Trumpsters, please don't read this

So how does this relate to your hardcore partisanship and TDS affliction? Please explain
I can understand the clumsy attempt at deflection.

Two pretty weak shots here so far.

Anyone else?
It isn't deflection you stupid buttfuck. You love to point out ironies and you are the most ironic, most duplicitous, moronic, hypocritical, race baiting sack of socialist shit there is. It is YOOOOOUUUUU that fucking deflects you buttfuck.

What you see is how hard it is (when I say hard, mean impossible politically) to end PROGRAMS once they have been established. Trump, who was not a politician is finding that out. In order to deal with this opposition party in the House, whose entire scheme is identity politics, he has to make compromises.

The same fucking democrats that YOOOOOOUUU vote for who have become extreme socialists and yet you fucking deny you are fucking socialist.

You are such a fucking idiot. Keep sticking with your identity politics and then be critical of it at the same time.

Deflect some more too and then tell others they are deflecting when they make poignant statements about your dreck.
Keep supporting the Rscist-in-chief as you blame Democrats in the House. What is your excuse Trump's first two years?

Who is this extreme socialist. You assfucks don;t know what socialism is.
Sure, I've said that many times. My stands on the issues are in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. I can't make it much more clear. I definitely lean Left.

But you folks aren't very good at hiding the fact that you're avoiding the article in the OP, from a conservative site.

Since you can't refute what the article says, you go after me personally. Wingers are very consistent.

How about leaning toward logic and not being tied to a political party one way or another? I hope if Trump
Wins in 2020 he will attack entitlements as he cannot run in 2024 and will have nothing to lose. But I am not holding my breath.
It would be interesting to see how a second term Trump would act. Right now his focus is on his base, and that wouldn't be necessary.

IMO the Democrats are alienating the Independents like myself with their antisemitic, pro illegal immigration, pro more free stuff rhetoric and that allows Trump to just concentrate on his base. No sane person IMO would vote Democrat now after they all raised their hands to give illegals free healthcare. We need fewer entitlements not more.
Yeah, the gap between the two parties keeps growing. I'll hold out hope for a decent third party candidate.

Your choice will be Biden or Trump. I recommend voting for Trump as he at least has a smidgeon of a chance to attack entitlements. Uncle Joe will just raise taxes and cross his fingers.
Trump will asttack entitlements to pay for his tax cut that he claimed would pay for itself.

Trump just keeps fucking you & you keep bending over.
Keep blaming Obama for the effects of the Bush recession. When Obama walked into the Oval Office, the deficit was already forecast at a trilliopn plus & the economy was shrinking at a rate over 6%.
BTW, dumbass, the bailing out of Wall Street was done under George W Bush. Are you stupid or just a liar? Seriously. I want an answer
BUSH RECESSION: Meatwhistle term for economic collapse caused by Dem-Controlled Congress who handled the economy. Dems boned us again.
BAILING OUT UNDER BUSH: Meatwhistle term for Dems trying to help out their crony friends get out from under another crisis they caused.
I WANT AN ANSWER: Meatwhistle complaint for when his mommy is late fixing his plate. Go suck a bag O dicks, meatpuppet, you don't get to make requests much less call any shots except the ones in your shorts.
So how does this relate to your hardcore partisanship and TDS affliction? Please explain
I can understand the clumsy attempt at deflection.

Two pretty weak shots here so far.

Anyone else?
It isn't deflection you stupid buttfuck. You love to point out ironies and you are the most ironic, most duplicitous, moronic, hypocritical, race baiting sack of socialist shit there is. It is YOOOOOUUUUU that fucking deflects you buttfuck.

What you see is how hard it is (when I say hard, mean impossible politically) to end PROGRAMS once they have been established. Trump, who was not a politician is finding that out. In order to deal with this opposition party in the House, whose entire scheme is identity politics, he has to make compromises.

The same fucking democrats that YOOOOOOUUU vote for who have become extreme socialists and yet you fucking deny you are fucking socialist.

You are such a fucking idiot. Keep sticking with your identity politics and then be critical of it at the same time.

Deflect some more too and then tell others they are deflecting when they make poignant statements about your dreck.
Keep supporting the Rscist-in-chief as you blame Democrats in the House. What is your excuse Trump's first two years?

Who is this extreme socialist. You assfucks don;t know what socialism is.
Race card deployed. That's all they got. Especially when Mac posts.

This fucking loser back on ignore.

Go back to your collusion claims. Better yet, gore needs more money from your carbon credit purchases.

Now, please go fuck yourself.
The Conservative Review isn't playing along. Good for them. Anyone who brings up Trump's exploding debt and flagging economy are immediately mocked by his obedient Trumpsters, but fortunately there are still some Conservatives who are not willing to lie and spin for him.

But I know, I know. The Trumpsters don't care.

Trump can’t be both the president of growth and the president of debt

Earlier today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the economy had grown just 2.1 percent during the second quarter of this year (ending June 30). It also revised Q4 of 2018 down to just 1.1 percent, which now means that growth during the 12 months ending Q4 of 2018 was only 2.5 percent, not 3 percent as previously thought. This means that the U.S. economy has now gone 14 years without a year-over-year growth of 3 percent. It’s been 19 years since we’ve hit 4 percent, which was during 1997-2000.

While the numbers don’t portend a coming recession, it is highly unusual for us to go for 16 consecutive months with unemployment below 4 percent and 43 months below 5 percent, yet never attain 3 or 4 percent annual GDP growth. In fact, that has never happened before. During the late 1990s, the unemployment rate ranged from 5.3 percent to 3.9 percent – not even as good as today’s 3.7 percent – yet GDP growth was over 4 percent. Ditto for the late 1960s, when we saw years of 6 percent growth. During the mid 1980s, we saw this growth even with higher unemployment rates.

The debt is not just a problem for future generations in terms of a fiscal cost that will be borne by taxpayers. The exclusive focus on the future is what has fostered the Louis XV mentality of “after me, the deluge.” Let’s face it, we are a nation that doesn’t care about the future of our children. What is missing from the discussion is that the debt is permanently weighing down economic growth now.

Let’s peek into the numbers behind today’s topline GDP report. GDP comprises personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, government spending, and net exports. Seventy percent of the equation is consumption, and the robust 4.3 percent growth in consumption this quarter is a big part of what is keeping us even at 2.1 percent growth. This is not artificial and is good news. Consumption is a sign of a healthy job market, with more people earning money, as well as the tax cuts putting more cash in people’s pockets to spend. No matter whether our economy is fully free market or quasi-socialist, whenever there is more money in people’s pockets, these numbers will go up. We are now in a boom period, and the numbers are good.

But what else is propping up the number? Government spending! Gross government spending, which accounts for about 17.5 percent of the GDP pie, spiked 5 percent. Non-defense spending rose by 15.9 percent!

The only one we mock are you cockroaches and fake news.
The Conservative Review isn't playing along. Good for them. Anyone who brings up Trump's exploding debt and flagging economy are immediately mocked by his obedient Trumpsters, but fortunately there are still some Conservatives who are not willing to lie and spin for him.

But I know, I know. The Trumpsters don't care.

Trump can’t be both the president of growth and the president of debt

Earlier today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the economy had grown just 2.1 percent during the second quarter of this year (ending June 30). It also revised Q4 of 2018 down to just 1.1 percent, which now means that growth during the 12 months ending Q4 of 2018 was only 2.5 percent, not 3 percent as previously thought. This means that the U.S. economy has now gone 14 years without a year-over-year growth of 3 percent. It’s been 19 years since we’ve hit 4 percent, which was during 1997-2000.

While the numbers don’t portend a coming recession, it is highly unusual for us to go for 16 consecutive months with unemployment below 4 percent and 43 months below 5 percent, yet never attain 3 or 4 percent annual GDP growth. In fact, that has never happened before. During the late 1990s, the unemployment rate ranged from 5.3 percent to 3.9 percent – not even as good as today’s 3.7 percent – yet GDP growth was over 4 percent. Ditto for the late 1960s, when we saw years of 6 percent growth. During the mid 1980s, we saw this growth even with higher unemployment rates.

The debt is not just a problem for future generations in terms of a fiscal cost that will be borne by taxpayers. The exclusive focus on the future is what has fostered the Louis XV mentality of “after me, the deluge.” Let’s face it, we are a nation that doesn’t care about the future of our children. What is missing from the discussion is that the debt is permanently weighing down economic growth now.

Let’s peek into the numbers behind today’s topline GDP report. GDP comprises personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, government spending, and net exports. Seventy percent of the equation is consumption, and the robust 4.3 percent growth in consumption this quarter is a big part of what is keeping us even at 2.1 percent growth. This is not artificial and is good news. Consumption is a sign of a healthy job market, with more people earning money, as well as the tax cuts putting more cash in people’s pockets to spend. No matter whether our economy is fully free market or quasi-socialist, whenever there is more money in people’s pockets, these numbers will go up. We are now in a boom period, and the numbers are good.

But what else is propping up the number? Government spending! Gross government spending, which accounts for about 17.5 percent of the GDP pie, spiked 5 percent. Non-defense spending rose by 15.9 percent!

The only one we mock are you cockroaches and fake news.
And more about me, thanks.

So you're saying that the Conservative Review is "fake news"?

Dang, you guys are tough!
How about leaning toward logic and not being tied to a political party one way or another? I hope if Trump
Wins in 2020 he will attack entitlements as he cannot run in 2024 and will have nothing to lose. But I am not holding my breath.
It would be interesting to see how a second term Trump would act. Right now his focus is on his base, and that wouldn't be necessary.

IMO the Democrats are alienating the Independents like myself with their antisemitic, pro illegal immigration, pro more free stuff rhetoric and that allows Trump to just concentrate on his base. No sane person IMO would vote Democrat now after they all raised their hands to give illegals free healthcare. We need fewer entitlements not more.
Yeah, the gap between the two parties keeps growing. I'll hold out hope for a decent third party candidate.

Your choice will be Biden or Trump. I recommend voting for Trump as he at least has a smidgeon of a chance to attack entitlements. Uncle Joe will just raise taxes and cross his fingers.
Trump will asttack entitlements to pay for his tax cut that he claimed would pay for itself.

Trump just keeps fucking you & you keep bending over.

I earned more because of the tax cuts so how exactly is that “fucking me”? I d love to hear the answer on this one, FakeDave.
It would be interesting to see how a second term Trump would act. Right now his focus is on his base, and that wouldn't be necessary.

IMO the Democrats are alienating the Independents like myself with their antisemitic, pro illegal immigration, pro more free stuff rhetoric and that allows Trump to just concentrate on his base. No sane person IMO would vote Democrat now after they all raised their hands to give illegals free healthcare. We need fewer entitlements not more.
Yeah, the gap between the two parties keeps growing. I'll hold out hope for a decent third party candidate.

Your choice will be Biden or Trump. I recommend voting for Trump as he at least has a smidgeon of a chance to attack entitlements. Uncle Joe will just raise taxes and cross his fingers.
Trump will asttack entitlements to pay for his tax cut that he claimed would pay for itself.

Trump just keeps fucking you & you keep bending over.

I earned more because of the tax cuts so how exactly is that “fucking me”? I d love to hear the answer on this one, FakeDave.
But but but the black people!!! They are not getting more free handouts from the white people!!! Cause cause Trump is a nazi and stuff.
Fact - I've earned more money in raises and bonuses two years under Trump than I did 8 year under Obama. My 401K has skyrocketed under Trump after down years under Obama. I have yet to pay $3 in gas under Trump after paying $4 at one point under Obama. More jobs in my field are readily available since 2017. The Hispanic side of my family is doing very well also and will vote for Trump in 2020 (they all came here legally). To top it off I never thought I'd see a sitting US President sit down with North Korea and negotiate peace in my lifetime. The debt grew 10 trillion under Obama which would be impossible to reverse in 2 years with Democratic push back in Congress.

I don't have to rely on BS information from partisan sites.
The Conservative Review isn't playing along. Good for them. Anyone who brings up Trump's exploding debt and flagging economy are immediately mocked by his obedient Trumpsters, but fortunately there are still some Conservatives who are not willing to lie and spin for him.

But I know, I know. The Trumpsters don't care.

Trump can’t be both the president of growth and the president of debt

Earlier today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the economy had grown just 2.1 percent during the second quarter of this year (ending June 30). It also revised Q4 of 2018 down to just 1.1 percent, which now means that growth during the 12 months ending Q4 of 2018 was only 2.5 percent, not 3 percent as previously thought. This means that the U.S. economy has now gone 14 years without a year-over-year growth of 3 percent. It’s been 19 years since we’ve hit 4 percent, which was during 1997-2000.

While the numbers don’t portend a coming recession, it is highly unusual for us to go for 16 consecutive months with unemployment below 4 percent and 43 months below 5 percent, yet never attain 3 or 4 percent annual GDP growth. In fact, that has never happened before. During the late 1990s, the unemployment rate ranged from 5.3 percent to 3.9 percent – not even as good as today’s 3.7 percent – yet GDP growth was over 4 percent. Ditto for the late 1960s, when we saw years of 6 percent growth. During the mid 1980s, we saw this growth even with higher unemployment rates.

The debt is not just a problem for future generations in terms of a fiscal cost that will be borne by taxpayers. The exclusive focus on the future is what has fostered the Louis XV mentality of “after me, the deluge.” Let’s face it, we are a nation that doesn’t care about the future of our children. What is missing from the discussion is that the debt is permanently weighing down economic growth now.

Let’s peek into the numbers behind today’s topline GDP report. GDP comprises personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, government spending, and net exports. Seventy percent of the equation is consumption, and the robust 4.3 percent growth in consumption this quarter is a big part of what is keeping us even at 2.1 percent growth. This is not artificial and is good news. Consumption is a sign of a healthy job market, with more people earning money, as well as the tax cuts putting more cash in people’s pockets to spend. No matter whether our economy is fully free market or quasi-socialist, whenever there is more money in people’s pockets, these numbers will go up. We are now in a boom period, and the numbers are good.

But what else is propping up the number? Government spending! Gross government spending, which accounts for about 17.5 percent of the GDP pie, spiked 5 percent. Non-defense spending rose by 15.9 percent!

Glad you agree that gross government spending and massive debt is a problem for this country. I don't see where the economy is flagging, perhaps you could elaborate on that.

Either way, since spending is a huge problem for sustained growth and ensuring a future for our children, what programs that are not a national necessity or Constitutionally necessary shall we cut to bring this gross spending in line with Constitutionally authorized spending?

Defense is off the table as it IS a national necessity and Constitutionally mandated. You do, however, have everything else to chose from.
Fact - I've earned more money in raises and bonuses two years under Trump than I did 8 year under Obama. My 401K has skyrocketed under Trump after down years under Obama. I have yet to pay $3 in gas under Trump after paying $4 at one point under Obama. More jobs in my field are readily available since 2017. The Hispanic side of my family is doing very well also and will vote for Trump in 2020 (they all came here legally). To top it off I never thought I'd see a sitting US President sit down with North Korea and negotiate peace in my lifetime. The debt grew 10 trillion under Obama which would be impossible to reverse in 2 years with Democratic push back in Congress.

I don't have to rely on BS information from partisan sites.
Mac is a socialist financial advisor (yes, that must be some kind of oxymoron) who does not credit Trump's tax policy in anyway and he thinks (get this) Bush solely caused the real estate bubble and wall street crash in 2008. Not kidding.

Plus, he of course thinks Trump is a racist. He is an identity politics stooge.
Fact - I've earned more money in raises and bonuses two years under Trump than I did 8 year under Obama. My 401K has skyrocketed under Trump after down years under Obama. I have yet to pay $3 in gas under Trump after paying $4 at one point under Obama. More jobs in my field are readily available since 2017. The Hispanic side of my family is doing very well also and will vote for Trump in 2020 (they all came here legally). To top it off I never thought I'd see a sitting US President sit down with North Korea and negotiate peace in my lifetime. The debt grew 10 trillion under Obama which would be impossible to reverse in 2 years with Democratic push back in Congress.

I don't have to rely on BS information from partisan sites.
Mac is a socialist financial advisor (yes, that must be some kind of oxymoron) who does not credit Trump's tax policy in anyway and he thinks (get this) Bush solely caused the real estate bubble and wall street crash in 2008. Not kidding.

Plus, he of course thinks Trump is a racist. He is an identity politics stooge.

Mac doesn't know half what he thinks he knows. Some of the things he posts are comical regarding economic matters.

If he does believe the recession was due to Bush policy he's more stupid than I gave him credit for.
Glad you agree that gross government spending and massive debt is a problem for this country. I don't see where the economy is flagging, perhaps you could elaborate on that.
2.1% GDP growth is down. Higher GDP numbers have been revised down. 10 Year Treasury yields have dropped by about 30%. The market is expecting the Fed to drop rates to deal with weakness. I'd say that "a flagging economy" is a fair characterization.

Could we turn back up? Yes, here's hoping. Fed stimulus might help. But Trump is lying about this being the best US economy ever, and the Conservative Review has laid out a very good and detailed case. Trumpsters can call this fake news, they can go after me for posting it, but that's what they do when they don't like reality.
Fact - I've earned more money in raises and bonuses two years under Trump than I did 8 year under Obama. My 401K has skyrocketed under Trump after down years under Obama. I have yet to pay $3 in gas under Trump after paying $4 at one point under Obama. More jobs in my field are readily available since 2017. The Hispanic side of my family is doing very well also and will vote for Trump in 2020 (they all came here legally). To top it off I never thought I'd see a sitting US President sit down with North Korea and negotiate peace in my lifetime. The debt grew 10 trillion under Obama which would be impossible to reverse in 2 years with Democratic push back in Congress.

I don't have to rely on BS information from partisan sites.
Mac is a socialist financial advisor (yes, that must be some kind of oxymoron) who does not credit Trump's tax policy in anyway and he thinks (get this) Bush solely caused the real estate bubble and wall street crash in 2008. Not kidding.

Plus, he of course thinks Trump is a racist. He is an identity politics stooge.

Mac never heard of Barney Frank? Mac doesn't know that President Bush and John McCain both warned of the housing crash if measure weren't taken to keep Fannie and Freddie in check? Mac needs some education on the topic.
The Conservative Review isn't playing along. Good for them. Anyone who brings up Trump's exploding debt and flagging economy are immediately mocked by his obedient Trumpsters, but fortunately there are still some Conservatives who are not willing to lie and spin for him.

But I know, I know. The Trumpsters don't care.

Trump can’t be both the president of growth and the president of debt

Earlier today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the economy had grown just 2.1 percent during the second quarter of this year (ending June 30). It also revised Q4 of 2018 down to just 1.1 percent, which now means that growth during the 12 months ending Q4 of 2018 was only 2.5 percent, not 3 percent as previously thought. This means that the U.S. economy has now gone 14 years without a year-over-year growth of 3 percent. It’s been 19 years since we’ve hit 4 percent, which was during 1997-2000.

While the numbers don’t portend a coming recession, it is highly unusual for us to go for 16 consecutive months with unemployment below 4 percent and 43 months below 5 percent, yet never attain 3 or 4 percent annual GDP growth. In fact, that has never happened before. During the late 1990s, the unemployment rate ranged from 5.3 percent to 3.9 percent – not even as good as today’s 3.7 percent – yet GDP growth was over 4 percent. Ditto for the late 1960s, when we saw years of 6 percent growth. During the mid 1980s, we saw this growth even with higher unemployment rates.

The debt is not just a problem for future generations in terms of a fiscal cost that will be borne by taxpayers. The exclusive focus on the future is what has fostered the Louis XV mentality of “after me, the deluge.” Let’s face it, we are a nation that doesn’t care about the future of our children. What is missing from the discussion is that the debt is permanently weighing down economic growth now.

Let’s peek into the numbers behind today’s topline GDP report. GDP comprises personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, government spending, and net exports. Seventy percent of the equation is consumption, and the robust 4.3 percent growth in consumption this quarter is a big part of what is keeping us even at 2.1 percent growth. This is not artificial and is good news. Consumption is a sign of a healthy job market, with more people earning money, as well as the tax cuts putting more cash in people’s pockets to spend. No matter whether our economy is fully free market or quasi-socialist, whenever there is more money in people’s pockets, these numbers will go up. We are now in a boom period, and the numbers are good.

But what else is propping up the number? Government spending! Gross government spending, which accounts for about 17.5 percent of the GDP pie, spiked 5 percent. Non-defense spending rose by 15.9 percent!

Glad you agree that gross government spending and massive debt is a problem for this country. I don't see where the economy is flagging, perhaps you could elaborate on that.

Either way, since spending is a huge problem for sustained growth and ensuring a future for our children, what programs that are not a national necessity or Constitutionally necessary shall we cut to bring this gross spending in line with Constitutionally authorized spending?

Defense is off the table as it IS a national necessity and Constitutionally mandated. You do, however, have everything else to chose from.
They spent 3 years with collusion, avoiding the economic oasis Trump is creating for us investors. Mac the socialist economic adviser, will now giggle at that.

So, now that the collusion thing is a lie that has been a proven lie, they are now shifting lies and telling us the economy is actually doing bad when it is thriving.

They did this in 2006. When the economy was actually thriving the media left wing pets, convinced America it was really bad. As a result of the media interfering in our elections by spreading lies, the democrats took control of the House and Senate in 2007. What happened to the economy after the lying big tax socialists took over between 2007 to 2010?

Mac, the socialist economic adviser blames ONLY republicans on the economic crash.

LOL, now here they are again trying to convince us the economy is really doing terrible when it is thriving. Hey, worked in 2006.
Fact - I've earned more money in raises and bonuses two years under Trump than I did 8 year under Obama. My 401K has skyrocketed under Trump after down years under Obama. I have yet to pay $3 in gas under Trump after paying $4 at one point under Obama. More jobs in my field are readily available since 2017. The Hispanic side of my family is doing very well also and will vote for Trump in 2020 (they all came here legally). To top it off I never thought I'd see a sitting US President sit down with North Korea and negotiate peace in my lifetime. The debt grew 10 trillion under Obama which would be impossible to reverse in 2 years with Democratic push back in Congress.

I don't have to rely on BS information from partisan sites.
Mac is a socialist financial advisor (yes, that must be some kind of oxymoron) who does not credit Trump's tax policy in anyway and he thinks (get this) Bush solely caused the real estate bubble and wall street crash in 2008. Not kidding.

Plus, he of course thinks Trump is a racist. He is an identity politics stooge.

Mac never heard of Barney Frank? Mac doesn't know that President Bush and John McCain both warned of the housing crash if measure weren't taken to keep Fannie and Freddie in check? Mac needs some education on the topic.
He ignores all of that. He thinks paying more taxes in wise. Did I tell you he is an economic adviser?

Fact - I've earned more money in raises and bonuses two years under Trump than I did 8 year under Obama. My 401K has skyrocketed under Trump after down years under Obama. I have yet to pay $3 in gas under Trump after paying $4 at one point under Obama. More jobs in my field are readily available since 2017. The Hispanic side of my family is doing very well also and will vote for Trump in 2020 (they all came here legally). To top it off I never thought I'd see a sitting US President sit down with North Korea and negotiate peace in my lifetime. The debt grew 10 trillion under Obama which would be impossible to reverse in 2 years with Democratic push back in Congress.

I don't have to rely on BS information from partisan sites.
Mac is a socialist financial advisor (yes, that must be some kind of oxymoron) who does not credit Trump's tax policy in anyway and he thinks (get this) Bush solely caused the real estate bubble and wall street crash in 2008. Not kidding.

Plus, he of course thinks Trump is a racist. He is an identity politics stooge.

Mac never heard of Barney Frank? Mac doesn't know that President Bush and John McCain both warned of the housing crash if measure weren't taken to keep Fannie and Freddie in check? Mac needs some education on the topic.

He's what he accuses others of being...a hack

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