Trump's wall is working!!

Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.

I've seen pictures and videos of some of these walls, especially the ones in CA. They are like 8 feet high rusting sheet metal that anybody under the age of 50 can get over, or a cutting torch can cut through in about 20 minutes. It's almost like having no wall at all.

So even if what you said were true, the new walls are much, much more difficult to compromise. The replacement walls serve the same purpose as the new walls, and that is to stop people from entering our country illegally.
...Illegals are down because if you want Covid 19, illegal immigrate to America. We have gone from an importer of Covid 19 to the major exporter of it. More borders are being closed to Americans every day. Is this how Rump wants Mexico to pay for the wall? Look for the Mexicans to start finishing the Construction to keep Americans out.
The Mexicans will finish the wall? Most excellent. Whatever it takes to keep massive waves of Beaners on their side of the creek. :p

And, of course, America needs to look far, far, far beyond the current pandemic situation, regarding how to choke-off that flow on a sustained basis.
Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.

I've seen pictures and videos of some of these walls, especially the ones in CA. They are like 8 feet high rusting sheet metal that anybody under the age of 50 can get over, or a cutting torch can cut through in about 20 minutes. It's almost like having no wall at all.

So even if what you said were true, the new walls are much, much more difficult to compromise. The replacement walls serve the same purpose as the new walls, and that is to stop people from entering our country illegally.

The new walls can be cut through with a saw from Home Depot. Probably less than 20 minutes.
Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.

I've seen pictures and videos of some of these walls, especially the ones in CA. They are like 8 feet high rusting sheet metal that anybody under the age of 50 can get over, or a cutting torch can cut through in about 20 minutes. It's almost like having no wall at all.

So even if what you said were true, the new walls are much, much more difficult to compromise. The replacement walls serve the same purpose as the new walls, and that is to stop people from entering our country illegally.

The new walls can be cut through with a saw from Home Depot. Probably less than 20 minutes.

Then go buy this saw and try it yourself. I come from a construction family and worked with my father as a lad. You are not going to get through concrete filled steel pipes with any saw from Home Depot in 20 minutes.
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

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Illegals are down because if you want Covid 19, illegal immigrate to America. We have gone from an importer of Covid 19 to the major exporter of it. More borders are being closed to Americans every day. Is this how Rump wants Mexico to pay for the wall? Look for the Mexicans to start finishing the Construction to keep Americans out.

Border crossings went down by over 70% thanks to President Trump long before anybody knew what Covid was.

They went up because of Rump. If Elected, he would make it more difficult to enter. And he had that stupid EC taht certain countries could not process Immigration Visas. One of the countries was Mexico. Just 20 miles from the border in southern Mexico is an Embassy that all the central American Country people had to do is make it that far. At that time, a Caravan would be 2 or 300 at most. The Embassy approved about 15% who stayed on. There were Non Profits that would help them from there. They went to the northern Mexico US entry point and were allowed in with jobs waiting in mostly ag jobs. But when the EC was issued (believe it or not, it's a Presidents job) he no longer allowed the US Mexican Embassies no longer could process the paperwork. The Caravans mushroomed to 2, 3 an done time, 7 thousand people. The Border didn't have half the people to handle the ones trying to do it legally.

Yoru claim that border crossings went down by 70% is a fabrication. To give you and idea (remember one of those?) Drug trafficing didn't even slow down. It has changed somewhat though. Canibis is no longer the main transport since a few years ago. It's now the harder stuff. And the numbers have gone up. The "Wall, Wall, Wall" didn't slow it down at all. What has changed is the will of those south of the border to risk coming to America and contacting Covid 19. The other option would be for Mexico to close the border completely which many nations have done with the US. The real decrease for illegal crossing have been done since Jan of this year.

Rump created the problem and Covid 19 took care of the problem.
Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.

I've seen pictures and videos of some of these walls, especially the ones in CA. They are like 8 feet high rusting sheet metal that anybody under the age of 50 can get over, or a cutting torch can cut through in about 20 minutes. It's almost like having no wall at all.

So even if what you said were true, the new walls are much, much more difficult to compromise. The replacement walls serve the same purpose as the new walls, and that is to stop people from entering our country illegally.

The new walls can be cut through with a saw from Home Depot. Probably less than 20 minutes.

And due to cheap steel (probably from China) it's starting to get severe rust.
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Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.

I've seen pictures and videos of some of these walls, especially the ones in CA. They are like 8 feet high rusting sheet metal that anybody under the age of 50 can get over, or a cutting torch can cut through in about 20 minutes. It's almost like having no wall at all.

So even if what you said were true, the new walls are much, much more difficult to compromise. The replacement walls serve the same purpose as the new walls, and that is to stop people from entering our country illegally.

The new walls can be cut through with a saw from Home Depot. Probably less than 20 minutes.

Then go buy this saw and try it yourself. I come from a construction family and worked with my father as a lad. You are not going to get through concrete filled steel pipes with any saw from Home Depot in 20 minutes.

Lincoln Torch from Home Depot takes care of the cheap chinese steel first layer in about 15 seconds. Then a nice 10 inch circular cement saw (battery operated) cuts through the rest like hot butter. A new Coyote was created. They charge to allow others though the hole they created. Including the Drug Runners that do that for a living. If the drug runner has a good arm or makes a Cat, he just tosses it over the wall. Walls of 30 or 50 feet and makes sale of 31 and 51 foot ladders go up. Or torches and concrete saws without the other methods including boots on the ground. But if you have the other methods including boots on the ground, you don' Need No Stinking Wall.
Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.

I've seen pictures and videos of some of these walls, especially the ones in CA. They are like 8 feet high rusting sheet metal that anybody under the age of 50 can get over, or a cutting torch can cut through in about 20 minutes. It's almost like having no wall at all.

So even if what you said were true, the new walls are much, much more difficult to compromise. The replacement walls serve the same purpose as the new walls, and that is to stop people from entering our country illegally.

The new walls can be cut through with a saw from Home Depot. Probably less than 20 minutes.

Then go buy this saw and try it yourself. I come from a construction family and worked with my father as a lad. You are not going to get through concrete filled steel pipes with any saw from Home Depot in 20 minutes.

I'm pretty sure I've forgotten more construction jobs than you were ever near. You don't know what you are talking about.
Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.

I've seen pictures and videos of some of these walls, especially the ones in CA. They are like 8 feet high rusting sheet metal that anybody under the age of 50 can get over, or a cutting torch can cut through in about 20 minutes. It's almost like having no wall at all.

So even if what you said were true, the new walls are much, much more difficult to compromise. The replacement walls serve the same purpose as the new walls, and that is to stop people from entering our country illegally.

The new walls can be cut through with a saw from Home Depot. Probably less than 20 minutes.

Then go buy this saw and try it yourself. I come from a construction family and worked with my father as a lad. You are not going to get through concrete filled steel pipes with any saw from Home Depot in 20 minutes.

I'm pretty sure I've forgotten more construction jobs than you were ever near. You don't know what you are talking about.

I read your article which was a repost of a Washington Post story, so I clicked the hyperlink and went there.

Neither article had any pictures of this wall being cut through. No names were given on who actually seen this wall being cut through; not even a government agency. When making reference to their information, they only used the word "sources" several times throughout the article. They also said they filed a freedom of information act request, but that was eight months ago, and the article was never updated since. They included that wall sensors (used to alert authorities if somebody is trying to damage the wall) were not installed yet.
Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.

I've seen pictures and videos of some of these walls, especially the ones in CA. They are like 8 feet high rusting sheet metal that anybody under the age of 50 can get over, or a cutting torch can cut through in about 20 minutes. It's almost like having no wall at all.

So even if what you said were true, the new walls are much, much more difficult to compromise. The replacement walls serve the same purpose as the new walls, and that is to stop people from entering our country illegally.

The new walls can be cut through with a saw from Home Depot. Probably less than 20 minutes.

Then go buy this saw and try it yourself. I come from a construction family and worked with my father as a lad. You are not going to get through concrete filled steel pipes with any saw from Home Depot in 20 minutes.

I'm pretty sure I've forgotten more construction jobs than you were ever near. You don't know what you are talking about.

I read your article which was a repost of a Washington Post story, so I clicked the hyperlink and went there.

Neither article had any pictures of this wall being cut through. No names were given on who actually seen this wall being cut through; not even a government agency. When making reference to their information, they only used the word "sources" several times throughout the article. They also said they filed a freedom of information act request, but that was eight months ago, and the article was never updated since. They included that wall sensors (used to alert authorities if somebody is trying to damage the wall) were not installed yet.

You are certainly free to believe anything you choose. I guess Fox forgot to mention the story. It was on every sane site though.
Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.

I've seen pictures and videos of some of these walls, especially the ones in CA. They are like 8 feet high rusting sheet metal that anybody under the age of 50 can get over, or a cutting torch can cut through in about 20 minutes. It's almost like having no wall at all.

So even if what you said were true, the new walls are much, much more difficult to compromise. The replacement walls serve the same purpose as the new walls, and that is to stop people from entering our country illegally.

The new walls can be cut through with a saw from Home Depot. Probably less than 20 minutes.

Then go buy this saw and try it yourself. I come from a construction family and worked with my father as a lad. You are not going to get through concrete filled steel pipes with any saw from Home Depot in 20 minutes.

I'm pretty sure I've forgotten more construction jobs than you were ever near. You don't know what you are talking about.

I read your article which was a repost of a Washington Post story, so I clicked the hyperlink and went there.

Neither article had any pictures of this wall being cut through. No names were given on who actually seen this wall being cut through; not even a government agency. When making reference to their information, they only used the word "sources" several times throughout the article. They also said they filed a freedom of information act request, but that was eight months ago, and the article was never updated since. They included that wall sensors (used to alert authorities if somebody is trying to damage the wall) were not installed yet.

You are certainly free to believe anything you choose. I guess Fox forgot to mention the story. It was on every sane site though.
The new wall isn't just the steel barrier. There are hi-tech systems built into it to catch anyone trying to cut thru it, or tunnel under it.
Wall, agents and technology have since proven most effective when used in the right combination to improve border security. Today, the area along the border near San Diego has a second layer of woven wire fence about 100 to 200 yards from that first fence to provide an enforcement zone for agents patrolling the border. With lighting, a state-of-the-art surveillance system, and a paved road that gives access to Border Patrol vehicles, agents respond more quickly and the flow of illegal aliens decreased even more. The same sector that annually caught more than 500,000 illegal aliens now apprehends about 27,000 illegal aliens each year. Similar efforts along the Arizona-Mexico border in the last 18 years saw corresponding success rates of cutting illegal crossings by 90-plus percent.
Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.

I've seen pictures and videos of some of these walls, especially the ones in CA. They are like 8 feet high rusting sheet metal that anybody under the age of 50 can get over, or a cutting torch can cut through in about 20 minutes. It's almost like having no wall at all.

So even if what you said were true, the new walls are much, much more difficult to compromise. The replacement walls serve the same purpose as the new walls, and that is to stop people from entering our country illegally.

The new walls can be cut through with a saw from Home Depot. Probably less than 20 minutes.

Then go buy this saw and try it yourself. I come from a construction family and worked with my father as a lad. You are not going to get through concrete filled steel pipes with any saw from Home Depot in 20 minutes.

I'm pretty sure I've forgotten more construction jobs than you were ever near. You don't know what you are talking about.

I read your article which was a repost of a Washington Post story, so I clicked the hyperlink and went there.

Neither article had any pictures of this wall being cut through. No names were given on who actually seen this wall being cut through; not even a government agency. When making reference to their information, they only used the word "sources" several times throughout the article. They also said they filed a freedom of information act request, but that was eight months ago, and the article was never updated since. They included that wall sensors (used to alert authorities if somebody is trying to damage the wall) were not installed yet.

You are certainly free to believe anything you choose. I guess Fox forgot to mention the story. It was on every sane site though.

Really? Because after I read your story, I went to look for other sources. There were two, and both cited the WP article.

I wanted to see pictures, I wanted to see what they used, I wanted to see if anybody interviewed Border Patrol to get their take on it. I found none of that.

It's been many years since I worked construction, but my father did it until he retired. I remember us having to cut through concrete, and the saw needed was no ordinary saw. We had to use a huge diamond blade that had to be constantly water cooled. It was also very time consuming and that was just cutting through standard grade concrete, no steel involved.

So because of my experience, I find it almost impossible to believe that a cordless saw of any kind would be able to do what you claim.
Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.

I've seen pictures and videos of some of these walls, especially the ones in CA. They are like 8 feet high rusting sheet metal that anybody under the age of 50 can get over, or a cutting torch can cut through in about 20 minutes. It's almost like having no wall at all.

So even if what you said were true, the new walls are much, much more difficult to compromise. The replacement walls serve the same purpose as the new walls, and that is to stop people from entering our country illegally.

The new walls can be cut through with a saw from Home Depot. Probably less than 20 minutes.

Then go buy this saw and try it yourself. I come from a construction family and worked with my father as a lad. You are not going to get through concrete filled steel pipes with any saw from Home Depot in 20 minutes.

I'm pretty sure I've forgotten more construction jobs than you were ever near. You don't know what you are talking about.

I read your article which was a repost of a Washington Post story, so I clicked the hyperlink and went there.

Neither article had any pictures of this wall being cut through. No names were given on who actually seen this wall being cut through; not even a government agency. When making reference to their information, they only used the word "sources" several times throughout the article. They also said they filed a freedom of information act request, but that was eight months ago, and the article was never updated since. They included that wall sensors (used to alert authorities if somebody is trying to damage the wall) were not installed yet.

You are certainly free to believe anything you choose. I guess Fox forgot to mention the story. It was on every sane site though.

Really? Because after I read your story, I went to look for other sources. There were two, and both cited the WP article.

I wanted to see pictures, I wanted to see what they used, I wanted to see if anybody interviewed Border Patrol to get their take on it. I found none of that.

It's been many years since I worked construction, but my father did it until he retired. I remember us having to cut through concrete, and the saw needed was no ordinary saw. We had to use a huge diamond blade that had to be constantly water cooled. It was also very time consuming and that was just cutting through standard grade concrete, no steel involved.

So because of my experience, I find it almost impossible to believe that a cordless saw of any kind would be able to do what you claim.

Just because fox didn't tell you about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. If you can't keep up with current events, then that's your problem.
Considering Trump's incompetent handling of the Covid pandemic, the wall is the only thing that's working.
ROFL! Trump did what Fauci (the expert) told him to, and you morons believe his word is gospel.

Everything you idiots stay is obvious horseshit.
Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.

I've seen pictures and videos of some of these walls, especially the ones in CA. They are like 8 feet high rusting sheet metal that anybody under the age of 50 can get over, or a cutting torch can cut through in about 20 minutes. It's almost like having no wall at all.

So even if what you said were true, the new walls are much, much more difficult to compromise. The replacement walls serve the same purpose as the new walls, and that is to stop people from entering our country illegally.

The new walls can be cut through with a saw from Home Depot. Probably less than 20 minutes.

Then go buy this saw and try it yourself. I come from a construction family and worked with my father as a lad. You are not going to get through concrete filled steel pipes with any saw from Home Depot in 20 minutes.

I'm pretty sure I've forgotten more construction jobs than you were ever near. You don't know what you are talking about.

I read your article which was a repost of a Washington Post story, so I clicked the hyperlink and went there.

Neither article had any pictures of this wall being cut through. No names were given on who actually seen this wall being cut through; not even a government agency. When making reference to their information, they only used the word "sources" several times throughout the article. They also said they filed a freedom of information act request, but that was eight months ago, and the article was never updated since. They included that wall sensors (used to alert authorities if somebody is trying to damage the wall) were not installed yet.

You are certainly free to believe anything you choose. I guess Fox forgot to mention the story. It was on every sane site though.

Really? Because after I read your story, I went to look for other sources. There were two, and both cited the WP article.

I wanted to see pictures, I wanted to see what they used, I wanted to see if anybody interviewed Border Patrol to get their take on it. I found none of that.

It's been many years since I worked construction, but my father did it until he retired. I remember us having to cut through concrete, and the saw needed was no ordinary saw. We had to use a huge diamond blade that had to be constantly water cooled. It was also very time consuming and that was just cutting through standard grade concrete, no steel involved.

So because of my experience, I find it almost impossible to believe that a cordless saw of any kind would be able to do what you claim.

Just because fox didn't tell you about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. If you can't keep up with current events, then that's your problem.

Your article is over 8 months old. That's not current events.
Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.

I've seen pictures and videos of some of these walls, especially the ones in CA. They are like 8 feet high rusting sheet metal that anybody under the age of 50 can get over, or a cutting torch can cut through in about 20 minutes. It's almost like having no wall at all.

So even if what you said were true, the new walls are much, much more difficult to compromise. The replacement walls serve the same purpose as the new walls, and that is to stop people from entering our country illegally.

The new walls can be cut through with a saw from Home Depot. Probably less than 20 minutes.

Then go buy this saw and try it yourself. I come from a construction family and worked with my father as a lad. You are not going to get through concrete filled steel pipes with any saw from Home Depot in 20 minutes.

I'm pretty sure I've forgotten more construction jobs than you were ever near. You don't know what you are talking about.

I read your article which was a repost of a Washington Post story, so I clicked the hyperlink and went there.

Neither article had any pictures of this wall being cut through. No names were given on who actually seen this wall being cut through; not even a government agency. When making reference to their information, they only used the word "sources" several times throughout the article. They also said they filed a freedom of information act request, but that was eight months ago, and the article was never updated since. They included that wall sensors (used to alert authorities if somebody is trying to damage the wall) were not installed yet.

You are certainly free to believe anything you choose. I guess Fox forgot to mention the story. It was on every sane site though.

Really? Because after I read your story, I went to look for other sources. There were two, and both cited the WP article.

I wanted to see pictures, I wanted to see what they used, I wanted to see if anybody interviewed Border Patrol to get their take on it. I found none of that.

It's been many years since I worked construction, but my father did it until he retired. I remember us having to cut through concrete, and the saw needed was no ordinary saw. We had to use a huge diamond blade that had to be constantly water cooled. It was also very time consuming and that was just cutting through standard grade concrete, no steel involved.

So because of my experience, I find it almost impossible to believe that a cordless saw of any kind would be able to do what you claim.

Just because fox didn't tell you about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. If you can't keep up with current events, then that's your problem.
No one has posted any hard evidence that it happened. Therefore, we can justifiably assume that the fake news is making it up.
Trump's wall is working!!

You mean all 3 miles of it? Funny...
Growing by the day and way more than three miles. Much more than your fat ass could hunt a buffalo in your ancestors day. Oh, that's right, you're on of those 1/16th Native American fakers.

Gee, thanks for the racist attack. I'm sorry 3 miles overloaded your circuits. The MSM have widely reported that only 3 miles have been built. Repairs to existing wall doesn't count as new wall.

I've seen pictures and videos of some of these walls, especially the ones in CA. They are like 8 feet high rusting sheet metal that anybody under the age of 50 can get over, or a cutting torch can cut through in about 20 minutes. It's almost like having no wall at all.

So even if what you said were true, the new walls are much, much more difficult to compromise. The replacement walls serve the same purpose as the new walls, and that is to stop people from entering our country illegally.

The new walls can be cut through with a saw from Home Depot. Probably less than 20 minutes.

Then go buy this saw and try it yourself. I come from a construction family and worked with my father as a lad. You are not going to get through concrete filled steel pipes with any saw from Home Depot in 20 minutes.

I'm pretty sure I've forgotten more construction jobs than you were ever near. You don't know what you are talking about.

I read your article which was a repost of a Washington Post story, so I clicked the hyperlink and went there.

Neither article had any pictures of this wall being cut through. No names were given on who actually seen this wall being cut through; not even a government agency. When making reference to their information, they only used the word "sources" several times throughout the article. They also said they filed a freedom of information act request, but that was eight months ago, and the article was never updated since. They included that wall sensors (used to alert authorities if somebody is trying to damage the wall) were not installed yet.

You are certainly free to believe anything you choose. I guess Fox forgot to mention the story. It was on every sane site though.

Really? Because after I read your story, I went to look for other sources. There were two, and both cited the WP article.

I wanted to see pictures, I wanted to see what they used, I wanted to see if anybody interviewed Border Patrol to get their take on it. I found none of that.

It's been many years since I worked construction, but my father did it until he retired. I remember us having to cut through concrete, and the saw needed was no ordinary saw. We had to use a huge diamond blade that had to be constantly water cooled. It was also very time consuming and that was just cutting through standard grade concrete, no steel involved.

So because of my experience, I find it almost impossible to believe that a cordless saw of any kind would be able to do what you claim.

Just because fox didn't tell you about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. If you can't keep up with current events, then that's your problem.

Your article is over 8 months old. That's not current events.

What ever.

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