Tulsi Gabbard: Threat to Democracy is the Democrat Elite, not MAGA Republicans

Tulsi is a traditional Democrat. The type of Democrat I once was when I was a younger and registered as a Democrat. Which is to say someone mostly in the center of the issues that I could work with and find common ground.

Sadly the Dem party was taken over by radical left wing zealots and many traditional Democrats have left the party.
Tulsi is not a Democrat
She is a Fox News personality
I’m old enough to remember when the left was fawning over her, they were calling her a rising star of the Democratic Party.

I’m old enough to remember when the left was fawning over her, they were calling her a rising star of the Democratic Party.

Tulsi sold out to become a “personality” on Fox News
Guess the money is good
Tulsi sold out to become a “personality” on Fox News
Guess the money is good

No, she opposed stupid wars like our war in Syria where we sponsored Islamic terrorists.
Since the Dems are no different than Dick Cheney and John McShitStain on foreign policy, she was blacklisted at that point.
These ain't Democrats, kiddo.



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