Tulsi Gabbard: ‘I Don’t Support Open Borders … Without Secure Borders, We Don’t Have a Country’

Tulsi Gabbard's best chance is for the Democrats to get their ass handed to them next year and have the Democrats step back from the deep end of radicalism in 2024. Sort of like McGovern in '72 and then nominating the peanut farmer in '76 that Teddy Kennedy and other ultra-liberals had no use for.

I'd like even better if she would gain the governorship of Hawaii first to get executive experience while building up a national coalition of blue dog Democrats.
Which candidate supports this?

"There would be no guards, no fencing, and no impediments of any kind. Anyone who wants to cross the international boundary — for any reason, and with whatever intent — could do so. It would be like it was before May 28, 1924, the date that the U.S. Border Patrol was formed: Come one, come all."

By contrast, almost all the Democratic presidential candidates — including Booker, Castro, Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren – are on the record in favor of increased funding for secure borders, having responded affirmatively to the Washington Post survey question “Do you support increased border security funding, including new screening equipment at ports of entry and additional resources to process the recent increase of asylum seekers?”

"Open borders" is a Trump trap: Media must do better

They all raised their hands in terms of free healthcare for illegals. Do you think that would reduce the number of illegals that would try to sneak in here? As Yoda would say, logic you lack. Stupid you are.

"Raise your hand if — if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants."

I have insurance coverage and nothing is free.

Insurance coverage or not, they come for the jobs, mostly.
Which candidate supports this?

"There would be no guards, no fencing, and no impediments of any kind. Anyone who wants to cross the international boundary — for any reason, and with whatever intent — could do so. It would be like it was before May 28, 1924, the date that the U.S. Border Patrol was formed: Come one, come all."

By contrast, almost all the Democratic presidential candidates — including Booker, Castro, Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren – are on the record in favor of increased funding for secure borders, having responded affirmatively to the Washington Post survey question “Do you support increased border security funding, including new screening equipment at ports of entry and additional resources to process the recent increase of asylum seekers?”

"Open borders" is a Trump trap: Media must do better

They all raised their hands in terms of free healthcare for illegals. Do you think that would reduce the number of illegals that would try to sneak in here? As Yoda would say, logic you lack. Stupid you are.

"Raise your hand if — if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants."

I have insurance coverage and nothing is free.

Insurance coverage or not, they come for the jobs, mostly.

They still need to be vetted. What if they carry a disease or what if they have criminal pasts? Girls as young as 11 are given pregnancy tests. These kids are used and abused. The system is broken.
She should defect and replace Pence.

Because the party is OPENLY changing the rules on the fly to discourage her -- she's an EXCELLENT candidate for an Independent run where she can be FREE from party control and be herself... I'm hoping she's pissed enough to consider that in 2020....

She would be perfect for the Green Party and could be a serious candidate...
Whether you support her policy prescriptions or not, there’s no doubt that Tulsi Gabbard’s presidential campaign offers a breath of fresh air in a field of insufferable Democratic candidates prone to grandstanding, moralizing, and identity-politics-infused virtue signaling.

Gabbard said, “Identity politics that are being used, again, to further divide us, to further drive separations between us, and purely for selfish political gain, is a real danger.” She went on to blast her competitors for pandering by speaking broken Spanish on the Democratic debate stage and said identity politics “undermines unity.”

She even agreed with Rubin when he said identity politics was “the most dangerous force in American politics today” and “the reverse of what the American Dream was founded on.”

Gabbard supports gay rights but doesn’t post cringey pandering videos à la Kirsten Gillibrand. She’s dedicated to fighting for racial justice, but she doesn’t go around acting like all Republicans are racists. She’s staunchly liberal on the issues, but she reaches out beyond her ideological zone to all Americans, even managing to find some common ground with Tucker

Gabbard does not see the world through the lens of identity or revile her political opponents. In fact, she has stressed the cross-partisan appeal of her candidacy, saying, “The fact that we're already seeing Democrats, Republicans, independents, libertarians, progressives, conservatives coming out to join my campaign. ... shows the kind of unifying movements that we will have in defeating Donald Trump.”.
Ah, Grass Hopper....seems only ONE so far shows any signs of sanity.....but, being a DemonRAT with that attitude means that you will never get to be the candidate nor would you be asked to be the VP running mate of a ABNORMAL nominee!


Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), running for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination, says she opposes open borders and plans pushed by fellow Democrat candidates that are “essentially open borders.”

During an interview with Dave Rubin, Gabbard said that unlike some of her Democrat colleagues, she opposes open borders and the agenda to invite the world’s migrants to the United States through various incentives.

The interview went as follows:

RUBIN: So immigration, I think there’s a general sense that the candidates, the Democrats are basically trying to outdo each other for open borders, something like that … do you think that’s a fair way to start the question and … where do you sit on that?

GABBARD: I think it’s fair … I don’t, I don’t support open borders. Without secure borders, we don’t really have a country. And while some of the other Democratic candidates will say, ‘Well, open borders, that’s a conservative argument and that’s not really what’s being advocated for,’ if you look at some of the practical implications of some of the things they are pushing for, it is essentially open borders.

I think there are a few things we got to do when we’re talking about immigration reform. One is we’ve got to have secure borders. This is not Trump’s wall from sea to shining sea. It’s about seeing again what makes sense. I look at things from a practical, objective-oriented standpoint; I’m a soldier. So I look at, secure the borders, what’s our objective. In some places, it may make the most sense to have a wall or some kind of other physical barriers in place; in other places it won’t make sense. So you use technology and you use all the other tools that you have ultimately to accomplish that objective of security at the borders.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

Watch "Rigged Debates, Media Smears, & Taking On The DNC | Tulsi Gabbard | POLITICS | Rubin Report" on YouTube

OMG The Lawrd sent an angel to rescue the Dems from lemming themselves....

Her problem was dissing the DNC about the Bernie abuse issue back in 2016.. That sin gets you expelled from the inner circle and POSSIBLY burnt at the stake...

She is TOTALLY the only sane reasonable candidate up there -- except "whatzhizname" :abgg2q.jpg: (not biden)

I guess there are no standards for mods here. The only traction Gabbard has ever had for the Presidency is among far right trolls. You would never vote for her.

Where do you get that opinion from?

Gabbard is a lot better than Warren or Harris, so prove she is not...
It doesn't matter now, since the DNC has excluded her from the debates. Barring a fund-raising miracle, she does not have the money to buy enough air time to make up for being excluded from the debates. The Democratic Party is making it clear that candidates who don't adhere to the party's new radical agenda are not wanted.
Ah, Grass Hopper....seems only ONE so far shows any signs of sanity.....but, being a DemonRAT with that attitude means that you will never get to be the candidate nor would you be asked to be the VP running mate of a ABNORMAL nominee!


Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), running for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination, says she opposes open borders and plans pushed by fellow Democrat candidates that are “essentially open borders.”

During an interview with Dave Rubin, Gabbard said that unlike some of her Democrat colleagues, she opposes open borders and the agenda to invite the world’s migrants to the United States through various incentives.

The interview went as follows:

RUBIN: So immigration, I think there’s a general sense that the candidates, the Democrats are basically trying to outdo each other for open borders, something like that … do you think that’s a fair way to start the question and … where do you sit on that?

GABBARD: I think it’s fair … I don’t, I don’t support open borders. Without secure borders, we don’t really have a country. And while some of the other Democratic candidates will say, ‘Well, open borders, that’s a conservative argument and that’s not really what’s being advocated for,’ if you look at some of the practical implications of some of the things they are pushing for, it is essentially open borders.

I think there are a few things we got to do when we’re talking about immigration reform. One is we’ve got to have secure borders. This is not Trump’s wall from sea to shining sea. It’s about seeing again what makes sense. I look at things from a practical, objective-oriented standpoint; I’m a soldier. So I look at, secure the borders, what’s our objective. In some places, it may make the most sense to have a wall or some kind of other physical barriers in place; in other places it won’t make sense. So you use technology and you use all the other tools that you have ultimately to accomplish that objective of security at the borders.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

Watch "Rigged Debates, Media Smears, & Taking On The DNC | Tulsi Gabbard | POLITICS | Rubin Report" on YouTube

OMG The Lawrd sent an angel to rescue the Dems from lemming themselves....

Her problem was dissing the DNC about the Bernie abuse issue back in 2016.. That sin gets you expelled from the inner circle and POSSIBLY burnt at the stake...

She is TOTALLY the only sane reasonable candidate up there -- except "whatzhizname" :abgg2q.jpg: (not biden)

I guess there are no standards for mods here. The only traction Gabbard has ever had for the Presidency is among far right trolls. You would never vote for her.

If she were to switch parties and run in 2024, I would vote for her in a heartbeat.
She should defect and replace Pence.

Because the party is OPENLY changing the rules on the fly to discourage her -- she's an EXCELLENT candidate for an Independent run where she can be FREE from party control and be herself... I'm hoping she's pissed enough to consider that in 2020....

She would be perfect for the Green Party and could be a serious candidate...

She's not a Greenie.. And they would not support her because she's not gonna follow their agenda.. I've worked with the Green Party on ballot and debate access issues and they have a platform that would be hard for a moderate Dem to support...
I guess republicans haven't got this thing figured out yet. As long as cheapskates like trump keep hiring illegals, they'll keep on coming.
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No democrat is for open borders.
She should defect and replace Pence.

Because the party is OPENLY changing the rules on the fly to discourage her -- she's an EXCELLENT candidate for an Independent run where she can be FREE from party control and be herself... I'm hoping she's pissed enough to consider that in 2020....

She would be perfect for the Green Party and could be a serious candidate...

She's not a Greenie.. And they would not support her because she's not gonna follow their agenda.. I've worked with the Green Party on ballot and debate access issues and they have a platform that would be hard for a moderate Dem to support...

She is not Libertarian in my opinion, so she would have to go full independent which is harder than going third party...

Wish the Reform party was not defunct...
Ah, Grass Hopper....seems only ONE so far shows any signs of sanity.....but, being a DemonRAT with that attitude means that you will never get to be the candidate nor would you be asked to be the VP running mate of a ABNORMAL nominee!


Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), running for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination, says she opposes open borders and plans pushed by fellow Democrat candidates that are “essentially open borders.”

During an interview with Dave Rubin, Gabbard said that unlike some of her Democrat colleagues, she opposes open borders and the agenda to invite the world’s migrants to the United States through various incentives.

The interview went as follows:

RUBIN: So immigration, I think there’s a general sense that the candidates, the Democrats are basically trying to outdo each other for open borders, something like that … do you think that’s a fair way to start the question and … where do you sit on that?

GABBARD: I think it’s fair … I don’t, I don’t support open borders. Without secure borders, we don’t really have a country. And while some of the other Democratic candidates will say, ‘Well, open borders, that’s a conservative argument and that’s not really what’s being advocated for,’ if you look at some of the practical implications of some of the things they are pushing for, it is essentially open borders.

I think there are a few things we got to do when we’re talking about immigration reform. One is we’ve got to have secure borders. This is not Trump’s wall from sea to shining sea. It’s about seeing again what makes sense. I look at things from a practical, objective-oriented standpoint; I’m a soldier. So I look at, secure the borders, what’s our objective. In some places, it may make the most sense to have a wall or some kind of other physical barriers in place; in other places it won’t make sense. So you use technology and you use all the other tools that you have ultimately to accomplish that objective of security at the borders.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

Watch "Rigged Debates, Media Smears, & Taking On The DNC | Tulsi Gabbard | POLITICS | Rubin Report" on YouTube

OMG The Lawrd sent an angel to rescue the Dems from lemming themselves....

Her problem was dissing the DNC about the Bernie abuse issue back in 2016.. That sin gets you expelled from the inner circle and POSSIBLY burnt at the stake...

She is TOTALLY the only sane reasonable candidate up there -- except "whatzhizname" :abgg2q.jpg: (not biden)

Yes! She is the only one in the D Party to oppose the illegal treatment of Bernie in 2016, by the crooks at the DNC.

Pocahontas not only did not support Bernie or criticize the DNC shutting him out, she desperately wanted to be criminal Hillary’s VP. F her!

Not the "only" one.. But they were very few... About 3 or 4 top leadership changes since that SNAFU... And a couple bloody purges of anyone competent... Even Donna Brazile spoke out about it in her book... That's how they got Tom Perez...

Should have went with Ellison. If they had, this thread doesn't exist.
Which candidate supports this?

"There would be no guards, no fencing, and no impediments of any kind. Anyone who wants to cross the international boundary — for any reason, and with whatever intent — could do so. It would be like it was before May 28, 1924, the date that the U.S. Border Patrol was formed: Come one, come all."

By contrast, almost all the Democratic presidential candidates — including Booker, Castro, Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren – are on the record in favor of increased funding for secure borders, having responded affirmatively to the Washington Post survey question “Do you support increased border security funding, including new screening equipment at ports of entry and additional resources to process the recent increase of asylum seekers?”

"Open borders" is a Trump trap: Media must do better

They all raised their hands in terms of free healthcare for illegals. Do you think that would reduce the number of illegals that would try to sneak in here? As Yoda would say, logic you lack. Stupid you are.

As long as there are jobs, they will come. No one can survive here on a little bit of food stamps and health care, which they would get anyway at the local Emergency Room.

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