Tulsa police officer charged with manslaughter

From the article:

"There was no weapon found in the car."

Watch how scumbags try to change this fact over the next 48 hours...

So what? The Cop didn't know that. The fact that she's been charged Is a miscarriage of justice. It's clear the perp was reaching into his car before getting shot. This officer will be found not guilty.
How was he reaching into a car with the windows closed?
How's she supposed to see that from BEHIND the car? She did what was right....coon should have stopped and got on ground and NONE of this would have happened.
^Alt-Right supporter of Drumpf
(CNN) Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby has been charged with felony manslaughter in the first degree, Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler told reporters Thursday.

Shelby fatally shot 40-year-old Terence Crutcher after his SUV stopped in a roadway last week.

Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby charged with manslaughter - CNN.com

What the fuck do you mean, "why?" BECAUSE SHE SHOT AND KILLED HIM, IDIOT.
He made a sudden action in light of commands from her. She has a right to defend her own life.
While sad, I am glad to see them charge her so quickly. She was woefully trained and over reacted. Those sorts of people should not be cops. Period end of story.

Yeah they should have charged her, even with training, you never know how people are going to act with adrenalin surging through their body until they are facing an actual situation. All the training in the world can't replicate that. We saw the same thing with the shooting of Oscar Grant in Oakland. I don't believe these were cases of racism and it's too bad people will use this as such. Never the less, i think a prosecution is in order you cant just take an innocent life without legal repercussions .

This is Mummers Theater in OKC, where I practiced my religion, chasing gals and performing....
“Officer Shelby reacted unreasonably by escalating the situation from a confrontation with Mr. Crutcher, who was not responding to verbal commands and was walking away from her with his hands held up, becoming emotionally involved to the point that she overreacted,” the affidavit says.

Oh this DA must be a fucking dumocrat....blaming the COP for escalating the situation when its the drugged out coon who REFUSED to listen to orders.
Nope, he's a fucking Republican.

Kunzweiler wins Tulsa County district attorney's seat

You just can't git anything right, can ya? :badgrin:
How was he reaching into a car with the windows closed?
How's she supposed to see that from BEHIND the car? She did what was right....coon should have stopped and got on ground and NONE of this would have happened.
Why are you lying? Through her attorney, she said she saw him reaching into the vehicle's window.
I'm not lying. I am explaining things from MY point of view. From MY point of view she can't see if the window is up or down. Again its his fault.Listen to the instructions and don't get shot!
Your point of view is meaningless. Her's will be the one on trial, not yours. And her claim is she shot him because he was reaching into the window of the vehicle.

That's gonna be a yuge hurdle for her to overcome.

The window was up.

It's down. The windows are tinted. I see leather tan seats.
We've already established you're blind and can't see the blood on the window. And vehicles often have a darker tint on tbe rear window's.
“Officer Shelby reacted unreasonably by escalating the situation from a confrontation with Mr. Crutcher, who was not responding to verbal commands and was walking away from her with his hands held up, becoming emotionally involved to the point that she overreacted,” the affidavit says.

Oh this DA must be a fucking dumocrat....blaming the COP for escalating the situation when its the drugged out coon who REFUSED to listen to orders.
Nope, he's a fucking Republican.

Kunzweiler wins Tulsa County district attorney's seat

You just can't git anything right, can ya? :badgrin:
Way to catch up with the rest of us moron! He's about as republican as Romney,Bush,McCain etc etc etc
(CNN) Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby has been charged with felony manslaughter in the first degree, Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler told reporters Thursday.

Shelby fatally shot 40-year-old Terence Crutcher after his SUV stopped in a roadway last week.

Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby charged with manslaughter - CNN.com

What the fuck do you mean, "why?" BECAUSE SHE SHOT AND KILLED HIM, IDIOT.
He made a sudden action in light of commands from her. She has a right to defend her own life.

He was stupid, but she still over reacted, two things happened i think. One thing of note though, today I was listening to a swat team member on a talk show. He was talking about training and this very subject, as he said he often trains members of other departments. He was saying the point most NON- police don't understand is their (cops) reaction, can never match a suspects Action speed. He was saying in training exercises, cops "die" all the time when they try to do so. The point being only that its a lot harder than most people think. The public may see what they think is a cop shooting someone cold and calculated, but they have no idea what is going through the cops mind and the adrenalin rush. When Oscar Grant in Oakland was shot to death by a rookie cop, The guy Meserleigh just stood there in shock for a while, onlookers said, not even realizing what he did. They never know how well a cops training actually was until they get in a live situation. Unfortunantly, its the hard way to find out you have a bad cop, unable to handle the stress
Vote for Hillary. It will be like having your wife yelling at you for four fucking years. Won't that be great!

And complaining about headaches, but at least she wont spend any time golfing.
Shelby was a "drug expert."

She knew how to "recognize" a problem then.

Why did she not notice the door was closed and the window rolled up.

Yeah, she will be tried.

And probably put on probation. The bar for prosecuting a police officer is very, very high. And the policemen's unions will be all over this, and they have very good lawyers.

True enough. Although I seriously doubt they'll get a conviction here considering the track record on convicting cops, or should I say the lack of convictions for questionable police actions/shootings in the recent past.
“Officer Shelby reacted unreasonably by escalating the situation from a confrontation with Mr. Crutcher, who was not responding to verbal commands and was walking away from her with his hands held up, becoming emotionally involved to the point that she overreacted,” the affidavit says.

Oh this DA must be a fucking dumocrat....blaming the COP for escalating the situation when its the drugged out coon who REFUSED to li8sten to orders.
Nope, he's a fucking Republican.

Kunzweiler wins Tulsa County district attorney's seat

You just can't git anything right, can ya? :badgrin:
Way to catch up with the rest of us moron! He's about as republican as Romney,Bush,McCain etc etc etc
You thought he was a Democrat. You were wrong about that just like you've been wrong about everything.
“Officer Shelby reacted unreasonably by escalating the situation from a confrontation with Mr. Crutcher, who was not responding to verbal commands and was walking away from her with his hands held up, becoming emotionally involved to the point that she overreacted,” the affidavit says.

Oh this DA must be a fucking dumocrat....blaming the COP for escalating the situation when its the drugged out coon who REFUSED to li8sten to orders.
Nope, he's a fucking Republican.

Kunzweiler wins Tulsa County district attorney's seat

You just can't git anything right, can ya? :badgrin:
Way to catch up with the rest of us moron! He's about as republican as Romney,Bush,McCain etc etc etc
You thought he was a Democrat. You were wrong about that just like you've been wrong about everything.
Still behind on this dipstick.....you posted what I had already posted 30 mins before you did! RINO or democrat same shit just different name in deep red Oklahoma.
“Officer Shelby reacted unreasonably by escalating the situation from a confrontation with Mr. Crutcher, who was not responding to verbal commands and was walking away from her with his hands held up, becoming emotionally involved to the point that she overreacted,” the affidavit says.

Oh this DA must be a fucking dumocrat....blaming the COP for escalating the situation when its the drugged out coon who REFUSED to li8sten to orders.
Nope, he's a fucking Republican.

Kunzweiler wins Tulsa County district attorney's seat

You just can't git anything right, can ya? :badgrin:
Way to catch up with the rest of us moron! He's about as republican as Romney,Bush,McCain etc etc etc
You thought he was a Democrat. You were wrong about that just like you've been wrong about everything.
Still behind on this dipstick.....you posted what I had already posted 30 mins before you did! RINO or democrat same shit just different name in deep red Oklahoma.
Again... you were wrong about his political affiliation, wrong about Shelby's ability to see the window, wrong about the window being down, wrong about it all; and now you're guessing someone's political leaning despite knowing nothing about him before wrongly guessing what political party he belongs to.


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