Tucker Carlson for President

That response is lacking key points and almost just a complete reiteration of your last post and every person on the US message board who somehow thinks Russia is the only country that has invaded other countries and forgets about American military involvement and how the global world should work….how major powers of the post ww2 world should work together when one of the major powers invade another country. Much of the world does not agree with the US supporting Ukraine. Countries such as India and China home to billions of people have a different view of this war and it’s always tell me to take into account what other nuclear powers of the world have to think everyone is actually a democrat if one is a Republican and cares about America’s position in the global world and us remaining on top… means we should have workable relations with other super powers.

Your makes it appear that you agree with American exceptionalism. And that only we have the ability and the right to invade other countries. You know when American fought in Vietnam …people all over the world including in the United States from Americans American soldiers were called rapists and baby killers… not to mention our involvement in Iraq and are use of military power all throughout the world.

Today Russia is being accused of all sorts of crimes in Ukraine not really different from the accusations against Americas wars… we as independent thinkers able to independently think about the war Ukraine.

the narrative you describe would be one that makes Russians evil. That’s just something that doesn’t hold any weight ….not much of a difference between a Russian soldier and a American soldier .

And to your point Sudan has tons of violence all sorts of poverty issues mass poverty widespread in the country. Hundreds of people have been killed in the recent military conflict. Many more have been killed in all sorts of conflicts in Africa in the 1990s and 21st century… where is the American media on that, where is the far left people who have Ukrainian flags in their front yards on that one, ? why don’t they have a flag or sign for the starving children in Africa?

And of course the lazy anti-free speech view that anybody who opposes America’s involvement in the Russia Ukraine war as a Russian agent. I don’t want to see a war in Ukraine the invasion by Russia is not a good thing I think, but America’s involvement in it is a whole different dimension a whole different topic. Again why are we not involved in all of the conflict in Africa were children are slaves working for people who produce minerals for the world like diamond copper, gold and other minerals.

Why are we not sending billions of dollars of military equipment to Mexicans to fight the drug cartels whose product has killed millions of people?

any war America has been involved has seen American war criminals. And there are criminals in Ukraine and Russia… but Russia is not on the same level as say Isil or the third Reich. Russia like Ukraine is a light authoritarian country, Ukraine has a oligarchy issue similar to Russia they have corruption issues and they have also historically long been a part of the Soviet union for many decades.. there are people in Ukraine who support Russia it’s more like a Civil War conflict so it’s not necessarily one that benefits the US to get involved in.

Way to push the Russian propaganda there. When America enters into a country to claim land and specifically kill, torture it's civilians and steal their children, I'll be the first on here to condemn those actions and protest the government on the streets.

Mexico is a sovereign nation. If they have a gang problem, that's their internal issue. No country is invading mexico to take their land and kill it's people.

What's happening in Ukraine is not a civil war, not by a long shot. Russia has entered into a different country and committed genocide. Entering into Ukrainian cities and killing and torturing the residents is precisely what the third reich did. We aren't talking about some rogue russian here and there committing war crimes. Prigozhin has even ordered the killing of all civilians within areas they controlled. That includes children as well. And Tucker Carlson is going around and rooting for Russia to win. That aren't many bigger, slimier scumbags than this guy, and you want him leading this country? LMAO
Tucker Carlson should definitely run for president. He is a hero an all American hero and people on the left by calling him a “liar” they are willingly lying either they’re on drugs and they simply repeat whatever they were told by their slave masters on CNN, on the view or by Democrats like AOC the tyrant.

How could anybody here support AOC you lefties talk about a “ liar “well AOC said she would oppose Israel and yet she votes in favor of the iron dome missile defense system. And I got nothing against the Israeli people or the Palestinians I am showing you people on the left that you are game played and you’re getting played for a fool by AOC and the squad. And now AOC is one of the biggest tyrants in America threatening to suppress freedom of speech all over this country…. she is a disgrace to the great Democrats of history. And I can’t believe that my own fellow Democrats support her.

No one who is a patriot cares that Mr. Carlson has changed a few viewpoints on Donald Trump ….that doesn’t make him a liar. It makes the far left the a threat to democracy for making things up about their opponents in debate, for destroying our economy, getting us involved in this insane war in Ukraine when Russia poses zero threat to America…. so much for the far left and Neo conservative supporting the cause of World War II

“ oh your a russobot”

^When Democrats and the conservatives have nothing else to say they resort to the talking points of their slave masters the mainstream media…. anyone who opposes their anti-American agenda is a “Russian agent”

The high gas prices of course drives up the price of everything else. Nobody can afford a home in America unless they’re rich. And our middle class has been utterly wrecked. Somebody like Tucker Carlson he’s a hard hitter he’s going to hold people accountable, and he cares about the workingman. But for those brainwashed racists on the far left for those brainwashed Nazis on the far left, for those Tyrants who follow AOC they never watch Tucker Carlson… they don’t even know that he interviews all sorts of people far left wingers, right wingers main stream Democrats. The man clearly cares about this country he’s been married to the same woman for 30 years his high school sweetheart. You don’t see that anymore these days what an incredible example of a great family man in Tucker Carlson…. he’s been with the same woman his whole life, he’s got a great family he doesn’t even have a mansion and he’s got millions and millions of dollars he just has a regular house….the guy goes fishing and he comes from a political background his dad was involved in politics

A hero rises in Tucker Carlson,

20 years ago, 10 years ago perhaps even five years ago all of the left-wing posters here would have praised Tucker Carlson for how he stood up for that black communist who did not agree with supporting Ukraine and who is now facing 10 years in prison for doing so. But now so many far left Democrats in America are completely brainwashed into supporting men going into women’s bathrooms, into supporting racist job hiring quotas, and blindly being told how to live their life “shut your mouth and put your mask on and take the Jab “ and the left listens and they pick their mask on… they applaud Joe Biden and the Democrats for putting out trillions of dollars in so-called stimulus money utterly up ending and wrecking things for so many people….now the home mortgage loan rates have more than tripled…. OK people literally can’t afford a home it’s no longer a joke.

Tucker 2024 !!!!

Praise God

First and foremost, Tucker Carlson is unqualified to be President and it would be a disaster for him. He doesn't have the necessary connections to even put together a competent staff, much less the personal knowledge or credentials to know who would work effectively in his Cabinet.

However, Frank Miele, writing for Real Clear Politics, speculates that the Murdochs, who definitely do not want the Democrats defeated in 2024, may keep Tucker on the payroll until his contract expires in December 2024 and keep him sidelined which would effectively muzzle him until the election is over.

To remedy that, Tucker could announce his candidacy for President without actually intending to seriously run and Fox News would not then be able to silence his voice.

It is definitely an interesting idea and could be a lot of fun. :)
Tucker Carlson should definitely run for president. Democrats like AOC the tyrant.

Gee, I wonder if they are the same slacks she used to wear bartending while lighting her own farts?!

Screen Shot 2022-04-30 at 6.57.41 PM.png

I love it when AOC and other dems talk about "the incitement of violence by Tucker and Trump!" Where is this violence? Too bad none of their paid-for journalist hacks ever ask them where all this violence is?! Meanwhile they ignore riot after riot in city after city from Baltimore and Ferguson to Portland and all across the country wrecking city after city as businesses leave boarding up from the crime, looting and destruction of the left.
First and foremost, Tucker Carlson is unqualified to be President and it would be a disaster for him. He doesn't have the necessary connections to even put together a competent staff, much less the personal knowledge or credentials to know who would work effectively in his Cabinet.
... uh
Tucker Carlson should definitely run for president. He is a hero an all American hero and people on the left by calling him a “liar” they are willingly lying either they’re on drugs and they simply repeat whatever they were told by their slave masters on CNN, on the view or by Democrats like AOC the tyrant.

How could anybody here support AOC you lefties talk about a “ liar “well AOC said she would oppose Israel and yet she votes in favor of the iron dome missile defense system. And I got nothing against the Israeli people or the Palestinians I am showing you people on the left that you are game played and you’re getting played for a fool by AOC and the squad. And now AOC is one of the biggest tyrants in America threatening to suppress freedom of speech all over this country…. she is a disgrace to the great Democrats of history. And I can’t believe that my own fellow Democrats support her.

No one who is a patriot cares that Mr. Carlson has changed a few viewpoints on Donald Trump ….that doesn’t make him a liar. It makes the far left the a threat to democracy for making things up about their opponents in debate, for destroying our economy, getting us involved in this insane war in Ukraine when Russia poses zero threat to America…. so much for the far left and Neo conservative supporting the cause of World War II

“ oh your a russobot”

^When Democrats and the conservatives have nothing else to say they resort to the talking points of their slave masters the mainstream media…. anyone who opposes their anti-American agenda is a “Russian agent”

The high gas prices of course drives up the price of everything else. Nobody can afford a home in America unless they’re rich. And our middle class has been utterly wrecked. Somebody like Tucker Carlson he’s a hard hitter he’s going to hold people accountable, and he cares about the workingman. But for those brainwashed racists on the far left for those brainwashed Nazis on the far left, for those Tyrants who follow AOC they never watch Tucker Carlson… they don’t even know that he interviews all sorts of people far left wingers, right wingers main stream Democrats. The man clearly cares about this country he’s been married to the same woman for 30 years his high school sweetheart. You don’t see that anymore these days what an incredible example of a great family man in Tucker Carlson…. he’s been with the same woman his whole life, he’s got a great family he doesn’t even have a mansion and he’s got millions and millions of dollars he just has a regular house….the guy goes fishing and he comes from a political background his dad was involved in politics

A hero rises in Tucker Carlson,

20 years ago, 10 years ago perhaps even five years ago all of the left-wing posters here would have praised Tucker Carlson for how he stood up for that black communist who did not agree with supporting Ukraine and who is now facing 10 years in prison for doing so. But now so many far left Democrats in America are completely brainwashed into supporting men going into women’s bathrooms, into supporting racist job hiring quotas, and blindly being told how to live their life “shut your mouth and put your mask on and take the Jab “ and the left listens and they pick their mask on… they applaud Joe Biden and the Democrats for putting out trillions of dollars in so-called stimulus money utterly up ending and wrecking things for so many people….now the home mortgage loan rates have more than tripled…. OK people literally can’t afford a home it’s no longer a joke.

Tucker 2024 !!!!

Praise God

Did TUCKS respond to those love letters you've been sending him?
Tucker Carlson should definitely run for president. He is a hero an all American hero and people on the left by calling him a “liar” they are willingly lying either they’re on drugs and they simply repeat whatever they were told by their slave masters on CNN, on the view or by Democrats like AOC the tyrant.

How could anybody here support AOC you lefties talk about a “ liar “well AOC said she would oppose Israel and yet she votes in favor of the iron dome missile defense system. And I got nothing against the Israeli people or the Palestinians I am showing you people on the left that you are game played and you’re getting played for a fool by AOC and the squad. And now AOC is one of the biggest tyrants in America threatening to suppress freedom of speech all over this country…. she is a disgrace to the great Democrats of history. And I can’t believe that my own fellow Democrats support her.

No one who is a patriot cares that Mr. Carlson has changed a few viewpoints on Donald Trump ….that doesn’t make him a liar. It makes the far left the a threat to democracy for making things up about their opponents in debate, for destroying our economy, getting us involved in this insane war in Ukraine when Russia poses zero threat to America…. so much for the far left and Neo conservative supporting the cause of World War II

“ oh your a russobot”

^When Democrats and the conservatives have nothing else to say they resort to the talking points of their slave masters the mainstream media…. anyone who opposes their anti-American agenda is a “Russian agent”

The high gas prices of course drives up the price of everything else. Nobody can afford a home in America unless they’re rich. And our middle class has been utterly wrecked. Somebody like Tucker Carlson he’s a hard hitter he’s going to hold people accountable, and he cares about the workingman. But for those brainwashed racists on the far left for those brainwashed Nazis on the far left, for those Tyrants who follow AOC they never watch Tucker Carlson… they don’t even know that he interviews all sorts of people far left wingers, right wingers main stream Democrats. The man clearly cares about this country he’s been married to the same woman for 30 years his high school sweetheart. You don’t see that anymore these days what an incredible example of a great family man in Tucker Carlson…. he’s been with the same woman his whole life, he’s got a great family he doesn’t even have a mansion and he’s got millions and millions of dollars he just has a regular house….the guy goes fishing and he comes from a political background his dad was involved in politics

A hero rises in Tucker Carlson,

20 years ago, 10 years ago perhaps even five years ago all of the left-wing posters here would have praised Tucker Carlson for how he stood up for that black communist who did not agree with supporting Ukraine and who is now facing 10 years in prison for doing so. But now so many far left Democrats in America are completely brainwashed into supporting men going into women’s bathrooms, into supporting racist job hiring quotas, and blindly being told how to live their life “shut your mouth and put your mask on and take the Jab “ and the left listens and they pick their mask on… they applaud Joe Biden and the Democrats for putting out trillions of dollars in so-called stimulus money utterly up ending and wrecking things for so many people….now the home mortgage loan rates have more than tripled…. OK people literally can’t afford a home it’s no longer a joke.

Tucker 2024 !!!!

Praise God

Fucker who?
Gee, I wonder if they are the same slacks she used to wear bartending while lighting her own farts?!

View attachment 783359

I love it when AOC and other dems talk about "the incitement of violence by Tucker and Trump!" Where is this violence? Too bad none of their paid-for journalist hacks ever ask them where all this violence is?! Meanwhile they ignore riot after riot in city after city from Baltimore and Ferguson to Portland and all across the country wrecking city after city as businesses leave boarding up from the crime, looting and destruction of the left.
Must burn your ass that AOC has done well for yourself while you're just another one of Trump's asseaters.
Must burn your ass that AOC has done well for yourself while you're just another one of Trump's asseaters.

Huh? AOC has done well for me? WTF you on, Clumpy? Another Celestial Terrestrial Commuter.

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