Tulsa police officer charged with manslaughter

A critical examination of this incident, which probably will end up costing the City of Tulsa a million dollars or more, as well as adding to an increasingly common impression of American police as trigger-happy goons, will involve much more than the basic elements of legal propriety. Regardless of your personal feelings, or mine, where Crutcher or people like Crutcher are concerned, there are political forces at work in American society which cannot be disregarded simply because we might want them to be. This is not 1930.

These anti-police demonstrations, which typically include the looting of local businesses and the malicious destruction of property, are not simple annoyances. They get the attention of prominent, politically powerful entities which undoubtedly are concerned with the reasons for some of the recent police shootings which are provoking these costly mini-riots.
Want to let us in on what you're talking about ?
If you don't understand it, ask someone for help.
The Crutcher family lawyer is saying that the helicopter video proves that the driver's window was closed. Looking at it objectively, it looks to me like, if the video proves anything, it might prove the driver window to be OPEN.

You can very clearly see the seats inside the car. Considerably more clear than through the front windshield, which is usually the most clear of all the windows.And in this vehicle the the driver side window is slightly tinted (darker than the front winshield). No question. It's an open window. I'd say just the comparison of the driver's window area and the front windshield clinches it.


That video shows me maybe that window is open 2/3 of way down? The seat belt may be the item looks like blood stream down window? hard to be 100% certain.........but it could be. 1:00 mark.
I think it is the seat belt showing through the open window, and blood on the door.

He was shot in the upper chest but somehow the blood on the car starts waist high on the door? Not likely.
That's most certainly blood on the window.
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So due to the window being wide open, and the video showing Crutcher's left arm going into it, and inside the car, it could only be a self-defense situation.

Maybe the schools ought to teach people how to act when confronted by the police.

We are seeing a rash of black men with no clue of what to do, and acting incredibly ignorant and dangerous to themselves. This could be a lot more useful than studying 12th century Nordic poetry.

Officer Betty said she cleared the inside of the vehicle on the driver side before interacting with Scott.
Even if he were reaching, she knew there was no weapon within reach.

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The details of these lawsuits, the vast majority of which are settled, are not posted on the Internet. But if you'd like a closer look at the volume of suits lodged against New York City Police (Transit, Housing and Correction) and the multi-millions of dollars they cost taxpayers each year, just do a quick Google search under the basic keywords. You might be surprised.

Interestingly, I've never met an ordinary New York City taxpayer who realizes how many police misconduct lawsuits are filed and settled -- five days a week, 52 weeks a year. Not one. And it's never publicized.
For all that talk, you have no source/link. Are we we just supposed to take all this on faith ?
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If Zimmerman had shot Martin without having that little gash on his forehead to support his self-defense story there is a very strong possibility a jury would have convicted him of murder.

An ordinary civilian does not get away with blowing someone away quite as easily as you are suggesting. Initiating circumstances, including provocation, unavoidable necessity and various peripheral factors, are critically important.
If they would have convicted him of murder then THEY would have been the guilty ones, of convicting an innocent man. Self-defense is not defined by head gashes. Just someone coming at you threateningly, and within the infamous 21 foot zone, is enough to constitute a self-defense. What did you think > That you must be bleeding, and in the process of getting killed, before you can take action to defend yourself ?
Wasn't Crutcher's car stopped right in the middle of the road ? That's a traffic hazard and could possibly even cause a accident.
It's a traffic offense. Victimless. Possibly a breakdown. And Crutcher's erratic behavior could be the result of any number of mental or physical disorders. It's not like he was an armed robbery suspect.
FALSE! Since I posted the post you quoted I heard more about it. Crutcher's car was on the median line, being a hazard to cars coming in both directions. his doors were also wide open, and his motor running while he was wandering around on the road (another traffic hazard. This idiot could have gotten people killed. I think it's worse than an armed robbery.
Of course it is not. He was having an episode, so the cops shot him. Protectionist, you are acting idiotically, and that is nothing new for you.
Officer Betty said she cleared the inside of the vehicle on the driver side before interacting with Scott.
Even if he were reaching, she knew there was no weapon within reach.

FALSE! Cleared only means a visual inspection. there could have been a gun under a towel, under the seat, in a console, or in a glove compartment, and she didn't check the passenger side even visually.
The window was rolled up, the door was closed, so protectionist is merely saying, "shoot the black man because he is a black man."
Of course it is not. He was having an episode, so the cops shot him. Protectionist, you are acting idiotically, and that is nothing new for you.
He was shot because he acted in such as way (when his left arm went into the car), as to be a life-threat to the officer. Get a brain, toad.
Of course it is not. He was having an episode, so the cops shot him. Protectionist, you are acting idiotically, and that is nothing new for you.
He was shot because he acted in such as way (when his left arm went into the car), as to be a life-threat to the officer. Get a brain, toad.
You are lying. The door was shut, the window was rolled up, his arm went nowhere.

She was arrested because she shot an unarmed man who was not an imminent threat.
Officer Betty said she cleared the inside of the vehicle on the driver side before interacting with Scott.
Even if he were reaching, she knew there was no weapon within reach.

FALSE! Cleared only means a visual inspection. there could have been a gun under a towel, under the seat, in a console, or in a glove compartment, and she didn't check the passenger side even visually.
The window was rolled up, the door was closed, so protectionist is merely saying, "shoot the black man because he is a black man."
And the gun he was going for
The window was rolled up, the door was closed, so protectionist is merely saying, "shoot the black man because he is a black man."
HA HA HA. The idiotic window rolled up nonsense was obliterated 3 days ago. Try to keep up. The discussion has already moved on to why the prosecutor has falsely accused the officer. It has also already revealed a pattern of false accusation, stemming from Kunzweiler's previous charge in the Bates/Harris case, where standard of care was overlooked (among other things) and an appeal reversal in suspected for both cases.

I notice Joke can't resist throwing the race card in though. To liberals that's the same as wearing shoes. :rolleyes-41:
You are lying. The door was shut, the window was rolled up, his arm went nowhere.

She was arrested because she shot an unarmed man who was not an imminent threat.
Idiot. His arm is VISIBLE going into the car in the video. You haven't heard ? You are posting stuff from 4 days ago.

Also, If Crutcher's hand was inside the car, it is self-defense. Campbell said Crutcher's left hand was "unobservable" That makes self-defense a possibility, and destroys the prosecution's case, since they would have to prove self-defense impossible.

If you have a problem with Cambell's assessment that Crutcher's hand was "unobservable", let's hear it. :D

From the article:

"There was no weapon found in the car."

Watch how scumbags try to change this fact over the next 48 hours...

I got a dollar says she walks ... she had reason to believe there was a weapon in the car. There is no other practicable rationale for his actions.

Of course they charged her .... that was more politics than law.

she had reason to believe there was a weapon in the car. There is no other practicable rationale for his actions.

Obviously there is dope as there was no weapon found and she is charged.
Why didn't he comply to commands? Now he's dead. Fuck him.
Fuck YOU! Do you know what the commands were? If you don't, STFU. Likely two officers were shouting conflicting commands. Do you obey the officer with the taser or the one with the gun? I guess he disobeyed the one with the taser who then shot him and made him disobey the orders of the one with the gun when he dropped his hands in agony. You are one dumb racist stupid MF… No deep thinking or compassion at all… Fuck YOU!
From the article:

"There was no weapon found in the car."

Watch how scumbags try to change this fact over the next 48 hours...

I got a dollar says she walks ... she had reason to believe there was a weapon in the car. There is no other practicable rationale for his actions.

Of course they charged her .... that was more politics than law.

she had reason to believe there was a weapon in the car. There is no other practicable rationale for his actions.

Obviously there is dope as there was no weapon found and she is charged.
Why didn't he comply to commands? Now he's dead. Fuck him.
Fuck YOU! Do you know what the commands were? If you don't, STFU. Likely two officers were shouting conflicting commands. Do you obey the officer with the taser or the one with the gun? I guess he disobeyed the one with the taser who then shot him and made him disobey the orders of the one with the gun when he dropped his hands in agony. You are one dumb racist stupid MF… No deep thinking or compassion at all… Fuck YOU!
Nap time for you, Uggums.
The rioting is NOT a "result of the progression of police shootings which seem unnecessary" The shootings that have been occuring all DID seem necessary. I don't recall seeing any unecessary ones.
They may seem necessary to you but obviously not to everyone.
Yes. there are quite a few people brainwashed by the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson/Crump race hustlers machine.

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