the border while I was out in the Real World for the day.

And, of course, leave it to one of you Illegal Alien-Lover Drama Queens to spin-doctor it some other way in support of your traitorous position.

In that respect, the lightweight 'bait' worked very nicely indeed. Thanks. I needed a laugh this evening. :p

As we have stated repeatedly, it won't work on everybody, but it will work on most of the people. Our border agents are too happy to have that wall, and they've said so. Plus the fact these pictures don't show what happens to these people once (or if) they get over.

You have a few pictures. We have documentation.

You Lie! The Wall won't work on most of the people! Only a fraction may be slowed by a completed wall.
View attachment 366288

Nope. A wall or other barrier has worked every place it's tried around the world, and here in the US as well. On top of that, the President has worked on other avenues that people use to get into the country. Of course, the open border commies are trying to stop him at every turn, but he's still working for our country while they work against us.

You lied when you said the wall "it will work on most of the people". Because most of the illegals don't walk across the southern border!

Well where is the wall going? Of course I was talking about on the border. WTF did you think I was talking about?

As we have stated repeatedly, it won't work on everybody, but it will work on most of the people. Our border agents are too happy to have that wall, and they've said so. Plus the fact these pictures don't show what happens to these people once (or if) they get over.

You have a few pictures. We have documentation.

You Lie! The Wall won't work on most of the people! Only a fraction may be slowed by a completed wall.
View attachment 366288

Nope. A wall or other barrier has worked every place it's tried around the world, and here in the US as well. On top of that, the President has worked on other avenues that people use to get into the country. Of course, the open border commies are trying to stop him at every turn, but he's still working for our country while they work against us.

You lied when you said the wall "it will work on most of the people". Because most of the illegals don't walk across the southern border!

Well where is the wall going? Of course I was talking about on the border. WTF did you think I was talking about?

The majority of illegal aliens here came here legally, and overstayed their visa. Most never came near our southern border.
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832
Yeah, but remember, despite whether it is working or not, the left's agenda of the "New World Order" and no borders is no doubt, unchanged. They are George Soros' puppets, dancing to the financial strings he and China are pulling.

You believe "The New World Order" is a real thing. You know that's nuts, don't you?
Bush (the shrub) publicly stated in front of the camera and newscasters at the end of his term, that, "a New World Order was coming and it would be great."
It isn't just the left that want this B.S. globalist, New World Order, freedom of movement, no borders concept in place; there are republicans who want it as well.
There's a reason Bush got less than 1% of the vote in the primaries. Republicans are sick of the "New World Order" douchebags.

As we have stated repeatedly, it won't work on everybody, but it will work on most of the people. Our border agents are too happy to have that wall, and they've said so. Plus the fact these pictures don't show what happens to these people once (or if) they get over.

You have a few pictures. We have documentation.

You Lie! The Wall won't work on most of the people! Only a fraction may be slowed by a completed wall.
View attachment 366288

Nope. A wall or other barrier has worked every place it's tried around the world, and here in the US as well. On top of that, the President has worked on other avenues that people use to get into the country. Of course, the open border commies are trying to stop him at every turn, but he's still working for our country while they work against us.

You lied when you said the wall "it will work on most of the people". Because most of the illegals don't walk across the southern border!

Well where is the wall going? Of course I was talking about on the border. WTF did you think I was talking about?

The majority of illegal aliens here came here legally, and overstayed their visa. Most never came near our southern border.

Most means more than half, and yes, there is a little truth to that. But because they come from other sources, it doesn't negate the amount of border crossers which the President did a tremendous job addressing. After all, most of the illegal heroin in the US comes across that southern border, so putting up deterrents helps stop more than illegal crossers.

Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832
Liberal media won't mention this.
Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832

Illegals are down because if you want Covid 19, illegal immigrate to America. We have gone from an importer of Covid 19 to the major exporter of it. More borders are being closed to Americans every day. Is this how Rump wants Mexico to pay for the wall? Look for the Mexicans to start finishing the Construction to keep Americans out.
Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.
Tell me you believe what the MSM says?! That is called the "Fake News MSM".
Here is the CBP wall progress page, 245 miles of new wall built:
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832

Illegals are down because if you want Covid 19, illegal immigrate to America. We have gone from an importer of Covid 19 to the major exporter of it. More borders are being closed to Americans every day. Is this how Rump wants Mexico to pay for the wall? Look for the Mexicans to start finishing the Construction to keep Americans out.

Border crossings went down by over 70% thanks to President Trump long before anybody knew what Covid was.

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