Tulsi Gabbard: I’m leaving the Democratic Party


But you don't understand

If democrats lose then the climate will change as fire will reign down from the skies while 10 year old girls will have to have babies, fire babies. Oh, did I mention, democracy ends as well.

What don't you understand here?
But you don't understand

If democrats lose then the climate will change as fire will reign down from the skies while 10 year old girls will have to have babies, fire babies. Oh, did I mention, democracy ends as well.

What don't you understand here?

'The oceans will rise due to melting ice, destroying cities and all life along the world's coasts ..'


...over a decade ago...

You done crying?

When are you conspiracy theorist retards going to figure out that your tinfoil hat nonsense only works on conspiracy theorist retards?

Take your 2000 mules nonsense and present it to the courts. When you get someone convicted, let me know.

You have nothing.

You will move the goalposts because you are a lying sack of shit.

Enjoy the midterms, communist.
Funny how if you did a poll, more Republicans would know who Tulsi Gabbard is than Democrats
We have you dimwitted progtard fuckers by the balls, is what we have.

You better be SQUEAKY fucking clean this election.
You have nothing. You’ve been whining about this for 2 years and your baseless hissy fit has gotten exactly nowhere.

If Republicans lose, then you will throw another hissy fit. Period.
”While that assertion was false — per numerous audits, lawsuits and a 55-page report the Republican-led Michigan Senate released in 2021 debunking each of Trump’s election lies— there is actually a significant election scandal in the state. But it involves the 2022 election for governor and Republicans, including some who have peddled Trump’s lies about the 2020 election. Ah, karma.”

Lmao. This is the best you can come up with? This wasn’t even during the election, this was for the signatures needed to even get on the ballot. And it was committed by you Trumpsters.

People change when they see the light at the end of the tunnel. Apparently she will find there is a whole world of truth out there the Democrats hide from minute by minute, and year after year. I have hope that American patriots on the left get fed up with the lies it takes to reach a plane in which corruption is a given necessity of staying in a safe place of acceptance rather than doing something about it. Prayers up for Ms. Tulsi Gabbard.

Party loyalist, on both sides, will do/say what ever it takes to defend their party. Regardless of how bad their party gets. From Biden supporters to Trumpbots.
Party loyalist, on both sides, will do/say what ever it takes to defend their party. Regardless of how bad their party gets. From Biden supporters to Trumpbots.

Not everyone who voted for Trump is a cultist.

I have criticized him often.

He did lots of shit wrong. He should have pardoned Assange and Snowden. He should have never signed off on a budget that added to the debt. He should have fired Comey immediately. He picked awful AGs.

Now ask any Biden cult fuck to rip Biden. They will not.
Sure do, that the Russians invaded a sovereign nation and then AFTER that NATO started looking into allowing other nations previously excluded from being able to join to now join. Seems Putin did this to himself wouldn't you say.

Putin didn't do anything we wouldn't have done.
Not everyone who voted for Trump is a cultist.

I have criticized him often.

He did lots of shit wrong. He should have pardoned Assange and Snowden. He should have never signed off on a budget that added to the debt. He should have fired Comey immediately. He picked awful AGs.

Now ask any Biden cult fuck to rip Biden. They will not.
Trump cultists is a made up, dismissive attempt by libs because they can’t formulate fact rebuttals.

Tulsi Gabbard Continues to Cause Problems Within the Democrat Party After Leaving​


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