Trumpsters, please don't read this

The Conservative Review isn't playing along. Good for them. Anyone who brings up Trump's exploding debt and flagging economy are immediately mocked by his obedient Trumpsters, but fortunately there are still some Conservatives who are not willing to lie and spin for him.

But I know, I know. The Trumpsters don't care.

Trump can’t be both the president of growth and the president of debt

Earlier today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the economy had grown just 2.1 percent during the second quarter of this year (ending June 30). It also revised Q4 of 2018 down to just 1.1 percent, which now means that growth during the 12 months ending Q4 of 2018 was only 2.5 percent, not 3 percent as previously thought. This means that the U.S. economy has now gone 14 years without a year-over-year growth of 3 percent. It’s been 19 years since we’ve hit 4 percent, which was during 1997-2000.

While the numbers don’t portend a coming recession, it is highly unusual for us to go for 16 consecutive months with unemployment below 4 percent and 43 months below 5 percent, yet never attain 3 or 4 percent annual GDP growth. In fact, that has never happened before. During the late 1990s, the unemployment rate ranged from 5.3 percent to 3.9 percent – not even as good as today’s 3.7 percent – yet GDP growth was over 4 percent. Ditto for the late 1960s, when we saw years of 6 percent growth. During the mid 1980s, we saw this growth even with higher unemployment rates.

The debt is not just a problem for future generations in terms of a fiscal cost that will be borne by taxpayers. The exclusive focus on the future is what has fostered the Louis XV mentality of “after me, the deluge.” Let’s face it, we are a nation that doesn’t care about the future of our children. What is missing from the discussion is that the debt is permanently weighing down economic growth now.

Let’s peek into the numbers behind today’s topline GDP report. GDP comprises personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, government spending, and net exports. Seventy percent of the equation is consumption, and the robust 4.3 percent growth in consumption this quarter is a big part of what is keeping us even at 2.1 percent growth. This is not artificial and is good news. Consumption is a sign of a healthy job market, with more people earning money, as well as the tax cuts putting more cash in people’s pockets to spend. No matter whether our economy is fully free market or quasi-socialist, whenever there is more money in people’s pockets, these numbers will go up. We are now in a boom period, and the numbers are good.

But what else is propping up the number? Government spending! Gross government spending, which accounts for about 17.5 percent of the GDP pie, spiked 5 percent. Non-defense spending rose by 15.9 percent!


I guess I'm missing why you are trying to make this an all-Trump thing. Maybe you're not aware that economies are mainly the domain of Congress? Further, when pointing fingers at the debt, my first thought is the idiot Congress who in 2006 caused the spiraling banking crisis through the Dodd-Frank bill, then Obama coming in and rather than letting bad actors on Wall Street fail and reorganize, spent trillions bailing out the big boys too big to fail while letting the little guy twist in the wind.

We didn't get to 21-22 trillion overnight. When Obama took office in early 2009, we were only at about 9 trillion. It took Barack to put us at 19 trillion.

Now if you want to see that as a Trump deflection, knock yourself out, but the damage is already done.

Dodd Frank in 2006? Really?

I love it when you stupid fucks have to lie to blame Obama when anyone with a fucking brain knows Obama inherited a trillion plus deficit in the midst of the worst recession in 80 years.

BT, the debt was about 10.5 trillion when Obama took office - after your hero GW doubled the debt (after taking over a balanced budget).

All you assholes do is lie. Oh Obama did this & Obama did that.

The fact is Republicans nearly killed America under Bush, Obama brought us back, amd now Trump is taking us down .

Please, quit posting is get a fuickling education.

Look who’s calling us dumbasses! Fact is Bush went to the democrats and warned them the housing bubble was about to burst. Barney Frank laughed right in his face and Fannie and Freddie kept making loans they knew people could never pay back and guess what? Dummy! George Bush was right and the democrats were wrong. Obamallama did the same thing with college tuition.
The Conservative Review isn't playing along. Good for them. Anyone who brings up Trump's exploding debt and flagging economy are immediately mocked by his obedient Trumpsters, but fortunately there are still some Conservatives who are not willing to lie and spin for him.

But I know, I know. The Trumpsters don't care.

Trump can’t be both the president of growth and the president of debt

Earlier today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the economy had grown just 2.1 percent during the second quarter of this year (ending June 30). It also revised Q4 of 2018 down to just 1.1 percent, which now means that growth during the 12 months ending Q4 of 2018 was only 2.5 percent, not 3 percent as previously thought. This means that the U.S. economy has now gone 14 years without a year-over-year growth of 3 percent. It’s been 19 years since we’ve hit 4 percent, which was during 1997-2000.

While the numbers don’t portend a coming recession, it is highly unusual for us to go for 16 consecutive months with unemployment below 4 percent and 43 months below 5 percent, yet never attain 3 or 4 percent annual GDP growth. In fact, that has never happened before. During the late 1990s, the unemployment rate ranged from 5.3 percent to 3.9 percent – not even as good as today’s 3.7 percent – yet GDP growth was over 4 percent. Ditto for the late 1960s, when we saw years of 6 percent growth. During the mid 1980s, we saw this growth even with higher unemployment rates.

The debt is not just a problem for future generations in terms of a fiscal cost that will be borne by taxpayers. The exclusive focus on the future is what has fostered the Louis XV mentality of “after me, the deluge.” Let’s face it, we are a nation that doesn’t care about the future of our children. What is missing from the discussion is that the debt is permanently weighing down economic growth now.

Let’s peek into the numbers behind today’s topline GDP report. GDP comprises personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, government spending, and net exports. Seventy percent of the equation is consumption, and the robust 4.3 percent growth in consumption this quarter is a big part of what is keeping us even at 2.1 percent growth. This is not artificial and is good news. Consumption is a sign of a healthy job market, with more people earning money, as well as the tax cuts putting more cash in people’s pockets to spend. No matter whether our economy is fully free market or quasi-socialist, whenever there is more money in people’s pockets, these numbers will go up. We are now in a boom period, and the numbers are good.

But what else is propping up the number? Government spending! Gross government spending, which accounts for about 17.5 percent of the GDP pie, spiked 5 percent. Non-defense spending rose by 15.9 percent!


I guess I'm missing why you are trying to make this an all-Trump thing. Maybe you're not aware that economies are mainly the domain of Congress? Further, when pointing fingers at the debt, my first thought is the idiot Congress who in 2006 caused the spiraling banking crisis through the Dodd-Frank bill, then Obama coming in and rather than letting bad actors on Wall Street fail and reorganize, spent trillions bailing out the big boys too big to fail while letting the little guy twist in the wind.

We didn't get to 21-22 trillion overnight. When Obama took office in early 2009, we were only at about 9 trillion. It took Barack to put us at 19 trillion.

Now if you want to see that as a Trump deflection, knock yourself out, but the damage is already done.

Dodd Frank in 2006? Really?

I love it when you stupid fucks have to lie to blame Obama when anyone with a fucking brain knows Obama inherited a trillion plus deficit in the midst of the worst recession in 80 years.

BT, the debt was about 10.5 trillion when Obama took office - after your hero GW doubled the debt (after taking over a balanced budget).

All you assholes do is lie. Oh Obama did this & Obama did that.

The fact is Republicans nearly killed America under Bush, Obama brought us back, amd now Trump is taking us down .

Please, quit posting is get a fuickling education.

Look who’s calling us dumbasses! Fact is Bush went to the democrats and warned them the housing bubble was about to burst. Barney Frank laughed right in his face and Fannie and Freddie kept making loans they knew people could never pay back and guess what? Dummy! George Bush was right and the democrats were wrong. Obamallama did the same thing with college tuition.
Exactly what does this talk radio version of the Meltdown have to do with the piece in the OP?

Are we avoiding something?
The Conservative Review isn't playing along. Good for them. Anyone who brings up Trump's exploding debt and flagging economy are immediately mocked by his obedient Trumpsters, but fortunately there are still some Conservatives who are not willing to lie and spin for him.

But I know, I know. The Trumpsters don't care.

Trump can’t be both the president of growth and the president of debt

Earlier today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the economy had grown just 2.1 percent during the second quarter of this year (ending June 30). It also revised Q4 of 2018 down to just 1.1 percent, which now means that growth during the 12 months ending Q4 of 2018 was only 2.5 percent, not 3 percent as previously thought. This means that the U.S. economy has now gone 14 years without a year-over-year growth of 3 percent. It’s been 19 years since we’ve hit 4 percent, which was during 1997-2000.

While the numbers don’t portend a coming recession, it is highly unusual for us to go for 16 consecutive months with unemployment below 4 percent and 43 months below 5 percent, yet never attain 3 or 4 percent annual GDP growth. In fact, that has never happened before. During the late 1990s, the unemployment rate ranged from 5.3 percent to 3.9 percent – not even as good as today’s 3.7 percent – yet GDP growth was over 4 percent. Ditto for the late 1960s, when we saw years of 6 percent growth. During the mid 1980s, we saw this growth even with higher unemployment rates.

The debt is not just a problem for future generations in terms of a fiscal cost that will be borne by taxpayers. The exclusive focus on the future is what has fostered the Louis XV mentality of “after me, the deluge.” Let’s face it, we are a nation that doesn’t care about the future of our children. What is missing from the discussion is that the debt is permanently weighing down economic growth now.

Let’s peek into the numbers behind today’s topline GDP report. GDP comprises personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, government spending, and net exports. Seventy percent of the equation is consumption, and the robust 4.3 percent growth in consumption this quarter is a big part of what is keeping us even at 2.1 percent growth. This is not artificial and is good news. Consumption is a sign of a healthy job market, with more people earning money, as well as the tax cuts putting more cash in people’s pockets to spend. No matter whether our economy is fully free market or quasi-socialist, whenever there is more money in people’s pockets, these numbers will go up. We are now in a boom period, and the numbers are good.

But what else is propping up the number? Government spending! Gross government spending, which accounts for about 17.5 percent of the GDP pie, spiked 5 percent. Non-defense spending rose by 15.9 percent!


I guess I'm missing why you are trying to make this an all-Trump thing. Maybe you're not aware that economies are mainly the domain of Congress? Further, when pointing fingers at the debt, my first thought is the idiot Congress who in 2006 caused the spiraling banking crisis through the Dodd-Frank bill, then Obama coming in and rather than letting bad actors on Wall Street fail and reorganize, spent trillions bailing out the big boys too big to fail while letting the little guy twist in the wind.

We didn't get to 21-22 trillion overnight. When Obama took office in early 2009, we were only at about 9 trillion. It took Barack to put us at 19 trillion.

Now if you want to see that as a Trump deflection, knock yourself out, but the damage is already done.

Dodd Frank in 2006? Really?

I love it when you stupid fucks have to lie to blame Obama when anyone with a fucking brain knows Obama inherited a trillion plus deficit in the midst of the worst recession in 80 years.

BT, the debt was about 10.5 trillion when Obama took office - after your hero GW doubled the debt (after taking over a balanced budget).

All you assholes do is lie. Oh Obama did this & Obama did that.

The fact is Republicans nearly killed America under Bush, Obama brought us back, amd now Trump is taking us down .

Please, quit posting is get a fuickling education.

Look who’s calling us dumbasses! Fact is Bush went to the democrats and warned them the housing bubble was about to burst. Barney Frank laughed right in his face and Fannie and Freddie kept making loans they knew people could never pay back and guess what? Dummy! George Bush was right and the democrats were wrong. Obamallama did the same thing with college tuition.

The Conservative Review isn't playing along. Good for them. Anyone who brings up Trump's exploding debt and flagging economy are immediately mocked by his obedient Trumpsters, but fortunately there are still some Conservatives who are not willing to lie and spin for him.

But I know, I know. The Trumpsters don't care.

Trump can’t be both the president of growth and the president of debt

Earlier today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the economy had grown just 2.1 percent during the second quarter of this year (ending June 30). It also revised Q4 of 2018 down to just 1.1 percent, which now means that growth during the 12 months ending Q4 of 2018 was only 2.5 percent, not 3 percent as previously thought. This means that the U.S. economy has now gone 14 years without a year-over-year growth of 3 percent. It’s been 19 years since we’ve hit 4 percent, which was during 1997-2000.

While the numbers don’t portend a coming recession, it is highly unusual for us to go for 16 consecutive months with unemployment below 4 percent and 43 months below 5 percent, yet never attain 3 or 4 percent annual GDP growth. In fact, that has never happened before. During the late 1990s, the unemployment rate ranged from 5.3 percent to 3.9 percent – not even as good as today’s 3.7 percent – yet GDP growth was over 4 percent. Ditto for the late 1960s, when we saw years of 6 percent growth. During the mid 1980s, we saw this growth even with higher unemployment rates.

The debt is not just a problem for future generations in terms of a fiscal cost that will be borne by taxpayers. The exclusive focus on the future is what has fostered the Louis XV mentality of “after me, the deluge.” Let’s face it, we are a nation that doesn’t care about the future of our children. What is missing from the discussion is that the debt is permanently weighing down economic growth now.

Let’s peek into the numbers behind today’s topline GDP report. GDP comprises personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, government spending, and net exports. Seventy percent of the equation is consumption, and the robust 4.3 percent growth in consumption this quarter is a big part of what is keeping us even at 2.1 percent growth. This is not artificial and is good news. Consumption is a sign of a healthy job market, with more people earning money, as well as the tax cuts putting more cash in people’s pockets to spend. No matter whether our economy is fully free market or quasi-socialist, whenever there is more money in people’s pockets, these numbers will go up. We are now in a boom period, and the numbers are good.

But what else is propping up the number? Government spending! Gross government spending, which accounts for about 17.5 percent of the GDP pie, spiked 5 percent. Non-defense spending rose by 15.9 percent!


I guess I'm missing why you are trying to make this an all-Trump thing. Maybe you're not aware that economies are mainly the domain of Congress? Further, when pointing fingers at the debt, my first thought is the idiot Congress who in 2006 caused the spiraling banking crisis through the Dodd-Frank bill, then Obama coming in and rather than letting bad actors on Wall Street fail and reorganize, spent trillions bailing out the big boys too big to fail while letting the little guy twist in the wind.

We didn't get to 21-22 trillion overnight. When Obama took office in early 2009, we were only at about 9 trillion. It took Barack to put us at 19 trillion.

Now if you want to see that as a Trump deflection, knock yourself out, but the damage is already done.

Dodd Frank in 2006? Really?

I love it when you stupid fucks have to lie to blame Obama when anyone with a fucking brain knows Obama inherited a trillion plus deficit in the midst of the worst recession in 80 years.

BT, the debt was about 10.5 trillion when Obama took office - after your hero GW doubled the debt (after taking over a balanced budget).

All you assholes do is lie. Oh Obama did this & Obama did that.

The fact is Republicans nearly killed America under Bush, Obama brought us back, amd now Trump is taking us down .

Please, quit posting is get a fuickling education.

Look who’s calling us dumbasses! Fact is Bush went to the democrats and warned them the housing bubble was about to burst. Barney Frank laughed right in his face and Fannie and Freddie kept making loans they knew people could never pay back and guess what? Dummy! George Bush was right and the democrats were wrong. Obamallama did the same thing with college tuition.
Exactly what does this talk radio version of the Meltdown have to do with the piece in the OP?

Are we avoiding something?
Well you said you didn’t expect honest answers anyway so I chose to respond to Dummie Dave.
The Conservative Review isn't playing along. Good for them. Anyone who brings up Trump's exploding debt and flagging economy are immediately mocked by his obedient Trumpsters, but fortunately there are still some Conservatives who are not willing to lie and spin for him.

But I know, I know. The Trumpsters don't care.

Trump can’t be both the president of growth and the president of debt

Earlier today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the economy had grown just 2.1 percent during the second quarter of this year (ending June 30). It also revised Q4 of 2018 down to just 1.1 percent, which now means that growth during the 12 months ending Q4 of 2018 was only 2.5 percent, not 3 percent as previously thought. This means that the U.S. economy has now gone 14 years without a year-over-year growth of 3 percent. It’s been 19 years since we’ve hit 4 percent, which was during 1997-2000.

While the numbers don’t portend a coming recession, it is highly unusual for us to go for 16 consecutive months with unemployment below 4 percent and 43 months below 5 percent, yet never attain 3 or 4 percent annual GDP growth. In fact, that has never happened before. During the late 1990s, the unemployment rate ranged from 5.3 percent to 3.9 percent – not even as good as today’s 3.7 percent – yet GDP growth was over 4 percent. Ditto for the late 1960s, when we saw years of 6 percent growth. During the mid 1980s, we saw this growth even with higher unemployment rates.

The debt is not just a problem for future generations in terms of a fiscal cost that will be borne by taxpayers. The exclusive focus on the future is what has fostered the Louis XV mentality of “after me, the deluge.” Let’s face it, we are a nation that doesn’t care about the future of our children. What is missing from the discussion is that the debt is permanently weighing down economic growth now.

Let’s peek into the numbers behind today’s topline GDP report. GDP comprises personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, government spending, and net exports. Seventy percent of the equation is consumption, and the robust 4.3 percent growth in consumption this quarter is a big part of what is keeping us even at 2.1 percent growth. This is not artificial and is good news. Consumption is a sign of a healthy job market, with more people earning money, as well as the tax cuts putting more cash in people’s pockets to spend. No matter whether our economy is fully free market or quasi-socialist, whenever there is more money in people’s pockets, these numbers will go up. We are now in a boom period, and the numbers are good.

But what else is propping up the number? Government spending! Gross government spending, which accounts for about 17.5 percent of the GDP pie, spiked 5 percent. Non-defense spending rose by 15.9 percent!


So, the Neocons hate Trump?

Who knew? :dunno:
What does a democrat call to shift to a socialist economy do for our nation's growth and economic output?
Seems like leftists have to choose which horse they want to ride on.
It's funny that the supporters of either party only care about or want to talk about the debt when the other party controls the Presidency. Since we are talking about this how much responsibility do we the public have for this never ending debt? There is no quick easy painless bumper sticker solution to the problem how many would truly be ready to embrace the long term solutions and the pain that would come with them to deal with this?
It's funny that the supporters of either party only care about or want to talk about the debt when the other party controls the Presidency. Since we are talking about this how much responsibility do we the public have for this never ending debt? There is no quick easy painless bumper sticker solution to the problem how many would truly be ready to embrace the long term solutions and the pain that would come with them to deal with this?
Hypocrisy is one of the fundamental behaviors of partisan ideologues. It's only "bad" when the "other" side does it.

While they'll dislocate their shoulders pointing the finger at the other party, both love to spend.

We know we're leaving this mess to our kids, their kids, and their kids, but we don't give two shits about that.
The Conservative Review isn't playing along. Good for them. Anyone who brings up Trump's exploding debt and flagging economy are immediately mocked by his obedient Trumpsters, but fortunately there are still some Conservatives who are not willing to lie and spin for him.

But I know, I know. The Trumpsters don't care.

Trump can’t be both the president of growth and the president of debt

Earlier today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the economy had grown just 2.1 percent during the second quarter of this year (ending June 30). It also revised Q4 of 2018 down to just 1.1 percent, which now means that growth during the 12 months ending Q4 of 2018 was only 2.5 percent, not 3 percent as previously thought. This means that the U.S. economy has now gone 14 years without a year-over-year growth of 3 percent. It’s been 19 years since we’ve hit 4 percent, which was during 1997-2000.

While the numbers don’t portend a coming recession, it is highly unusual for us to go for 16 consecutive months with unemployment below 4 percent and 43 months below 5 percent, yet never attain 3 or 4 percent annual GDP growth. In fact, that has never happened before. During the late 1990s, the unemployment rate ranged from 5.3 percent to 3.9 percent – not even as good as today’s 3.7 percent – yet GDP growth was over 4 percent. Ditto for the late 1960s, when we saw years of 6 percent growth. During the mid 1980s, we saw this growth even with higher unemployment rates.

The debt is not just a problem for future generations in terms of a fiscal cost that will be borne by taxpayers. The exclusive focus on the future is what has fostered the Louis XV mentality of “after me, the deluge.” Let’s face it, we are a nation that doesn’t care about the future of our children. What is missing from the discussion is that the debt is permanently weighing down economic growth now.

Let’s peek into the numbers behind today’s topline GDP report. GDP comprises personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, government spending, and net exports. Seventy percent of the equation is consumption, and the robust 4.3 percent growth in consumption this quarter is a big part of what is keeping us even at 2.1 percent growth. This is not artificial and is good news. Consumption is a sign of a healthy job market, with more people earning money, as well as the tax cuts putting more cash in people’s pockets to spend. No matter whether our economy is fully free market or quasi-socialist, whenever there is more money in people’s pockets, these numbers will go up. We are now in a boom period, and the numbers are good.

But what else is propping up the number? Government spending! Gross government spending, which accounts for about 17.5 percent of the GDP pie, spiked 5 percent. Non-defense spending rose by 15.9 percent!


You claim to be in the middle, but for the last two-three years you have slid further and further left. You've gone so far that you post threads saying the same shit and making the same mistakes. Out of context arguments, straw man arguments (like this one), and so much other nonsense.

I'm sure I'm wasting my time with the OP but in case anyone sensible wants to read this:

We Trump supporters know and care about the debt. We Trump supporters know and care about our children and grand children. Knowing and caring is WHY we vote for Trump. Is he perfect? No. Is he even a Conservative? No. Do we wish he was? Well, maybe, at least on fiscal issues. But at this point in time, fiscal issues are second to the crisis facing us RIGHT NOW.

Illegal immigration
Horrible treaties
Excessive idiotic regulation
Liberal Activist Judges
Destruction of our culture
Invasion from within
Loss of rights

Things have gotten SO bad that fiscal issues need to be on the back burner. If the above aren't checked or eliminated, it won't matter what fiscal problems we leave for our descendants.

Trump is not perfect, no one says he is, but he's the best we have had and he's the man we need right now.
Remind me last time libs cared about the debt....By himself Trump cant do much. He could go the Gerald Ford route and veto everything in sight, chances of those being overridden are probably huge. What he can be faulted for is not banging the Bully pulpit and trying to enlarge and embolden the numbers of those in Congress who do support efforts to gain control of the deficit.
The Conservative Review isn't playing along. Good for them. Anyone who brings up Trump's exploding debt and flagging economy are immediately mocked by his obedient Trumpsters, but fortunately there are still some Conservatives who are not willing to lie and spin for him.

But I know, I know. The Trumpsters don't care.

Trump can’t be both the president of growth and the president of debt

Earlier today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the economy had grown just 2.1 percent during the second quarter of this year (ending June 30). It also revised Q4 of 2018 down to just 1.1 percent, which now means that growth during the 12 months ending Q4 of 2018 was only 2.5 percent, not 3 percent as previously thought. This means that the U.S. economy has now gone 14 years without a year-over-year growth of 3 percent. It’s been 19 years since we’ve hit 4 percent, which was during 1997-2000.

While the numbers don’t portend a coming recession, it is highly unusual for us to go for 16 consecutive months with unemployment below 4 percent and 43 months below 5 percent, yet never attain 3 or 4 percent annual GDP growth. In fact, that has never happened before. During the late 1990s, the unemployment rate ranged from 5.3 percent to 3.9 percent – not even as good as today’s 3.7 percent – yet GDP growth was over 4 percent. Ditto for the late 1960s, when we saw years of 6 percent growth. During the mid 1980s, we saw this growth even with higher unemployment rates.

The debt is not just a problem for future generations in terms of a fiscal cost that will be borne by taxpayers. The exclusive focus on the future is what has fostered the Louis XV mentality of “after me, the deluge.” Let’s face it, we are a nation that doesn’t care about the future of our children. What is missing from the discussion is that the debt is permanently weighing down economic growth now.

Let’s peek into the numbers behind today’s topline GDP report. GDP comprises personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, government spending, and net exports. Seventy percent of the equation is consumption, and the robust 4.3 percent growth in consumption this quarter is a big part of what is keeping us even at 2.1 percent growth. This is not artificial and is good news. Consumption is a sign of a healthy job market, with more people earning money, as well as the tax cuts putting more cash in people’s pockets to spend. No matter whether our economy is fully free market or quasi-socialist, whenever there is more money in people’s pockets, these numbers will go up. We are now in a boom period, and the numbers are good.

But what else is propping up the number? Government spending! Gross government spending, which accounts for about 17.5 percent of the GDP pie, spiked 5 percent. Non-defense spending rose by 15.9 percent!


I guess I'm missing why you are trying to make this an all-Trump thing. Maybe you're not aware that economies are mainly the domain of Congress? Further, when pointing fingers at the debt, my first thought is the idiot Congress who in 2006 caused the spiraling banking crisis through the Dodd-Frank bill, then Obama coming in and rather than letting bad actors on Wall Street fail and reorganize, spent trillions bailing out the big boys too big to fail while letting the little guy twist in the wind.

We didn't get to 21-22 trillion overnight. When Obama took office in early 2009, we were only at about 9 trillion. It took Barack to put us at 19 trillion.

Now if you want to see that as a Trump deflection, knock yourself out, but the damage is already done.

Dodd Frank in 2006? Really?

I love it when you stupid fucks have to lie to blame Obama when anyone with a fucking brain knows Obama inherited a trillion plus deficit in the midst of the worst recession in 80 years.

BT, the debt was about 10.5 trillion when Obama took office - after your hero GW doubled the debt (after taking over a balanced budget).

All you assholes do is lie. Oh Obama did this & Obama did that.

The fact is Republicans nearly killed America under Bush, Obama brought us back, amd now Trump is taking us down .

Please, quit posting is get a fuickling education.

Look who’s calling us dumbasses! Fact is Bush went to the democrats and warned them the housing bubble was about to burst. Barney Frank laughed right in his face and Fannie and Freddie kept making loans they knew people could never pay back and guess what? Dummy! George Bush was right and the democrats were wrong. Obamallama did the same thing with college tuition.

Nice try, but Barney Frank could not stop anything from his minority position in the House.

What happened was Bush tried to take oversight of Fannie & Freddie away from Congress & put in into the Treasury Department.

The Republicans joined theDemocrats to stop that power play.

Anopther example of an ignmotsant fool too stupid to know what Bush was trying to do & too stupid to know Barney Frank could not stop shit in the House.
The Conservative Review isn't playing along. Good for them. Anyone who brings up Trump's exploding debt and flagging economy are immediately mocked by his obedient Trumpsters, but fortunately there are still some Conservatives who are not willing to lie and spin for him.

But I know, I know. The Trumpsters don't care.

Trump can’t be both the president of growth and the president of debt

Earlier today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the economy had grown just 2.1 percent during the second quarter of this year (ending June 30). It also revised Q4 of 2018 down to just 1.1 percent, which now means that growth during the 12 months ending Q4 of 2018 was only 2.5 percent, not 3 percent as previously thought. This means that the U.S. economy has now gone 14 years without a year-over-year growth of 3 percent. It’s been 19 years since we’ve hit 4 percent, which was during 1997-2000.

While the numbers don’t portend a coming recession, it is highly unusual for us to go for 16 consecutive months with unemployment below 4 percent and 43 months below 5 percent, yet never attain 3 or 4 percent annual GDP growth. In fact, that has never happened before. During the late 1990s, the unemployment rate ranged from 5.3 percent to 3.9 percent – not even as good as today’s 3.7 percent – yet GDP growth was over 4 percent. Ditto for the late 1960s, when we saw years of 6 percent growth. During the mid 1980s, we saw this growth even with higher unemployment rates.

The debt is not just a problem for future generations in terms of a fiscal cost that will be borne by taxpayers. The exclusive focus on the future is what has fostered the Louis XV mentality of “after me, the deluge.” Let’s face it, we are a nation that doesn’t care about the future of our children. What is missing from the discussion is that the debt is permanently weighing down economic growth now.

Let’s peek into the numbers behind today’s topline GDP report. GDP comprises personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, government spending, and net exports. Seventy percent of the equation is consumption, and the robust 4.3 percent growth in consumption this quarter is a big part of what is keeping us even at 2.1 percent growth. This is not artificial and is good news. Consumption is a sign of a healthy job market, with more people earning money, as well as the tax cuts putting more cash in people’s pockets to spend. No matter whether our economy is fully free market or quasi-socialist, whenever there is more money in people’s pockets, these numbers will go up. We are now in a boom period, and the numbers are good.

But what else is propping up the number? Government spending! Gross government spending, which accounts for about 17.5 percent of the GDP pie, spiked 5 percent. Non-defense spending rose by 15.9 percent!


I guess I'm missing why you are trying to make this an all-Trump thing. Maybe you're not aware that economies are mainly the domain of Congress? Further, when pointing fingers at the debt, my first thought is the idiot Congress who in 2006 caused the spiraling banking crisis through the Dodd-Frank bill, then Obama coming in and rather than letting bad actors on Wall Street fail and reorganize, spent trillions bailing out the big boys too big to fail while letting the little guy twist in the wind.

We didn't get to 21-22 trillion overnight. When Obama took office in early 2009, we were only at about 9 trillion. It took Barack to put us at 19 trillion.

Now if you want to see that as a Trump deflection, knock yourself out, but the damage is already done.

Dodd Frank in 2006? Really?

I love it when you stupid fucks have to lie to blame Obama when anyone with a fucking brain knows Obama inherited a trillion plus deficit in the midst of the worst recession in 80 years.

BT, the debt was about 10.5 trillion when Obama took office - after your hero GW doubled the debt (after taking over a balanced budget).

All you assholes do is lie. Oh Obama did this & Obama did that.

The fact is Republicans nearly killed America under Bush, Obama brought us back, amd now Trump is taking us down .

Please, quit posting is get a fuickling education.

Look who’s calling us dumbasses! Fact is Bush went to the democrats and warned them the housing bubble was about to burst. Barney Frank laughed right in his face and Fannie and Freddie kept making loans they knew people could never pay back and guess what? Dummy! George Bush was right and the democrats were wrong. Obamallama did the same thing with college tuition.

Nice try, but Barney Frank could not stop anything from his minority position in the House.

What happened was Bush tried to take oversight of Fannie & Freddie away from Congress & put in into the Treasury Department.

The Republicans joined theDemocrats to stop that power play.

Anopther example of an ignmotsant fool too stupid to know what Bush was trying to do & too stupid to know Barney Frank could not stop shit in the House.

You claim to be in the middle, but for the last two-three years you have slid further and further left.
Let's start by addressing this lie for what must be the three thousandth time: Line 2 of my sig - 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

Maybe I'll need to address that lie ANOTHER three thousand times, huh? Whaddaya think?

Out of context arguments, straw man arguments (like this one), and so much other nonsense.

I'm sure I'm wasting my time with the OP but in case anyone sensible wants to read this:

We Trump supporters know and care about the debt. We Trump supporters know and care about our children and grand children. Knowing and caring is WHY we vote for Trump. Is he perfect? No. Is he even a Conservative? No. Do we wish he was? Well, maybe, at least on fiscal issues. But at this point in time, fiscal issues are second to the crisis facing us RIGHT NOW.

Illegal immigration
Horrible treaties
Excessive idiotic regulation
Liberal Activist Judges
Destruction of our culture
Invasion from within
Loss of rights

Things have gotten SO bad that fiscal issues need to be on the back burner. If the above aren't checked or eliminated, it won't matter what fiscal problems we leave for our descendants.

Trump is not perfect, no one says he is, but he's the best we have had and he's the man we need right now.
Precisely how is my posting a piece from Conservative Review an "out of context, straw man argument"? How is the first freakin' post in a thread "out of context"?

This piece is specifically about his handling of the economy and spending. Why are you trying to change the subject?

I know you agree with him on those other issues, and that's fine. This thread is pretty specific, and it's not about them.

But it sure has inspired a ton of anger and deflection, and I didn't write the piece. You guys should spend less time worrying about me and more time exposing yourselves to information outside the Trumpiverse and being intellectually honest.
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It would be interesting to see how a second term Trump would act. Right now his focus is on his base, and that wouldn't be necessary.

IMO the Democrats are alienating the Independents like myself with their antisemitic, pro illegal immigration, pro more free stuff rhetoric and that allows Trump to just concentrate on his base. No sane person IMO would vote Democrat now after they all raised their hands to give illegals free healthcare. We need fewer entitlements not more.
Yeah, the gap between the two parties keeps growing. I'll hold out hope for a decent third party candidate.

Your choice will be Biden or Trump. I recommend voting for Trump as he at least has a smidgeon of a chance to attack entitlements. Uncle Joe will just raise taxes and cross his fingers.
Trump will asttack entitlements to pay for his tax cut that he claimed would pay for itself.

Trump just keeps fucking you & you keep bending over.

I earned more because of the tax cuts so how exactly is that “fucking me”? I d love to hear the answer on this one, FakeDave.

It would be like I were to steal your bank card, withdraw $200.00 & then give you ten bucks. You'd be thanking me for the ten bucks ignorant that I took it from you in the first place.
Keep blaming Obama for the effects of the Bush recession. When Obama walked into the Oval Office, the deficit was already forecast at a trilliopn plus & the economy was shrinking at a rate over 6%.
BTW, dumbass, the bailing out of Wall Street was done under George W Bush. Are you stupid or just a liar? Seriously. I want an answer
BUSH RECESSION: Meatwhistle term for economic collapse caused by Dem-Controlled Congress who handled the economy. Dems boned us again.
BAILING OUT UNDER BUSH: Meatwhistle term for Dems trying to help out their crony friends get out from under another crisis they caused.
I WANT AN ANSWER: Meatwhistle complaint for when his mommy is late fixing his plate. Go suck a bag O dicks, meatpuppet, you don't get to make requests much less call any shots except the ones in your shorts.

The Bush recession started 4th quarter of 2007.

The Democrats took contrl of Congress in January of 2007.

LIst the stuff they did to create the recession.

Keep blaming Obama for the effects of the Bush recession. When Obama walked into the Oval Office, the deficit was already forecast at a trilliopn plus & the economy was shrinking at a rate over 6%.
BTW, dumbass, the bailing out of Wall Street was done under George W Bush. Are you stupid or just a liar? Seriously. I want an answer
BUSH RECESSION: Meatwhistle term for economic collapse caused by Dem-Controlled Congress who handled the economy. Dems boned us again.
BAILING OUT UNDER BUSH: Meatwhistle term for Dems trying to help out their crony friends get out from under another crisis they caused.
I WANT AN ANSWER: Meatwhistle complaint for when his mommy is late fixing his plate. Go suck a bag O dicks, meatpuppet, you don't get to make requests much less call any shots except the ones in your shorts.

The Bush recession started 4th quarter of 2007.

The Democrats took contrl of Congress in January of 2007.

LIst the stuff they did to create the recession.

For the love of all that is fucking holy, please don't ask these people to explain the Meltdown.

All they know is the CRA and Barney Frank. Just those pieces of the bigger picture. The whole CMO/CDO/CDS/derivatives/ratings agencies/banks horror show has never been explained to them within their universe.

Just walk away. It's not worth it.
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The Conservative Review isn't playing along. Good for them. Anyone who brings up Trump's exploding debt and flagging economy are immediately mocked by his obedient Trumpsters, but fortunately there are still some Conservatives who are not willing to lie and spin for him.

But I know, I know. The Trumpsters don't care.

Trump can’t be both the president of growth and the president of debt

Earlier today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the economy had grown just 2.1 percent during the second quarter of this year (ending June 30). It also revised Q4 of 2018 down to just 1.1 percent, which now means that growth during the 12 months ending Q4 of 2018 was only 2.5 percent, not 3 percent as previously thought. This means that the U.S. economy has now gone 14 years without a year-over-year growth of 3 percent. It’s been 19 years since we’ve hit 4 percent, which was during 1997-2000.

While the numbers don’t portend a coming recession, it is highly unusual for us to go for 16 consecutive months with unemployment below 4 percent and 43 months below 5 percent, yet never attain 3 or 4 percent annual GDP growth. In fact, that has never happened before. During the late 1990s, the unemployment rate ranged from 5.3 percent to 3.9 percent – not even as good as today’s 3.7 percent – yet GDP growth was over 4 percent. Ditto for the late 1960s, when we saw years of 6 percent growth. During the mid 1980s, we saw this growth even with higher unemployment rates.

The debt is not just a problem for future generations in terms of a fiscal cost that will be borne by taxpayers. The exclusive focus on the future is what has fostered the Louis XV mentality of “after me, the deluge.” Let’s face it, we are a nation that doesn’t care about the future of our children. What is missing from the discussion is that the debt is permanently weighing down economic growth now.

Let’s peek into the numbers behind today’s topline GDP report. GDP comprises personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, government spending, and net exports. Seventy percent of the equation is consumption, and the robust 4.3 percent growth in consumption this quarter is a big part of what is keeping us even at 2.1 percent growth. This is not artificial and is good news. Consumption is a sign of a healthy job market, with more people earning money, as well as the tax cuts putting more cash in people’s pockets to spend. No matter whether our economy is fully free market or quasi-socialist, whenever there is more money in people’s pockets, these numbers will go up. We are now in a boom period, and the numbers are good.

But what else is propping up the number? Government spending! Gross government spending, which accounts for about 17.5 percent of the GDP pie, spiked 5 percent. Non-defense spending rose by 15.9 percent!


We are missing one of the first things people learn in economics 101.


The best way to do that is with taxation and regulations.

We don't have proper taxation and regulation on business.

Most of the money in our economy is concentrated at the top. Those people don't spend enough and there's not enough of them to sustain growth in an economy.

It's the middle class and poor who spend the money that keeps a capitalistic economy healthy.

One other fact people learn in an economics 101 class is that capitalism will destroy itself without proper taxation and regulation. Without that, all that will result is monopolies and oligarchs. Which will implode the economy because there is no free flow of money in the economy.

Capitalism also needs proper competition to work properly. However without proper regulations, monopolies destroy competition. Competition drives innovation and keeps prices for goods and services lower.
IMO the Democrats are alienating the Independents like myself with their antisemitic, pro illegal immigration, pro more free stuff rhetoric and that allows Trump to just concentrate on his base. No sane person IMO would vote Democrat now after they all raised their hands to give illegals free healthcare. We need fewer entitlements not more.
Yeah, the gap between the two parties keeps growing. I'll hold out hope for a decent third party candidate.

Your choice will be Biden or Trump. I recommend voting for Trump as he at least has a smidgeon of a chance to attack entitlements. Uncle Joe will just raise taxes and cross his fingers.
Trump will asttack entitlements to pay for his tax cut that he claimed would pay for itself.

Trump just keeps fucking you & you keep bending over.

I earned more because of the tax cuts so how exactly is that “fucking me”? I d love to hear the answer on this one, FakeDave.

It would be like I were to steal your bank card, withdraw $200.00 & then give you ten bucks. You'd be thanking me for the ten bucks ignorant that I took it from you in the first place.

You avoided the question. I made more YoY because of the tax cuts. How do you explain that?
The Conservative Review isn't playing along. Good for them. Anyone who brings up Trump's exploding debt and flagging economy are immediately mocked by his obedient Trumpsters, but fortunately there are still some Conservatives who are not willing to lie and spin for him.

But I know, I know. The Trumpsters don't care.

Trump can’t be both the president of growth and the president of debt

Earlier today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the economy had grown just 2.1 percent during the second quarter of this year (ending June 30). It also revised Q4 of 2018 down to just 1.1 percent, which now means that growth during the 12 months ending Q4 of 2018 was only 2.5 percent, not 3 percent as previously thought. This means that the U.S. economy has now gone 14 years without a year-over-year growth of 3 percent. It’s been 19 years since we’ve hit 4 percent, which was during 1997-2000.

While the numbers don’t portend a coming recession, it is highly unusual for us to go for 16 consecutive months with unemployment below 4 percent and 43 months below 5 percent, yet never attain 3 or 4 percent annual GDP growth. In fact, that has never happened before. During the late 1990s, the unemployment rate ranged from 5.3 percent to 3.9 percent – not even as good as today’s 3.7 percent – yet GDP growth was over 4 percent. Ditto for the late 1960s, when we saw years of 6 percent growth. During the mid 1980s, we saw this growth even with higher unemployment rates.

The debt is not just a problem for future generations in terms of a fiscal cost that will be borne by taxpayers. The exclusive focus on the future is what has fostered the Louis XV mentality of “after me, the deluge.” Let’s face it, we are a nation that doesn’t care about the future of our children. What is missing from the discussion is that the debt is permanently weighing down economic growth now.

Let’s peek into the numbers behind today’s topline GDP report. GDP comprises personal consumption expenditures, gross private domestic investment, government spending, and net exports. Seventy percent of the equation is consumption, and the robust 4.3 percent growth in consumption this quarter is a big part of what is keeping us even at 2.1 percent growth. This is not artificial and is good news. Consumption is a sign of a healthy job market, with more people earning money, as well as the tax cuts putting more cash in people’s pockets to spend. No matter whether our economy is fully free market or quasi-socialist, whenever there is more money in people’s pockets, these numbers will go up. We are now in a boom period, and the numbers are good.

But what else is propping up the number? Government spending! Gross government spending, which accounts for about 17.5 percent of the GDP pie, spiked 5 percent. Non-defense spending rose by 15.9 percent!


We are missing one of the first things people learn in economics 101.


The best way to do that is with taxation and regulations.

We don't have proper taxation and regulation on business.

Most of the money in our economy is concentrated at the top. Those people don't spend enough and there's not enough of them to sustain growth in an economy.

It's the middle class and poor who spend the money that keeps a capitalistic economy healthy.

One other fact people learn in an economics 101 class is that capitalism will destroy itself without proper taxation and regulation. Without that, all that will result is monopolies and oligarchs. Which will implode the economy because there is no free flow of money in the economy.

Capitalism also needs proper competition to work properly. However without proper regulations, monopolies destroy competition. Competition drives innovation and keeps prices for goods and services lower.
The problem is, this is not Econ 101. It's Talk Radio Economics.

If only it were.

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