Tucker: Blacks target white women key to reproducing the white race

I’m glad you asked Hawk. Here is the clip he is outraged over. It is a specific segment calling out the women who on Jan 6 stood by white nationalists and proud boys.

As we become more primal the Tower of Babel that we have become will separate. Unity was not the direction our elite masters chose. They pushed diversity. Step by step it has led to the demonization of a race and a religion. So, this will play itself out.
You are wrong.


Proud BOys are not white nationalis, or white anything. Hell, their leader is a black guy.

Useless to reply to you.

Tucker took a specific criticism of women standing beside white nationalists and proud boys on Jan 6 ( I assume you’re not a white nationalist? If you are, then fuck off and leave the thread, if not read on) and Tucker used that criticism to run a segment that black people are targeting white women which are key to reproducing the white race.

Then he used Rwanda imagery to plant a seed that blacks were gonna hack up the white women like in Rwanda. It’s revolting. Surely you can criticize that’s without loving msnbc?
You said blacks WERE going to hack up white women. That implies a future act. That's not true. Blacks ARE hacking up white women. Most recently a random attack with shears stabbing a woman in the head and neck. The impetus to commit these kinds of acts are coming from someplace.
Tucker went full white nationalist and called white women key to the white race under attack by blacks.

Talked about race war ending like a Rwanda blood bath.

It’s no dog whistle but a full on bull horn shouting from conservative mainstream media.

wait....a white person can't even call out a black anchor for racist remarks withoiut being called a racist for it?

The issue isn't Tucker, it's the lady he called out for her horrible racist attack....but hey...Tucker works for Fox
So showing clips of how racist the blacks are on MSNBC makes him a “white nationalist”?

Did you watch the full video?

Those black commentators where saying white women are evil.

Comparing the USA to Rwanda is full blown white nationalist. And yes I watched the full video.

No they are not saying "white women are evil". They are saying that white nationalism is violent and dangerous not "white people".

Carlson is twisting the words into things they are not, which is the essence of white nationalist propaganda.
Here is the actual clip, not a highly edited version the leftwing propagandists are putting out:

Thanks, further proof that when the demafacist start accusing people of stuff...they are in fact already doing it.
Here is the actual clip, not a highly edited version the leftwing propagandists are putting out:

Those racists at MSNBC are some fucking retards. Once again Tucker nails all of them.
No response eh? There is nothing edited. Watch your link. It’s 13 minutes. He says it all.
Of course it's edited....you miss the entire context....in fact he's calling out the lady for her racism....typical dembots, can't address the real issue, and deflect to accuse the messager for what it is you all are doing.
Of course it's edited....you miss the entire context....in fact he's calling out the lady for her racism....typical dembots, can't address the real issue, and deflect to accuse the messager for what it is you all are doing.
There was no racism expressed by the clips of msnbc. Give me the exact comment you are concerned about. You can’t.
Comparing the USA to Rwanda is full blown white nationalist. And yes I watched the full video.

No they are not saying "white women are evil". They are saying that white nationalism is violent and dangerous not "white people".

Carlson is twisting the words into things they are not, which is the essence of white nationalist propaganda.
Yes, they are saying white men are evil. Labeling them “white nationalists” doesn’t give them a pass.

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