Trying to find the right movement to join to end corruption


Nov 17, 2011
Hi everyone, I am an expert in politics compared to all the right/left loons who bounce the crap to the left, elect the so called "democraps and republerals" who got this nation 16 tril in debt, basicaly destroying it, and right then accuse each other of failures, and I was wondering what you all think about this quote from the movement I am trying to start:

"There are thousands of movements trying to fight corruption, asking for your donations to do so. Once any particular movement gets moving and donations start coming in, naturally their priority becomes to handle the money and hold on to power, wanting to distance themselves instead of uniting, hence continuing the cycle of corruption.

Special interests are able to continuously hijack any such movements which accept donations, take them over and control the opposition by leading it. they will pretend that they agree, and they will tell the truth and seem legitimate. By pouring the money into these proxy movements they can make them look very professional, big and popular. But they all lack any clear solution. These movements are then purposely shifted to the left or right so that they can be discarded by society as a whole and fail."
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You want a good movement to join to end corruption?
It's called Church
You might as well have suggested TV land honey. I already have Jesus in my soul, nothing they can teach me in church.
Hi everyone, I'm new to politics, and see both left and right having some very valid points, but I don't think I fit in with either left or right, and I noticed the people who speak the most truth usually both lack answers and concentrate a lot on collecting donations... then I found this article, and I would like your opinion on it:

"There are thousands of movements trying to fight corruption, asking for your donations to do so. Once any particular movement gets moving and donations start coming in, naturally their priority becomes to handle the money and hold on to power, wanting to distance themselves instead of uniting, hence continuing the cycle of corruption.

Special interests are able to continuously hijack any such movements which accept donations, take them over and control the opposition by leading it. they will pretend that they agree, and they will tell the truth and seem legitimate. By pouring the money into these proxy movements they can make them look very professional, big and popular. But they all lack any clear solution. These movements are then purposely shifted to the left or right so that they can be discarded by society as a whole and fail."
Ya' need to read the board rules, and see that you must provide the link to the source of your "article".

You're welcome.
Ya' need to read the board rules, and see that you must provide the link to the source of your "article".

You're welcome.
Thanks genius, I tried, but it tells me I can not post links before I post 15 posts.
Which corruption? Are you talking about the Solandra corruption or the Fast/Furious illegal weapons to Mexico corruption? Perhaps the lack of oversight for Fannie Mae? Unless you are a socialist it's easy. Anyone but Obama.
Which corruption? Are you talking about the Solandra corruption or the Fast/Furious illegal weapons to Mexico corruption? Perhaps the lack of oversight for Fannie Mae? Unless you are a socialist it's easy. Anyone but Obama.

congressional insider trading?
allowing lobbyists to write bills that are submitted by a congressman?
You want a good movement to join to end corruption?
It's called Church
You might as well have suggested TV land honey. I already have Jesus in my soul, nothing they can teach me in church.

It's not just what you 'learn' in church that is important - I was a Baptist for 45 years with one year of Bible College - what is important is the Sacraments that can only be found in one of the Apostolic Churches - Catholic, Orthodox, Oriental or Anglican - and you might want to look into it. This is especially true of Baptism and Communion which includes the real presense in the Eucharist. This is something all four of those Apostolic Churches have believed for 2000 years and which was taught by the Apostles and the Church Fathers universally until the Protestant Reformation and even Luther didn't abandon the teaching, only relabled it under Consubstanciation.

I highly suggest you look into this teaching...
The most influential thing you can do is to speak out, loud and often and to vote. All political and special interest groups begin with noble goals but as they gain power, the primary goal becomes keeping that power and those noble goals become secondary.
It's not just what you 'learn' in church that is important - I was a Baptist for 45 years with one year of Bible College - what is important is the Sacraments that can only be found in one of the Apostolic Churches - Catholic, Orthodox, Oriental or Anglican - and you might want to look into it. This is especially true of Baptism and Communion which includes the real presense in the Eucharist. This is something all four of those Apostolic Churches have believed for 2000 years and which was taught by the Apostles and the Church Fathers universally until the Protestant Reformation and even Luther didn't abandon the teaching, only relabled it under Consubstanciation.

I highly suggest you look into this teaching...
Thanks for the advice..since you seem like a decent person, I will let you in on a little secret: I seek to bring out the church into the whole world and out of the confinement of the church buildings
The most influential thing you can do is to speak out, loud and often and to vote. All political and special interest groups begin with noble goals but as they gain power, the primary goal becomes keeping that power and those noble goals become secondary.
All correct. :clap2:

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