Tulsi Effectively Ends Her Presidential Run

Who is going to vote for her now? Dems will now abandon her. She's too liberal to get votes from Republicans.

Last I checked, Democrats and Republicans were in the minority in terms of the total electorate. And they'll be a much bigger minority by the time the 2024 rolls around. In 2016 they only made up 49% combined between the both of them with the other 51% unafilliated with either party. And what hapened in 2016? If I recall, the electorate revolted against both establishment parties to the extent that a New York Democrat was able to run as a Republican and get elected. Heh heh.

Are you sure that the majority hasn't just given up and quit voting?
I disagree. She made the right decision to oppose the crazy impeachment thing. It was very brave of her to take a stand.
Is she in one of the districts that Trump won? That would be the only reason. She's trying to save her seat, and screw the presidential thingie. She's got to try and keep her gravy train going.
Her district has always been won by a Democrat.
I'm telling you what the 'lone voice for reason' said.
Do you guys ever get tired of losing the ball?
Do you think we really care what she said?

The guy who called her a 'voice for reason' appears to, take it up with him.

Well you'd have to admit: Even though she's a big government statist, a tax-hiking redistributor, a gun rights denier, and God knows what else on the inside, she was more reasonable than every other Democrat in the clown car. I kinda hate to see her go because that just makes her party lean a little more to the left.
I'm telling you what the 'lone voice for reason' said.
Do you guys ever get tired of losing the ball?
Do you think we really care what she said?

The guy who called her a 'voice for reason' appears to, take it up with him.

Well you'd have to admit: Even though she's a big government statist, a tax-hiking redistributor, a gun rights denier, and God knows what else on the inside, she was more reasonable than every other Democrat in the clown car. I kinda hate to see her go because that just makes her party lean a little more to the left.

I think her vote yesterday had less integrity than anyone who voted yes or no on impeachment.
Tulsi should leave the Democrats, start a new party for people who are still sane.
Who is going to vote for her now? Dems will now abandon her. She's too liberal to get votes from Republicans.

Last I checked, Democrats and Republicans were in the minority in terms of the total electorate. And they'll be a much bigger minority by the time the 2024 rolls around. In 2016 they only made up 49% combined between the both of them with the other 51% unafilliated with either party. And what hapened in 2016? If I recall, the electorate revolted against both establishment parties to the extent that a New York Democrat was able to run as a Republican and get elected. Heh heh.

Are you sure that the majority hasn't just given up and quit voting?

Six of one, half dozen of the other.

If no good candidates are offered by the major parties, and their primary processes are rigged by the monied powers, does it really matter?

It amounts to the same either way. What Natural Citizen wrote is still correct, the process does not represent the majority of the people.

To top that off, the debate qualifications don't either.

The polling is done by the corporate Networks. They fund them, they have preferred polling firms draw up the questions, and select the samples.

What ever candidates they want excluded, they can simply manipulate both the wording and the sampling to get exactly what they want. If you don't know who Frank Luntz is, you should.

Both Gabbard and Gravel had always made the donation bar to get in, however, it was the Networks and the parties that manipulated the polling data to get the results to be whatever they choose. The parties are owned by their donors, and the donors are the corporations that own the nation.

People have no real say anymore, not really.

If folks hadn't figured that out on the right, when Paul was blatantly screwed, or on the left, when the court essentially told those litigators that sued over their donations to Bernie's campaign, they'll never figure it out at this point . . . the fact is, the two major parties are corporations, and have no express liability to run the primaries as open democratic affairs, they aren't. They are just barometers to check and see which candidate can fool the most folks to vote for the candidate touting the most loathsome corporate policies.

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