Tucker's Lies and Propaganda

Because J6 was an attack on the fountions of our government.
And there's the HUGE difference between the Left and the Right in this Nation.

The LEFT bows at the altar of the Government, adores and worships Government. Places Government above the people,in fact sees that the people are here to serve the Government.
NOTE, this is contrary to principles espoused in the Declaration of Independence and codified with the USA Constitution.

The RIGHT sees government as the servant of the People. They see that history shows that governments will evolve to expand their grasp and reach for power,wealth, and control of the People. Whereas our Nation's Foundations are for the People to control the government. To constrain it's powers as much as needed to keep it in place as subservient, no larger nor powerful than the minimum needed to provide the limited duties and responsibilities as defined in our Constitution. As outlined in the Preamble;

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

In the Summer of 2020, during the range of @120 days of insurrection, riot, vandalsism, arsons, assaults, looting, murders, attacks upon many police stations and government buildings, etc. in dozens of cities through out our Nation, Our National (Federal) Government did NOT uphold it's duties to "We the People".

It did NOT "insure domestic Tranquility".
NOR "provide for the common defense".
It did NOT "promote the general Welfare"; as in limiting, preventing, and punishing those whom did the riot, arson, looting, insurrection, assault and murders, etc.
Nor did it "secure the Blessings of Liberty" to those whom were the victims of the thousands of AntiFa and BLM Leftists whose seditions and insurrections were a nationwide threat to the foundations of our Nation!

The scale of difference and danger of the two is on the range of a thousand to one.
You Leftist and your fascists AntiFa and BLM are the real dangers to our nation and threat to our Liberties and Rights.
You are the Enemy within, and agents of our enemies outside.
This guy is using the January 6th video footage to gaslight his viewers, twisting events and flat-out lying, either directly, or by omission, or by just completely getting the facts wrong. Most likely on purpose, judging by his history. This is what everyone predicted that he would do. I'll post examples as I find them.

Wrong it's the opposite, MSNBC
Morning Joe explicitely stated that the Buffalo Soldier guy carrying the flag broke into the window of the Capitol and Tucker merely showed the truth that he was let in the door and showed he waltzed through the door now the window and not breaking window nor into anything. Morning Joe not just lied, but to Confuse his duped audience he showed footages of others breaking a window to try and set his false narrative and trick his audience. So by you attacking truth and reality to protect that lie by Joe, means you are the propagandist trying to gas light everything. Furthermore footage was shown that nobody seen or knew about by the MSM and Jan 6th charade committee hiding stuff. Video showed he was cordialy invited and escorted around various halls and rooms of the bldg and showed a backing to what was being seen so it was not subjective it was fact he was being escorted around, by way of his prayer speech when they allowed him the podium to speak-whereby he prayed for and thanked them for " letting him in and giving him the tour, showing him around".
If we didn't see this footage we would not have known this important fact that busted the Lying MSM and committees narrative, which also exposes his sentencing as liken to something Russia or China would do to political prisoners.
Truth does not need lying to cover it up not or censorship, revenge, nor political rival arrests, nor obstruction, nor intimidation-therefore the process that was done, and your continued use of propaganda to support this fascist behavior reveals you lawless ones are not just the children of "darkness" (lies, ignorance, and folly) but also sociopaths- and we rebuke you evil ones destroying paradise and creating hell on earth.

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