Trump's wall is working!!

Considering Trump's incompetent handling of the Covid pandemic, the wall is the only thing that's working.

What fucking Wall...

Thie just shows people aren't crossing illegally... This means they are just staying in US and not going home...
Considering Trump's incompetent handling of the Covid pandemic, the wall is the only thing that's working.

That graph shows fuck all...

It can be read differently... Here is the headline...

More Illegal crossings since Trump became President... Reports is because the Trump Administration are incompentent...
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832

Everyone and their mother knows the most effective tactic against illegals is e verify

Don't talk about a fucking wall no1 cares about and doesn't matter.

A lot of people care. That's why Donald Trump is our President today.

if they cared they would support e verify

not suck chamber of commerce cock like trump does

a wall makes sense only after you put in e verify. No one wants to hold the employers responsible.

whole thing is a fucking farce

Trump is busting places that employ illegals. The problem is liberal meccas announce to their city when ICE plans to hold raids. Trump does not make law, he can only sign law. Our laws state that they must prove the employer had knowledge he was hiring illegals, which is damn near impossible since phony ID's are an industry here and in other countries.

Whatever the commie led House can't stop, their commie judges do when it comes to Trump and illegal immigrant policies. E-Verify would only help in some aspects, as people come here for more than just work.

No he's not, he's just rounding up the illegals

He doesn't have the stones to put in e verify

Just like he didn't have teh stones to tell the media to shut the fuck up about covid

He's a sackless old piece of shit who talks a big game

How does E-Verify work?
Once an employee is hired, employers participating in E-Verify ask their employees to fill out an I-9 form or an Employment Eligibility Verification Form (name, social security number, address, and date of birth) and E-Verity’s software checks these forms against records from the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The software verifies the employee’s identity and employment eligibility by providing the employer with results instantaneously or within the next 24 hours.

Is E-Verify Accurate?
E-Verify’s error rate has improved greatly since the system was initially developed, but it is not perfect.
Mistakes still affect thousands of workers and employers each year. E-Verify in its current form has barred thousands of legal workers from working. Due to governmental error, mistakes in the spelling of people’s names, the use of a married name, or other database discrepancies, individuals have been flagged and received nonconfirmations preventing them from working.

Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832

Everyone and their mother knows the most effective tactic against illegals is e verify

Don't talk about a fucking wall no1 cares about and doesn't matter.

A lot of people care. That's why Donald Trump is our President today.

if they cared they would support e verify

not suck chamber of commerce cock like trump does

a wall makes sense only after you put in e verify. No one wants to hold the employers responsible.

whole thing is a fucking farce

Trump is busting places that employ illegals. The problem is liberal meccas announce to their city when ICE plans to hold raids. Trump does not make law, he can only sign law. Our laws state that they must prove the employer had knowledge he was hiring illegals, which is damn near impossible since phony ID's are an industry here and in other countries.

Whatever the commie led House can't stop, their commie judges do when it comes to Trump and illegal immigrant policies. E-Verify would only help in some aspects, as people come here for more than just work.
Trump isn’t doing shit about prosecuting employers

Trump is not a prosecutor, nor is he a legislator. Change the laws and penalties, and Trump will enforce them. Think Democrats are going to do that???? Don't you believe it.

Like I said, the near solution to this problem is to make being here illegally a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. Give all illegals until July 4th to be out of this country. They will self-deport, they won't come back, and nobody will want to come here. Problem solved.

So you are going to jail 11 million people...

How that will work out...

There would be a need for a massive building plan to house 11 million people. These would have to be some sort of camps...
So the 11 million people are rounded up and put on trial. But the courts would be clogged to death, you would never be able to get them through considering appeals, research, du process and stuff..

So we would need a summary justice and just jail people who can't prove they are citizens.. i.e. Guilty until proven innocent...

Now we know that some would be picked up without there papers and might be put in camps but after a few months they will be easily located and released...

So what would we have them doing all day in these camps... Probably best we get them building more camps, road crews,..... We don't need to pay them as they in these camps.. So they can work for the betterment of the American Society... Now we need to get them to work hard and America needs to be better fast and these guys have no rights... So would should have them all working..

So these work camps for American betterment would be great.
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832

Everyone and their mother knows the most effective tactic against illegals is e verify

Don't talk about a fucking wall no1 cares about and doesn't matter.

A lot of people care. That's why Donald Trump is our President today.

if they cared they would support e verify

not suck chamber of commerce cock like trump does

a wall makes sense only after you put in e verify. No one wants to hold the employers responsible.

whole thing is a fucking farce

Trump is busting places that employ illegals. The problem is liberal meccas announce to their city when ICE plans to hold raids. Trump does not make law, he can only sign law. Our laws state that they must prove the employer had knowledge he was hiring illegals, which is damn near impossible since phony ID's are an industry here and in other countries.

Whatever the commie led House can't stop, their commie judges do when it comes to Trump and illegal immigrant policies. E-Verify would only help in some aspects, as people come here for more than just work.
Trump isn’t doing shit about prosecuting employers

Trump is not a prosecutor, nor is he a legislator. Change the laws and penalties, and Trump will enforce them. Think Democrats are going to do that???? Don't you believe it.

Like I said, the near solution to this problem is to make being here illegally a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. Give all illegals until July 4th to be out of this country. They will self-deport, they won't come back, and nobody will want to come here. Problem solved.

You can apply all those same arguments to the wall

He wants the wall because it gives him political points

No one is going to vote him out for e verify. He's just a pussy. Only the swamp will be upset with him.
Doesn’t matter

Once Biden takes over next year, we will tear that sucker down

Mexico will pay for it

We hope you do. All this time we've been saying the left are for open borders, and they have denied it each and every time. Tear that wall down and prove us right, so nobody will ever listen to your lies in the future.
He doesn't mean it; the Dems don't mean it. They aren't that stupid. It's just a gimmick, like "Mexico will pay for it."
If Biden wins, he will get impeached. We have Ukraine, obamagate, and that we just don't like him. You loons screwed the pooch going after Trump.

I hope we do. They started this phony impeachment war, we should participate in their game.
Like you haven’t been already?

There are legitimate reasons to impeach and phony reasons. Clinton committed a crime. Trump simply asked for a favor.
Clinton got a blow job
Trump sold out his country
1. Clinton shoved a cigar up a young intern's ass.
2. Trump was investigating a QPQ between Biden, his son, and the Ukraine, an investigation that Joe Biden stopped.
3. Backup your claim that Trump did anything illegal.
Nice try

Back up your claim in item #1 and we can get started
Get started, unless you're just fucking stupid? Please try to stay current.
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832

Everyone and their mother knows the most effective tactic against illegals is e verify

Don't talk about a fucking wall no1 cares about and doesn't matter.

WRONG!! The wall is essential. So say the Border Patrol. Who says its not needed?

Me and everyone else who looks at the data

Take that capital and give out free e verify machines

Wall is meaningless next to that, and EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER LOOKED INTO THE SUBJECT KNOWS IT

Including trump's dumbass

You're delusional. What data? Please prove your point. That's what forums are for.
I showed that the CBP wants the wall, and the OP shows a graph that it is working. QED.
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832

Everyone and their mother knows the most effective tactic against illegals is e verify

Don't talk about a fucking wall no1 cares about and doesn't matter.

WRONG!! The wall is essential. So say the Border Patrol. Who says its not needed?

Me and everyone else who looks at the data

Take that capital and give out free e verify machines

Wall is meaningless next to that, and EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER LOOKED INTO THE SUBJECT KNOWS IT

Including trump's dumbass

So typical of a liberal, you deny the facts. Only the truth that Demoncraps need the illegal vote to win any elections, has come to an end...
Doesn’t matter

Once Biden takes over next year, we will tear that sucker down

Mexico will pay for it

We hope you do. All this time we've been saying the left are for open borders, and they have denied it each and every time. Tear that wall down and prove us right, so nobody will ever listen to your lies in the future.
He doesn't mean it; the Dems don't mean it. They aren't that stupid. It's just a gimmick, like "Mexico will pay for it."
If Biden wins, he will get impeached. We have Ukraine, obamagate, and that we just don't like him. You loons screwed the pooch going after Trump.

I hope we do. They started this phony impeachment war, we should participate in their game.
Like you haven’t been already?

There are legitimate reasons to impeach and phony reasons. Clinton committed a crime. Trump simply asked for a favor.
Clinton got a blow job
Trump sold out his country
Clinton lied under oath and Trump asked about corruption in our government.
Trumps wall is working


As we have stated repeatedly, it won't work on everybody, but it will work on most of the people. Our border agents are too happy to have that wall, and they've said so. Plus the fact these pictures don't show what happens to these people once (or if) they get over.

You have a few pictures. We have documentation.
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832

Everyone and their mother knows the most effective tactic against illegals is e verify

Don't talk about a fucking wall no1 cares about and doesn't matter.

A lot of people care. That's why Donald Trump is our President today.

if they cared they would support e verify

not suck chamber of commerce cock like trump does

a wall makes sense only after you put in e verify. No one wants to hold the employers responsible.

whole thing is a fucking farce

Trump is busting places that employ illegals. The problem is liberal meccas announce to their city when ICE plans to hold raids. Trump does not make law, he can only sign law. Our laws state that they must prove the employer had knowledge he was hiring illegals, which is damn near impossible since phony ID's are an industry here and in other countries.

Whatever the commie led House can't stop, their commie judges do when it comes to Trump and illegal immigrant policies. E-Verify would only help in some aspects, as people come here for more than just work.
Trump isn’t doing shit about prosecuting employers

Trump is not a prosecutor, nor is he a legislator. Change the laws and penalties, and Trump will enforce them. Think Democrats are going to do that???? Don't you believe it.

Like I said, the near solution to this problem is to make being here illegally a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. Give all illegals until July 4th to be out of this country. They will self-deport, they won't come back, and nobody will want to come here. Problem solved.

You can apply all those same arguments to the wall

He wants the wall because it gives him political points

No one is going to vote him out for e verify. He's just a pussy. Only the swamp will be upset with him.

Because we know E-Verify is not the solution to the problem. Did your read what I posted? All E-verify does is check out that the name matches the SS and birthdate, plus it creates problems for thousands of legal workers.

You want to steal an ID? All you really need is a police scanner. Officers call in names and SS numbers suspects or witnesses, very frequently spelling each letter of the name out. Dispatch replies with verification of the person in question, and tells the officers the date of birth and age.

Besides that, identity theft for illegals is very sophisticated, and as I stated, a big industry, especially south of the border. Drug lords, who look for commoners to bring drugs into the country, are millionaires. They are able to provide that fake identification almost untraceable.

So why is a wall a more effective measure? Because employers can't hire people that are not here.

As we have stated repeatedly, it won't work on everybody, but it will work on most of the people. Our border agents are too happy to have that wall, and they've said so. Plus the fact these pictures don't show what happens to these people once (or if) they get over.

You have a few pictures. We have documentation.
Mexicans just laugh at Trumps wall

More reason to just tear it down
Look at the 2020 red line and see how the illegal crossings have dropped.
Trump was right, the democrats and their "open borders" and elimination of ICE are wrong.
One more thing that should happen is the addition of a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US to pay for the wall and ICE.

View attachment 334832

Everyone and their mother knows the most effective tactic against illegals is e verify

Don't talk about a fucking wall no1 cares about and doesn't matter.

A lot of people care. That's why Donald Trump is our President today.

if they cared they would support e verify

not suck chamber of commerce cock like trump does

a wall makes sense only after you put in e verify. No one wants to hold the employers responsible.

whole thing is a fucking farce

Trump is busting places that employ illegals. The problem is liberal meccas announce to their city when ICE plans to hold raids. Trump does not make law, he can only sign law. Our laws state that they must prove the employer had knowledge he was hiring illegals, which is damn near impossible since phony ID's are an industry here and in other countries.

Whatever the commie led House can't stop, their commie judges do when it comes to Trump and illegal immigrant policies. E-Verify would only help in some aspects, as people come here for more than just work.
Trump isn’t doing shit about prosecuting employers

Trump is not a prosecutor, nor is he a legislator. Change the laws and penalties, and Trump will enforce them. Think Democrats are going to do that???? Don't you believe it.

Like I said, the near solution to this problem is to make being here illegally a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. Give all illegals until July 4th to be out of this country. They will self-deport, they won't come back, and nobody will want to come here. Problem solved.

So you are going to jail 11 million people...

How that will work out...

There would be a need for a massive building plan to house 11 million people. These would have to be some sort of camps...
So the 11 million people are rounded up and put on trial. But the courts would be clogged to death, you would never be able to get them through considering appeals, research, du process and stuff..

So we would need a summary justice and just jail people who can't prove they are citizens.. i.e. Guilty until proven innocent...

Now we know that some would be picked up without there papers and might be put in camps but after a few months they will be easily located and released...

So what would we have them doing all day in these camps... Probably best we get them building more camps, road crews,..... We don't need to pay them as they in these camps.. So they can work for the betterment of the American Society... Now we need to get them to work hard and America needs to be better fast and these guys have no rights... So would should have them all working..

So these work camps for American betterment would be great.

The idea of prison is not to lock up 11 million people, it's to get them to self-deport, and provide a deterrent for future ones thinking of coming here.

Remember what happened during the DumBama administration when Arizona created their own criteria for illegals? They got the hell out of the state. Schools were reporting only half of their class showing up. People deserting their apartment or houses, construction companies reporting skeleton crews. Most of them left out of fear.

Of course, DumBama took the state to court, and they had to rescind their program. But while it was enacted, it worked tremendously.

So we do the same thing, only on a national level. Most of them will leave, especially those who are Visa overstays. WTF would risk going to prison for five or ten years just to be here illegally?

As we have stated repeatedly, it won't work on everybody, but it will work on most of the people. Our border agents are too happy to have that wall, and they've said so. Plus the fact these pictures don't show what happens to these people once (or if) they get over.

You have a few pictures. We have documentation.
Mexicans just laugh at Trumps wall

More reason to just tear it down

The best reason to keep building the wall is because it drives you leftists insane. You won't admit it, but you know barriers work. You also know that even if the commies get back into power, the wall will still be there.

As we have stated repeatedly, it won't work on everybody, but it will work on most of the people. Our border agents are too happy to have that wall, and they've said so. Plus the fact these pictures don't show what happens to these people once (or if) they get over.

You have a few pictures. We have documentation.
Mexicans just laugh at Trumps wall

More reason to just tear it down

The best reason to keep building the wall is because it drives you leftists insane. You won't admit it, but you know barriers work. You also know that even if the commies get back into power, the wall will still be there.
Same reason to tear the son of a bitch down.

Nobody will miss it
We have done quite well for 200 years without a wall of hate

As we have stated repeatedly, it won't work on everybody, but it will work on most of the people. Our border agents are too happy to have that wall, and they've said so. Plus the fact these pictures don't show what happens to these people once (or if) they get over.

You have a few pictures. We have documentation.
Mexicans just laugh at Trumps wall

More reason to just tear it down

The best reason to keep building the wall is because it drives you leftists insane. You won't admit it, but you know barriers work. You also know that even if the commies get back into power, the wall will still be there.
Same reason to tear the son of a bitch down.

Nobody will miss it
We have done quite well for 200 years without a wall of hate

Being invaded by foreigners by the hundreds of thousands a year is not doing well; at least not on that front. If you have no borders, you have no country. Wall of hate? That's exactly what it is. I hate when people come here and feel we need to surrender to their demands.

As we have stated repeatedly, it won't work on everybody, but it will work on most of the people. Our border agents are too happy to have that wall, and they've said so. Plus the fact these pictures don't show what happens to these people once (or if) they get over.

You have a few pictures. We have documentation.

You Lie! The Wall won't work on most of the people! Only a fraction may be slowed by a completed wall.
Illegals Overstay.png

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