Tulsi Gabbard: I’m leaving the Democratic Party

You have nothing. You’ve been whining about this for 2 years and your baseless hissy fit has gotten exactly nowhere.

If Republicans lose, then you will throw another hissy fit. Period.
If Republicans lose legitimately, you won't hear a peep out of me.

But if we get stuff like Antrim, Fulton, and Wisconsin again you'll hear me loud and clear.

Democrats WILL be held responsible and accountable for their fucktardry. Make no mistake about that.

So far the rotten commiecrats have been unwilling to even LOOK at this issue, and they actively suppress all examination of it, and there can be only one reason for that.

If the commie asswipes who call themselves Democrats gave even a rat's ass about election integrity they'd be all over this issue.

But instead they're spending public money on a Hollywood monkey trial.

What a bunch of fucked up little assholes your masters are.

Thanks for posting this. She clearly has some kind of long game here, and it appears to be targeted for some time after 2024. She's obviously talking like a politician with designs on some specific future political goal.

I can't blame her for leaving the Democratic Party, and I agree with her (stated) reasons. What has bugged me a bit about this particular announcement is that it has been peppered with simplistic language (talking points) that are clearly targeted to attract one group.

Oh well. It's early. I suspect we'll see, soon enough.
Gabbard endorsed Biden when she dropped out of the presidential race in 2019, just so you guys know
Thanks for posting this. She clearly has some kind of long game here, and it appears to be targeted for some time after 2024. She's obviously talking like a politician with designs on some specific future political goal.

I can't blame her for leaving the Democratic Party, and I agree with her (stated) reasons. What has bugged me a bit about this particular announcement is that it has been peppered with simplistic language (talking points) that are clearly targeted to attract one group.

Oh well. It's early. I suspect we'll see, soon enough.
want more?

If Republicans lose legitimately, you won't hear a peep out of me.
That’s the thing. Any loss, to you guys, is not going to be legitimate.

There’s no such thing as simply losing anymore. It has to be fraud whenever you guys lose.
Tulsi Gabbard leaves Democratic Party, denounces it as 'elitist cabal'...best news all year

"I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers … who divide us”

She was never in the party in the first place.
She was never in the party in the first place.
watch the Tucker video i posted (it's somewhere on this thread) ...she was considered a rising star in the party by Van Jones and many others in the media when she 1st got elected

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